The Return of the Cheated Wife

By Black21Swan

1.1M 3.8K 537

"I never love you, Celeste!" "Why, Logan? Why? Am I not enough? What did I do wrong?" Celeste asked him, cry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

40K 754 162
By Black21Swan

" Today is Saturday, Logan! Can't you postpone your work first?" Jessica asked Logan."I need to finish them, so I'm ready for Monday," Logan replied to Jessica.Jessica held her breath because of what Logan said. Jessica looked at the boy beside her. She frowned as she looked at Logan." Even for Jude, Logan. Is it really not possible? " Jessica asked Logan.Logan stopped what he was doing. He looked at Jude. He saw the boy's face frowning as he looked at him. The child's eyes were pleading.Logan closed his eyes because of what he saw. He knew he couldn't deny his son but what he was doing was important."I'll just finish what I'm doing, and tomorrow, we'll go out," Logan said.Jude's face brightened because of what Logan said."Promise, Daddy?" he asked Logan.He didn't answer the boy and continued what he was doing."Baby, go out first, and Daddy and I will just talk," Jessica ordered her son."But..." the boy couldn't finish what he was going to say when she looked at him with her eyes.The boy just bowed and left Logan's office here in his house."I just want to remind you, Logan, what your obligation is," Jessica immediately said to Logan.Logan looked at Jessica. He could see Jessica's disgusted face." I know my obligation, Jessica, and you also know where you will be! " Logan answered her." I guess you're forgetting how the black moon company, our company helped the Buenaventura's, Logan? " said Jessica." Because of me, Buenaventura would have been gone for four years! Because of me, you would have been living in the mud!" She added.Since the news of Celeste's death, the Buenaventura Groups and Companies led by Logan have also had one problem after another. To avoid falling entirely, he agreed to what Jessica wanted, their marriage, so the two of them were together with their child.Logan glared at Jessica for what she said."You know what happened, Jessica, so doesn't blame me for that!" Logan scolded Jessica.Jessica was silent because of what Logan said."You're lucky because even though you're treating me like this, you're enjoying the help from my family! Because of Jude, because of our son!" Jessica replied to Logan.Logan held his breath because of what Jessica said. He just ignored it and continued what he was doing."Tomorrow, we will go out! Whether you like it or not!" Jessica told him firmly.Jessica came out of Logan's office in their house. When Jessica got out, Logan looked at a charcoal painting on his cellphone screen cover.Logan just shook his head and continued what he was doing.Meanwhile, Jade, Celestine, and Roma were in the living room having a snack. They were watching a children's show that Roma loved."Roma is good at speaking English. I won't have any trouble communicating with him!" Jade said to her friend Celestine."We use English when we're together, but when we're out in Spain, we speak Spanish," Celestine told her."Now that you're here, Celestine, are you going to continue with your plan?" Jade suddenly asked her.Celestine looked at her friend."Roma, can you go to the room first, and Aunty Jade and I can talk?" Celestine ordered her son."But what I'm watching isn't over yet," Roma denied his mother." Wasn't my advice to you not to listen to the talk of the elders?"Roma just frowned because of what his mother said. He stood up and walked towards their room.When Roma got inside, Celestine looked at Jade again." I've been preparing for this for almost six years, Jade! I can't forget what Logan did to me! He has to pay for all his sins!" Celestine angrily answered her friend.Jade just sighed because of what her friend said. She knew all about what had happened. When Celeste, now known as Celestine, went to Europe, she was the only one who sympathized with her, and she was one of her eyes to see what was happening in the city." Do you know that at first, I couldn't believe Logan could do that, Celestine? If you look at him, he is kind and good at being with people, and there is nothing on his face that would do such a bad thing! " Jade commented to Logan.Celestine shook her head because of what her friend said."Do you know what they are saying, Jade?" she asked his friend with a smile.Jade listened curiously to what Celestine was going to say to her." The man with the angelic face hides the devils inside! " She said." Not everything that our eyes see in a person is true. Sometimes, what they show is just a big mask to carry out their plan," she added.Jade nodded because of what Celestine said. She was right. Even the people around us, friends or family members, we don't know what's in their hearts, what's in their minds!" So if I were you, don't give all your trust to one person because everything in the world changes. It changes what experiences are passed through," she admonished her friend.Because of what he said, Celestine remembered Selena, the person she had sympathized with since childhood, except for her parents."It looks like you're ready to meet him again," Jade pointed out to her friend." I'm already here, Jade. I'm ready to face the Devil's emissary, Logan!"After they finished talking, Celestine went to her son, who was in their room. When he entered, he saw him busy playing on his phone. Roma glanced at his mother.Celestine smiled at him and approached her son."Tomorrow, we will go to the mall to buy your things," Celestine said."Yes, Mom," he answered.They stayed inside their room, resting from their flight yesterday because they also traveled for almost half a day from Europe to here in the country.The next day, it was nine in the morning when the three of them left for the mall. They will buy Roma's things for his entry into Primary school.Morgan Groups of Companies told him then they would stay here in the country for more than a year for the agreement of Buenaventura groups of Companies and Morgan Groups of Companies. That's enough for Celestine to get what's rightfully hers and make Logan pay for the sins he committed!When they arrived at the mall, they immediately bought clothes for both. Jade, on the other hand, left to go shopping for Roma's things for his entrance into a Primary school.Celestine has arranged for Roma to enter even though he was still in Europe, so that Roma will join on Monday. Jade will watch over him, so Celestine has no problem with it.While they were busy shopping for clothes, Roma's attention was aroused by a boy. He was alone and crying."Daddy, Mommy!" the child shouted, crying and looking around.People who pass by him look at him, but they don't help him.Roma looked at his mother, who was talking to a saleslady. Roma had the opportunity to approach the crying boy."Are you lost?" Roma asked the boy. He was crying, and Roma knew the boy was also afraid because he was alone.The boy looked at Roma. He nodded in response.Roma approached the boy and held him by the shoulder."What happened, and you lost?" asked Roma.The boy wiped the tears from his eyes and answered Roma's question."I saw Daddy come out of the shop earlier while we were shopping. Then I followed him, but he walked quickly. I was about to go back to the shop where Mommy is, but I don't know where it is," the boy answered."Would you like to come with us while no one is looking for you? Mommy is inside shopping, and we will tell her what happened," Roma suggested to the boy.The boy looked at him and nodded. Together, they entered the shop where Roma was from and approached his mother."Who is this boy, Roma?" Celestine asked her son."He's missing, Mom. Let's help him find his parents," Roma said to his mother.Celestine looked at the boy, "What's your name, baby?" Celestine asked the boy."Jude," the boy answered, bowing down."Ok, Jude. This is what we're going to do, huh? We're going to the Information Desk so they can page you," Celestine said to the boy."Can I see Daddy and Mommy?" the child asked in tears.Celestine smiled at the boy and stroked his hair."Of course. They might be looking for you now," Celestine answered.The boy raised his head. Because of Celestine's smile, the boy's chest relaxed."Wait, and I'll just ask where the Information Desk is so we can go there," said Celestine.Jude looked at Roma, who also smiled at him."Don't be afraid and cry. You will find your parents," Roma told him.When a saleslady directed them where the Information desk was, they immediately walked towards it.When they arrived, Celestine told them what they meant."What is the child's name, and who are his parents?" asked the man at the Information desk.Celestine looked at Jude."Jude Morales. My Daddy is Logan Morales, and my Mommy is Jessica Alcantara," Angelo answered.Celestine's eyes widened because of what the boy said about him. she didn't expect who the child was. They were helping!He is the son of Logan and Jessica, and he is the son of the demon! He is the son of his ex-husband!

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