Make The Best Out Of It, A Da...

Af captainshorter

230K 7.7K 8.9K

To be loved and feel hated, Still don't give up, there's a void you fill To be loved and feel hated We've go... Mere

Prologue; Pressure
1; Mirko
3; Coexist
4; Ghost
5; Drive
6; You Made Me
7; Begging For Bones
8; Reaper
9; American Bliss
10; Hell
11; Disagree
12; To Convey
13; Baby Grand
14; Good Christian Man
15; The Place You Love
16; Level Head
Epilogue; Collider

2; Smoke and Lace

16.5K 566 379
Af captainshorter

I tried to wriggle my way out of Dabi's grip but i couldn't, I literally couldn't. How is it fair for someone so light to be so strong even while sleeping? I gave up trying to get out of his grip, i didn't want him to wake up. I wouldn't know what he'd do, maybe be disgusted which lots of straight men were if they figured out they had cuddled a man in their sleep. Fragile masculinity much.

Too late I realized when he started to stir. His eyes twitched slightly and just as i was going to pretend i was sleeping he opened them, we locked eyes.

"Goodmorning." i said trying to ignore the fact that Dabi hadn't even seemed surprised to be holding me like this. He was quiet. I felt a little self conscious, was there something on my face? Was he thinking of ways to kill me? 

His face inched closer to me and there was no way of me going somewhere, I would die by the hands of a villain that crawled into my bed. When I put my hand on his chest and he suddenly snapped out of whatever he was thinking. He pushed me away with a startling force. He had inched closer to me when we slept and i knew that because he pushed me off the side of my bed.

"Seriously dude what the fuck?!" I exclaimed as i sat up glaring just over the edge of the back
"You were so close!" His cheeks flushed slightly red, which gave me a slight satisfaction. 
"You were the one inching closer to me just now." I protested

"You're the one who didn't stop me." He argued back.
"Did you want to stop then?" It slipped from my lips before i wanted too and it was my turn to blush. He luckily ignored the question and and got out of bed. He quickly changed not looking at me and stomped towards the kitchen.

I followed him to the kitchen and saw Dabi searching in the fridge, for something to eat i guess. Too bad for him though, i only have cereal and nearly expired milk. 

"You good?" I asked him, he didn't answer, "A man of many words." I said and i started on pouring water in the coffee machine.  
"I'm okay, you're just so loud in the morning." Dabi responded.
I rolled my eyes at him and finished putting the coffee in the machine and  then i turned it on. I sat down at the table waiting for the coffee to brew.

 I grabbed my phone which i left there the night before.
I noticed i had a few texts and i opened them. One was from Mirko who heard the news about a building being set on fire and multiple people died. She was worried, i told her i was fine before going to the other chat, Endeavor was a man of few words while texting and he only sent, Come to my agency.

 I sighed loudly before slamming my phone face down on the table. 

"What's up?" Dabi asked more curious then out of actual concern, as he chewed on his cereal.

"Gotta leave soon, for work." i said, best not to mention the number one hero with a villain

"That sucks for you." Dabi stated as he sat down.

"Thanks you're a real nice guy." 

It was quiet for a while and i felt like this was THE most awkward situation I've ever been in, except maybe for that one time when I- no this was slightly more akward. There was some sort of tension between us that i couldn't really figure out and it didn't get better because of Dabi not even attempting to speak. I stood up and grabbed a mug to fill with coffee.

"So what you gonna do today?" I asked wanting badly to break the silence, he shrugged, "Might as well annoy the fuck out if you. Seems like I'm doing a good job." Dabi said, I didn't need to look at him to know he was smirking.
"You don't talk much and when you do you're a mostly a dick." I informed him.

"What else didya expect?"
"Well, maybe you'd be more civil towards someone you're working with and someone who helped you?" I turned to look at him and leaned against the counter
"You haven't earned my respect yet." That surprised me. I hadn't earned his respect according to him but he let me take care of him and he had lied to me? How did that work? 

"How can i?" i asked instead of inquiring asking him why i hadn't earned his respect.

 "Stop working with Endeavor and you might earn a little respect." Dabi said. This was the second time, he'd said something about Endeavor, first time was on of one our missions. What surprised me almost even more was how he knew that i as working with Endeavor. He and I kept it mostly quiet. But then again Dabi had been following me around for quit a while so he must have seen me walking with him. 

I asked, "Why do you hate him so much?"
"He's a asshole." 

"What did he do? Do you hate him because he has a similar quirk?" The obvious answer from Dabi would probably have been that Endeavor was a hero but I had never heard Dabi talk really bad at any other hero.
He glared at me and ignored the question, "Why do you keep working with him?" he retorted, neatly avoiding to answer the question i asked. 

"He's the father of my middle school best friend, i'm hoping he knows where his son is." i said and i bowed my head down. 

"Believe me, he doesn't care." Dabi spat and he pushed himself up and walked towards the door, "Wait where are you going?" I asked suddenly very confused. 
"Out." Dabi said and he disappeared through the door which slammed shut behind him
I didn't  understand why he got angry and i also felt slightly guilty for asking about it, the morning had been good. 

I shook it off for now and I stood up, might as wel get some breakfast on the way to Endeavor's agency. I did and when i arrived I had cheered up, who cares what the villain thinks about me?

"Your favorite bird is here!" i said while i burst into Endeavor office. "Tell me what happened." he said immediately not even bothering greeting me normally and my mood went down the hill again. I told him what happened.

 "Dabi, quirk cremation right? He killed someone?" Endeavor said and i nodded, adding, "The other's too." I continued with talking, "But the weirdest part is, he, Dabi i mean, lied for me. When Shigaraki asked him if i killed that woman he answered with yes. Shigaraki trusts me now."

"Good. Keep going, this was useful information. I'll make sure to warn U-A." Endeavor said. I nodded again not knowing what else to say, everything was being handled nicely. 
"I'm taking a few days off soon, i already told my agency but i thought I should tell you too." I then said, i had decided that on the way here. I needed time to clear my head. 

"Alright, my agency and i will keep an eye out, don't screw anything up or I'll burn you."
That sounded familiar, not the first i got a death threat along the lines of 'I'll burn you'.
"Yeah, yeah i know."  I waved him off and left the room, several people bowed at me when i passed them. 

I then decided it would probably be better if i start socializing with the League more, so i could get to know them and have them trust me more so i made my way to the hide out. I hadn't told Endeavor that I knew where the hideout was, i told himi kept being warped there. I don't know why i didn't tell him but for now it was okay.

I entered the building and opened the door, Toga and Twice were sitting on the couch,
"Keigo! Let's play." Toga said from the couch, a controller in her hand. Recently the league got a new TV with a game console, mostly to keep Twice and Toga from annoying the shit out of them. Twice sat next to her without his mask, a slightly sour expression on his face. 

 "Sorry Himiko maybe later okay? Is Dabi here?" It was still weird to call her by her first name but she had insisted on it.
"Yeah he threw Jin out of their room angrily and we heard a few sounds of things shattering." she said.

 "I'm sorry, at least he didn't burn you," I said to Twice, "Imma head to his room, wish me luck." i announced and i disappeared behind the bar, it was a narrow hallway with lots of different doors, leading four doors leading to bedrooms, one to a Shigaraki's 'work' chamber- which i've never been in before- and one to a bathroom. Dabi and Twice their room was the one down the hallway at the end. I walked there and knocked on the door, i didn't bother to wait for an answer because that answer would most definitely be no and opened the door. 

The shattering sound that Twice and Toga was from several broken glassware, now in shards on the floor. A bottle clear alcohol stood next to Dabi, who was sitting on the floor propped up against the wall surrounded by said glass. He didn't look drunk, though i wouldn't know how he would look when he was drunk. There was a small blue fire floating just above the floor to provide the cold room with heat, even though it was spring it had been surprisingly cold for the season. The fire wasn't spreading which meant he could control it perfectly, not drunk then?

"Yo." i tapped my fingers to my temple in some sort of salute. 
He nodded to acknowledge me and i took that as an invitation to entire, I gave the door a push with my wing and it closed behind me with a bang.

I sat down facing him after i brushed the shards away from the spot, "Really it's weird what kind of temper you have." i said, he just scoffed at me and passed the bottle of alcohol. I gladly accepted, over these past few weeks Dabi and I have created some sort of bond, if we didn't talk we were fine if we did talk, we usually ended up arguing. Even despite that being with him felt familiar and right. Maybe because of his whole attitude being oddly familiar, I just couldn't figure out why it was familiar. I took a sip of the see through alcohol and felt it burn its way down my throat.

He lit a cigarette with a blue flame coming from his finger,
"No talking am i right?" i asked after i took another sip of alcohol, i knew i couldn't be quiet for a long time so it was just to fill the silence for just a little longer

"Yes." Dabi responded with a raspy voice. He blew the smoke from his cigarette out in my face. I flinched slightly before passing the bottle back to him. 

"So are you--" I started but i got interrupted, loudly and aggressively, "Holy shit Hawks, shut up!" Dabi said and he pushed me down to the floor crawling on top of me, applying pressure, "Just shut the fuck up." he said again when i opened my mouth to say something. My heart started hammering faster in my chest at the sight of him on top of me. One hand was warm on my chest applying just enough pressure to make me listen to the warning in his voice, his other arm held him up slightly so he wasn't completely crushing me underneath his weight. He shifted and spread my legs he put one knee there and leaned over me. His eyes were dark with something I didn't quite recognise. The hand on my chest shifted up and he placed it near my head. My breath caught as he leaned down and kissed me, his lips tasted like alcohol and cigarettes. He opened my mouth with his and explored my mouth with his tongue. His tongue was hot against mine when i kissed back. He leaned down against me more harshly, trailing one hand up and down mapping my body through my clothes. I moaned against his lips and could feel my pants grow uncomfortably tight . I could feel Dabi chuckle breathlessly against my lips.

Sadly, we couldn't take it much further, there were other's in the same building, not that Dabi would care much, i could feel that from the way his lips pressed against mine that he would most definitely wanted to get further. But i couldn't, glass was shattered all around us on the ground and i could already feel some of the pieces press against my bare back where my shirt had slipped up. I put a hand against his chest and pushed him back. He didn't even complain about the loss of contact he just  sat back against the wall.

"I didn't know you were gay." Was the first thing that came out of my stupid mouth.
He shrugged as he pushed his hair away from his forehead, "Wouldn't really call myself gay. More like bisexual or pansexual, if you want to give it a label." Dabi responded simply.
He lit another cigarette, the other one had burned to the filter while he had only take a drag or two. I was about to open my mouth to say something again when a voice from outside spoke up.

"Keigo! Are you alive?" Toga knocked on the door loudly, "Yeah, I'm okay." I responded slowly catching my breath. The door opened and i had to look away from Dabi's gaze. 
"Good let's play a game then." she said and she stepped into the room the glass crunching underneath her shoes.

 Dabi looked down for a second, i knew what he looked at, and with a smirk he said, "Yes Hawks go play a game with her." I gave him the finger and let Toga pull me up. The lace of her shirt brushed against my hand as she pulled me up from the floor with a surprisingly amount of strength, giving me barely any time to adjust my trousers or shirt.

I decided I'll give these chapters the name of songs from an artist i love, this title is from the album Make the best of it, by Have Mercy, I'll call the chapters names from the song in this album.

 The song is at the top of this chapter:)

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