Supernatural Love {Toolshippi...

Af owl-chan12

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Bruno x Yusei ship, Jack x Crow Mere

Making Love
Saying Your Sorrys
Crow's Delivering Skills
Young Parent's
Regaining Lost Memorys
Truth or Dare
Stardust and Archfiend
Birthing Babies
Bear and dragon Love
Saving Mates and Making Love
Lil's pregnant
Ursa's a Father
Proposing And Asking For Advice
A King's Proposal
Afraid Of Letting Go
Bruno's Large Wolf Form
Crow's brother/ Fighting Darker Self
Birth Problems
Secret Puppy Love
I Miss You/Pups Birth
Love Who You Love
Claiming Your King From Fangirls
Healing Training/Love Hurts
Asking For Shelter
Yusei's In A Coma
Jaden, Jesse, and Vizors three-way
Force Of Marriage
Princes proposal
Wedding Day
Wedding Party
Birthing babies And Making Love
Not a Savage Vampire
Is It To Late To Apologize
Crow's A Vampire Cat Hybrid
Finding Out Jackson's Has A Mate
Meeting Twin Sister's
Saving Yusei/I Hate Being Blind
Pregnant With My Brothers Pups
Separated At A Young Age
Pissed Protective Mother
Over Using Powers
Jesse, Vizor and Johan's Proposal
Regaining Eye Sight
Vizor Finds out He's Pregnant
Opening A Café
Raven And Jacklyn's Little Family
Trying to Heal Yusei
Playing Heals
Turning Back Into A Male
I Will Always Love You
Easter Birth
Almost Dying
Wedding Part 2
Hot Springs
Game Night
Yusa, Jaden and Haou's Birth
Vizor's Birth
Molting Season
Wolf Mating Season
Being Accused
Thought I Was Done Being Pregnant
Daughters of the Enforcers
Baby Shower Gender Reveal
Bringing The Pups Back
Vampire Mating Season
Crystal And Nights Wedding
Atem's Pregnant
Pool Party
Bringing Crow Back
Remembering The Past
Being Tricked
Having Fun

Jacks Second Litter and Yusa Gets Wounded

46 2 0
Af owl-chan12

Crow wakes up and gets ready for work "Jackie I'm off for work" he kissed his cheek, Jack purrs and slowly nods "okay" "call me if anything happens, if I don't pick up then I'm doing surgery on someone" Crow smiles and walks to work. "Okay" Jack yawns, Crow gets to work. Jack goes back to sleep, Crow clocks in and starts working on his patients. Jack sleeps, Jaden and Haou walks to their parents den. Jack whines, "dad are you ok" Jaden and Haou asked going into their parents room. Jack wakes up and nods, "you sure dad" the twins looked worried. "Yeah" Jack whimpers, "dad tell the truth you look like your in pain" Jaden said. Haou puts his hand on his fathers belly, Jack hisses feeling his water break.

Jaden and Haou's eyes widen "where's mom", Jack whines "at work" "we better get you to the hospital" the twin gets more worried. Jack whimpers and nods, Jaden and Haou helps their father off the bed and out the den. Jack hisses, Jaden and Haou walks Jack to the hospital. Jack whines in pain, Jaden picks Jack up and runs. Haou follows his brother, Jack whimpers. The twins run in the hospital "we need a doctor", Jack pants. A doctor runs to them with a bed, Jaden lays Jack in the bed. Jack whines, the doctors got Jack in a room "Dr. Atlas will be here in 2 seconds". Crow ran in "Jack are you ok the nurse said you and the twins were here", Jack whines "Its the pups". 

Crow nods and gets Jack ready for birth, Jack whimpers. "push babe" Crow told him, Jack pushes. Crow waits, Jack pushes and screams. Crow watches and waits, Jack pushes the baby halfway out. Crow pulls the baby wraps the baby and hands it to the nurse, Jack pants. Crow smiles and watches for the baby, Jack pushes again. Crow watches, Jack kept pushing. Crow watches for the baby, Jack pushes till it was halfway out. Crow pulls the baby out wrapping baby wrapping it in the towel handing it to the nurse and watches for the next baby, Jack pants. Crow smiles "we're almost done babe", Jack whines. Crow looks at him "what wrong babe" he looks worried, Jack whimpers "I can't do it" "want me to do a C-section" Crow asked getting the numbing needle and scalpel. 

Jack slowly nods, Crow gently sits Jack up in a sitting position and inserts the numbing meds into his lower back. Jack whines, "I'm sorry babe" Crow laid him back and felt where to cut and makes the cut and looks for the baby. Jack whimpers, Crow gets the baby out wrapping the baby handing it to the nurse and goes to find the last one. Jack pants, Crow gets the last baby out and wraps the baby handing it to the nurse and closes the wound. Jack whines, "its over babe you did great" Crow kisses his cheek. Jack whimpers, "babe you ok" Crow ask. Jack shakes his head "no more" "ok Jackie" Crow said, Jack closes his eyes. Crow smiles and goes to the pups, Jack falls asleep.

Crow goes to the nursery and saw a woman that didn't belong there and next to Jack's newborn pups "ma'am this is only for nurse's and doctors only" he walks to her only to be put a gun point, Jack sleeps. "ma'am put the gun down" Crow slowly walk to her only to get a bullet to the leg and he cries out in pain, the woman grabs the pups. Jack wakes up, "put my mates kids down" Crow growls running to her. The woman runs out of there, Crow runs after her pissed. The woman keeps running, Crow tackles her down. The woman tossed the pups, Crow gasped and opens his wings grabbing all of them before they hit the ground and holds them close and calls the police on the woman pinning her down. 

The woman growls, "I should rip your heart out, but I'm a mother and a father, and your not worth it" Crow growls and sees the police pull up. The woman tries to get away, Crow told the police what happened and they picked her up cuffing her and putting her in the car driving off and Crow walks back to the hospital. Jack went back to sleep, Crow goes back to the room Jacks in "Jackie" he limps to the bed holding the pups. Jack was still asleep, Crow smiles and lays the pups in the cribs and his injured legs gave out on him and he collapses to the floor. Jack ears twitch, Crow groans trying to get up. Jack sleeps, Crow collapses and blacks out from blood loss. 

Yusei walks in "Crow", Crow was laying on the floor unconscious and his leg was bleeding out from a bullet wound. Yusei runs and heals his wound, Crow groans feeling the pain and wakes up. Yusei looks at him "you okay" "yeah, some woman was in the nursery I was talking to her and she shot me and took off with Jacks newborn pups and I ran after her pinning her down and she tossed the pups I caught them and called the police on her" Crow told him, "Oh boy" Yusei sighs. "I'm worried someone might try taking the ones I'm carrying" Crow pins his ears, "Nobody is going to take yours" Yusei told his. "okay" Crow smiled, Yusei smiles. Crow purrs "I better get back to work" he said getting up, Yusei nods "okay".

Crow walks to Jack and lays a kiss on his lips and then hugs Yusei and goes back to work, Yusei hugs him back smiles. Jack smiles in his sleep, Crow called his next patient which was a biker gang member and he had some bad feeling about the person "come with me sir" walks the guy to his room. Yusei watchs him, the door closes and Crow does the check up and takes notes and goes to leave then felt an arm his waist and goes to say something but had two fingers shoved down his throat and Crow coughs choking with tears brimming in his eyes. Yusei felt something wrong and follows his vampire instincts, the guy shoved his very large member down Crow's throat making him take it all and grabs Crow's head thrusting and going all in making him deep throat.

Crow whimpers 'stop...cant..breath', Yusei growls and runs in grabbing the guy pulling him away. The guy grows back, Crow coughed violently till blood hits the floor. Yusei growls changing into his wolf form staying in front of Crow, the guy throws knives at them. Haou runs in and makes a hands sign "ice dagger" and blocks the knives but accidently making one hit Jaden in the chest, Jaden coughs up blood. "JADEN!!" Crow manage to say, Yusei growls and uses his power freezing everything. Haou and Crow blinks, Jaden rips the knife out of his chest. Yusei takes a deep breath and mutters something under his breath healing Jaden, Haou felt bad and teleports somewhere no one will find him and cries. 

"Haou wait!!" Jaden and Crow tries stopping him, Yusei looks and teleports to him and looks at him "Haou". Haou looks at him and pins his ears and whimpers and backs away "I don't want to hurt to you to like I did bro" he runs, Yusei walks towards him "you won't hurt me, you didn't see your brother" "I don't want to lose him he's my only twin" Haou whimpers crying. "I know but you won't lose him" Yusei hugs him, Haou hugs back still crying. Yusei rubs his back, Haou purrs and falls asleep from crying. Yusei picks him up, Haou purrs in his sleep. Yusei smiles and walks back to the hospital, Haou continues purring. Crow and Jaden starts worrying about Haou, Yusei walks into the hospital. 

Crow and Jaden runs to Yusei, Yusei looks at them holding Haou. "is he ok" Crow and Jaden asked, Haou purrs louder hearing his brother. Yusei smiles and nods "yeah he is", Jaden nuzzles Haou purring. Haou purrs, Crow smiles. Yusei set him down on the bed, Jaden snuggles to Haou as he snuggled back. Crow smiles "should I call Jesse, Vizor and Johan, hope they don't think Jaden and Haou are having the pups when I say hospitals", Yusei chuckles "nah they are at my place playing with their siblings" "yep, they're great big brothers" Crow giggles. Yusa wakes up and sees the twins "hey boys", Yusei nods and smiles "yeah they are". The twins looks up and smiles "hi aunt Yusa", Crow smiles "lets check on Jack". 

Yusa hits the deck when one pup sneezed out fire, Yusei nods "okay". The twins watches giggling, Crow walks to Jacks roomYusa pouts. "I gotta get to work since dueling area aren't open" she gets up and leaves for work, Jack was still asleep. Yusei follows, the twins nods. Crow looks in "the birth must of took his energy", "mommy is going to Hooters" one pup said. Yusei nods "yeah", Johan looks at the pup "really". "lets go for lunch" Crow asked, the pup smirked nodding. "okay" Yusei smiles, Johan rose a brow "oh okay". Crow kissed Jacks lips "be back to check on you going out for lunch, heard of Hooters Yusei", the pup sneezed out fire. Yusei slowly nods "yeah", Johan ducks. "then lets go" Crow grabs his hand and walks out, Bruno gets up and gives the pup medicine. 

Yusei looks around, "Oh" Johan nods. Crow walks to Hooters and goes inside and sits down, Bruno pet the pups head "where's Yusei and Yusa". Johan looks at him "Yusa went to work and Yusei went to see Crow", Yusei follows. "oh ok" Bruno said, someone with rave colored hair wrapped their arms around Yusei "how may I help you my vampire wolf". Crow giggled, Johan nods "yeah". Yusei squeaks and blushes turning his head "hey sis", "so how you boys been" Bruno asked. Yusa giggles and sits on his lap "how have you guys been""Jack had his litter" Crow said, "We been okay" Jesse said. Yusei wraps his arms around her "yeah", "that's good" Bruno smiles. 

"that's cool, as for me booty shorts and crop tops thigh highs and catcallers" Yusa said as someone called her for another beer and she sighs, "wow" Crow said. Jesse nods "yep", Yusei giggles. Bruno smiles, Yusa serves the person as the guy slapped her ass and she yelps slapping him in the face. "oh no" Crow said, Jesse smiles back. Yusei looks and growls, "so now what" Bruno asked. The guy grabbed her making Yusa sit on his lap "aww don't be like that pretty thing" and kisses her neck, Yusa struggles "back off I have two people that can do this". Jesse and Johan shrugs, Yusei growls and gets up grabbing Yusa off the guys lap. "hunting" Bruno offered, "what the hell man" the guy growled. 

Yusa wraps her arms around Yusei's neck "my brother and Bruno are the only ones to do that" she kissed Yusei in front of the guy, Jesse and Johan nods "yeah". Yusei kissed her back before pulling away "leave her alone", Bruno goes to his wolf form. "or what" the guy smirked, Yusa felt her eye change blood red and starts growling deadly. Jesse and Johan do the same thing, Yusei growls "or I'll kill you". Bruno walks out of the den, "sure shrimp" the guy goes to punch Yusei but Yusa caught his arm and pins the guy face first into the table and his hand pinned to his back. "I'm your worst nightmare, touch my brother/boyfriend I'll tear you till there's nothing left of you" Yusa roars her teeth showing as her true vampire came out scaring the guy to death, Johan and Jesse follows. 

Yusei watches, Bruno sniffs for food. Yusa pulls away "I'm going to work at the café you guys work at", Johan and Jesse follows. Yusei nods, "what would you like to hunt for" Bruno asked. "I'm leaving here" Yusa walks out, Crow gets up. "I don't know" the twins shrugs, Yusei goes over to Crow. "there's deer, elk and moose" Bruno thinks, "wow someone shouldn't mess with her" Crow said. "Moose" the twins said together, "Yeah" Yusei nods. "ok, lets go" Bruno said running in the direction of the moose, "so now what" Crow asked. The twins follows him, "Beats me" Yusei shrugs. Bruno sees a full buck moose, Crow shrugs. The was a scream and the sound of a cage closing, the twins stop wagging their tails. 

Yusei ears went up "come on let's see what going on", "whos first" Bruno wags his tail. Crow nods, "YUSEI" the voice screams. "Me" the twins said together, Yusei growls and runs fast "YUSA". Bruno chuckles and nods, Crow growls following. The truck was driving off with her in a cage, "BRO" Yusa cries in tears. The twins wags their tails fast, Yusei growls running to the truck and jumping into the back "sis I'm right here". "lets go" Bruno sneaks to the moose, Yusa whimpers. Crow jumps on the back "guys that dude isn't normal-whoa" he ducks seeing a silver bullet, the twins follow. Yusei breaks the cage open "what do you mean that the dude isn't normal", Bruno got close "ready". 

The guy shot Crow in the leg as he cried out, "vampire hunter" Yusa cries. The twins nods, Yusei growls and grabs Crow and Yusa before turning into his full vampire form and flying away. "NOW!" Bruno jumps on the moose clamping his teeth in its neck, Yusa clings to her brother. Crow gets the bullet out "damnit its a silver bullet if it got me in the heart I would be dead", Johan jump on the back biting. Jesse jump on it hunches and bit down, Yusei nods and looks back at the vampire hunter still flying. The moose finally was brought down, Bruno pants smiling. Yusa looks and saw a net getting shot at them, the twins smiles wagging their tails. Yusei growls and dodges it, "great job boys" Bruno smiles nuzzling them. 

Yusa hold her head groaning her eyes changing from blue to blood red and she starts growling deadly and opens her wings and flies to the hunter and bust through the windshield, "umm is she ok" Crow watched her. The twins purrs, "Yeah she still doesn't have control on her powers but yeah" Yusei nods. Bruno purrs "lets take this back to the den", seven rounds of gunshots were heard and a scream. "no your sister" Crow pins his ears, the twins nods. Yusei growls and quickly turns around and flies over there, Bruno grabs it and drags it home. Yusa was motionless and barley breathing with seven wounds, the twins follows. Yusei lands on the ground growling, Bruno gets it in the den "pups we got food". 

"Yu..sei, bro I got him" Yusa said weakly her eye half open and coughs up blood, Crow runs to Yusa and checks her over "the bullet barley missed her heart by 2cm". Jesse and Johan wags their tails, "We need to get it out of her and heal her fast" Yusei looks at him. Bruno wags his tail "where's the pups", Crow nods and carefully get Yusa out of the truck. Yusa whines in pain, Jesse and Johan thinks "asleep". Yusei nuzzles her, Bruno nods "lets eat then save the rest for later". Yusa purrs weakly and coughs up more blood, "lets get her surgery then heal her" Crow said. Jesse and Johan nods, Yusei nods "right". Bruno starts eating, Crow runs to the hospital holding Yusa. 

Jesse and Johan eats, Yusei follows them. Bruno eats till he's full and lets the twins eat, "Yusei stay here and the others" Crow told him. The twins eat what they want, Yusei pins his ears back and slowly nods. Bruno smiles, "I'll be careful, you have my word" Crow said then ran Yusa to surgery and got set up. The twins smilesYusei calls Bruno, "hey babe what's up" Bruno answered. "Its Yusa" Yusei whimpers, "what happen to her" Bruno whimpered. "A vampire hunter" Yusei whines, Bruno's eyes widen "is she you know" "She is alive just barely" Yusei whimpers. Bruno whimpers "boys wanna come with auntie Yusa was injured by a vampire hunter and just barely alive", the twins looks at their dad and nods. 

Yusei starts to cry scared, Bruno walks to the hospital. The twins follow, Yusei cries and curls up into a ball. Bruno walks into the hospital and to Yusei "babe" he nuzzles him, the twins walked to their mom. Yusei slowly uncurls and looks at him crying, Bruno hugs him "it will be alright, how bad where her wounds". Yusei lays his head on his chest "the silver bullet was 2 cm from her heart",  Bruno holds him close and kissed his eyes "I'm sorry babe, she's strong like you she'll come through". Yusei slowly nods still crying, Bruno nuzzles him. Crow walks out "guys", Yusei whimpers and looks at Crow. Crow walks to them with a smile "she'll pull through, wanna see her", Bruno smiles "see I told she will". 

Yusei nods "yes" "follow me guys" Crow smiles, Bruno nods. Yusei nods, Crow leads them to Yusa's room. Bruno picks Yusei up and follows Crow "come on boys", the twins nods following their parents. Yusei leans against Bruno, Crow opens the door for them. Yusa was laying on the bed not moving and hooked up to machines, Bruno pins his ears. Yusei looks and whimpers pinning his ears down, the twins goes over and gently nudges her. Yusa unconsciously grabs the twins hands, Bruno walks to the bed. The twins looks, Yusei whines. Yusa smiles her tail wagging, Bruno saw her tail and smiles. The twins smiles, Yusei let some tears falls. Yusa slowly opens her eyes "bro", Bruno nudges Yusei. 

Yusei ears went up and slowly looks over, "hey bro" Yusa smiles tiredly. "Hey sis" Yusei nuzzles her, Yusa purrs nuzzling him back and whines trying to sit up. Crow gently lays her down "don't move or you'll rip the stiches out", Yusei sits down next to her. "what happened" Yusa asked, Crow looks at Yusei. Yusei sighs "you got shot with a silver bullet" he pins his ears down, "and it was 2cm from your heart any closer and you would've died" Crow pins his ears. Yusa whines "I don't remember anything after bro saved me", Yusei pins his ears "oh". Ysua nuzzles him, Yusei purrs softly. Yusa purrs smiling, Yusei smiles. Yusa smiles and blushes when her stomach growls, Yusei chuckles.

Yusa pouts and sticks her tongue out, Yusei grins "you know you love me". Yusa looks at him "I'm hungry", Yusei chuckles "I know". Yusa pouts more, Yusei kissed her cheek. Yusa purrs smiling wagging her tail, Yusei smiles. Yusa smiles "love you bro", Yusei nuzzles her "I love you too". Yusa purrs nuzzling back, Yusei purrs. Yusa purrs, Yusei smiles "I'm glad your okay". Yusa nods "me too", Yusei hugs her gently. Yusa purrs hugging back, Yusei smiles. Yusa smiles and yawns, Yusei smiles. Yusa sleeps curling next to Yusei, Yusei smiles "how long will she have to stay here" "she can go home two days from today, we'll have to monitor her, and she need a lot of bed rest" Crow said. 

"Okay" Yusei nods, Crow smiles. Yusei smiles back, "so now what" Bruno asked. "We go home?" Yusei asked, Bruno nods. Jaden and Haou walks in and saw Yusa "what happen aunt Yusa", Yusei pins his ears not wanting to talk about it. Crow told the twins what happened, "we found a place that we might be safe, its a supernatural reserve that protects different supernaturals, but we can stay were we are if you want" the twins said. Yusei looks at Bruno, "if your ok with it then I am to" Bruno nuzzles him. "Okay" Yusei purrs, Bruno purrs and licks Yusei's lips. Jaden and Haou sighs "lets get to the pups and Vizor, I gotta odd feeling", Yusei blushes and opens his mouth.

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