Your Love Is Like A Drug, It'...

By fangirl1005x

10.9K 330 89

Lucas Lallemant is an ordinary teenager. Good friends, good grades, but something was missing. There was no s... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Six

1.2K 42 19
By fangirl1005x

It had been a week since THAT incident. Lucas had never considered himself the paranoid type, but ever since Eliott had told him that he'd have people watching him all the time, Lucas felt constantly on edge. Every time he walked to the bus stop, he could swear he saw glimpses of a black car that seemed to follow him around every corner. Across the street, he'd catch a glimpse of a familiar black leather jacket, but then when he focused it was gone. When he was at home, he swears there's somebody lurking outside his apartment even though he can't see anybody from his window. It made him feel on edge and Lucas didn't like it. It had even got to a point where he thought there was a secret camera hidden in the bookcase or something. He was searching for over an hour, scanning every inch of the apartment before he stopped himself and realised how ridiculous he was being. He was an almost grown adult man, searching his apartment like some sort of paranoid victim out of a cringey spy movie.

"Fuck this, I need a night off" Lucas said to himself, throwing all caution to the wind.

He pulled his phone out and loaded up the group chat.

Le Gang

Lulu – Guys, I'm in serious need of a night out

Yann – he lives!

Arthur – we thought someone had kidnapped you and was holding you for ransom

Lulu – why didn't you ring the police, I could have been in real danger

Baz – I don't want to get involved in some weird mafia war, I'm too pretty to die

Arthur – that's the least of your worries Baz

Yann – anyway a night out sounds good

Lulu – I need to get absolutely off my face

Baz – that is the best idea you've had all year Lulu

Arthur – Friday night?

Yann – predrinks at mine?

Lulu – I'm down

Arthur – sounds good to me

Baz – I'm so going to get laid

Lulu – You'd need a miracle for that to happen mec

Yann – even Lucas has more game than you Baz

Arthur – we'll find you somebody nice

Baz – you're all nasty, I don't even know why we're friends

Lulu – love you

Lucas laughed as he shut his phone. He loved his friends he really did. And he really needed to get drunk. Like proper drunk. He wanted to be able to forget all this shit that had happened. And he also needed to get Eliott out of his head. He was bad news. Lucas sighed and glanced towards his window. He could have sworn he saw movement.

"You're going insane now Lucas" he muttered to himself as he turned over and fell asleep.

Friday night finally rolled around after a long week of catching up on assignments, being bored out of his mind and checking over his shoulder every 15 seconds to check nobody was following him. All in all it was a great week. The boys had had predrinks at Yann's and were pleasantly tipsy. Not enough to be out of control but enough to feel the warm buzz that ran through their bodies. The four boys entered the club and were immediately swallowed up by hundreds of people. Lucas had no idea there were this many people here, but he really didn't mind. It gave him a chance to completely let loose and forget about HIM. Him and Yann went to the bar to get the first round of drinks in. They got a beer each and eight shots of vodka and tequila. They were going to let loose tonight.

"Cheers boys!" Arthur shouted.

"VODKA!" Lucas screamed as they clinked their glasses and downed the shots. He welcomed the pleasant burn in the back of his throat. He immediately picked up another and swallowed, smiling as he felt the warmth start to pool in his stomach. Fuck, he needed this.

About an hour later and about 12 shots, Lucas was really feeling the benefit. A warmth was spreading throughout his body, and his mind was slightly fuzzy. The neon lights all blurred into one and he marvelled at how they could be so blinding yet soothing at the same time. It reminded him of when he was little and he would curl underneath the covers and flash his torch from different angles. It used to drown out the shouting and the crying. It made him feel safe, like he was the only one in the room.

"Lucas. Lucas. Lucas!" Yann shouted, trying to get his attention.

"Huh what?" He said, snapping out of his daze, shaking his head to clear the haze from his eyes.

"Dance. We're going to dance, you coming?"

"Hell yes!"

Yann yanked his arm and dragged him to the centre of the dance floor. Arthur was gently bobbing along, chatting to some people from school who had the same idea as the boys.

"Where's Baz?" Lucas shouted over the music, realising his voice would be hoarse in the morning. Yann pointed to the corner where Baz was pushed up against a wall, kissing some random girl.

"Get in there Baz. You've pulled!" Lucas shouted, losing all control of his inhibitions. He was a completely different person when he was drunk, more carefree and less uptight. Him and Yann started throwing themselves around, not caring what they looked like. He let the music fill his ears, closed his eyes and just let go. He let his body move naturally, going with the flow of the rhythm. He rocked forwards and back, throwing his hands up in the air.

His actions were halted when he felt a breath on his ear.

"Hey handsome"

Lucas quickly whipped around and found himself face to face with a beautiful stranger. He was tall, had dark hair and dark eyes. He looked into them and could see his reflection, his tousled hair and glassy eyes. He was conventionally attractive and for some reason had some sort of interest in Lucas. But who was he to deny the attention of an attractive man?

"Hey yourself. How can I help you?" Lucas smirked, taking a step closer to the man.

"I was just wondering what a pretty boy like you was doing here alone"

"Nobody caught my eye"

"What, even now?" He whispered, voice rough in his ear.

"Hmm, maybe someone has caught my attention" Lucas flirted back, blinking up at the stranger.

"Whoever he is, he's a lucky guy"

"Yeah he is" Lucas winked as he turned around. He pressed his back against the stranger and started to dance. He glanced over his shoulder and was proud to see that the older guys eyes had turned almost completely black, his pupils dilated. He put his hands on Lucas's small waist and moved his hips in time with Lucas. Their dancing was messy and simple, but the alcohol pumping through Lucas's veins refused to allow him to think straight. All he knew was that he was having a good time and this guy was a good distraction.

He didn't know how long him and Aidan? He thinks that's his name, were dancing for, but Lucas felt an intense burning on the back of his head. It was almost as if someone had pushed a firey hot poker into his neck and was twisting it constantly. He turned around and scanned across the room to try and find the source of the burn. All he could see was people dancing, shadows filling the night.

Until he saw him. Time seemed to stand still. The movement around him slowed. The hands on his waist suddenly became feather light. The lights faded away until they were just colours blurring around him. His eyes met the stormy night sky. Although he was metres away, Lucas had never seen him so clearly. His ruffled hair stood up at all angles and flopped over his forehead. His eyebrows were furrowed in complete concentration. His eyes were like lasers, stalking his every move. His jaw was clenched, just like his fists. His hunched shoulders left his jacket crease over his tense muscles. His stance was ready to attack, like a predator hunting its prey. And his lips. His lips were slightly open, tongue licking around the bottom, wetting them. They were plump and red, almost calling out for Lucas's attention. It was like there was only him and Eliott in the world. In the universe. They were opposites, fire and ice, destined to meet and cause a collision. Everything else has faded to nothing. Their force was magnetic, pulling them together on a subatomic level. Lucas had never felt like this before. Like he would drop dead if Eliott's eyes stopped watching his every move. He breathed in heavily, his lungs seeming to burst out of his chest. Thump, thump, thump. His breaths were shallow and forced, yet he felt like he could breathe for the first time in years.

All of a sudden his vision blurred and the sounds ambushed his ears. The loud bass music continued its attack on his brain and it was as if time hadn't stopped. Everything carried on, completely oblivious to the moment he and Eliott had just shared. He let his ears and eyes adjust, coming back into focus. But never once losing eye contact with Eliott across the room. Lucas heard the song lyrics and he knew what he had to do.

"I'm giving up, I'm giving up on love"

He plastered himself against the guy behind him, dancing like he was before. But this time, he imagined it was Eliott. Let his body go and showed off. He knew he was affecting Eliott. He could tell by the way his eyes dilated, the way they seemed to turn hungry. He rocked back against Aidan and grinded their hips together. He could sense the anger flaring up in Eliott, almost as if they were his own emotions. Good, he thought to himself. I hope it makes you feel something. Desperation, want, helplessness. I want you to feel how you make me feel. I want you to want me. I want you to want me the way I want you.

Lucas barely noticed the loss of contact on his hips before he felt a gasp to his side. Aidan was being slammed against the wall, back making a sickening thud. His eyes were wide in fright, hands shaking. Strong arms were holding him there, veins pulsing against the skin.

"Back off. He's mine" Eliott growled, letting go of the stranger and watching him run away in fear.

Lucas stood there, shock evident in his face. Did Eliott just- did he just-. His thoughts were interrupted by hands ghosting over his waist. But this time they were calloused, rough, covered by rings. The cold metal soothes his flushed skin stretched over his hipbones. The grip was firm, possessive. Lucas's back was flush against Eliott's chest. His strong arms covering Lucas's swaying to the rhythm. His hot breath tickled Lucas's collarbone, damp and heavy. His eyes were jet black, not a stormy blue in sight. His demeanour was electric, lighting up a spark inside Lucas. His heart constricted and he forgot how to breathe. He was overcome by a sense of want, of need, of lust. There was something about the way Eliott was looking at him. Looking at him like he was his prize, the only thing that mattered in the world. His desire was animalistic, raw and passionate. And Lucas had never wanted anybody more than he did in that second. He wanted to feel Eliott's rough hands against his, pinning him down. He wanted those lips to devour his. He wanted that stubble to brush his cheek and leave a mark. He wanted to be owned. He wanted to be needed. For the first time in his life, Lucas felt complete, like this is what his whole existence had been leading up to. He turned around in Eliott's arms and leant up, warmth filling every bone in his body.

Then emptiness. Cold. Numbness. Lucas blinked his eyes open and was met with the same eyes he wanted to see. But they were getting further away. Eliott was walking away from him, leaving him alone. He glanced at Lucas one more time before turning and walking out the door. The younger boy stumbled on the spot, his body in pure shock at what had just happened. Lucas thought he had felt empty before, but that was nothing compared to this. He felt like his heart had been torn from his chest. He could feel claws tearing up his gut. His soul was crushed beneath the ocean, water filling his lungs and clawing at his throat. He stood in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by dancing people. But they didn't matter to him. He was alone. Alone.

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