The Player's Game [Louis T. A...

By Kendyll_marie

163K 4.4K 1.7K

Entering into her Sophomore year of college, the last person Chelsea wants to run into is the campus bad boy... More

The Player's Game
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32

Chapter 31

3.2K 103 53
By Kendyll_marie


I met Louis half sisters this morning at breakfast They talked all morning about how Louis had never brought a girl home before, and how excited they were that he had; Lottie being the most excited of all. The twins, Phoebe and Daisy, made me adorable bracelets, and happily presented them to me after we were done eating

"It took us a whole week to make them" Daisy smiled proudly, pointing out the threaded detail

"They're wonderful. Thanks you two." I smiled, hugging both of them. I felt warm and welcomed into their home.

"I was thinking I would take you out into the town a little bit today" Louis said as we all entered the living room.

"I would love that"

"Alright then. It's a plan" he grabbed his Jacket that draped over the end if the sofa

"I'm gonna go run some errands. Can you be ready in an hour?"

"Sure" I nodded "what errands do you need to run?" I ask

"Oh-nothing important. I'll be back in an hour. Love you" Louis warm lips met my cheek. He grabbed a small plastic bag as he left

I turned to his mom, wondering if she knew where he was going.

"Who knows" she shrugged, before I could ask.

I excused myself, quickly making my way to my room and grabbing some clothes. I realized It wasn't going to take that long for me to get ready, so I decided to do my Ethics assignment instead.

As I opened my book, Lottie appeared in the doorway

"Hey" she smiled

"Hi" I mirrored her expression "would you like to help me with my ethics paper?" I teased

"I'm actually taking an ethics class in university" her eyes lit up "I love it"

"Oh, then by all means" I laughed "I can take all the help I can get"

I scooted to the other edge of the bed, making room for Lottie. I could tell she throughly enjoyed ethics. I can't say the same for myself. But with her help, we made a rough draft in no time.

"Lottie" Johanna called

"In here, mum" she answered

Johanna walked into the room with a phone pressed to her ear

"I forgot that I had plans with Mandy today"

"That's fine"

"Well I need you to take the girls to that birthday party"

"What birthday party?" Lottie asked

"The one for their friend from school"

"Fine" she sighed, standing up

Johanna smiled before thanking her and walking back down the hallway

"I'll see you later Chelsea. Have fun exploring Doncaster" she smiled

"I will"

Closing my book, I put away my draft paper and stuck it back in my bag. I grabbed some clothes, along with my shower supplies, and entered the bathroom

Johanna popped her head into the bathroom

"This door doesn't lock" she said, grabbing the doorknob "but we are all leaving so you should be fine. I'm sorry we are leaving you in an empty house"

"Oh, it's fine" I shook my head "I have to get ready anyway. It's fine, really"

"Alright, well we are headed out. I guess I'll see you later tonight" she closed the bathroom door as she left

I turned on the shower, making the water hot, just how I like it.


Reaching out if the shower, I grabbed a warm towel and wrapped it around myself, tucking it in place.

I began combing through my hair. As the comb reached the ends of my hair, it fell out of my grip. Bending over to pick it up, I heard the doorknob click. I immediately stood up and swung around. The door then flew open to reveal Louis.

"LOUIS" I yell, pulling my towel tighter

"OH" he quickly put his hands over his eyes

"Get out!" I command

"Sorry" he says, keeping his hands glued to his eyes, clumsily bumping into every possible thing as he tried to find his way out.

As soon as he clears the door, I hurriedly shut it behind him

"I didn't know you were in there" Louis said through the door

"You could've knocked" I reply, slipping my shirt on "besides, it hasn't been an hour. What are you doing back already?"

"They finished it sooner than I thought they would"

"Finished what?" I ask, trying to recall if he needed something to be fixed or made

"It" he replied

"What's it?"

"It's it"

"Louis Tomlinson" I say, wiggling into my jeans

"Yes, love?"

"Why are you so difficult" I laugh, picking up my towel and opening the door

"One of us has to be the difficult one" he smirked as I walked to my room, searching for my blow dryer


"So where are we going?" I ask, buckling my seatbelt

"Brodsworth Hall and gardens" Louis said in a dramatic voice

"What's that?"

"Well, I know how much you like old things, so I figured this would be a cool place to take you. It's a historical mansion. Great representation of English heritage" Louis gently grabbed my hand

"It sounds really neat. How far is it?"

"It's just out of Doncaster. South side Yorkshire"

I was surprised and happy that Louis thought about something like this. To do something that he wouldn't normally do, just because he knows that I would enjoy. I internally smile to match the one on my face

We arrived at the grand venue. Louis scheduled for us to be on a group tour. We were told about the history of the place, and interesting facts about the property

The inside of the mansion was beyond spectacular. The glass chandeliers, marble busts, and the pillars just added to the elegance of the place

I was awestruck by some of the beautiful paintings that hung on the wall

"Look at these rugs" I say in a hushed tone as the tour guide continued to speak. Her voice echoed throughout the building, followed by the noise of her heels clicking against the hard floors when the rugs ended

"Cool, huh" he smiled in return

"Very" I nodded "they're so old"

"I hope you think that I'm cool when old"

"What?" I laughed, following the group up the wide stairs

"When I'm old, wrinkled and cranky" he reiterated " I hope you still think I'm cool"

"Of course I will" I grinned


We finished the tour and headed outside. The sky had become dim.

"Are those the gardens?" I ask

"Yep" he nodded, "but we aren't going through them today"

"Why is that?"

"I'm saving that for another day" he smiled, leading me to the car


"The paintings. Definitely the paintings" Chelsea answered my moms question over dinner.

"Did you go through the gardens?" Johanna asked

"No" Chelsea shook her head, taking a drink

"I'm going to take her back to see them before we leave" I input

"Oh, you'll like it" my mom smiled

Lottie looked down at her phone momentarily, before letting out a painfully high squeal. I quickly held my finger to my left ear

"What?" I ask with a purposeful hint of annoyance in my voice

"Sorry" she giggled "it's not that exciting. But I just got a notification that the shopping centre is having a really great sale. Chelsea, do you want to go with me?"

"Oh, sure" she smiled

"Okay, lets go!" Lottie hurriedly got up from her seat, grabbing her purse. Chelsea grabbed a coat and bag from her room and followed my sister to the door

"We'll be back later"

The door closed and I could hear Lottie's voice begin to ramble again. I chuckled to myself, knowing Chelsea's ear was about to be talked off


My mom and I cleared the table and took a seat in my cozy living room

"So, dear" she smiled "sounds like you two had a good time today"

"We did" I nodded "I always have fun when I'm with her"

"Sweetie, you've really changed, haven't you" her expression was endearing. I knew she didn't mean that in a bad way. I've heard it from my sisters, and other people too. I've changed because of Chelsea. Changed for the better "You used to be mr tough boy. Always had something snarky to say. Never helped me with the dishes. Where was Chelsea all my life" she laughed softly

"Yeah. I'd like to know that one too" I looked down, trying to keep my smile small "she does that to people, ya know. Changes them"

"You really love her, don't you" her eyes were bright and hopeful

I nodded as I began to fiddle with my lip ring

"She's a special girl, Louis. Don't let her slip through your fingers"

"Believe me" I smiled "I won't"

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