Golden // The day I met you

By melissamarano1

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,, Hey, Romeo? " I say and he looks at me with a surprised look. ,, Yes, Juliet?" he says, a smile appearing... More

Chapter one -The beginning
Chapter 3 - You caught my attention
Chapter 4- Romeo and Juliet
Chapter 5- All you need is love
Chapter 6-Feelings , such beautiful weird things
Chapter 7- Good girls are bad girls
Chapter 8-Today is the grey in your eyes
Chapter 9-Unexpectedly happy
Chapter 10-Lights Up
Chapter 11- Make me feel something
Chapter 12- Between whispers
Chapter 13-I'll be at the door
Chapter 14 - Afraid
Chapter 15- Now I Know It's You And I
A/n : The cast!!
Chapter 16 - It's Perfect
Chapter 17 - Hi
Chapter 18 - Boys don't cry
Chapter 19 - Just between the two of us
Chapter 20- I should probably talk to him
Chapter 23-Bring It On, Baby
Chapter 24 - I can't leave her

Chapter 2 - Sometimes new doesn't mean bad

529 42 225
By melissamarano1

After quite a long drive , we were finally there. Big ,shinny and crowded with a lot of students as it was, this highschool was better than I imagined. It looked quite welcoming from the backseat of my mom's car. So welcoming that I didn't want to ruin it's astonishing presence by getting out. Nope , I was good . But I had to. I kissed my mom good bye and I fist bumbed my brother.

,,Hey, don't worry nerd. It will be alright, trust me .''

I didn't say anything , I just gave him a small smile and I headed to my first class, which apparently was English literature. I could finally relax a bit. Literature has always been ma piece de resistence . That and french. Music sometimes . With reading and writing it has always been easy for me because it's kind of the only way I can really say what I mean . Sometimes it is just frustrating that I can't be open. You can't be open with people and it's our own fault. We are so afraid of being judged , of not being good enough or popular enough that we just lose ourselves in a sea of dreams and hopes that are not ours. We don't listen to music anymore because we feel the beat , the lyrics, we listen to it because it's cool and everybody does it , and God forbid to like something that the others don't or feel something they don't. We can't talk or open up because  once we do , at some point we'll get hurt . Either because that someone wakes up one day and decides that they're just bored of you, either because they found someone else better , they hurt you . Sometimes even on purpose. And you're left with a broken heart and a feeling of emptiness in your tummy . 

So why do that when you can listen to The Rolling Stones or The Beatles and watch romantic comedies on netflix , and as if it's not enough get lost in a good romantic novel? Yeah , a lot of love . I adore love but I just don't like the way humans perceive love nowadays. Love it's not love . It's finding someone whom you're comfortable with and not getting out of that comfort zone anymore. I want to find a love that consumes and conquers me in the same time . Something real . That's why I'm an 18 year old virgin.

And as I was zoomed out and in my own thoughts I somehow managed to bump heads with someone . Hm , wonder how that happened . I didn't quite got to see the face of this monster who interrupted my everyday existential thoughts , but I saw it was a guy . He was a lot taller than me but to be honest everyone is , and he had really beautiful long hair . Wow I'm jealous .

,,UH , I'm sorry '' I quickly say without looking into this guy's eyes as I was already intimidated.

,, Don't worry love , it's nothing '' 

Wow , a British accent? In California? Am I a bit turned on?

As I finally managed to get to class , a bit late I would say as everyone already had a sit, I sat down at a desk in the third row , right in the middle of the class . It was quite weird as that seat was almost the only one non taken . There was another one right next to this one ,just a bit more  in the back . 

,, All right you little Romeo's and Juliet's . How are you today ? ''

Hm , this teacher seems quite all right ., I thought to myself. He is tall , nerdy faced , with beard and tries to be funny but doesn't succeed. Seems like the regular type of teacher . I think I like him .

,, So , I see we have a new face here . Hello misses..?''

And right then someone walked in . IS IT? Is it really that british guy from the hallway ? Oh , no . I think I'm screwed . 

,,AH, mister Styles . Nice from you to join us , we are really honored ''

,, I'm sorry mister Dallas , I just got caught up with something urgent '' he  says and then immediately looks at me . 

Oh ,no. Why does he look at me . Don't look at me you sexy british guy I just bumped heads with in the hallway. I looked away and probably started to blush as i felt my cheeks burning . He was still looking at me .

,, You always do ,Harry . Now go to your place . We have a new kid ''

He walks keeping eye contact with me . I try not to look but he  is just too damn persistent . 

,, Hello love , we meet again . '' he says and I feel like I want to throw up ,but in a good way . I don't say anything though.

,, Uhm, this is my seat ''

,, I'm sorry , I didn't know'' I manage to say as my social anxiety finally wakes up and decides to kick in making my palms sweat all of a sudden and my voice crack like I was a 14 year old boy at puberty.

He looks at me and scans me with he's eyes , not noticing the incredibly awkward change of voice I had, or just not caring enough to react to it. His long hair was  falling down his shoulders. Then he looks straight into my eyes .

,, So? '' he says ,,Where do I sit then ? ''  a dimple appearing in his cheek as he puts up a cheeky smile. 

I look at the teacher not knowing what to say , hoping he would figure this out and save me . 

,,Oh, just take the other sit, Styles , we're losing time here. ''
Good teacher ,nice teacher. I was right about liking him.

He finally sits down, moment when the teacher asks me :

,,So , misses ? ''

,, Lorelai . Lorelai Summers '' and somehow I look over to the british annoying kinda really hot and stupid guy, who guess what, was also looking at me . I quickly look away and he shakes his head with a small smile.

,, Okay , Lorelai , I'm mister Dallas , your english teacher and today we are going to talk about Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet precisely .''

Great, how am I suppose to talk about  something i really enjoy and like when that guy is looking at me the whole time ? What does he want? Is it written something like ,,free hot dogs '' on my back or something ? Uh, I just remembered why I hate human beings and especially why I hate high school.

Okaaaaayy , sooo I don't know about you guys but I completely understand Lorelai and her little statements about mister Harlod here :)) Alsooo is he a badd boy , is he a sweet one ? Hmm hard to tell . Let me know what you think <3 lots of love

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