ripper ( embry call )

By --timeless

107K 4.6K 1.8K

god's aren't meant to fall in love, but maybe jack isn't the god he thought himself to be. in whic... More

ripper. ❛ one more to the list of whitechapel victims ❜
aesthetic. ❛ it takes and it takes and it takes ❜
part one. ❛ the boy who embraced the monster ❜
prologue. ❛ to master life and death ❜
one. ❛ the devil himself was a charmer ❜
two. ❛ death is only the beginning ❜
three. ❛ you were an animal then; you are an animal now ❜
five. ❛ wanna hear the one about dracula and the big bad wolf ❜
six. ❛ gods aren't meant to stay on earth ❜
seven. ❛ why do innocents find the lucifer intriguing ❜
eight. ❛ do demons call hell home? ❜

four. ❛ loving the villain is so much more fun ❜

7.3K 354 240
By --timeless


( this chapter depicts scenes of rape, violence, homophobia, and other triggering topics. If you are in any way affected by these topics please skip ahead. I will put a disclaimer before the scene begins, and after it ends. )

LONDON - 1887

LIPS molded together and tongues danced curiously a they explored what was becoming familiar territory. Jack leaned in, melding the other body tighter to him and pushing the other further into the wall, one hand grasping at blond curls and the other no doubt leaving finger shaped bruises on his lovers right hip.

In the shadow of a three story brick building with the sun leaving the sky as though to give the pair of lovers a chance to meet two boys kissed and the world (contrary to what the King and the Church might think) did not explode.

"Jack." The blond gasped out, voice ragged and lustful as the brunet pulled away from the others lips only to pull at his collar and lavish open mouthed kisses along his neck.

"Will." The other boy mocked softly in between the kisses, pulling back to flash the blond, Will, a devilish smirk that made Will huff out an amused breath that was cut off by a groan as Jack's hand moved from his hips to the front of his pants and palmed against the growing bulge there.

"God don't stop." Will groaned, leaning his head against the wall and letting his eye slip closed in pleasure.

"Don't you know Will, there is no God here, there is only I." Jack whispered moving close to the other so his lips touched the outer shell of his lovers ear hn he spoke before biting the lobe, grinning when he felt Will shiver.

"God Jack don't talk about this now just-" The rest of his sentence was cut off with a loud groan as Jack moved his palm downwards, putting pressure where Will's erection was straining the front of his pants.

"Just what?" Jack questioned playfully, continuing his teasingly leasure strokes up and down his the others britches as though he didn't know exactly what he was doing. Will groaned again, louder this time as Jack's hand ventured under his pants and surged forward to catch the other in a hungry kiss, teeth pulling at bottom lips and tongues lapping up the rusty taste of blood.

They were consuming each other, Jack could feel it, yearned fo it. For the feeling of Will's hands to never stop pulling at his hair, for the taste of him to never leave his mouth. They weren't being careful, not like the usually were, so it should not have been a surprise.

It shouldn't have been a surprise and yet they were young and they were stupid and Jack was feeling a spark in his heart and butterflies in his stomach and he could feel himself falling. What he was falling for would be a question for another day. Whether it was for the way Will's body seemed to meld perfectly against his own or if it was for the small noises he made when they touched. Jack was falling and falling and falling and-

And there was a hand on the back of his neck that wrenched him away, there were teeth biting his lip in surprise and there was the look of surprise that quickly turned to fear in Will's eyes. There was the sound of yelling, his fathers yelling. There was the feel of the harsh brick beneath him as he fell, and there was his father's ever so imposing figure and the sight of Will's quickly disappearing one. There was the look of murder in his father's eye, the sound of his mother's wail, and the feel of something harsh hitting his head.

Then, there was nothing.

( Warning: this next section contains graphic depiction of rape and abuse, if you are at all sensitive please read ahead and I will inform readers when the scene has ended. )

JACK awoke to the sounding of creaking and a pounding in his head. No, that wasn't right. There was a pounding in his head and a pounding outside of his head. Everything was off, the world wasn't on its center and there was something on top of him. Something on top of him that was moving and squirming and there was fabric pressing against him and oh, Jack opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes and there was a woman on top of him and Jack froze. Her dress was torn and worn at the ends and her breasts were half spilling over the top, her hair was pulled up, though matted and with pieces flying as she moved, her eyes were lined darkly and her mouth was painted an unattractive shade of red and she was fucking him, Jack realized dully.

The thought took a second to reach his brain, and when it did Jack startled, trying to move to action and push the woman off but a hand reached out lightning fast and slapped him harshly across the face, making the brunet recoil as white spots filled his vision and left him seeing stars.

"Don't you dare try and move boy." His father's voice hissed in his ear, dark with anger. "You move and you'll wish the worst I did was hit ya'."

Heart racing and eyes scanning the room frantically Jack tries not to panic, he never panicked. Jack was always the one in control, always the one making the decision and always prided himself on being the smartest person in any room. Jck never felt helpless, and yet here he was.

The woman remained on top of him, not stopping when his father had spoke, and seemed unbothered by the fact that Jack was nowhere near hard as she rode him.

"I'm doing you a fuckin' favor here son. I should be sendin' you off to the fuckin' loony bin or have you send off with all the other sodomist freaks but your bitch of a mother can't have any more kids, so this here pretty little whore is going to fuck the fag out of you and you're going to take it until you like it, you understand me?" His breath reeked of alcohol as he leaned in to whisper menacingly in Jack's ear. Jack could only nod, the gravity of the situation sinking in his gut harsher than a knife and for a he was grateful he didn't have to think because if Jack had to the brunet wasn't sure he could do more then cry and perhaps vomit.

"Good. The whores going to fuck you real good, and she's not going to stop until you fuckin' come so you better get on with it." As if on command the nameless woman who at this very moment Jack despised more than anything in the world sped up her pace, arching her back and moaning obnoxiously.

Jack tried to picture Will. Will with this soft hands and soft hair, Will with his kind smiles and playful voice. Will who left him when Jack needed him, Will who ran.

Jack breathed and tried not to let tears prick his eyes as he pretended he was anywhere, anywhere but here, and when he finally came, when his torture finally ended Jack was barely even conscious enough to hear his father's gravelly voice talking to the whore. "Keep this quiet and come back next week for the same arrangement and I'll pay you a little extra next time Mary."

Jack fell, he fell and he fell and he fell, only this time he fell for the darkness, darkness that was there to catch him with a open arms and a loving embrace that whispered plans of revenge and promises to never leave him.

( The rape scene ends. )

JACK smelt him before he saw him, the scent of pine and citrus filling up his usually unused lungs and making his insides tingle in an almost pleasant, though foreign manner.

Prom was in full swing and Jack couldn't resist going to watch little girls cry when their dates danced with other girls, and see boys make fools of themselves. It was amusing, how terribly predictable humanity was, though it did tend to get incredibly boring, and when Jack got bored he also tended to get hungry. That hunger and boredom usually ended in a few dead bodies and the feeling of righteousness flowing through his veins.

Tonight was different however, tonight the scent of citrus clouded his senses and Jack was just as intrigued in Embry Call as he always was, which made the night the opposite of boring.

"And what do you think you're doing Mr. Call?" Jack questioned, stepping out of the shadows that had previously hid him from view, unable to keep his lips from twitching when the boy in question flinched violently and spun around, eyes wide in shock and mouth opening to no doubt apologize for showing up at a prom that wasn't his own, though when he saw that it wasn't an angry Forks High School teacher and instead Jack, his expression changed. His eyes stayed wide, though the reason for shock changed, and he failed miserably at being subtle when his eyes flitted up and down Jack's frame.

"Jack!" Embry exclaims when it seems he can finally function again and his eyes have gone from wide to narrow. "You scared the hell out of me, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh you know, chaperoning the kiddies to make sure all hands stay at the waist." Jack drawled out, leaning easily against the side of the building, purposefully maneuvering his body so he leaned towards the younger boys. "The real question, dear Embry, is what you are doing here?"

"Oh, um, just you know, hanging out." The other boy responded, trying for casual and nonchalant as he moved to mirror Jack's posture and failed when his foot fumbled on the brick wall causing him to stumble.

Jak grinned, finding this delicious smelling human more interesting then he had found anything in a long while.

"Come to dinner with me." Jack insisted after a moment of silence, never taking his eyes away from the other boys face, watching as his complexion reddened and finding it strangely fascinating. The boy nodded dumbly for a moment before getting ahold of himself.

"I thought you were supposed to be chaperoning the dance?" Embry asked softly, eyes curious. Jack grinned, leaning in a fraction closer and enjoying the way the younger didn't move away, though his heart beat surely increased.

"Why would I do that now that I've found such a lovely way to spend the evening?" Jack answered imperiously, one eyebrow raised as he shot the boy a wink before moving away from the wall and spinning towards the parking lot with speed a little faster then a normal human would be capable of if only for the small intake of breath that the other boy made.

"Come along." Jack called over his shoulder a minute later, and was immensely satisfied by the way Embry Call scrambled to follow him.

EMBRY never knew how to interact with Jack. The strange older boy had entered Forks like a lightning strike and had all the knitting circles in the small neighboring town talking about the handsome british boy visiting the mysterious Cullen family. Even on their reservation Embry had heard gossip from the girl that sat behind him in biology that she had seen Jack visiting the hospital while she was getting her flu shot and claimed that Jack was the most handsome boy she had ever seen, and Embry, Embry agreed with her.

Jack Cullen (was it Cullen? God Embry was pathetic he didn't even know his last name) had pretty much been the center of Embry's nightly jerk off sessions, and the majority of his thoughts during the day which was honestly very inconvenient.

Embry had shit to do. He had to work at his moms store, try and console Jacob because Bella Swan didn't harbor a decade long crush on him the way he did for her, while simultaneously trying to not fail english. He was supposed to be trying to land a girlfriend for god's sake, not end up having dinner at a very nice restaurant with a boy (man?) who's smile vaguely made Embry think of an attractive Bond villain.

And yet- and yet-

"What's your last name?" Embry blurted out and then immediately regretted it, barely resisting the urge to bodily cover his mouth while he felt his cheeks warm up. Jack didn't seem to mind the question however, though his head tilted to the side ever so slightly in a way that could s=be seen as both mocking and questioning.

"Going in for the personal questions are we Mr. Call?" Jack teased lightly while he raised a hand to swirl the glass of wine he had charmed the waitress into bringing him.

"I figured it was only far, since you know my name and all." Embry finally responded after a moment, mentally proud of himself for the way he didn't stutter while under the other's piercing gaze.

"Fair enough, I suppose we'll do question for a question then," Jack waited for Embry's nod before continuing. "To answer your question the name on my birth certificate is Jack Vance, but the name I go by when people ask is Volturi. I lived in London with my birth family, the Vance's, until what feels like a century ago, when I moved to Italy to stay with the people I now consider my family, hence Volturi."

Embry took in his answer, curious to know everything there was to know about the man in front of him, though that wasn't a new feeling, when Jack spoke up with his own question. "What do you like to do for fun?"

The question through Embry off guard, leaving him blinking rapidly and playing catch up, the way he often felt in the company of Jack.

"Oh, um, not much honestly." Embry found himself answering honestly. "Hanging out with friends I guess, and going to the beach and stuff. There isn't exactly much to do on the res."

"And what about girls?" Jack asked, and while the question in itself wasn't terribly difficult the tone of it made something in Embry burn and left him mentally stumbling, eyes unable to look away from Jack before he finally came up with something to say.

"I thought it was my turn to ask the question?" Was what Embry's brain came up with. Jack, who had been leaning in close, laughed loudly, head tilting back and body falling back into his chair as he eyed Embry with amusement and perhaps even interest, like Embry had surprised him in the best of ways.

"Your right." Jack murmured, eyes, blue eyes that somehow were not the color Embry expected to see under dark tinted glasses, burning and a grin that showed off pearly white teeth letting his amusement in the situation show.

Embry thought for a moment before asking, taking time to take a bite of steak and a drink of water before asking, all to aware of how Jack's eyes had followed his movements the whole time. "Why'd you come to visit Forks, and how long will you be staying."

"Two questions in one, now that's practically cheating." Jack tutted, though he went on to answer both. "I came to visit Carlisle and his gaggle of adopted children. I like to keep in touch and visit every once in awhile because not much can hold my interest for long and even Italy can get boring after you've been to all the museums a thousand times."

"And as for how long I'll be staying," Jack shrugged elegantly, a smirk curling at the corner of his lips. "I told you my attention doesn't get held by much but when it does I don't see any reason to leave, and right now my attention is thoroughly held."

Jack didn't bother to hide the way his gaze lazily traveled across Embry's face, making the implication clear as day and Embry, Embry liked having his attention.

JACK had not meant to find the boy so interesting. He had not meant to be so honest, not meant to be so interested in the way he talked, or the way he blushed so prettily when Jack insisted on paying for their dinner and holding the door open when they were leaving. It was a game, but the rules weren't the ones Jac had originally set for himself.

Embry Call was something else, but Jack didn't quite know what. Usually, when Jack didn't know something it bothered him, and yet as he idled to a stop outside of a small house and turned to face the boy that was the center of his growing fascination, Jack couldn't help but feel excited rather then frustrated that Embry was more then Jack originally expected him to be.

"Thank you for tonight, and for dinner, it was really fun." Embry said quietly, one hand fiddled with the door handle and the other played with the hem of his shirt sleeve, he didn't step out of the car, rather watched Jack with look of hesitance, like he didn't exactly know what came next. Jack liked that, liked thinking of himself as Embry's first anything.

"I might be a little behind on what the American custom is, but I am pretty sure that it is customary to have a goodnight kiss at the end of a date." Jack purred in response, a hand coming over to stop Embry from completely ruining his sweater and cherishing the way the boy's already quick heartbeat increased as his scent continued to fill the car.

"Is that what tonight was." Embry whispered finally, eyes coming up to meet Jack's. "A date?"

"If you want it to be."

"I've never done this before." Embry shared, the words tumbling out like a secret he needed to get off his chest.

"Been on a date with an attractive slightly older British man?" Jack jested, unable to keep a smile from peaking through, while also unable to keep his hand from touching Embry's, where his pale finger was currently making soft circles on the youngers knuckles.

"Been on a date with a guy." Embry answered, confirming Jack's suspicion.

"Good, because I would prefer you just went out with me." Jack responded and waited until Embry nodded before leaning in and sealing their lips together.

The kiss was chaste, sweet even. So different from the bruising kisses of Demetri and even the passionate kisses from him. This kiss was soft and gentle and Embry's lips were chapped and Jack could hear his heart pounding and the smell of citrus curled in his lungs and Jack, Jack could get used to this.

They pulled away after a few seconds, and said soft goodnights, and as Jack drove away his mind kept coming back to the soft way Embry had touched his lips when he reached the porch when he thought Jack couldn't see him and the way he smiled when he pulled his hand away.

sorry it's been so long, writing the rape scene was very taxing on my mentally and I had to take several steps back before and after I wrote it. if you have any questions about the scene, please let me know, writing it was hard for me, but I also think it's very, very important in jacks characterization.
also after planning that scene out I watched shameless and saw that that scene mirrors a lot of aspects of a scene with micky milkovich but that was not my intention.

I had to write something soft after writing that, so I wrote about the growing fascination jack has for embry. right now I would say that the relationship between them isn't very healthy, due to the mental and physical age difference as well as jacks own behavior and thoughts towards embry.

I love talking about my fics and my characters so if you have any questions or comments please feel free to let me know!

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