Saesang Fans are Scary!

By Xtoi33

95 4 0

It's a story about Minho and Sulli that were kidnapped and kept in a room where they had to follow a saesang... More

Open Hearts
Light Room

Where Am I?

38 2 0
By Xtoi33

Sulli is coming back from a long hiatus. Before all the problems she had encountered two years ago, she was known as the pure, innocent, perfectly beautiful idol in the country. Nobody cared about anything else about her but her beauty. It is her ace to stardom but also the reason of her downfall.

Shame the beauty. Ignore the ugly.

That mindset is the perfect example of what happened to her. She fell in love with a matured, loving man who is older than her and fairly attractive. Mr. Choiza is good-looking but not to her level of beauty. Sulli is the kind of person who would make the person beside her look ugly. Her fans weren't ready for her to have a relationship and her haters preyed on her after their relationship went public.

It was love. All her life she did nothing else but please everybody. There are a lot of times she forgets who she is and what she wants. With him, she wouldn't care about her fame or her beauty. He makes her happy. The first year of their relationship, they were happy. She loved him so much she turned away from the limelight and gave up her career. Just like in the movies. But after some time, things didn't work out anymore and they had to break up. There was never a happy ending.

Learning from that, she realized, she missed living her old life again. Now that people hate her for being who she is, she is only focused now on those people who still trust her even after that. She still has so many loyal fans but her haters are always waiting on the sidelines. Regardless of the situation, she is determined to go back to being her actress self, not the idol. This time, more authentic, bold and matured.

However, during her hiatus, she still had worked with big product endorsements. She had been in many photoshoots and magazine covers. When it comes to modeling and commercials, she still has tons of them. Despite her image being tarnished about her "sinful" past relationship with a guy over 10 years older than her, her beauty remains. Nothing can change that.

In general, behind the cameras, she gets along well with people she works with. Despite other people stopped supporting her through that disappointment, she still lands a job not only because she's pretty but also because she has a good heart for everybody. She's easy to work with. She smiles at everyone, doesn't throw tantrums or use her fame to hurt and manipulate other people.

Among all the guys who she rejected, there's this one man who still stays by her side. The man who is the most favorite of her fans to be paired with her. Not only in front of the camera but also in real life. He is Choi Minho, one of the most good-looking young man in the industry. They are from the same company and they used to treat each other as siblings. But after working together in a drama, people starts crazily making delusional pairing in their minds. She also noticed that he had change of hearts over time. That she is no longer that dongsaeng.

She noticed that with the way he gazed at her and took care of her. Not that he didn't do that before, but things changed. He fell in love with her. Something that she couldn't give back to him in return for a reason she still can't quite grasp. She used to think it's because she can't date a long-time friend, next reason is that she thinks he's too pretty and she hates the attention they will attract if they started dating.

When he confessed, she told him carefully, why she can't accept his heart. He said that he understood but made a promise he would wait until she's ready. He was hurt bad when he learned about her dating Choiza. She noticed him distancing from her since then. They are still friends, especially, when the camera is rolling. But they can never be as close as they were before.

A couple of years later. The love she had fought for and gave up many things for is now gone. Choiza and she broke up. Not that she regrets setting herself free from her facade and being caged by her agency and her fans. She was grateful of that relationship for multiple reasons. Especially, the freedom it gave her and the independence, but her career was overshadowed by that, immensely, and she need to repair it in a sense that she need not to give up her own happiness and personality again.

One morning, Sulli received a text from her manager, telling her to go meet him in an address. She was also told not to bring anyone else with her since this audition is exclusive and the role will be very much anticipated. She wondered why the manager did not fetch her. Normally, he will be in her front door and will drive her to the site.

It was a wrong move when she didn't call him to ask. She was excited to audition for a role again. She missed being on the screen, portraying someone else's character and creating a story in it. It's always a pleasure for her to do that. Adding more to the excitement is the fact that she's clueless what the role is. She's ready for this. She knows she is!

But all the excitement changed into fear when she realized what she got herself into. Now she is inside an isolated room. She fell asleep when someone suddenly placed a handkerchief on her nose and she couldn't fight back at all. She remembered there was no sign of her manager when she entered that building. She was sure that the number who texted her was her manager's but she should have double checked it. Now she is kidnapped.

"Why didn't I call oppa? Why didn't I ask SM about this first? I'm so stupid!" she felt her tears falling down her cheeks. The handkerchief that was originally placed on her eyes earlier is now down her neck. She has rope tied on her wrists but apart from that she doesn't have any bruises or wounds. She's in distraught but she doesn't feel any painful physical injury. "What am I going to do?" she continued crying.

After a few hours of sobbing, her tears are now dry upon her cheeks. She looked around the room, looking for something that can help her escape. It's hard to move because both her hands are tied together. When she looked inside the pedestal, there's nothing in it a set of white papers and a pen. "What am I going to do with these?" when she scanned the room, it looked comfortable and spacious at least. There's even a television and a bathroom. The interior design is all white, grey and black. She got reminded of the ones like in studios. However, being here alone, afraid and anxious, she felt claustrophobic. She doesn't know what awaits her here and it is scaring her.

"What if the kidnappers take advantage of me? What if they rape me? Or kill me?" She had tried many times to open the door but she failed. A voice echoed in the room and it made her jump when it started talking through the speakers.

"Choi Jinri...." She heard the voice spoke her name in a slow viciously playful manner. The voice felt like cutting through her throat, it scared her. "How are you feeling, Sulli?"

"Who are you?!" she managed to yell.

"Oh I am nobody. Don't mind me. Let's talk about you." She felt the kidnappers lips smiling behind the mic by the way he spoke. "How are you feeling today?"

There was something in her that snapped and hated how the person hiding behind the speakers and cameras is playing with her. "Shut the fuck up and let me out of here!"

"Ohoho... Feisty much. You know being angry like that wouldn't make me change my mind. You should be gentle when you talk to me. Like how angel Sulli should be!" the voice laughed.

"What do you want from me?" she asked. "Money? I can pay you, name the price and let me out of here."

"After all the trouble of finally capturing you? Not a chance." He chuckled inwardly. "Talk to you later, Sulli. I do have a surprise for you later. Enjoy your stay."

"HEY! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" she yelled at the room. She noticed cameras at two corners of the room. Who knows if there are others hidden in here? She felt helpless and sat on the bed. She noticed a collar made of metal on her neck. She wondered what it is, but there are no mirrors in here so she wouldn't see. Also, her hands are tied.

It felt like hours went and she was staring at the ceiling when she heard small noises. A sound of footsteps. She was cautious and afraid but she yelled to ask for help. She didn't mind her empty stomach. She just wants to get away from here. "HELLO!!! IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE!?? HELP ME!!! I WAS KIDNAPPED!! HELP!!!"

Behind the door, she heard Minho's voice. "Sulli-ah! Is that really you Jinri??"

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