Abandoned Human Robot (Cyborg...

By MedafighterOK

82.4K 969 1.2K

20 Years ago, before Ruby joined Beacon or Penny was created. Atlas needed someone who was wanting to see if... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Keiti's Bio
Chapter 6
Which Girl to Date
I Need Suggestions and Ideas
Chapter 8
Bad News

Chapter 7

4.6K 76 205
By MedafighterOK


-Slayer's POV-

I stormed out of the elevator and left the tower fumming over what happened there. I not only met my creator, but found out that he's my "father" who tried to have me killed, and he blames ME for not protecting my sister!?!? Of course I was fucking pissed off! I looked around Beacon and noticed that there were Atlas soldiers everywhere and I was getting more angry at seeing them, so I went to the schools garden to calm down for a bit before I my emotions got the better of me and I activate my semblance by accident. I REALLY don't want to have a repeat of what happened 20 years ago.

Once I got to the garden, I didn't see anyone here. No soldiers, no students, no one. The only things that I saw were beautiful plants, a small river, a small waterfall, and the sounds of the birds singing, and soft crying......

Slayer: [Wait. Crying?]

I walked and looked around and found Velvet crying. Her backwas facing towards me and she was sitting on a bench and seemed to be occupied with rubbing her rabbit ears while her free hand was wiping across her eyes every now and again.

Slayer: [Is she crying?]

I walked up behind her and tapped her on her shoulder, startling her as she jumped off the bench and turned around and saw me.

Velvet: Slayer, h-hi. What are you doing her?

Slayer: I came here to find to find some peace and quiet,. Mind if I sit with you?

Velvet: N-No, not at all.

We both sat down on the bench together and stared at the beauty of nature for a while in silence until I decided to ask her what's wrong, but I got a feeling that I know what it was.

Slayer: Are you okay?

Velvet: Everything's fine. Why would you ask?

Slayer: Because I hears you crying while holding your ears and wiping your eyes.

Velvet: That was just.... the wind making them water.

Slayer: You're lying.

Velvet: N-No I'm not.

Slayer: You don't hold your ears in pain while wiping tears and making crying noises, Velvet.

She looked at me shocked for a second before looking down at the ground. I looked at her rabbit ears and saw one of them was swollen.

Slayer: Here, lemme help you.

She looked at me confused as I raised my right hand to her swollen ear and focused my aura into it, making it glow red, and lightly touched her ear. She winched in pain a bit, but soon started to relax as the swelling went down. I removed my hand and smiled at her.

Slayer: How does it feel?

She rubbed the ear that was swollen was surprised that there wasn't anymore pain coming from it.

Velvet: H-How did you do that?

I chuckled.

Slayer: It's a trick I learned a few years ago when I was fighting. I can channel my aura into certain parts of my body by focusing and it can either deal more damage to my enemies or help heal someone faster.

Velvet: That's really cool. I never thought that was possible.

Slayer: It is, but it's risky to use since it will drain your aura faster. They use to teach it back at Atlas until they realized that it did more harm than good, so they stopped teaching it. But, I learned how to use it on my own without any help, and it's been useful ever since.

Velvet: That's impressive.

Slayer: Thanks.

We sat in awkward silence for a while before I said something.

Slayer: So, what kind of weapon do you use?

Velvet: Huh? Oh, I use a box and a camera.

I looked at her confused.

Slayer: A box? And, a camera? Really?

Velvet: Yes. It's capable of creating solid "light copies" of any weapon that I have photographed using hard light technology, which I can then use in battle.

I went from being confused to shock and surprised.

Slayer: And, you've mastered using every type of weapon out there? How is that possible!?

Velvet: I-it's because of my semblance. It's  called Mimicry.

Slayer: Ahhhh, so your camera and box makes the copies of the weapons, and you copy their weilder's fighting style.

Velvet: Yes, that's right. How did you know?

Slayer: You said that your semblance was mimicry, which means that you can either copy someones semblance, or their fighting style. And, since your weapon makes copies of weapons, it wasn't hard to figure out which one it was.

I smiled at her.

Velvet: C-Can I ask you a question?

Slayer: Sure.

Velvet: What is your weapon and semblance?

I frozen when she asked that and slowly looked in front of me and away from her. She looked at me confused.

Velvet: Slayer?

Slayer: To be honest, I didn't think that you'd ask my semblance. But, my weapon is this.

I lifted the back of my jacket a bit and showed her the warp pack that's on my belt.

Slayer: It's called a Warp Pack. I got it when I was with Atlas a few years back and it allows me to store any weapons, armors, and ammo I have inside of it. I have a mechanical armor named Shadow Core with a ton of weapon attachments and equipment that it can use, I have a bunch of different types of guns to the point where I can say that I have an arsenal, and as for ammo.... Let's just say that I have bullets for days.

Velvet: Bullets for days?

Slayer: Bullets for days.

Velvet: And, what about your semblance?

I was silent for a minute before looking around to see if any of Atlases soldiers were around. When the coast was clear, I sighed and looked slightly down in sadness.

Slayer: It's not one that I'm proud of. It's known as Ironbody, or Invincibility. It makes me immune to any attack, wether it's bullets, blades, explosives, vehicles, anything. It won't hurt me at all, but it drains a lot of energy out of me fast so it only lasts for about, maybe between thirty minutes and an hour, depending on the condition I'm in.

Velvet: How come you hate it? It sounds cool if you ask me.

Slayer: It's because I can only activate it when I'm extremely angry to the point where I go into a blood rage, and once it's activated there's no way for me to shut it off. The only way it's been able to turn off is when it drains me of all of my stamina to the point that I passout. But, because of this, I gave it a new name.... I call it Berserk. That's why I hate it.

I looked down at my hand and clinched my fist.

Slayer: It's also the reason why I left Atlas, and why I call myself a monster....

She stared at me with shock then sadness.

Velvet: O-Oh... I'm sorry.

she looked down at the ground for a while, but I place my hand on her head causing her to jump a bit and look at me confused. I looked at her with a small smile on my face.

Slayer: Nah, don't worry about it.

I said as I patted her head and made her slightly blush.

Slayer: You didn't know about it, so it's not your fault.

I removed my hand and we sat in silence again before she said something.

Velvet: Why did you help me?

Slayer: Hmm? What do you mean?

Velvet: When Cardin and his team were bullying me at lunch. Why did you help me? I thought a human would never stick up for me, let alone someone from Atlas.

Slayer: Three reasons. One, humans and faunus' are the same. Two, I hate people that bullies others just because they're different or not perfect. And three, I couldn't standby and watch a beautiful girl such as yourself get bullied by a bunch of punks. If I did, then I wouldn't have the right to call myself a human.

I hugged her for several seconds and pulled away. Her eyes widen and her face turned red. I looked at her confused.

Slayer: Are you alright, Velvet? Your face is red.

Velvet: O-Oh, y-y-yes! I-I'm fine! H-Hey, uh, I got to go find my team and help them with... something! I'll see you later! It was nice talking with you!

Slayer: You too, Velvet.

She runs off out of the garden as I smile and wave at her. When she was gone, I continued to sit on the bench and think to myself.

Slayer: [I wonder why her face turned red when I called her beautiful?]

-Ten Seconds Later-

My face immediately turns red and I lean back while covering it in.


I leaned forward and was now holding my head and I started to panic.

Slayer: [I've never said that to anyone before! Well, I've said it to Keiti, but she's my sister! But, I ACTUALLY said it to another girl!!! What am I going to do!? What if she doesn't like me!? What if she fimds out who and what I am!? What if she thinks I'm a freak or a monster!? I'VE NEVER EXPERIENCED THIS TYPE OF FEELING BEFORE!!!!!!!]

My thoughts were interrupted when my scroll went off. I stopped panicking and looked at it to see that I got a text message from Keiti.

Keiti (Text): Did you find out why there are Atlas soldiers here?

I sighed in frustration. I was busy being angry and talking to Velvet that I forgot to message her after I talked to Ozpin.

Slayer (Text): Yeah, I did. Good news is that they're not here for us. Bad news is that I met 'him' there when I got there.

I sent the message and I didn't get a response for a couple of minutes before my scroll went off again.

Keiti (Text): Please tell me that you didn't kill him.....

Slayer (Text): No, but came damn near close to doing it! *Sigh* I'll show you the video that I took of it later. I need to learn to control my emotions and not get angry.

Keiti (Text): Are you finally going to take anger management classes again?

Slayer (Text): HELL NO!!!

Keiti (Text): Why not?

Slayer (Text): Because they never understand what I'm talking about, and I nearly blew one of them up last time! I'm not doing that shit again!

Keiti (Text): Good point. What are you going to do then?

Slayer (Text): I don't know. Probably do some yoga, or take some lessons from Ren on how to stay calm. By the ways, where are you?

Keiti (Text): I'm at the library with team RWBY and JNPR.

Slayer (Text): Alright, I'm going back to our dorm and finish making some equipment for us. You stay safe, okay?

Keiti (Text): Okay.

-Time Skip-

I finally finished making the equipment that Keiti wanted me to make for her. She knows how to make her own, but I'm better at making them than her and she's also focused on trying to make me a new core for my body, so I was more than happy to make them. I looked outside and saw that it was now night time. I looked back at the equipment and was very pleased with them. I made white mechanical boots that she could wear while wearing her shoes that will allow her to jump higher, wall jump, and land without injuring herself. Next were orange mechanical gloves with retractable claws that will allow her to grapple or grab things better. And, last was a grappling gun that is the size of a pistol that'll be able to support my weight and will quickly pull you when you pull the trigger, and stop when you pull the trigger again.

I've tested them all out already, and they work fine. I look over to Keiti's bed and see that she fell asleep with a book that she got from the library still open and lying on her chest. I smiled and chuckled a bit. I walked over and closed the book then set it on the bed stand next to her bed. I looked at the book and saw that it was one about machines and programming.

Slayer: [She must be trying to catch up on today's technology so that she can make me a new core. Heh, I'll give her equipment to her in the morning.]

I stached them inside of my warp pack then got ready for bed and went to sleep.

-Keiti's POV-

I woke up the next morning feeling a little groggy. I looked over and saw my brother, Meda, or as the other students call him, Slayer, still sleeping. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, then got dressed, and walked over to his bed and held my scroll above his chest where his core was to check it. After a minute I got the results and said that his core power was at 78%.

(A/N: From Keiti's POV, Slayer will be called Meda since that's his real name, but to everyone elses he'll be called Slayer.)

Keiti: [He must of stayed up really late to make the equipment I asked for. I'll let him sleep in and wake him up when I come back from breakfast.]

I walked to the cafeteria and grabbed my food and saw teams RWBY and JNPR sitting at a table eating and I sat down with them.

Keiti: Good morning everyone.

Pyrrha: Good morning, Keiti! How are you?

Keiti: A little tired from staying up most of the night reading, but other than that I'm fine. How about you?

Pyrrha: Not much. We all just woke up and started eating breakfast.

Yang: Hey, where's Slayer?

Keiti: He's back at our dorm still asleep. He almost pulled an all nighter working on the equipment that I asked him to make, so I decided to let him sleep in and wake him up when I get back from breakfast.

-10 Minutes After Keiti Left, Slayer's POV-

I woke up irritated, and confused by the sound of someone banging on my door.

???: Slayer! Open up now!

I got out of bed and opened it to see that it was Coco.

Coco: Good; you're awake.

Slayer: Yeah, cause someone was banging my door and was about to kick it down. Do you need something or-

Coco: What did you do to Velvet yesterday?

The tone in her voice sounded like she was accusing me of doing something terrible to Velvet.

Slayer: What are you talking about? I didn't do anything to her.

Coco: Then explain why she came back to our room red as a Pyrrha's hair after she talked to you yesterday? Did you do something funny to her?

Slayer: What? No, of course not! Why would I do something 'funny' to her? Also, how do you know that I talked to her yesterday?

Coco: She told me that she talked to you, but wouldn't say anything else. So, what did you do then?

Slayer: We talked, I called her hughed her, and called her beautiful; nothing else.

After I said that my eyes widen and I quickly covered my mouth and my face turned slightly red as I'm embarrassed that I said that out loud. I'm not use to feeling love after what happened 20 years ago, so I'm still recovering my emotions from it. Coco tilted her head in confusion.

Coco: You hugged her and called her beautiful? That's all?

I uncovered my mouth and regained my composure.

Slayer: Yes. I was talking to her, getting to know each other a little better, and I got caught up in the moment and hugged her while saying that she was beautiful. And, how can't I? She's sweet, kind, beautiful, has the cutest smile I've ever seen and....

I stopped with my mouth still open as I realized what I said while my face turned red from embarrassment again. A smile was growing on Coco's face and turned into an amused smirk.

Coco: Sounds like someone has a crush.

I was speechless and didn't move. It felt like every joint in my body was frozen. After a few minutes, I finally was able to speak.

Slayer: .... I don't.... Know if.... I do....

She giggled at my reaction and pauses in my words.

Coco: What's the matter? Bunny got your tongue?

Slayer: Shut up.

She giggles again.

Coco: So, do you like her? Yes or no, do you like her?

I was silent for a few seconds.

Slayer: I've only known her for a short time, I doubt that she has feelings for me.

Coco: Oh, I think she does.

I looked at her confused.

Slayer: What do you mean? How would you know?

Coco: Its just a hunch. But, she did come to apologize and thank you after you saved her, remember?

I do remember that. But, how could she have feelings for me when we've only met twice? Sure I hugged her and called her beautiful, but she probably gets called that all the time, right?

Coco: Anyways, I'm glad that we got that cleared up. Want to come with me to the cafeteria for breakfast? Velvet is there already.

Slayer: Sure, lemme get dressed first.

-5 Minute Time Skip, Keiti's POV-

I was still in the cafeteria with team RWBY and JNPR, and I throwing away trash was about to sit back down with them when I heard someone cry in pain and laughter from another table. I looked behind team JNPR and saw a girl with long brown hair and ears having her ears pulled by a guy wearing knights armor with orange hair and his friends gathered in front of the girl and were laughing. I looked at them angerily and tapped Ruby on her shoulder and pointed at the orange haired guy.

Keiti: Who's that?

She looked at who I was pointing at and frowned.

Ruby: That's Cardin and his team, CRDL, they're just a bunch of bullies.

Keiti: Time for the bullies to be taught a lesson.

Before I could move, the doors of the cafeteria were suddenly slammed open, startling all of us and looking in its direction to see that my brother had spartan kickid it open and a girl with short dark brown hair, and wearing sunglasses,  a brown long sleeve shirt, black pants, and two ammo belts and both of them looked angry.

Brown Hair Girl: Get away from Velvet, Cardin!

Cardin: Well, well, well. The leader of team CFVY, Coco Adel, has finally showed up. What do you want?

I look at my brother and see that his face didn't look angry anymore, instead he was smiling and he lightly snapped his finger.

Keiti: [I know that look. He has an idea.]

He pulls what looks like a pistol sized grappling gun out from behind his back and shot it at the ceiling and raised himself all the way up. I looked around and saw that no one had noticed what he was doing and they were all focused on Coco and team CRDL arguing.

Coco: I want you assholes to leave her alone!

Cardin: And what are you going to do to stop me, huh?

I was still looking at my brother, who detached the grappling hook and was starting to fall for a bit, then shot it again, once hook was back it the gun, at the beam that was above team CRDL and Velvet , and was now swinging down at them with his feet straight in front of him,


Everyone looks at Meda as his feet slams into team CRDL and sends them flying to the other end of the cafeteria and land inside of the kitchen and making a bunch of crashing noises. And, judging by the sound of it, they crashed into EVERYTHING in there. I looked at my bro to see that he's still swinging with the grappling gun and that he was at full swing and was now coming back down while swinging. He turns around on it and hold out his left arm to his side.


He said as he swoops up Velvet off of her feet.

Velvet: EEP!

He holds her in one arm, like she was a baby as she had her arms wrapped around his neck. He then detaches the hook and goes back into the gun and sends it back into his warp pack, then holds Velvet bridal style and he slids on the floor and stops short in front of Coco.


He leans his head back as he sings with a smile and he then looks at Velvet as we all see that she was blushing. Coco smiles at them.

Coco: Awwww, you two look so cute together.

My brother looks at her confused for about ten seconds before he then realized what he did and he blushes as his eyes widen a bit, but he then regains his composure and smiles.

Velvet: D-Do you think you can put me down now?

He gently sets her down.

Keiti: Well, well, well, seems my little brother has a crush on a certain someone. Velvet just blushes even redder.

He looks at me surprised and his eyes widen, he goes to say something but nothing comes out.

Meda: I.... Gah.... Wha.... Uh....

Coco and I laugh at him.

Keiti: What's wrong, bro? Having trouble of putting words together?

He looks at me annoyed and gives me the finger as we laugh at him. Velvet taps his right shoulder and gets his attention.

Velvet: Thank you for protecting me, Slayer.

He smiles and nods.

Meda: A-Any time Velvet.

Coco: Hey Velvet, are you done eating? We have to be heading out for the mission pretty soon.

Velvet: Yeah, one sec.

She leans into his ear and whispered something that made him blush even harder. His eyes widen and looks shocked and surprised, then she kissed his cheek and his entire face turns red as she blushes harder. And, then she runs out the cafeteria with Coco chasing her. Meda continued to stand there and was still red in the face. Jaune gets up and waves his hand in front of him, but he doesn't respond. He then taps his shoulder and Meda still did respond.

Ren: Are you okay, Slayer?

He falls backwards and passes out.

Keiti: Huh, I guess Meda_Slayer.exe has stopped responding.


A/N: Hello readers! Sorry for not writing this for a very LOOOOONG time. But, things went downhill after my last post and I was busy trying to get a job, get my life straightened out, and think of what to do next in the story. Only reason why I got this far and updated it really fast is because I planned it ahead of time, but this time I didn't and I'm not good at writing stuff about love and junk, so I had to read love stories to get an idea on what to write. Speaking of love, if you haven't guess it, it's Velvet Scarlatina.

But, anyways, I'll post the next chapter sometime soon, hopefully, and I'm sorry if this one seemed short, but, hey you can't blame me, I'm writing this story on my phone and it's not exactly easy to do it because it'll erase what you wrote sometimes. So, yeah. Let me know what you think, and I'll chat with you guys later. Bye!

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