Nemily: Real Or Fake?

By niallspopsicle

23K 315 169

[RE-EDITING] Niall Horan. The only one in One Direction who hasn't had a girlfriend in a few years. Managemen... More

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167 1 1
By niallspopsicle

Edited May 22, 2016

Niall pov.

Louis seemed to have forgotten what happened last night. He didn't bring it up this morning. And I hope it doesn't come up during the radio interview we have.

"And we are back! That was Black Widow by Iggy Azalea feat Rita Ora. I have been addicted to that song for a few weeks now. Amber can confirm that." Ben spoke into the mic.

We waited silently for our interview to start up. "I can confirm that. He's been trying to rap Iggys part every time. I gotta say, it needs major work."

"Thank you, Amber. Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! Sitting across from Amber and I. It's the worlds biggest boy band since they erupted from X Factor in 2010 in the UK. It's One Direction!"

We all stood and cheered as Ben played a clip of Best Song Ever. "Welcome. Here infront of me, we have Zayn, Louis, Niall, Harry, and Liam."

We said hi into the microphones. Amber started asking questions first. "Before we go onto twitter and Facebook questions, we have prepared a few questions for you. Okay. First question is, What's it like being on a world tour?"

Zayn took this question. "It's absolutely amazing. Think about it. Four years ago, we were just touring around performing in theaters. Then for our Take Me Home Tour, we were in arenas with thousands of our fans. And now, we were in stadiums, performing for thousands and thousands. It can be overwhelming but we love it."

Ben asked the next one. "Is it nice having your significant other on tour?"

Louis spoke. "Yeah. It's very nice. We get to see her everyday and hang out. We don't have to worry about time zones. But there are downfalls for others."

My eyes got really big. "Niall, your eyes just got really big. You recently confirmed an engagement and pregnancy with your fiancé, Emily, right?" I nod. "Is the precious innocent Irishman, which is what your fans call you, something else? Is that what Louis meant as downfalls for others?"

I blush. "Next question please." I respond. Louis laughs and the others are clueless.

Louis spoke into my ear. "Niall, lad. Lock the door next time."

I laugh and Amber asks Harry a question. "If you could go back and do one song over again on the X Factor, what would it be and why?"

"Ooh. That's tough." Harry commented. "You know what? I'd go back and redo Viva La Vida." We all agreed with him.

"And Liam. Question for you." Ben began. "What do you wish the band still did on tour that you don't do now?"

"Easy. The twitter questions."

I agreed happily to that.

We moved onto twitter questions.


Many questions and a few songs later, we were done. "Okay. Lunch and then you've got some time to rest. Then in about six hours, you have got soundcheck and the concert begins an hour after that with 5SOS then you come in two hours after that." Paul read off the schedule. We nodded and returned to our hotel rooms.

Liam, Sophia, Eleanor, Louis, Emily and I all went out for lunch as some burger place. It was nice. The burgers were just perfect.

After lunch, we strolled around the shopping mall and Emily bought a milkshake and fries for her cravings.

We returned to the hotel and found Perrie hanging with Zayn in the pool that we inky have access to. "PERRIE!" I cheer. I climb into the pool and dog paddle over there.

"EMILY!" she met me half way and we hugged. Eleanor and Sophia made it a group hug.

"Perrie! Are you really pregnant?" Eleanor asks. Perrie nodded.

"How long?" I ask.

"A week after you!"

"Ah! Our babies can grow up together!"

I swear we are normal. We played chicken fights again and I won again. Niall and I make a good team! "Okay guys! Time to get ready. You gotta shower and change." Paul said.

We all swam to the sides and got out. Niall helped me out like a gentleman.

An hour later, we were all ready. I changed into dungarees and a long sleeved crop top with strawberry all over the top. I pulled on red Doc Martins and joined the girls. The boys already left due to traffic. "Ready?" Perrie asked.

I nodded and grabbed my phone and sunglasses.

We exited through the back of the hotel and got into the black van waiting for us. Fans hammered on the windows and the screams were muffled but loud. We pulled out onto the street and a cop car pulled in front of us, turning on the lights and sirens. One pulled behind us and did the same. We cruised through red lights and traffic.

We reached the stadium and parked backstage. Fans standing above us yelled for our attention and we waved a couple times.

They let us walk around backstage and explore. I set off looking for Niall.

We got there just as the stadium began filling up. "Where's Niall?" I ask a guard.

"He's resting." The guard commented. "How the hell did you get back here? Do you have a pass?"

"I'm his fiancé. And I want to know where my fiancé is!"

The guard didn't know if he should tell me. "Forget it. I'll find him myself."

"Miss, I can't allow you to wander around backstage without a pass." He tried to stop me by grabbing my arm.

I jerk back. "Don't touch me, I'm with child. Niall's for your information. Touch me again and I'll report you." I walk away, flipping him off.

I circle backstage and look I'm dressing rooms. I find Ashton on a Segway. "Hey! Emily!" He pulled to a stop. "Looking for Niall?"

I nod. "Do you know where he is?"

"Last I saw him, he was in his dressing room. But I heard he and Harry went off somewhere in the stadium."

I nod. "Can I just hang with you?"

Ashton nodded. "Let's get you a Segway!"

Ten minutes later, three security guards were chasing after us as we rode our segways. Kinda like in the Hannah Montana movie. I don't know how they haven't caught us. These things aren't that fast. We rode them by a corridor where the stadium was and did a circle, out to it. A whole bunch of girls went berserk.

Security finally caught us and brought us backstage. "I swear to god you two were birthed by Louis." One comments and walks away. Ashton and I burst into fits of laughter.

"Emily!" I heard my name. I look up and find Niall running to me with his arms wide open.

"Niall!" I run and meet him and even though it's been like two hours we have seen each other, I missed him terribly.

"I saw you and Ashton on the segways. They're fun, right?"

I nod. "Do they have food?"

Niall laughs and led me to his dressing room that he and Harry shared. A whole table of food was laid out. Everything from finger sandwiches that rich people eat at tea time to fudge. I grabbed a cupcake with a variety of fruits on the side and sat down.

Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Louis walked in with El, Sophia, and Perrie. "I dare you to stuff that cupcake in your mouth." Louis dared.

I cocked an eye brow and took off the paper. "And if I do?"

"Then I'll let you pour a bucket of water on me plus I'll help you prank 5SOS when they perform. And if you don't, I get to dump a bucket of water on you onstage and make you sing Rock Me with us."


We shook hands. I stuffed the cupcake, icing and all, into my mouth. I chewed and chewed and chewed and swallowed, bowing. "I believe I win." I comment, rather sassily, drinking some water.

"That's my girl." Niall commented, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Anyone could stuff a cupcake in their mouths."

He grabbed one and tried to stuff it into his mouth. And failed. Half the cupcake landed on the floor, which he cleaned up after Eleanor told him to.

"Okay, maybe not everyone." He grabbed a bottle of water. "Here's the plan."


Yay! It's a long chapter.

- e.h.

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