him. (c.h)

By smirkyluke

51 0 0

"I didn't choose this, I didn't want to love him. But he's just... him." More



5 0 0
By smirkyluke

"Ready to go?" I bang on Alison's door. Just a few seconds and she swings her door open.

"Yeah let's go, the Uber should already be downstairs." Alison walks past me and out the door.

I grab my purse, lock the door, and follow her towards the elevator. "How long has the Uber been waiting ?"

"Only a few minutes. And it's already 7:30pm so we gotta hurry." Alison warned me that we might be late. I mean as long as this Uber driver knows how to speed, we'll be fine. The club is probably 15 minutes from where we live.

"Thank you!" Alison and I both say in unison as we get out of the Uber.

"Thank god we made it on time." Alison exhausts.

We told the security we were here for Scott so we were able to skip the line. It's 7:50 so we're just a little bit early.

"Hey Scott!" I yell across the club as soon as I see him and I'm surprised he heard me over the music. "Happy Birthday!" I walk towards him with Alison behind me. I give him a big happy birthday hug and he tells me to have fun. He said that drinks are all on him so your girl is about to go ham. I make my way to our main section and everyone from our group is here.

"Hey Nalani!" I'm greeted by one of my other friends.

"Heeeey Kayla!" I excitingly while walking up to her. I give her a big hug and a side kiss on the cheek. Kayla doesn't go to college with us. She's one of the friends I met when I moved here.

"Ready to party?" She asks me while doing a little happy dance to the music playing in the background.

"Yessuh! You already know!" I copy her little dance move and sway my hips. "Let's take some shots girl!"

Me and ten other friends all hang out in our section enjoying ourselves. Everyone's dancing, drinking, and having fun. Listening to music and dancing is literally my two favorite things, alcohol just makes it even better.

"Ali, let's hit the dance floor!" I shout trying to be louder than the music so that she could hear me.

"Hell yeah! Let's go!" She laughs and I grab her by her wrist. While we walk to the dance floor you can best believe I was already dancing my way there.

I'm glad I chose to wear this outfit. I have in a snake print tube top, black ripped boyfriend jeans, a belt, and comfortable black  heel boots. I have in my gold hoop earrings and my gold Hawaiian heirloom necklace. I'm usually always wearing my heirloom necklace.

My jam comes on and it's Act Up by City Girls. When I tell you every single girl was singing this song at the top of their lungs, I'm not lying.

4hours later

"Damn it's hot as hell up in here." I exclaim fanning myself while still in the middle of the dance floor. "What time is it?"

"I don't know!" Alison shouts, "Who cares about the time!"

I think to myself a little bit and look around me. She's right, who's cares about the time. It's Saturday, I don't need to worry about shit. I get back to dancing and letting free.

A few songs later and my throat get dry. The only thing I had to drink tonight were the five shots of tequila, vodka,  dirty martinis, and those mojitos. I need some water in my system. At the rate I was dancing, I think I probably sweat out all the water in my body.

I turn to tell Alison that I was gonna go get a drink of water and I see her busy with Scott. I decide to just let her be and go off on my own way.

I try to push my way out of the dance floor but a girl is struggling. Next thing I know I'm stopped by this guy.

"Hey sexy, I'm Ryan!" He looks me up and down and winks at me.

I swear these guys need to get in line. I look up at him and give him a stink face. I may be a little drunk and tipsy but I still can handle myself.

"Hi Ryan, I'm leaving." I tell him trying to make my way past. If I try to go to the left side he moves that way, if I try to move to the right side he follows me again and blocks my way. "Brah are you lolos or sumtin!"

Every time these guys always think they can just get all up in a girls face and talk all kine.

"The only lolos I want is yours baby." This guy tries to rub up on me and I push him back.

Lolos? This guys don't even know what lolos is. For anyone that doesn't know what lolos is it's a pidgin word used in Hawaii. It means someone is stupid or acting crazy.

"Brah, no try act up with," I start to get irritated. I think this was the same guy that kept trying to rub up on me on the dance floor earlier tonight. Plus, I don't know what this guys is thinking, calling me baby and everything.

"Come on baby, lets have some fun!" He tries to get closer to me. There he goes again calling me baby. I really don't want to deal with any douche bags tonight.

"Brah I swear just leave me alone." I shrug at him and push him out my way. Thankfully he didn't follow me.

I make my way to the bar and take a seat on one of the stools. I lean my elbows on the counter top and stride my fingers through my hair. Every time I'm in any places or areas where it's warm or when I start to sweat, my hair tends to curl and get really frizzy. I fluff my hair, move it behind my shoulders and allow it to flow down my back.

"Hey girl, you doing good?" the bartender asks me.

"I'm doing fine thanks." I smile answering her question.

"I'm Layla by the way," she introduces herself, "but people call me Lala or L for short,"

"I'm Nalani but apparently the guys here call me baby."

"Don't worry about the guys here, they're just drunk drunk douche bags."

"I know right."

"Which guy are you talking about? Or is it multiple guys?"

"You see that guy with the blue shirt, blonde hair, white dude, kinda short." I point to that Ryan guy standing across the room near the dance floor.

"That guy standing by the dance floor ?" Lala asks laughing, "that's Ryan, don't mind Ryan. He's kind of a weirdo and a douche bag."

"Yeah I noticed, how do you know him anyway?" I wonder.

"He's in here at least twice a week tryna hook girls."

"Does it ever work for him?"

"Actually, yeah it does. It usually works all the time. Surprisingly. But I guess he ain't that good cause he didn't hook you."

"Well, I'm not an easy fish to catch." I laugh. "But don't you think it's just disgusting? You know, for guys to just be sleeping around like nothing."

"I mean a man does have their needs, but when it's more than twice a week, every week. Yeah, I guess it can get pretty disgusting." Layla chuckled. "Anyways girlie, you look like you could use another drink. What do you want? Name anything, it's on the house!"

Wow even more free drinks, my night just keeps getting better. Well now that I think about it, I've had a little too much to drink. Maybe I should slow it down. I think I'll just have a beer.

"Just a green bottle would be perfect." I ask her and she opens one up and slides it to me. "Thanks!"

I figured that four hours of partying is good enough for me. I check my phone and it's now past midnight. Well good morning LA. I go to the Uber app and order an Uber to take me back home. It says that the Uber driver would be here in five minutes so I quickly make my way back to our section in the club and say bye to everyone. I told Alison that I would just meet her at home but she told me that she has plans with Scott and I already know what that is. At least someone is getting laid tonight.

After saying bye to everyone and telling Scott happy birthday for the last time, I go outside to wait for my Uber. I really didn't expect it to be raining right now, but knowing LA weather, good thing I brought a jacket with me.

I put on my jacket and walk around the corner to where there's some shade. I see this tall curly headed guy smoking nearby in the same shade that I was. I try my hardest to ignore the smell of the cigarette. Since I grew up with parents who smoke I guess I kind of got use to it, not really though. I look in his direction and we both make eye contact. The eye contact triggered both of us to smile at each other and say hey.

I was going to start up a small conversation to pass time, but I got a notification saying that my Uber was here. A grey car pulls up and asks if I was me confirming that I was the one who asked for the Uber.

As I walked in the rain across the side walk to get into to the Uber, I turned towards the guys that was smoking. "You know, you shouldn't be smoking it's bad for you!" I say right before I enter the Uber.

Calum POV

"Hey Ash, I think I'm gonna go outside for a quick smoke," I tell Ash and make my way out the club.

Scott's party was going great but it was getting a little too crazy, if you know what I mean. I decided to come outside for a smoke to get away from all the loud music. 

"Heading home?" The bouncer asks me as I walk through the door.

"Nah, just taking a quick smoke," I blatantly say as I wave my pack in the air. I stand on the side walk and light my cig. Somehow smoking just relaxes me and I like that. Depending on how feeling determines how fast it takes.

"Shit!" I look up to the sky and it starts to rain all of a sudden. I quickly walk to the side of the club where there's a small area for cover. I lean against the wall and continue my smoke.

Out of the corner of my eye I see this cute girl come around the corner and stand in the cover I am.

"Hey," I smiled just as we made eye contact and she said hi back. As soon as she looked at me, I tried to hide the fact that I was smoking. It's kind of hard to hide the fact that I was smoking when that's all you can smell.

I wanted to say something or ask her how was her night going but before I could put out a word she walks off. A car pulls up so I'm guessing that's her ride.

Couple seconds later and she shouts something before going into the car, "You know, you shouldn't be smoking it's bad for you!"

I was taking in a puff right as she said that and it made think for a moment. She's right, it is bad for me. I take a look at how much of the cig was gone and only half was left for me to smoke. Instead of finishing it, I threw it on the floor and put it out.

Huh, I thought to myself. Cigarettes are bad for me? I thought as I walked back into the club.


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