Ellie's Flames BOOK 2

By KOTLCfannumber1

20.4K 632 496

After Ellie and her friends finally beat back Uma's crew when Endora cursed the Island of Auradon, Ellie thou... More

Ellie's Flame
1: Ins and Outs of My Life
2: Catching a Nightmare
3: Everything Can Burn...
4: ...But Not Everything Has To
5: Under the Sea
6: Reginald Crabbins III
7: Super Helpful, Crab. I Still Have NO FREAKING IDEA WHO IS AFTER ME.
8: Bad Disintegrating Horse Thing!
9: Red
11: Guardians (Not "Of The Galaxy", Sadly)
12: High Opinion, High Annoying Voice
13: The Two Towers
14: Embers
15: Rescue (Is A Failure, As Normal)
16: Time To Let Go
17: Hellfire
18: A Return Trip
19: Night at the Museum
20: From Isle to Auradon
21: In Which I Am Told Something Huge
22: Right the Wrongs
23: Everything Has Changed
Thing I forgot and my sister is making me add as an extra chapter
Descendants 3
1: Good To Be Back...For Once
2: The Royal Engagement
3: Sparks Fly
4: Happy Hag Day to Mal
5: Mal's Gotta Do What Mal's Gotta Do
6: Captain Guyliner and Shrimpy Crash Our Party
7: Everyone in Auradon Sleeps In
8: Knights Fall
9: Pinkalicious Room Sears My Eyeballs (And A Friendly Shrimp Didn't Help)
10: Stone Cold
11: My Heart of Stone... Isn't So Stony
12: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Beast!
13: Return of the Icy-Gang!
14: Battle Planning
15: Fairy Cottage
16: Liar, Liar, Rock's No Longer On Fire
17: This Will Hopefully Be The Last Ellsicle/Icy Pop Joke
18: This Victory Stinks
19: Choices Made
20: Farewells
21: Two Grown Men Growl At Each Other
22: Happily Ever After
23: Tear It Down
24: The Ending Of Our Tale?
Epilogue- 10 Years Later

10: Icy Pop

324 17 19
By KOTLCfannumber1

You have no power here.

You'll never get her back.

I'm going to find you, and when I do, I'm going to make sure I kill her in front of you.

I'm going to destroy everything you love.

You'll never escape my Nightmares.


I snap awake, for what feels like the billionth time. I find instantly that I'm shaking violently, and on instinct I look down at my hands. For, again, what feels like the billionth time, I see my skin is coated with a layer of intricate designs of ice. Almost like the illustrations my Aunt Anna did of her own hands when she had a frozen heart.

"Don't move." A voice orders. "You'll be fine, just relax."

I lay back obediently, looking to my left to find my dad holding my free hand, and mom standing behind him.



"We're not in Atlantica anymore?" I ask, surprised that my voice sounds entirely normal.

Dad nods. "I had to get you to your mom."

"Mom?" I turn my gaze to her, and she smiles almost shyly. She holds a hand up and it instantly shimmers with glistening snowflakes. 

"I put out your fire." She explains, nervously passing a hand over her hair. The snowflakes fly over her head and lace delicately around her forehead like a crown. She doesn't even seem to notice.

"My.... oh no---" I groan, burying my head in my hands. "What did I do?"

"Well, we're only guessing with some." Dad says. "King Triton---actually, the whole kingdom---felt your powers go out of control. Actually, scratch that. I'm fairly certain that that explosion was felt on the other side of the world."

I groan louder.

I feel his hand on my shoulder. "Lissa, what made you get so... well..."

"Angry?" Mom whispers. 

I pull my head out of my knees. I open my mouth to answer, and the memory crashes back on me so fast and hard a sob chokes itself out. 

"Ellie!" Mom kneels down at my side. "What? What happened?"

Feeling very small, I choke out, "Sera. She---I---"

Understanding dawns on my dad's face. "He took her."

I nod, then pause. "He?"

Mom's face fills with alarm and she quickly starts to mumble something underneath her breath. Dad stays calm. "Yes, he. I'll not tell you who, though. I'm assuming you met Reginald down there, and that's why you don't look confused as to why your mother is mumbling under her breath."

"Yeah, I met Mr. Octo-crab." I say. "Now WHO TOOK SERA?"

Dad just shakes his head. "If I say his name now, he'll find you in an instant. I'm not going to willingly give up my only daughter for the sake of her finding her friend."


He raises a hand. "We'll find Sera, Ellie. Don't worry."

"Now..." Mom clears her throat. "Ellie, Endora called. She asked why you weren't using the device she gave you, and I told her I had no idea what she was talking about."

"Device? Oh!" I snap my fingers, and with a puff of smoke, the silver thing Dori had Ben give me appears in my hand. "I kind of forgot about it, with everything."

"Well, she says to start using it, and that it will help keep whoever's after you away. She said she was sorry she couldn't do more, that she was helping Jane and Fairy Godmother investigate some things that were happening on the Isle."

I sit up in alarm. "Things? What things? Is Ares out again? Did the villain after me escape? Is---"

Dad raises a hand and I stop babbling. "There was an alert that a few villains have escaped, and they're trying to figure out who. Someone on the other side is messing with the barrier's magic."

"And let me guess. I don't need to worry?"

"That would be excellent." Dad says, sounding pleased. 

I smile despite myself and place the silver contraption on my forehead. My mind soothes itself, becoming almost dreamlike. I sigh with content. "Anything else?"

"Only one." Mom smiles. "You have a very dedicated boyfriend."

"Um... what?"

Dad rolls his eyes and gestures to the door. "He's outside. He felt the earthquake, and naturally assumed it was you or Sera, and came running here. How he found Elsa's palace remains a mystery."

"I may or may not have told him." Mom says, her eyes on the ceiling innocently. 

"Elsa!" Dad complains. 

"What?" She shrugs, smiling. "I think they're sweet!"

"Okay, I'm going to leave now." I declare, standing up shakily. "Before you guys start shipping Carlie again."

"I have never shipped!!" Dad yells, while Mom stifles her giggles. I walk unsteadily to the door and open it up to my family's living room, complete with a new, un-burnt couch where Carlos sits. 

"Hi." I say, just about scaring him out of his skin. Once he recovers from his mini-heart-attack, he grins and hugs me tight. 

"I'm glad you're okay, Ellie." He says. 

"Did they tell you what happened?"

"Yeah, and that Sera was missing." He replies. "I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that there is a glowing silver thing on your forehead?"

"Of course. What else?" With Endora's dream-thing, I find I can't really be angry. Only slightly annoyed with Sera's disappearance. I slide it off and feel the dreamlike quality fade away. "The dumb guy---the one invading my dreams---came after me in Atlantica, and he kidnapped Sera instead."

"Well, if he was there, did you see what he looked like?" Carlos asks. 

"No. He wasn't actually there, it was this weird horse thing.  Looked like it was made of black sand, sort of. Does that sound too crazy?"

"I'm dating a half-god girl with the blessing of Khione." Carlos reminds me. "Nothing's too crazy."

I laugh. "Sure. But, do you have any idea who it could be? I thought I was pretty well-versed on villain history, but I guess not."

Carlos' forehead furrows up. "I'm not sure. I don't remember any villain with a horse henchmen or anything. Or one that could invade dreams like this. Which reminds me---" he takes Endora's dream-thing from my hands and places it back on my forehead. "She told me to make sure you wear this at all times. She knows who's after you, but she wouldn't tell me who. She explained some weird thing about thinking the guy's name... and said this would prevent him hearing you if you did realize who he was."

"Okay, yeah, never taking it off then." I agree. "Even if it does make me loopy."

"No kidding." Carlos laughs. "You have this goofy grin on your face."

"I do?" I summon a sheet of ice, and find I really do have a dreamy smile on my face that reminds me a tad too much of what I imagine Luna Lovegood would look like. "Crud. I can't even feel it."

"Think sad thoughts." he encourages.

"Sera's been kidnapped by some psycho who is after me but went after her instead to get to me." I recite in monotone.

"Maybe not that sad." Carlos says. 

"HEY DAD!" I holler, knowing full well he's just in the other hallway. He waits a few seconds, then appears in between Carlos and I, forcing us apart. Mom trails behind him, rolling her eyes. 

"Yes, dear?" He asks. 

"Tell me the villain now. Carlos says that Dori says this thing'll stop him from finding me." I point to her dream-thing, enjoying the cool sensation it sends through my veins when I'm actually happy. 

Dad rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to risk my daughter's safety based on a teenage girl's magic contraption."

"But I want to punch this guy's guts." I whine, almost like a child. I can see Carlos fighting a smile behind Dad. 

"No gut-punching." Dad warns, wagging a finger. "Not this guy. And, for the moment, we need to figure out how to get your mom's gift to leave your system."

I look down. "Whoa, I'm still icy! Wait. I thought this stopped after I didn't need it anymore!"

Carlos shrugs. "I just assumed you must still need it."

"For once, you're right, That Boy." Dad says. Carlos' face is priceless. "Elsa's gift will continue to work on you until it is no longer needed. So that should explain what kind of critical situation you're in, Ellie."

"But I feel fine!" I protest.

"And I remember you 'feeling fine' when you dad's powers were killing you." Carlos points out. 

"Ugh, why are you on his side?" I ask, gesturing to my dad. 

"Because my side is best." Dad says smugly. 

Carlos suddenly laughs. "Hey, you're Icy Pop again!"

"That Boy, do shut up."

"Shutting up."

Dad turns to me. "Ellie, I'm asking this as your father. Do not go chasing after this villain. There's a reason his name is buried. Jack and the Gau---"

"HADES!" Mom shrieks, slamming her hand over his mouth. 

"Wait----YOU know who it is too?" I demand angrily (Or as angrily as I can with dream-thing on me).

Mom stares back at me. "Ahh... maybe?"

"How is it not affecting you?" Carlos asks. 

"Because I may or may not be wearing a protective necklace..." Mom mumbles, letting go of dad and fingering the necklace I hadn't noticed. Resting on her throat, it looks a lot like my forehead thing, silver chain and a blue gem. 

"Did Dori make that?" I ask. 

"She did." Mom answers. "I barely got it on before I realized who P----the villain was."

"Ah-ha! So he starts with a P!" I yell. 

Mom claps her hands over her mouth, horrified. 


Yeah, that was kind of a dead giveaway. Still not officially releasing thoooooo!

BTW, who's seen taylor Swift's new song, ME!? It is so good!! I'M SO IN LOVE WITH IT!!!


ok bye.

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