Confusing The Straight Girl |...

By CabelloLovesJauregui

17.5K 403 147

'We've been known each other for 7 years but i can't still confess how much i love her, what should i do?' 'T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chaper 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

1K 28 6
By CabelloLovesJauregui

Lisa's POV

As soon as we enter the dorm Jennie go straight to her room and shut the door that cause the wall to shake a bit.

"Let her take her time girls" Jisoo said and sigh. I looked at her door room. And thoughts were coming through my mind. Why didn't you tell us that you and kai's still together? Are we not that trusted enough so that you didn't tell us? I feel a slight hurt in my heart when those thoughts came.

"She will be okay Lisa, i promise you that" Chaeng said. She hold my hand and slowly intertwined them assuring to me that everythings going to be fine. I look at her and slighty smile.

"Yeah. Everythings going to be alright" I tighten my grip on Chaeng's hand.


"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked at Chaeng. We're currently at my room. Planning to spend the night watching movie.

"I want a Horror movieee" She giggles while walking straight to me at my bed with a bunch of snacks in her arms.

"You sure? I thought you don't like horror stuffs and jumpscares" I said and laugh remembering how she fell off of her chair in a jumpscare the last time we watched a horror movie.

"Im in the mood to watch horror movie okay?" I laugh at her response thinking how she'll jump off later. I stand up from my bed and walk to the door. Confuse is all over her face

"Easy. Im going asking Jisoo unnie if she wants to join us" She nod and lay her body in my bed. Walking to the hallway i stop when i was about to pass at her door. My mind is battling if im going to ask her too or not. It's not bad to ask right?. I raised my hand signing to knock on her door when it suddenly open and saw a short brunette. Her eyes were puffy and you can tell that she cried for almost an hour. At my shock i just put my raised hand on my nape to scratched it and look down.

"Ahh..N-nini y-you want t-to join us in ahh movie night?" Shit. Why am i stuttering. And here it goes again. My heart is throbbing like i run for almost a mile nonstop. I look at her to see her reaction. She's hiding her sad and puffy eyes not to met mine's.

'You can tell me your problems Nini. Im always here for you. We're always here for you'

"Thanks Lisa. Im not in the mood" She said and pass by me. I hurriedly hold her wrist to stop her.

"When you're ready to talk about it, my room is always open" I seriously said. She look at me and smile.

"Thank you for understanding." She use her free hand to hold my cheeks and rubs it with her thumb. I feel my cheeks heat up at her act. Her soft hands and the smell her sweet scent made me to close my eyes in contented.

"You're welcome" I smiled and she walks towards the bathroom. I sigh when i no longer saw her tiny figure. Why am i so affected bout her being so sad. Cause she's my bestfriend! Im a damn idiot.

'Everythings going to be alright Lisa. Everythings going back to normal. Not now but soon'

I walk to Jisoo's door and knock multiple times.

"Jisoo unnie?" No respond. I knock on her door again.

"Jisoo unniee?" I feel relieved when i heard footsteps towards the door and open it. I saw a focused Jisoo playing in her Nintendo Switch and a headset on her neck. That's why she's not responding earlier. Playing again huh? She flicker her eyes at me and go back to the device and continue playing.

"Hey Lisa what's up?" She said still focused in the game. This girl never lets her hand on the game.

"Chaeng and i are going to watch horror movie. Wanna join us?" Still not eyeing me. Are gamers always like this?

"No thanks. Im going to finish my mission here." She said.

"Aww. Okay have fun." Before i go, i push some of her buttons that makes her to shock and glared at me. I laugh and run. That's how to irritate a gamer.

"You such an asshole Lalisa!" I heard her shout. I run as fast as i can straight to my room and lock it cause i know Jisoo is going to catch me. And im not wrong cause i heard my door slams

"Im going to beat your ass up Lalisa!" Jisoo said. I laugh and pressing my back at the door.

"Im sorry it won't happen again. I love youu" I heard Chaeng laugh too. When i heard that Jisoo's not around i smilingly walk towards Chaeng.

"You love pissing Unnie while she's on her Nintendo, don't you?" Yeah. I always irritate Jisoo when she's playing on her computer or in her Nintendo. I just love when she's mad.

"Pissing Jisoo unnie is my pleasure" I look at my collection of movies, Horror movies specifically and look at the eating Chaeng asking her what she wants. She silently points at "IT" The movie with a scary clown with a balloon.

"Okay. Goodluck" I put the movie and hurriedly close the lights and heads to the bed to sit besides Chaeng.

Through the movie all you can hear is Chaeng's high pitch scream that cause me to laugh at her reaction. We're on the part where the kids are on their way to the clown. My waist sore a lot because Chaeng is hugging me on my waist so that everytime there's a jumpscare she'll going to hide her face on the crock my neck and squeeze my waist tightly. I didn't mind to tell her that it sore cause in that way, it can lessen the scare she feel. Finally, the movie's finished.

"That was gooooooood" I said and faced to Chaeng to see her reaction. She's sleeping peacefully. She is indeed a beautiful woman. It's like God takes time to mold her face to create a goddess like her. I smiled at tap his nose.

"Goodnight Chaeyoung" I said. I cuddle her tightly and put my right leg on her leg for me to feel more comportable. I played with her hair while humming a song and drifted off to sleep.

Chaeyoung's POV

I opened my eyes and was about to stretch my arms widely when i realize that im not in my room, then i remember that Lisa and i watched a horror movie last night. I lift up my head and my eyes widen at the proximity of what Lisa and i have. Im only inches away towards Lisa's inviting lips imagining how does that lips tastes over mine's. I gulp hard ignoring my pounding heart that wants to get out of my chest. Butterflies all over my stomach and the rising heat up to my cheeks. You read it right. I am indeed deeply inlove with this girl im cuddling with. She's the first one i've been close with when i enter Blackpink. Who's not going to fall inlove with this girl? She's caring, kind, naughty, and clingy. Bonus the fact that she's beautiful, tall, sexy and a dancer, a great dancer to be exact.

If im going to wake up every morning with this goddess beside me. Im more than willing to wake up, i might not sleep all night and just admire her beautiful features. I get up quietly and leave her room. I need to do my morning routine and go head to exercise to stay fit.

It's past 9 am but all of them were still in bed. That is actually weird cause Jisoo unnie always wake up early like around 6:30. To wake them up not minding to visit each of their room. I connect my phone on the bluetooth speaker and played Kick It. When the song goes on i saw the love of my life walked out of her room and sing the song with out of her lungs.

A/N: Chapter 2 done! Now all you have to do is to spread this story all over your social medias nah im just kidding. Im the one who's resposible for that.
Spread the Love not the Legs!

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