Hairy Styles

De Embrina

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Harry Styles is freaking out!! He's been having nightmares for weeks, all about his friends wanting to kill h... Mais

Hairy Styles


538 14 2
De Embrina

I felt like I was going to get sick after I said that. How could this happen? How could I be a werewolf? Louis slowly closed his laptop and we sat there quietly. I could sense his dicomfort.

"How could this happen?" Louis asked breathlessly. I looked down at my mishapen hands, realizing this wasn't just another nightmare. This was real. This was really happening to me. This nightmare was for real.

"I don't want to hurt you Louis," I said quietly. He took my strange hand and gave it a soft squeeze.

"And you won't. I know you won't," he responded. I still didn't look at him.

"What are we going to do? I can't go out in public like this."

"I'm pretty sure you won't look like this forever. A werewolf is a wolf man, so you have to go back to human at some point." I nodded and pulled my "hand" out of his.

"Should we tell the others?" I asked, finally bringing myself to look at him.

"Do you want to?" I shrugged and sat back, laying my head on my LouLou. He set his on mine and rubbed my leg. I didn't realize I was crying until a tear slid from my eye and landed on Louis' chest.

"We should. Can you call them? They wouldn't know it was me if I called," I asked, sitting up to look at him.

"Of coarse Hazza. I'll invite them over. Go get something to eat, you haven't eaten all day." I did as he asked and stood up at he pulled out his phone. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking through the shelves for anything I would want to eat. My eyes kept landing on the leftover chicken wings we had from the other night. I groaned at myself for wanting meat while being half wolf and took the bin, eating the chicken cold. I wanted it hot, but I didn't care enough to heat it up. Plus, I was starving.

"They're on their way Hazza," Louis announced before turning on the tv. I moaned loudly, letting him know I was listening. His laughter filled the flat and I smiled, mouth full of dead bird. This was discusting. Louis walking into the kitchen as I ate the last of the five wings.

"Hungry?" he asked. I nodded as I finished the last one.

"Barely made a dent," I grumbled as I threw the bin in the trash can. I was still starving.

"Do you want to go out and... hunt?" Louis asked, wierded out a tad. That would probably be better for me.

"How are we going to tell the lads about my... condition?" I asked him, avoiding the subject of food.

"Well, you wear the shades and the hoodie like you did with me, we ask them some questions about werewolves, and you can take it from there, okay?" he suggested. It seemed really stupid in my oppion, but I didn't have a plan, so we just went with that plan.

"What about my voice? Its all... wolfy." Louis smiled.

"Then just don't talk until you're ready, okay?" I nodded and Louis pulled me into a hug. I loved it when he hugged me. He made me feel so safe and warm and all that. "Now, go get your shades." We let go of eachother and I walked upstairs. The doorbell rang as I stepped into my bedroom and grabbed the sunglasses on the floor.

"Here we go," I said, placing the glasses on my face.


"Hey Harry," Niall said akwardly as I came downstairs. I gave him a light smile and a wave as I sat between Louis and Liam. We were sitting in the same places we were in earlier.

"So, lads, what's your oppion on werewolves?" Louis asked. Way to be descrete Loui.

"Werewolves?" Liam asked.

"Uh, I don't really know. They seem pretty okay," Zayn said. I smiled to myself.

"They kind of scare me some," Niall said. Smile gone.

"I don't have much of an oppinion on them, I guess," Liam said. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm one," I said quietly before Louis could talk. All four of the lads stared at me.

"You're cute Harry, that was good. You even had a wolfy sound there," Zayn said, laughing.

"He's serious Zayn," Louis said. Zayn imiantly stopped laughing. Niall's face lost its colour and I took my glasses off.

"Your eyes are still orange," Niall peeped up.

"I know Nialler," I said quietly. Zayn pulled the irish lad into him for safety.

"Are you serious?" Liam asked, grabbing my shoulder and turning me so he could see my eyes. He was in shock when he actually saw them.

"Harry?" he asked. I bit my sleeve and pulled up the cloth so they could all see my paw-hands. Niall actually yelped when he saw them.

"You're a werewolf!" Niall yelled. My heart trobbed from the fear in his voice. "Why are you a werewolf?!"

"He can't help it Niall!" Louis yelled. My ears hurt from all the yelling.

"Why didn't you tell us!?"

"How long have you been one?!"

"Don't hurt us!" the lads yelled at me. I finally lost it and jumped up, running through the flat until I reached the back door. I threw it open and dashed into the woods, images of my four terified best friends burning my mind.


yeah, not my best work. sorry bout that, but i wanted to work on this story all week.

you know the drill wild wattpaders, comment, vote, fan, do what you do.

hug a tree, make fondue, and shampoo a lizard, later!!!

Embrina R. H. out. ADIOS!!!!!!

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