Remember the times

Por of_her_own

5.8K 701 443

"He killed himself,What part of that don't you understand?" "He won't,He never will" "You know he did.." "Why... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 16

144 26 16
Por of_her_own

A car pulled into the drive-way and Hoseok called out to Taehyung,"Tae,They are here".

Heavy steps were heard across the room as Taehyung ran down the stairs,threw the door open and into the arms of Seo Joon.

Hoseok felt it in his heart,a break,a cut,but still felt happy seeing Taehyung smile.Seo Joon ran his hand through Taehyung's hair as Hyunshik walked to greet Hoseok and the others.They all stood watching as Hyunshik loaded Taehyung's small bag into the car and Jin,Namjoon and Hoseok kept telling him to take care of Taehyung.Hyunshik assured them he will and bring him back in a couple of days.Everything will be okay,it has to be.

Yoongi sat by the front steps as the car pulled away after Taehyung had hugged all of them.

A tear left Yoongi's eyes,why is it not mending but breaking further apart.
Hoseok hugged Yoongi without saying anything and Yoongi didn't resist too.Why does it feel like they were losing each other one by one? Jimin,Jungkook and now Taehyung.

Jin grabbed his coat and walked past them,getting into his car.He didn't answer Namjoon when he asked where Jin was off to.

Namjoon too came down to sit with Hoseok and Yoongi,not speaking to each other but just simply staring at the open gate Jin left behind.Hoseok extended his hand to Namjoon and Namjoon reluctantly joined the hug.He needed comfort too.

The rain had begun again,when was this season ending ? It had been raining forever.They watched as the sky deepened it's color,the clouds melted into drops and made their way down.

Hoseok thought back to what his mother told him when he was younger,"Hoseokaah,Rain is when the people who died cries"

It had not made sense to Hoseok then,But now if the loved ones can be stars,the rain definitely can be their tears.It weirdly made sense to him.It must be Jimin,the thought made his heart ache.He must be hurting seeing his brothers part ways.

"What do I do..",Hoseok whispered.


Midnight struck and once again,Jin was not home.Namjoon dozzed off on the couch.Yoongi and Hoseok had gone to bed making him promise that he will wake them up if something seems wrong.Jungkook rarely comes out of his room so he didn't even care.Maybe he did,but refrained from showing.

Namjoon jerked off hearing a car door getting shut.Jin came in stumbling,his manager trying to keep him from falling.Jin was drunk.Namjoon quietly apologized and thanked Jin's manager as he took him,heaving the weight over to him.Jin smelled of alcohol and vomit.Namjoon led Jin over to his bedroom,slowly lowering him onto the bed.Jin was mumbling something as Namjoon took off his shoes and socks.

"What is it,Hyung?",Namjoon asked and Jin spoke again,his words slurring.Namjoon didn't understand but he asked,"why?"
"Cause it ...numbs pain",Jin said ,this time slowly but clearly.
Namjoon sighed heavily as he plopped himself onto his bed on the other side.What was he supposed to do?


"Taehyungiee,wake up",Someone was saying sweetly and Taehyung squirmed on the bedsheets,pulling more layers over him.Someone chuckled as they pulled it back off him.

"Come on,Tae"

Taehyung turned around to see Minho,smiling widely at his cuteness.He remembered that he was currently staying at Minho's home with SeoJoon,Hyunshik and Wooshik.He turned around in his bed,slowly bringing himself up.Minho extended his hand to Taehyung which he took and pulled him up.He walked into the kitchen to see SeoJoon and Hyunshik bickering back and forth as they kept cooking.Wooshik sat on the counter,watching them amusingly.

"Where's Sung hwan Hyung?",Taehyung asked in his deep morning voice.
"He couldn't make it,some emergency",Minho let him know.Taehyung just nodded making his way to Wooshik and taking a seat next to him.Wooshik tousseled his hair lovingly as Taehyung put his head on Jihan's shoulder.

"Are you okay,little brother?",Wooshik asked in a low voice and Taehyung didn't reply anything.He just stared at the bickering couple.

"They should just get married",Minho commented,sitting on the other side of Taehyung.A small smile spread across his lips.Hyunshik turned around to see the three and ignored SeoJoon for once.
He poked Taehyung's nose and said,"Go brush,And we'll eat"

In turn Taehyung threw his arms around Hyunshik who was taken aback for a moment but soon returned the hug,holding Taehyung tightly.The others just watched as Taehyung's tears fell.He was crying again after a long time.He didn't know why he was crying,for nothing happened, Noone left him.Jimin was back home,waiting for him,isn't he?

"It's okay,He's in a better place",Hyunshik said.

'who is?'

"Do you know what time it is?",Jimin asked getting up suddenly off the front steps when he saw Taehyung walk in.
"Sorry Sorry Hyungs didn't let me go",Taehyung said apologetically closing the gate behind him.
"What about your phone?"
"It died,am sorry Jiminaah"
"Well,You don't even care about me",Jimin shrugged walking inside.
"Ooooh,Someone is Jelly Jelly",Taehyung teased Jimin,who stuck out a tongue.
"am not"
"you are"
"am not"
"yes,you are"
"am not"
"I hate you,prick"

Taehyung smiled at that memory,melting into Hyunshik's hug,wanting to forget everything.


Another night,another drunk Jin.


Jungkook sat across the counsellor,a pen in his hand.He twisted it impatiently.
The counsellor Mr.Song smiled at him.He was about to finish the session as he noticed something off about Jungkook.

"Is there anything else you have left out?"
Jungkook raised his head a little and shook his head slowly,deep in thought.
"Well,In that case that'll be all",Mr.Song closed his book and Jungkook got up.He bowed and slowly walked out the door.

"Jungkook",Mr.Song called all of a sudden and Jungkook stumbled back in.

"When roads become tougher to travel,you don't whine and sit by or go back.You can't stand by the road blaming the road.Instead you walk it,take the pain..That's how you move on.When problems come,face it..Shutting out or ignoring it isn't gonna make it any better",The old man said,the endearing smile still fixated.Jungkook nodded slowly and when he walked out,those words echoed.He breathed heavily.

Mr.Song was right.

Then that's what he was going to do,Face it.Get answers to his questions.For that he needs to ask,Not shut people out.Jungkook opened the door to Namjoon and Jin's room cautiously.There was noone in the room.But when he turned around,Namjoon's voice startled him,"Looking for someone?"

Jungkook opened his mouth several times but nothing came out and Namjoon decided to walk away.If his brother feels uncomfortable around him,he might as well stay out.Jungkook grabbed Namjoon's hand in a swift motion causing Namjoon to jump a little.

"Can we work on a song,Hyung?",Jungkook asked and Namjoon looked at him as if he said some alien language.He had not written or composed anything since - He wasn't even sure if he was ready yet,But if Jungkook wanted to do it,he wanted to try for him.Namjoon nodded,"yeah-"

Jungkook returned a curt nod to as he let Namjoon go.

The door banged against the frame as Sejin brought in a drunk Jin again.
Jin shoved Sejin away as he stumbled across the hall to the room,ignoring Namjoon who tried to help him.Jin leaned against the wall as he opened the door.

"Jin Hyung",Jungkook's voice was strained and painful.The word felt new to his mouth,almost making him to cringe at that weirdness of it.But he called again,"Jin Hyung".Jin raised his head a little and smiled.An innocent smile that made Jungkook's heart break.He felt it,the regret clouding.Jin swayed his way to Jungkook and enveloped him in a hug.Jungkook put his hands around Jin too pulling him tighter,his eyes burning under unspend tears.


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