
By LolipopMyFavourite

493 28 12

Riku Niwada lived a horrible life. Always forced to study, compared to everyone else, never been able to go o... More

A Horrible Start
New Life
A Whole Other World
Aoi The Vixen
Mistakes were made
Len (Pt 1)
Len (Pt 2)
Gone Missing
Gold, Red and Black
In too deep
Her return
In too dark
Fresh out of holidays
Hell within Heaven, that is School
Air Master, Shayne
Questions? Answers

School, The Most Hellish Place

24 2 0
By LolipopMyFavourite

Someone please knock me out.

On a dark night like this, I'd be sleeping peacefully on my bed, dreaming about food or talking with Nikeo. But no. I have to be slapped awake by my still-agitated mother to go early for a stupid opening ceremony.

A ceremony for a school I'll only be attending for 2 years.

Slapped awake, being forced to wear an uncomfortable blazer on me, my unkept hair combed and here I am. With sleepy eyes and a tired face, my mother and I are standing with the crowd in front of a closed gate to a school.

The school looked normal enough, a large red building about 4 stories high and a wide enough range to cover more than 30 rooms. There was also a small flag at the tip of the roof.

Hopefully a grand school like this would accept pets. I brought Aoi along because she wanted to see it for herself what a 'school' was.

"So this is a school. A majestic learning industry, dedicated to teaching kids on how to survive in the harsh world with logics and hands-on activities..."

I swear, she just made school sound like a heavenly place. Too bad deep inside, its actually hell.

A hell within a heaven. How ironic.

Or not.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" I asked, irritated with the constant pushing the people beside me are doing. They almost pushed Aoi from my shoulder several times!

"Few more minutes." My mother answered.
"You said that 100 times already! Just admit we came here too early and have to wait an hour for the gate to open!"

Ever since I asked her half an hour ago, she's been giving me the same reply. Ugh, I wasn't born yesterday. I was only reincarnated some weeks back.

After a 'few minutes', the gate to the school finally opened, with the Sun rising from behind ever so quickly. Gee, I didn't know in a 'few minutes' it could go from a dark night to morning.

Parents immediately rushed into the school, including my mother, and pulled their unwilling kids with them as well. They really do look reluctant! It's as if they are forced to go jump down a volcano or something.

As soon as I stepped past the gate, I felt a sudden wave of uneasiness, almost nauseating, splash over me.

What was that about?

I gave a look back at the gate, though the heads of people were blocking it. It doesn't seem any different, but then why did I feel so disturbed about it?

Maybe it's just me being queazy. I did get slapped awake early in the morning. Ugh, the very thought angers me and yet I still remember it.

"Hurry up. We have to get seats!" My mother rushed, pulling me up with her.
"Take it easy on my arm! It hurts!" There's no other way to do this. If it's to make my mother release her hard grip on my arm, so be it.

I let a slight bit of magic flow, just enough for a faint yellow line to appear. It's easy to restrict the rate of magic flow in your body. The way it's done is similar to how a person chooses how much strength or energy they want to channel in their hand.

Magic is like that, just only need to channel the flow.

"You've improved," said Aoi. "But when did you know how to do it?"

"The idea came to me." I said, not minding the volume. In a crowded area where people are rushing to a certain destination, the noise level is so high!

And I hate it.

Whatever, it's all going to disappear once I dash across!

"Mum, where are we heading to?!"
"The Hall, just a level up and next to the staircase!"

Then the job should be easier!

As soon as I felt a tinge of electricity, I immediately activated my magic and zapped across the crowd, my mother in hand with me.

In a few seconds, we had already reached the hall, just standing in front of it with a dazed mother and a stunned vixen.

There were small groups of people already present here, but I could tell from the fading lines from their bodies that they had the same idea as me.

"R-Riku dear...please warn me about t-these kinds of t-things next time." My mother could barely string her words together as we stepped into the hall.

"Remind me as well..."

Because of my brilliance and excellence as a son and being an impatient student, we managed to snag front row seats in the hall, before the other families began strolling in.

The other people whom I saw standing in front of the hall also took front row seats, but left two in the middle. They must be reserved for some important people. I was sitting a seat away, my mother being the one to sit right beside the two seats.

There was still spare time before the Principal gave his announcement so I just slumped in my seat.


"Hey." Someone called, but I ignored. It must be those people from behind.

"Hey you. The one with a fox on his shoulder." I immediately got back to my seat and turned to whoever called me. Okay, that got my attention.

It was a girl who was sitting beside me. A blonde with her hair length being at her shoulders, wearing the same blazers as every other kid but had a long skirt to go with it.

"Were you talking to me?" I pointed to myself as I asked.

"Of course! Do you see any other kid with a fox on their shoulder? Much less a blue one?"

Yeah, she's right. I didn't see anyone bring any animals with them to school. Maybe it's actually prohibited. God, what are we going to do when a teacher sees Aoi and confiscates her?

"I'll bite his hand and run home! You don't have to worry." Aoi reassured, proud and strong. Though, I don't see why you'd need to bite his hand. They'll just place the animals outside school.

"No, I don't see it wrong to bring animals to school?"
"Not that I know of! But, I hope it isn't. You have quite the cute vixen there! What are your names?" She asked excitedly, the energy almost overflowing in her.

"The name's Riku, and this is my vixen, Aoi." I introduced, giving a smile to her. This was the first time I made a female friend, apart from Aoi of course. Not that I had much friends to begin with.

Just one or two people I sit with in the cafeteria.

"Riku and Aoi, huh? My name's Sherlyn, but Sherri is much cuter!" I swear her energy will rub off of me if I hang around with her.

"Sherlyn, keep it down! You are being a nuisance to other people." The woman, presumably her mother, scolded her terribly. Sherlyn shuddered slightly before turning back, but not before she mouthed the word 'Sorry'.

"What's the mother's problem?"

Beats me.

The woman in question dressed quite elegantly, compared to what townspeople usually wear. She wore a gown-like dress with a colour palette of dark green and black and had a bun hairstyle.

Reminds me of a really really old lady.

A tapping sound circled around the hall, silencing the hall of families. Following that tapping sound, a man came on the stage with a microphone in hand.

"Welcome, parents and future students, to Ushio Public School!" The man, whom I presume to be the Principal, greeted with a booming voice. "It's great to see new students trying to inherit the school's placing and reputation!"

His voice is just plain annoying, being even louder than a whole crowd of old ladies chattering behind me.

"Wake me up when this is over, Mum..." I mumbled, closing my eyes. My chance to get the sleep I lost for the ceremony. His voice faded out soon as I get swallowed by my dreams.




"Sorry, man. I don't think I'm ever coming back to that house again." A slick-haired boy with his unbuttoned jacket spoke to me in a disgusted voice, scratching the back of his head.

"Y-Your parents are nice...could you thank them for all the chocolates they gave me? I really liked talking with them about myself. Much more than you." A nerdy-looking person with big glasses was busy chomping away at the complimentary snacks as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, but I can't be your friend." But no matter the treatment they received from my parents, they didn't want to be with me.

I stood alone, a hand raised towards the two black silhouettes walking away. The ones I used to call friends.

'They don't want to be with me.' I thought. "Of course no one wants to be with me...the moment they get a whiff of what my parents do, they wouldn't bat an eyelash."

I squatted where I was standing, staring at the pebbles on the ground. I didn't want to go home. What's the point?

Those two are just going to squish me with questions about my 'friends' and ask me all about them. Their studies, behaviour, qualifications...the list goes on.

Hell, I shouldn't have brought them over!

"Hey, Riku. Did Toshi and Ein left already?" An all too familiar voice called from behind me. He's the only one whom I didn't bring over to my home, but still my friend.

A blue-haired boy with black eyes, Joan.

I tried to clean the tears off from my eyes as I stood up, but he noticed them.

And he didn't look all too happy about them.

"....Your parents, right?"

I nodded my head. He's also the only person I've ever told about my parents. Basically, Joan is one of my lifelines to this world.

"Sheesh, I really don't get whats wrong with those two. Just because your parents are whacked, doesn't mean they had to leave you like this. You're a great guy, despite crazy parents."

He gave a bright smile, warming the despair I once held. I just always smile when he smiles. It's like a disease, spreading smiles everywhere.

He then lifted his hand towards my face. I flinched, stepping back. "Relax, I'm just wiping them away." He rubbed the tears off my eyes using his thumb to do so.

"Boys don't cry, right? I'll be with you, Riku."

He gave me a wide smile with his teeth showing. The moment I saw all shred of despair I had within was destroyed, only my racing heart. His very presence brings much comfort to me! One of the few reasons why I chose to not leave this world was because of him. How could I leave and risk having my one and only true friend sad?

Even though I thought of that...

He didn't seem to think the same thing when he left my school.

"Joan...How could you?"




I woke up. No claims, disturbances or any remarks. I simply opened my eyes. With that dream I had, what's there left to say?

"You're one weird dreamer."
"...Did you see my dream just now?"
"Every single dream."

Well, isn't that nice? Now I can't have privacy in my sleep!

"And seeing that you're talking to me, my magic's in despair?"
"Yeah. Keep it up. Your magic is tingling me."

The principal was surprisingly still droning on about his message, still at the beginning part. Aoi's already fast asleep, her body on my lap and sleeping peacefully. At least she's not having nightmares.

Since he's still talking, I may as well talk with Nikeo.

"So...Ever have an idea for why you're stuck with me?"

There was a short pause.

"...Kind of."

"Eh really? What's the idea?"

"Why don't you find that yourself?"

"Dude, I can't even begin to think of a reason as to why you're stuck with me. That's why I'm asking you if you have anything."

"If you must know so strongly, I'll give you a little hint. I know this school has the answer to your question. At least...I think so."

"No fair! I wanted to drop out!"

"Too bad. If you want the answer, you're going to have to get it."

"Why are you so mean, Nikeo?"

"Who said I was ever nice? I think it's about time you go."

"Huh? What do you mea-"

I felt a strong nudge to my side, snapping me out of my telepathic conversation with Nikeo. "Wake up, the presentation is finished." My mum leaned her head in and whispered while still facing the principal.

"I-I was already awake, Mum." I said.
"Oh? I didn't hear a single peep nor feel a movement from you."

Whoa. That's almost like what a ninja does! I wonder if ninjas exist in this world? I should ask Aoi...wait.

I remembered yesterday's topics and the questions I wanted to ask her. Oh yeah! I totally forgot! I hit the bed after their argument and forgot to ask! Damn it, I should remember to ask her when she goes home.

"That marks the end of my speech! It was a pleasure for me, Mr Ren Rael, to speak to every one of you patient parents and future students."

Thank god it ended! Finally!

Everyone got up to leave. I noticed Sherlyn's mother dragging her away forcefully by the arm. Man, how I can relate to her right now. Because that's exactly what my mother is doing to me now.

"Mum, would you quit that?! My arm hurts!" I pulled my arm away from her grip.

"Sorry sweetie, but I don't want you lost from the cr- Ah!" My mother was cut-off when a bulky man knocked into her. He gave a quick glare at her before walking off.

What the, he didn't even apologise!

"Hey! Did they ever teach you in manners school?!" I shouted to the man. I don't care how bulky he is, I'm sure his ears are probably filled with dir-

"What was that, pipsqueak?" The bulky man turned around, his eyes staring right at me. Shit, he actually heard that!

My mother, still on the ground, was scrambling to get her spilt handbag contents.

The sight of that only fuel my anger as I continued to rain down the insults.

"Y-You heard what I said! Apologise to my mother or else!"

The crowd seemed to have moved away, leaving only a few families, the bulky guy, his kid and us.

"Riku, I don't think you should be fighting him."

I ignored her advice.

"Ah, so you're her son? The son of the accursed black magic user and fire witch, Riku Lomine. Also famed to have defeated the Cerberus. Kid, you better back off before I give you real pain!" He threatened with a scowl. Luckily, his kid doesn't seem to follow his thinking as he tried to pull him away by the other arm.

At least there are some reasonable people in the world.

He may be knowledgeable about me but he doesn't know how I fight!

"Come at me!" I taunted, letting my magic freely flow.

I think it's fine for me to use magic now.

As long as Nikeo doesn't force his magic in.

A solid yellow line formed around my body, sparking small lightning bolts.

The man gave off a menacing aura as he stepped towards me, a dark red line forming on him.

What does dark red mean?

"O-Oh dear, now I really think you shouldn't fight him! Dark red is a form of magic, its sole dependence being on strengthening one's physical strength in every aspect."

Strength? So, he's a close-range fighter.

As long as I keep my distance away from him, I should be okay. The bulky man stopped where he was, only several meters away from me. The people around us were merely watching, intrigued by the fight that was going on. They think this is a show?

Do they think it's fair for a kid to fight a bulky man?

"Well, you brought this upon yourself so.."
"...Shut up, Nikeo."

"I'll let you have the first attack, pipsqueak." He generously said, lowering all forms of guard down.

Really? He's letting me have the first hit?

"With pleasure! I'll make sure it stings!" I zapped towards him, leaning in for my Electro Ball. Yeah I came up with a cooler name for it! The electric currents were condensed to form a ball shape, now fidgeting on the center of my palm.

With that ball, I shoved it right into his chest, the electric currents bursting upon impact and striking everywhere in the center!

Gotcha!...wait what.

The bulky guy smirked as he grabbed my shoulders with his muscular arms. No way! He didn't even flinch when he got into contact with that! The Cerberus flinched, but he didn't?!

"I barely felt that, kid." He raised me off the ground and made me stare at him.

The same way he did.

"Let go of me!" I squirmed in his grip, the electricity now sparking the air around me. But even then, the bulky man refused to let go!

"Let my son go."


She was standing with Aoi beside her, fire swirling around her as well with a glowing orange line outlining her body. They burned majestically, threatening to move forward and lick us in the front.

"Or what? You'll fry me to a cooked chicken with those low flames?" He laughed, lowering me down slightly. Chance!

I gripped his arm and sent a paralysing shock to his body with all my magic. Come on, this ought to at least stun him!

"...I felt that. A slight tickle, that was all." He said, taking note of my presence. Shit. How bulky is he?!

The muscular guy raised me high in the air, then tossed me down like a dumbbell into the hard wooden ground.

"Agh!" I cried out as my face was smashed into the wood.

I could feel some loose teeth. And the taste of metallic blood.

"Riku!" Aoi cried, rushing over to me from my mother.

"How dare you?!" Mother's flames intensified as she released her grip on the wild flames. They lurched forward, all setting their heat to the bulky man.

Mr Asshole just gave another laugh and went straight into those flames, charging through. Is he crazy?! What is he made of?!

"This doesn't hurt a bit!"

He reached the end of the flames and had his hand drawn back, about to land a hit on my mother.






The hall was silent.

I was silent.

The only sound within these empty halls was the excessive breathing the bulky man was doing. He stopped mid-punch, only a single centimetre away from my mother's face. But instead of showing a surprised expression, she only gave a smirk.

"Those flames of mine aren't ordinary. Not only can they burn you on the outside, but the moment they come into contact with your body on skin surface, they will eat into your body and incinerate your organs." She muttered in a low and threatening voice, hopping a step back from the frozen man.

In a few seconds, Mr Asshole started coughing up flames, crying and spluttering in pain. "Agh! Ahhh! I'm d-dying!" He collapsed on the ground, holding onto his throat. His kid ran over to him, calling out to his father.

I could only watch the scene unfold as with the rest of the crowd. So...horrible.

I never ever thought my mother would be capable of this. Even if I've only know her for weeks, the thought never ever crossed me!

"Are you okay, Riku~?" My mother was standing before me, with a chilling look. A look I knew all too familiar.

Why does everyone have that look to me?

It's the look of pure sadism.

"M-M...N-no." My danger alarms were kicking in, as with my adrenaline. I have to get away...I have to get away!

It's not safe!

"G-Get away!" I shouted, my lightning magic acting up and almost sparked my mother. But I was too stressed to see that. She was shocked, both literally and emotionally.

I didn't give her a chance to speak as I zapped away from there immediately, not looking back.

School, the most hellish place. School had already been hell to me back in my old life. But in this world? It's not even the beginning of the year, and I already got into fights.

I am weak. Weak in mentality and strength

School, it really is the most hellish place.

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