The Collection of Short, Horr...

By KiwiPunch

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This is a spooky collection of short horror tales that will be sure to send SHIVERS down your spine! All 20+... More

This House Belongs to Him
This House Belongs to Him (Part 2)
Pig Day

The Girl in the Sewer

132 1 0
By KiwiPunch

The Girl in the Sewer

By HiryuGouki

It was midnight in the city. Somehow, I had trapped myself under the sewer for some dumb reason. Thinking to myself, ragefully about how late I already was to get home before my wife absolutely murdered me (figuratively, of course), and now this bullshit. I mean, seriously...How many fucking bad things have to happen before a guy can catch his breath? Of all the rotten luck! So, I dropped into the sewer. It was lit, thank God, but still. It's a sewer. So, about half an hour after dropping into it, getting lost and being stuck, I thankfully found a sign that read "Area 43". Great, I thought. I know this area! I am halfway across the place I am NOT supposed to be! Just un-fucking-believable!

So, I was walking along, the lights began to flicker. This was about two hours in, and there was barely any traffic above the sewer. Fuck, I thought. Some crazy shit must be going on. "God-dammit!" I yelled, starting to panic as I took out my cell phone. No service. Great. What now? Some ghost is going to pop up out of nowhere? Just fucking great. So, I decide to activate the brightest LED light on the phone, night vision mode on my video camera. As I figured, I had never used the video camera function of my phone before, nor have I really taken any pictures on it. I save memories and stuff on my real camera, not some lousy smart phone. So, as I am recording, the lights go out.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me, I think to myself. "Aw, come on! Give a guy a break!" I yell. That was when shit hit the fan for me. If it wasn't one thing, it was another that night. I just remembered an old wives' tale about the sewers at about 3 AM. No, it wasn't a midnight story, so keep your damn cliche's to yourself! This is my story, not yours. So, as I walked along, trudging along in the dirty water, my feet soaked, and so are the bottom of my pants, I heard the lights flicker again. I looked around using my light. My phone had 10 hours of battery life, even with the LED on. Jealous of my tech, yet? Thought so. Anyways, as I turn back in front of me, this woman is just standing in front of me with her back turned towards me. She was dressed in a white gown, and was thin as a twig. Well, that's exaggerating a little, but you get the idea. Her hair was black, and her skin was pale white. She was creepy, for sure, but...Kinda cute lookin'...At least she would have been, had it not been for the following bullshit.

<p? So, I walk up to her, cautiously of course. "Hey, uh, ma'am? You mind tellin' me how to get outta here? I ain't gonna hurt ya or nothin'. Just kinda lost." I asked, foolishly as I saw the most fucking creepy thing happen to me. She fucking turned her head aroundbackwards! At this point, I don't give a fuck. I'm doneDONE! I start bolting the opposite way as quick as I possibly fucking can! I ran, and ran, and ran for several minutes till I was sure that crazy bitch was gone. I didn't get a good glimpse of her face, but I didn't care. All I knew was that I wanted outta there. So, I turn around to go down this corridor, which had a sign that said, "Area 18". "Oh thank God! I'm almost home!" I yelled in relief, that is, until crazy bitch showed up in front of me! She had her back turned this time, AGAIN. I knew what to expect and just bolted past her, when I heard, "Hey wait! Don't go!" </p>

Bitch, you just turned your head around backwards the first time I saw you, and you're tellin' me to "don't go"?! Uh-uh, missy! That's not going to work! I still ran! I ran as fast as I could. I was now in Area 15, according to the sign. So finally, I encounter her again, this time, I got a glimpse of her face, which only made me piss myself. Stone white, it was, and glowing red eyes. Creepy as hell, and I didn't want anything to do with it. It's by now, that I am bawling and panicking. I ran the opposite way, only to find her in front of me AGAIN! Again, same scary face, this time, her neck and head were sideways! Oh geez, find new ways to scare the piss out of me, why don't ya?! So, here I am, at a point that says, "EXIT" with a ladder leading up to a manhole, thinking that God has answered my prayers, and the bitch is coming towards me, albeit very slowly, but still spooky as all hell. So, I fall to my butt, scooting to the ladder, pissing myself, bawling and panicking as her eyes began to glow brighter.

Suddenly, she stopped in front of me, head on correctly, and I am slightly less scared, but still freaked out. So, she stops and kneels in front of me, like a typical little girl. "I was going to ask you a favor, if you don't mind." She said in a slightly demonic tone. "Go away! I'll do anything you want me to, just please go away!!!" I scream like a pussy. She pauses and stands up and shows me her little neck trick again. "I haven't exactly seen a chiropractor in years. Would you do me a favor and give me a neck massage?" I stop panicking and look at her face. She seemed cute enough, but if it weren't for her red eyes that glowed, by the way, I wouldn't have freaked out so much! "You scared the living piss out of me just to get a neck massage?" I ask her, losing my patience, and my temper. "I'm really sorry about that. People usually get afraid when they see me." She replied. Finally, I had had it. I snapped and started yelling my ass off. "Well, no shit! Maybe if you didn't do that little 'neck trick' o' yours, people wouldn't shit bricks around you! I mean, who the fuck DOES that?! Seriously?!! Name ONE person who does that!" I yell. She's bawling in a fetal position, afraid of me now, because I lost my temper for about five minutes, after which, I was exhausted and calm.

"C'mere, kiddo...I'll give ya your damn neck massage. Just don't scare me like that, alright?" I said, panting and wheezing. So, a few minutes later, I was rubbing this girl's shoulders and straightening her neck, trying to alleviate the pain in trouble areas. Believe it or not, I was a skilled chiropractor before having to become a sewer worker. Something about this girl seemed familiar, too, though, but I couldn't quite put a finger on it. Oh well. "Well, you should feel a lot less stiff and broken." I said to her, standing up. She stood up and hugged me tightly, almost choking me out. "Oh thank you so much! Now my neck won't decide to move on its own!" She cheered. "How can I ever repay you?" She asked, smiling as she let go of me. "Can you get me outta here?" I asked. So, she agreed, and I arrived home at the butt-crack o' dawn. It was a scary experience, to be sure, and one I won't be forgetting any time soon. Even so, I'm kinda glad I could do this girl a favor. It makes me feel good helping people, you know? It doesn't matter how scary you are sometimes. Just wish she didn't make me cry like a little girl.


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