home ; peter parker

By beexbutterflies

480K 15.6K 11.7K

A story about Peter Parker and his abusive aunt, and how Tony Stark shows him how to fight his demons. *** ... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six

chapter ten

21.9K 745 634
By beexbutterflies

⚠️ trigger warning; violence/abuse


Music suddenly burst through the air, breaking the silence. Peter sat up abruptly, unplugging his phone from the charger and stopping his alarm. He slid out of bed, letting out a small groan at the loss of comfort. As he changed, he recalled what had happened the day before. Tony Stark had called him to tell him that the Avengers wanted him over for dinner again! Peter smiled at the thought as he stuffed his socks on his feet. Afterwards, he had just patrolled all day. He hadn't told Ned about everything because he wanted to see his reaction, and he hadn't had the chance to talk to him in person. As excited as he was, his stomach still filled with a pool of anxiousness. He couldn't place why, so he blamed it on hunger.
     He got ready for the day, brushing his teeth and combing his hair. Zipping up his backpack, he slung it over his shoulder and grabbed his phone. He stuffed it in his pocket and rushed out the door, checking the time.

7:03 A.M.

     He walked down the sidewalk to the bus station and waited.
     Finally, he was on his way to school.


     The first thing he noticed when he walked in the door was that Flash and his 'friends' were leaning against a wall, talking in a disorganized circle. When one caught sight of Peter, they pointed towards him. His face immediately paled and he ducked his head down, trying to maneuver past them. However, he felt his hood sharply yanked backwards, bringing him along with it.
     "Where's my English project, nerd?" Flash snarled, nudging him backwards with a slight shove. Peter's blood went cold.
     "My English project! I told you on Thursday!" He crossed his arms. "Where is it?"
     "... I-I don't have it..." Peter finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.
     "Speak up, loser," Flash growled, growing impatient. Peter gripped his books tighter in his arms.
     "I said I don't have it!" He said, raising his voice. "It's your project, not mine!"
     "Getting cocky, are we? Well don't," Flash leaned down, "because you're dead. I'm going to mess you up so much, you won't be able to walk straight for a week! You don't do what I say, you face the consequences."
     Peter didn't reply.
     "See you at lunch, Parker," Flash smirked, sauntering off; his buddies following close behind.
     So that wasn't exactly a good start to his day.


The day seemed to move too quickly for Peter, which he would usually enjoy. However, after Flash's threat, he wasn't exactly too thrilled when the bell rang for lunch. He collected his books nervously, shuffling out the door with the rest of the slow-moving herd, and heading to his locker. He quickly stuffed his books and shut it, pulling out his phone.

     'Meet me at my locker before we go to lunch?' Peter asked Ned, texting him and tapping his foot nervously as he waited for a reply. He looked around and grew as more kids poured into the hall. He really didn't want to be met with Flash alone again. He looked down as his phone buzzed.

     'K I'll be there in a min' Ned's text brought him a sense of security. 'Okay, Ned's coming stop worrying. You're Spider-Man, you can handle Flash at lunch.'

     He stood, leaning against his locker, waiting for Ned to come find him. Only a moment later, Ned was revealed. Two taller students had been blocking him from Peter's view but they veered off to go to lunch. Ned spotted Peter and came over to him, giving him a warm smile, followed by a confused look.
     "What's up? We usually meet up at the lunch table," Ned asked, concern in his voice.
     "Flash. I was supposed to do his English project, but I completely forgot, with the..." He lowered his voice "bullet and all..."
     "Yikes," Ned sucked in his breath. Peter just nodded his head, sulking.
     "He's gonna kill me," he muttered.
     "Yep," Ned nodded in agreement, though his face was sympathetic. Peter just sighed.
"Let's go."

The duo managed to push their way through the crowds of people, finding an empty table —well, almost empty. A girl, MJ, sat reading at the end— away from the rest of everyone. They settled near MJ, but not quite next to. They didn't really talk to her much, but that was because she was always buried in a book. And because she was intimidating.
     "Keep your head low, maybe Flash won't even see you," Ned suggested, biting into his sandwhich and ducking his head.
     "That would be good advice if he wasn't deliberately looking for me," Peter grumbled. "This cafeteria isn't that big, he'll find me before lunch is over." Ned just chewed at his lip, unable to come up with a reply. Peter's shoulders tensed as his spidey-sense pricked at his skin.
In moments, Peter heard footsteps behind him approaching. He noticed MJ glance over, her gaze darkening and raising her book higher. Peter could only see her eyes staring behind him. Peter turned around quickly before Flash could do anything.
"What do you want?" Peter asked, crossing his arms. He swallowed the panic rising in his chest as Flash leaned close to his face, snarling.
"I told you to do my project. Instead, I got a zero on the project! You're dead, Parker!" He shoved Peter by his shoulders, forcing Peter to slam his back into the table.
"Go away, Flash," Ned said, sighing. He was as tired of Flash as Peter was.
"Excuse me, Fatty?" Flash whipped towards Ned.
"Hey," Peter said sharply, making Flash focus back on him. "Don't call him that."
"Or what?" Flash grinned. "You'll fight me? Pfft. Okay, nerd."
"Don't you have something better to do?" MJ spoke up, making everyone turn towards her. "It's really pathetic how you shove people around to do your dirty work."
     "I didn't ask you, loser!" Flash sneered, slamming his hands on the table. MJ just cocked an eyebrow, tilting her head slightly.
     "Wanna try again?" MJ asked cooly. Flash just studied her for a moment, his sneer spread across his face.
     "Whatever," Flash whipped around, walking away slowly. He stopped next to Peter, who was staring off nervously. "No wonder you're lying about your 'Stark internship', you're a loser. I get why your parents left you," he said in a mockingly sympathetic tone, then walked away with a smirk on his face.
     Peter's shoulders immediately dropped in relief as Flash walked away. He sat back down, his back a little sore from getting shoved into the table.
     "You okay, Peter?" Ned asked, his eyebrows furrowing in concern.
     "I'm fine, are you?" He asked, hoping Flash's insults hadn't affected Ned. He could handle getting picked on, but he hated when his friend was too. Ned just nodded silently, leaning back and staring at his sandwich for a while.
     "I'm worried about you," he said in a hushed tone, so MJ wouldn't overhear.
     "Okay, mom," Peter laughed, nudging Ned playfully. Ned just stared at Peter seriously, and Peter looked away. "Don't be, I'm fine!" He said finally, looking up at Ned and giving a serious response.
     "Well you got... y'know... shot, and then you don't finish Flash's project? That's not like you, Peter." Ned said, setting down his sandwich to turn over and look at him.
     "I know," Peter sighed. "But I have some good news! I almost got kidnapped and—"
     "What?! That's good news?!" Ned's eyes widened.
     "Shh I'm not finished. Anyways I got knocked out and woke up in the Avengers Compound with the bullet removed! And then Mr. Stark yelled at me for not telling him I got shot but it was all good and then I had dinner with them," Peter spoke quickly, whispering excitedly.
"You got to meet the Avengers?!" Ned's eyes were sparkling. Peter gave a big nod, smiling widely.
"It was awesome," he said breathlessly. "Oh! And Mr Stark called me yesterday saying that they wanted me over again whenever I was free!"
"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!" Ned was buzzing with excitement. "Tell Captain America I said hi!"
"I will!" Peter nodded enthusiastically.

For the rest of lunch, Peter and Ned were discussing the Avengers, while MJ read across the page quickly, soaking up her book.


After lunch had ended, Peter and Ned parted ways to their next periods.
     At the end of the day, Peter slowly dripped down the hall with everyone else as they made way to their lockers. He tried to stay on the sides because, well, he'd seen what happened to the kids who stood in the hallway. The seniors had no mercy whatsoever, and Peter didn't care to be demolished today. Peter gave a quick wave to Ned as he saw him leave. Ned had to get something done, so he had to leave quickly. Probably some more family stuff, since his family had been visiting over the weekend.
After entering the code, he opened his locker. He gathered his books, clearing the inside, and stepped back, slamming his locker door quietly. He had to be quick, because he knew what was coming and he hoped that he could prevent it. Then he turned around.
"Hey, Parker," Flash greeted with a smirk as soon as Peter turned. Peter knocked into him and dropped his books in surprise. Flash's friends surrounded Peter.
"Please just leave me alone," Peter crouched, quickly stacking his books in his arm and returning upright.
"You had one job, and you failed it," Flash crossed his arms as he ignored what Peter had said. "And now my grade has to suffer because of it. I don't really think that's very fair, would you?" He asked Peter, hovering above him as Peter tried to make himself as small as possible. The hallway cleared as people left to go home.
"Go away, Flash," he swallowed hard, clutching his books. 'I really wish Ned were here,' he thought, then immediately scolded himself. 'You shouldn't want to drag your only friend into things,' he thought guiltily.
"What did you say to me?!" Flash growled, grabbing Peter's collar and pulling it towards him. "Answer the question, Parker," he spat after noticing Peter's lack of response. Peter's eyes rounded with fear as he was pulled closer to Flash.
"Pl-Please don't hurt me," he spluttered out, his face burning with shame. Flash's friends laughed at him. He felt so vulnerable.
"I won't. Not here, at least," Flash snarled. "That dumb woman stopped me last time."

Before he knew what was going on, he was being dragged out the back of the building. Flash's friends gripped Peter's arms and harshly dragged him. He found himself in the small area where Peter would jump the fence after school when he was patrolling.
"Can't I just do your homework for the rest of my life instead?" Peter asked, swallowing his stutter and raising his hands defensively as Flash raised his fists.
Peter took that as a no, because in the next moment, he was getting punched. He curled into a tight ball as Flash and his friends kicked his ribs, hard. Peter screwed his eyes shut tightly, holding his breath as every blow hit him.
"S-Stop," he let out in a whimper, sounding more vulnerable than he would've liked to. 'I'm so pathetic, I'm supposed to be Spider-Man!'
"Your parents were right to leave you," Flash laughed cruelly, still kicking at Peter's sides. "So was your Uncle. I wouldn't be surprised if your Aunt didn't want you either!"
And that hurt the most because it was true, Peter realized. He grimaced as he fell sideways. Peter's little ball was broken as he became unbalanced, and Flash took that as an opportunity to kick his chest. He missed, kicking Peter in the neck instead. Or maybe that was on purpose. Peter's hands reached for his throat and he curled into a sideways ball, struggling to breathe.
"That's enough," Flash said finally, waving the rest of them off. His friends snickered as they walked away, chatting amongst themselves. Peter pressed himself against the fence, covering his head. Flash crouched down to Peter's level. Flash forcefully grabbed his chin, forcing Peter to look into his eyes. Peter looked at him with disgust, wanting him to leave Peter alone. He didn't have the energy to pull away. He just closed his eyes and sighed.
"G-Go away," he said in a small voice, immediately regretting he had said it. 'Stupid stutter,' he thought.
"This is what happens when you don't do what I say," Flash sneered, jerking his hand away.
"What do you want from me? What do you gain from all this?" Peter asked, running his hand through his hair. Peter stared at the ground, not bothering to look at Flash's face when he didn't reply.
"Stop asking questions, nerd. You're a liar. Liars deserve to be punished! I can't believe that you didn't think that people would see through your lie about your whole 'Stark internship'. You're so pathetic, Parker." Flash smirked, as if putting Peter down gave him satisfaction. Maybe it did.
Peter didn't reply, he just stared into Flash's dark voids of eyes. He was too tired for this. Too tired to deal with Flash. Flash seemed to get uncomfortable at the staring contest, because he stood from his crouch and walked away, hands in his pockets. Peter just rested the back of his head against the metal wired fence, wondering if Flash was going to torment him forever. Wondering why he hated Peter so much. Why May hated Peter so much.

author's note;

hi!! 💞💞 please comment and vote for the story if you enjoyed it! I really appreciate it and it makes me so happy to see your guys' comments! hope you guys all have a wonderful day!

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