Prime Darkness

By jettmanas

4.9K 217 798

A trip to Paris for Sam, Clover, and Alex turns into an adventure when people are akumatized! Ladybug and Cat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

698 31 156
By jettmanas

The Paris Expo Porte de Versailles was in the 15th arrondissement at the Métro station, close to the Boulevard Périphérique. Cars pulled into a small lot, while numerous pedestrians arrived by the sidewalk.

Sam, Alex, and Clover had arrived in town the previous day, and were now ready for the big event. They asked a man to take a picture of them in front of the entrance before going inside. Pillars, balustrades, a stage, rows of folding chairs, and flower arrangements filled the rectangular building.

Most people stood in small groups, chatting amiably. One was a group of teens, including a girl with blue-black hair in low pigtails. Walking further along, Clover gestured with her head subtly to an older man with brown hair who wore an open collar shirt.

"There's Calver Kind," she whispered to Sam and Alex.

All three looked at the world-famous fashion designer with interest as he gesticulated and spoke to those around him. The trio mingled through the crowd until-

"You don't saaay."

The one-of-a-kind voice caused their eyes to narrow, search, then bulge open in horror.

"That's- it can't be," Alex said.

A long black-haired young woman wearing a short sleeved top, leather pants, wide belt, and boots shook her head in mirth. The athletic man with close-shaved hair and tan skin beside her happily gestured to himself, then to two girls nearby.

Clover, Sam, and Alex were deer caught in headlights.

"Of all the places in the world- Mandy," Clover choked out, an eyelid twitching.

A girl with blonde ponytailed hair, wearing a yellow long-sleeved top and white pants extended a hand to Mandy.

"Welcome to Paris. I'm Chloé Bourgeois. My father is the mayor. We're hosting an event for our President tomorrow," she added casually.

"Impreeessive," Mandy drawled and gave a quick handshake followed by a short laugh.

"I'm Sabrina," said a mild girl in glasses beside Chloé.

"This is Fabron. He's a model for the show," Mandy said, gesturing to the male of their quartet.

Mandy turned to look at him, then noticed Clover, and her expression changed to one of disbelief. The others with Mandy followed her gaze. Both she and Clover walked forward a few steps, followed by those with them.

"What- are you doing here?!" Mandy and Clover cried in unison.

Clover's back became ramrod straight, a natural shift from being near her longtime rival.

"We're here for our graduation celebration trip," Clover said stiffly, gesturing to Sam and Alex. "We planned it..." her voice rose then trailed off.

"Six months ago," said Sam and put a hand on Clover's shoulder. "Calm down, it's okay."

"Well, this is my graduation trip, and I planned this-" Mandy said, and looked up in thought. "-before you did," she concluded with a smirk.

Clover growled, but Mandy held up a hand.

"Listen to the brainiac and chill, Clllo-vah," she impishly drawled. She lowered her lids and gestured to herself with tented fingers. "This is the best fashion show in the world this summer. Of course I'm here."

Fabron, Chloé, and Sabrina observed the two as if at a tennis match. Fabron raised a hand in permission to speak.

"Hello, I'm Fabron. You're all friends of Mandy?" he asked Clover, Sam, and Alex.

The trio looked from him, to Mandy, then one to another.

"We... knew Mandy from high school and college," Alex said. "Really well."

After introductions to Fabron, Chloé and Sabrina, the latter two excused themselves to claim their seats near the front row.

"That Mandy, she's pretty cool," Chloé said to Sabrina. "Seems like she has three Marinettes of her own, though."

Sabrina made a sound of agreement, and Chloé smiled.

Seated across the hall, Adrien looked up from his phone to scan the throngs of attendees. He spotted a girl with bluish-black pigtails, a dark grey blazer with rolled up sleeves, and pink jeans and purse. 

She waved, then made her way to him, trailed by a tall tan-skinned boy in a cap with black framed glasses. Behind him was a girl in a plaid shirt, brownish-red hair, the same skin tone, and black-rimmed glasses.

"Alya," Adrien said to the girl. "Nino," he said with a one-armed hug to the boy.

"Hey, Adrien, wouldn't miss this," Alya replied.

"Good to see ya, man," Nino greeted.

He and the other girl looked at each other warmly, with a hint of shyness.

"Marinette," he said.

"H-hi Adrien," she replied nervously.

"Just in time. Show's about to start," Adrien said, then gestured to the seats nearby.

Marinette nodded happily, but looked at the stage with concern.

I hope this one goes better than before. The last show ended up with an akumatized Mrs. Bourgeois going wild and crashing the event. Please, just a normal event for once.

"Four lovely ladies here from the United States. And they all know each other," Fabron said, looking at Clover closely.

Mandy's mouth became a thin line as she watched Fabron lift Clover's hand, then kiss the back of it.

"Yes, and they were just leaving," Mandy said tightly.

The diva pushed between Clover and Fabron and whipped around to swat Clover in the face with her hair. She looked over her shoulder at a livid Clover, who opened her mouth to reply.

"Ya know, that's a good idea. C'mon," Sam started.

"Wait, can I meet you after the show- Clover?" Fabron said.

Sam and Alex moved to drag Clover away by her upper arms.

"Such a unique name, and a remarkable fashion sense," he added, peeking around Mandy.

Mandy clenched her teeth, balled her fists, leaned dangerously close to Clover, then looked from Fabron to Clover.

"What is going on here?!" she exclaimed. "You come halfway around the world to make me miserable and steal Fabron from me?"

A few of the people closest to the outburst looked over.

"Steal? We happened to be here and he's interested in me," Clover said.

Clover thought a moment, then smiled.

"Maybe he sees something more in me than just a pretty face."

Mandy's face reddened, and she prepared to erupt in a geyser of frustration. Sam's eyes widened and she darted to restrain Mandy from behind. Alex tugged Clover back with her considerable strength.

"C'mon Clover," Alex said tersely. "Don't want to get thrown out," she said, faking cheerfulness.

An older man whispered to his wife in concern, and a few people in suits glanced their way. Alex swiftly steered Clover away to the corner of the back row of seats furthest from Mandy and both plopped down. She watched over Clover, who was fuming silently.

Sam led Mandy the opposite direction, towards the restrooms and backstage. Mandy tore her arm free from Sam with a pout.

"Sam," she groused. "I'm not a child. I'll be back. As long as- she's nowhere near me!"

Mandy turned, then left behind a restroom door.

After the phone meeting, the reclusive Gabriel had just left his office, ready to head downstairs.

Then he jolted as if struck by lightning.

His eyes bulged in surprise. The intensity almost floored him, but he walked to the nearby wall panel and pressed the buttons.

Natalie spotted him, a concerned look on her face. "Gabriel?"

"I hate to ask this of you, but I need your help for sending two akumas."

She nodded, and he traveled via a moving disk to sink below the floor. He reappeared in a dark circular room and pulled aside his tie to reveal a small oval brooch.

"Nooroo! Dark Wings, Rise!"

Natalie joined him in the room, watching silently.

A small creature with a large head, similar to Plagg, popped out of his coat pocket with a moan of despair. The purple kwami fluttered his butterfly wings a bit, but was swiftly pulled into the brooch in a swirl of light.

Moths of purple light spun up to cover the man, from his feet to his head. They vanished, revealing a dark purple dress shirt with a black butterfly-shaped lapel, the Butterfly Miraculous brooch on the center of the collar and a silver mask over most of his face. He formed a cane in his hand, then brought it down to grip the top with both hands confidently.

A beam of light appeared from a window above like a spotlight, casting a large shadow of the diagonal moth wing design of the window panes to the floor around him.

"Such intense negative emotion," the villain known as Hawk Moth said. "Two visitors from abroad. A rivalry formed long ago and aged like a fine wine."

The man grinned and shook his head. "And now they fight over love."

He looked to Natalie. "I need you to become Catalyst, then for me to become Scarlet Moth so we can send out two akumas."

"Yes, Gabriel."

And so they began.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed that. Thanks again for reading, and your support through votes and reviews. Take care, everyone!

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