Picturing Us

By hernameisnanii

488 3 6

Best friends are everything. They're always there for you, no matter what. Hanson Carter has two best friends... More

Picturing Us (1)
Picturing Us (2)
Picturing Us (3)
Picturing Us (4)
Picturing Us (5)
Picturing Us (7)
Picturing Us (8)
Picturing Us (9)
Picturing Us (10)
Picturing Us (11)
Picturing Us (12)
Picturing Us (13)
Picturing Us (14)
Picturing Us (15)
Picturing Us (16)
Picturing Us (17) {Final Chapter}

Picturing Us (6)

27 0 0
By hernameisnanii


"Dad, thanks so much for the dinner." my sister, Layla, said.

"That was great, honey." Mom added.

I stood there playing with my food, while everyone thanked my father. But hearing everyone thank my dad, it reminded me of all the other times that he took us out to eat. It wasn't really family time, it was his way of telling us something, that was bad, nicely.

"So, what's the news?" I went straight to it.

"Excuse me?" he asked. My mom and Layla turned to me, with concerned looks.

"It's the same thing. You do something good for us, then tell us something that is usually bad. What is it?" I explained.

"Levi, don't be rude." my mom added.

I ignored my mom and stared at my dad. He stared back, with nothing to say.

"So?" I asked.

He finally answered, hardly even taking a glance at me. "Just out of love."

"Sure." I mumbled under my breath.

There was a long silence. My phone vibrated, interrupting the silence. I checked it, seeing that it was a text grom Hanson. 'hey, what's up?' it read.

I smiled. To me, she just brightens my mood. 'at a dinner with the fam. and so far it's not going so well'

"Levi, you've made friends already?" Mom asked. I looked up, and saw all six eyes on me.

"Uh, yeah. Hanson."

"Wow. Usually,he doesn't make friends that quickly." my sister added.

I gave her a sarcastic smile and turned back to my mom. "So, is he nice?" she asked.

"She is."

My dad choked on the water he was drinking. He started coughing, while I stared at him. "She? So, a girl?"

"Yes, dad. Hanson's a girl." I ran my hand through my hair, irritated because of him.

"I didn't know you were so interested in girls." he added.

"Well, dad. I can have girl friends."

"Girl friends or girlfriends?"

I chuckled. I wasn't really attractive to some girls at my old school. I hung out with guys, not so much girls. But the thing is, my dad only pays attention to me, if I have a girl in my life. Which is never. "Do I automatically have to have a girlfriend? I mean, I know I wasn't popular but come on."

"Woah, calm down. I was just wondering."

Instead of saying anything else, I rolled my eyes. I really didn't want to argue with my dad. I looked over to my mom, who looked as if she was disappointed in the both of us. Her brown eyes, identical to mine, were looking down at her empty plate. My dad looked tired, his green eyes were turning red because of how tired he looked.

"Are we done here?" I asked. No one answered. "Okay, I'll be in the car." I picked up my napkin that was laying on my lap and threw it on top of my plate. I got up out my seat, then left the room, leaving my parents and my sister.

I took out my phone and saw another text from Hanson. I guess I didn't feel the vibration, so I didn't know sooner.

'aw, well here isn't any better. now that Finn's gone, i gotta try all this food.' it read. I smiled even bigger than before, paying all my attention on her and not on my family.


Today was a new day and instead of Finn picking me up, Finn made Matt pick me up. Something about Julia. But I kind of like going to school with Matt. He's like a nicer version of Finn.

I was taking pictures like usual when he spoke. "So, is this what you usually do when Finn takes you to school?"

"Uh, yeah. Every single time I do this, I always get a new picture." I said.

"Oh." he said. He paid attention back to the road. He started laughing, which was distracting me from my camera.

I turned around and stared at him. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Just...Just...You." he said, laughing so hard, he could hardly get any words out.

"Me?" I asked, confused.

"It's nothing bad." he finally said. "You're just so interested in pictures. Like who knew that a beautiful girl like you, who could be a cheerleader, and you just choose to take pictures."

I was confused on whether, he was insulting me or complimenting me. But before I could ask, we were at school.

"Hanson, it's a good thing." he said, before I opened the car door. I pretended to ignore him and just continued on. I got out of the car and put my camera in my satchel.

"Thanks, for the ride." I said, then walked toward the school. I looked down at the floor, toward my black converse, and shoved my hands into my hoodie pockets. I thought about what Matt had said. He said that I'm a beautiful girl, but I'm just too insecure to see it. But in a way, I do like who I am. I don't want to change, but I feel that I should.

"Hanson!" Rachel's voice yelled over to me. I looked up, to see her walking toward me. She was wearing a pink dress with black tights, and black flats. Her brown hair was left down, with her bangs hanging down.

I stopped and waited for her. "Hey." I said, once she got closer to me.

"So, I was thinking of an audition song. I know that you would be playing Sandy, so I decided to go for Rizzo, since Julia is too busy in cheer." she was talking really fast, but I was one of the only people who could actually understand her.

"So, what do you have?" I asked.

"'Mamma Mia' from the musical or 'Defying Gravity' from Wicked." she said.

"If you're trying out for Rizzo, you should sing a song that relates to the character." Levi appeared out of nowhere.

Rachel took a step closer to him. "Then what do you think I should sing?" she asked.

"Okay, Rizzo is sort of a badass character. She's sexy and she does what ever she wants." he said. He lifted his head in thought, and then snapped his finger as soon as he got an answer. "All That Jazz."

Rachel's mouth formed an 'O' shape. I guess she was surprised that he knew so much. "Oh my God, that's perfect!" she shouted. "Thanks!"

"No problem. We actors gotta look out for each other."

"I should get to the choir room and begin practicing before school starts! Bye!" she said, excitedly and then left.

I took my eyes off of Rachel and then turned to Levi. He laughed and so did I. He ran his hand through his hair, then finally spoke. "So, what's up?"

"Uh, nothing. My day hasn't really started yet, so yeah."

He chuckled. "So, yeah?" he mocked me.

"Yeah." I smiled. "Oh, so how was that dinner?" I asked, interested in his family life. Last night, he said that he was having a hard time.

"Oh, wasn't so well. Dad and I aren't really close, he's just not around." And that's what clicked. Him and I have so much in common, it was ridiculous. My dad was in the Navy, so I hardly ever get to see him. It's nice to have a friend who feels the same way. Rachel has both a dad and a mom, who always supports her, while Finn's parents support him too. Well, at least when he's doing what they say.

"My dad's in the Navy. He's hardly around, too." I added.

"Really? What about you mom?" he asked.

"She...she's dead."

He frowned. "I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's cool."

We continued walking into the school and then hung out at a bench. We were about ten minutes early, so we just sat and talked. Until, Finn and Julia arrived.

"Morning Hanson, morning Levi." Julia said. She looked up at Finn, who rolled his eyes. "Finn?"

"Morning." he said, sarcastically. I ignored his sarcasm and greeted them, while Levi did the same.

"Hey, babe. You never told me about what happened during your guys' practice, yesterday. What happened?" Julia asked, looked at the three of us.

"Uh, well." I began.

"Nothing really." Levi saved me.

"Yeah." I agreed.

Finn crossed his arms. "Are you two sure, nothing happened?" he asked.

"Yes, Finn. Nothing happened." I said, instantly getting angry with him after only three minutes with him.

"That's not how I remember it." he added.

"Well, how do you remember it?" Julia asked, turning to Finn.

"Finn, can I speak to you, for a second?" I asked, standing up.

He rolled his eyes and nodded, then followed me a couple steps away.

"What?" he asked.

"Okay, I get that you're my best friend and that you want me to be safe. But Finn, I'm not a baby, alright. So, just stay out of my love life." I said.

"Hanson, I'm just trying to help."

"No, your not. You're making things worse."

He scratched the back of his neck, then continued talking. "Hanson, I'm your best friend and I want to protect you."

"Oh my God, Finn. You just don't get it. You spend so much time, worrying about me and I don't need your help."

"Well, maybe you don't need me either." he mumbled. He had anger written on his face. I couldn't help but feel guilty, because that was definitely not what I meant. "Hey, let's just not be friends. You can have Levi defend you when Jeremy Cummings tortures you. You can have Levi take you to school. You can also have Levi fall in love with you for the last three years. Okay?" He yelled.

I took a step back. "What?"

"Yeah, I said it. I've been in love with you since the day I met you. But you're a loser. You're not popular, you're not a cheerleader, and your definitely not girlfriend material. That's why I chose Julia instead of you. Although, I've been kissing her, I picture you." he said in anger.

I had no words to say. I was surprised and hurt. But mostly hurt. Although I know that Finn's a jerk, I never thought that he would call me a loser.

He finally noticed the pain on my face, the cooled down. "You know I didn't mean that, Hannie." he said.

"Don't call me that. You're right. I'm a loser and I don't need you." I turned around and walked away, hoping that Finn wasn't following me. I turned and looked back, and saw him. Standing there, with Julia by his side.

The bell rang, and I headed toward my first class. It was English, with Finn and I just didn't want to be near him.

I sat in my seat, which was next to Finn's. I totally ignored him, not even trying to even think about him.

Levi sat in front of me. He turned around in his seat and looked over at me. "Hey, you alright? You kinda stormed away?" he asked.

"Yeah, just problems. Nothing big."

"Okay, class." Mr. Brown interrupted. "Who has heard about the book, The Notebook by Mr. Nicholas Sparks?"

I raised my hand, because it had perfect relation to the current events.

"Ms. Carter?" Mr. Brown pointed at me.

"It's basically about this girl who falls in love and she decides to listen to what everybody else says and chooses not to love the person who she really loves." I said.

"But." Finn interrupted. "That didn't mean that she still didn't love him."

I turned toward him. "Yeah, but she wasn't too busy thinking about what everyone else says, Allie and Noah could've been together."

"Yeah, well Noah was a loser."

"Allie shouldn't really care about whether or not Noah was a loser. If she really loved him, she would've stayed. Allie is just a snobby rich kid, who thinks that she can get whatever she wants. But Noah's just wrapped around her finger. But of course I'm not like that."

"Hanson, what does this have to do with you?" Finn asked.

"I could ask you the same thing. Mr. Brown did call on me."

"Okay, calm down." Mr. Brown said. "In a way, the both of you are right, yet wrong." he continued talking, while I made eye contact with Finn.

Yeah, everything have definitely changed.


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