(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat...

By KatleyMor

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*I have aged the charecters up for this story. * "In the world eighty percent of the population has access t... More

The Family - 1
Curious scent - 2
Let's do it! - 3
First steps! - 4
Let's begin! - 5
Saving a demon! -6
Brotherly love! - 7
Cheeky! - 8
My Hero! - 9
Safe! - 10
Family Cocoon!
The Opportunity!
First Day!
Test Part 1!
Test Part 2!
All Might!
First Kiss!
Hurt on both ends!
Night time Rendezvous!
Fight back!
Villains 0 Heroes 1
Ice cream
True Colours
Sexy and Sweet!
In sync
Eventful day!
Bakugou Family
Two become One!
Morning After!
Welcome to Japan Alex!
War of the Sports Festival!
Look out for Number 1.
Finalists decided!
Katsuki Vs (F/N)
Hero Names.
Saturday Night at the Movies!
Such a Romantic!
Make Love
What does she see in him?
That Scent?
Villains at the Expo!
Dirty Cat!
A Dance to Remember!
A day with Alex!
A sleepy cat!
The bus!
Your Quirks True Name!
Hot Springs!
Training Camp Begins!
Why your in U.A!
Heroes 1-Villains 1
What he always wanted!
We failed our friends!
Is it over!
The Forgotten!
Your Song!
Your a hero!
Breaking Point!
Leo Snaps!
Your Mine!
The Call!
Make up in the shower!
Time to Go!
Don't worry because I am Here!
Out in the Open!
Your actions!
What's next?
The Cat with Eight Lives!

Off your chest!

1.5K 60 10
By KatleyMor

Hearing movement behind you turned your head to see Katsuki walk in with a bag full of stuff. "Right I won't hurt you but I'm going to do your hair ok?" his voice is soft and caring as you nod letting him brush the long locks "Man this is a real pain. You're so lazy I'd end up having to do this every day." he grumbled "If it caused you problems I'd do it" you sigh "Shut it. You know I don't mind" he snapped back as you heard the scissors cutting your hair.

As he cut it the green tips didn't go apparently this was part of your new quirk, but he cut it to just above your elbows meaning it was still long but more manageable like it used to be. Placing the scissors down he ran his finger through it making you purr a little as he smiled. 'I need her to open up' he sighs to himself before quickly running a warm bath with caramel scented bubbles in. When he looked at your face you seemed to be scowling "I'm not poisoning it but you said once I smell tasty" he smirked which held mischief as you nodded making him scrunch his face in anger he wanted to yell out you to stop being an idiot but he also didn't want to scare you.

Looking at the water you tried to stand to take your clothes off you had all your pride taken from you anyways. "I can help" he walked over holding you as you just nodded slightly as he pulled the hospital gown off your body it had tiny white lines in so many places. He had been informed you had been cut but he didn't realise how much. "Recovery girl has said they will be gone after a few more treatments with her" you commented cover yourself with your arms.

"I don't care. You still look as hot as ever" he smiled making your face heat up 'Good that got a reaction apart from a nod' slightly he was thinking of a plan. Grabbing your hand he helped you step into the bath before he pulled your hair into a bun on your head. It was a communal bath so he would be able to join you. "I'll just get rid of your hair" he looked over to you sitting perfectly still.

Again you nodded as he started to walk out you turned "Get Todoroki to burn it" you snapped as he looked "I don't want them getting any more of me" your eyes looked worried, scared he wasn't sure what they held as he nodded heading towards the group. "Icyhot burn this" he snapped as the boy looked up. "What?" he said confused "I don't know but I think she thinks they can clone her or something with her hair," he said passing the guy a bag before walking away looking at Leo.

"She'll be fine. She said she doesn't want to be a hero anymore though. Maybe when we come out you need to remind her why she wants to be one" he snapped before vanishing again. "Damn that guy doesn't get it. He was the reason and she probably feels she couldn't save him" Leo glares at the ash-blonde leave. "I don't know. I think they're both pretty broken right now" Alex comments looking at his childhood friend.

"That Toga girl was a real bitch with a knife." Alex shudders remembering but he wasn't cut too much. "Thinks it's a fetish" he adds before going back to his book. The other students carry on their conversation all in their PJ's waiting for you to come out. "You think if she talks to us all it will make her feel better?" Ochacho looks up tears in her eyes. "Don't know only one way to find out." Leo laughs but everyone can see he just wants to hold you.

As you're sat in the bath memories start to flood back of the bath you had that was like torture. You hear the footsteps behind you "It's just me" the husky voice comments before the sound of clothing being taken off "Are you sure this is ok" you blush trying not to look "Yeh and why you hiding you've seen it all before right" he pouts but not wanting to push you. "I know but I erm..." you start stuttering "You had your memories wiped to think you had slept with him. Thinking this you did sleep with him. I have one question." he gets into the bath next to you as you look away. "Firstly don't look away from me ever" he snaps making you shyly look into his red eyes that are soft full of worry unlike the angry red eyes he shows everyone else.

"Good...Now answer me honestly. When it happened did it feel right or good?" he scratched his chin a little "What I mean did it feel you know the same or..." you cut him off by shaking your head."When it happened. I knew something was off but from the memories, I had of us but it was his face. I wasn't strong enough..." he grabbed your face pulling you forward.

"Stop I don't want to hear you weren't strong enough. I don't care about that. I'm just glad your back here. We'll take everything slow again. Everything in your time no matter how long it takes for you to be ready." he smiles rubbing his thumb over your lips. "I know this is selfish and well you can say no...But can I just hold you in my arms." he sighs his mask slips to show you how insecure he feels.

Taking a gulp you move your body to in front of his so you're sitting in front of his legs. Your shaking not knowing if he still wanted you as you feel his arms wrap around your body pulling you into his as you feel his head push against your neck. Sitting there in silence you feel his tears fall on your shoulder as you sit there your own tears falling once again as you lean your body into his you hear small sobs. "I thought I had lost you" he whispers as you feel his legs wrap around your body like he needs to hold you from someone taking you again.

Stroking your hands down his arms you interlock your fingers with his as you lean your head on top of his. "I thought I had lost you" you whisper back before turning to kiss his head. Sure you had gone through something awful but those around you're suffered too. He was taken and you don't know what happened but you knew why he was kidnapped.

"Katsuki. Did they hurt you?" you whisper making him lift his head to look you in the eyes. "No..." he looked at you let go of his hands to turn to look at him. "I'm very broken right now..." your voice is barely a whisper. "Will you help me?" you look into his eyes as his change to ones still with something deep down but with determination. "Only if you'll help me?" he places his hand on your cheek. "I'll do anything for you" you smile sweetly as he places his forehead to yours.

"Good. This has broken me as well" he sighs "It's my fault All Might lost his power" he looked at you his eyes massive filling with tears. "No it was the villain's fault. If it was your fault then it was mine too" you sigh as he realises you were taken to. After that, you don't say much else for a few moments before he pulls you into his body your skin against each other. "Normally I'd fuck your brains out right now and tell you how stupid you are," he growled as he kissed your neck making you jump. "I guess the fact you had surgery gets you off the hook for now," he smirks pulling away.

His hands go up your neck entwining within your hair pulling you forward towards his lips "I best retake what's mine. Since some shitty extra got jealous" he snarls pulling your lips against his as you instantly both start to kiss each other hungrily, desperately and in the kiss holds the promise of the fact no one will ever take the other one again. As you both pull away "You know you should let the extras know what happened. They're worried and won't go to bed until you go see them and eat." he smiles "Tonight we can stop in my room and I'll hold you as long or as little as you want." he looks into your eyes.

"We're a team" he smirks "The best team also I saw Kirishima and Mina hugging when you were pulling the plant out your body" he smirked as you grinned "About fucking time" you giggle as he bites your neck making you wince from the surgery "Katsuki" you groan as he laughs "(f/n) let's clean each other up before I don't care anymore and fuck your brains out. I don't want to have to explain that to Recovery Girl" his eyes hold mischief and security. "Ok." you laugh before you wash each other as he washes your hair before you wash his making it flat.

He gets out helping you up drying you off before helping you into your clothes "Sit I'll do your hair" he smiles as he looks at you in his top. "Any reason we're matching?" you look at him in the mirror "Because you look hot in my top" he smirks as he brushes your hair before braiding it for you. "You'll need this" he smiles placing the necklace around your neck with the cat and grenade on it. Placing your hand on it you smile as he kisses your head "Ready?" he smiles at you in the mirror as you nod.

Swooping you in his arms he carries you to the common area placing you on Leo's knee "Hold my cat a moment whilst I get her food" he smirks as you pout "Tch" you growl before you literally hold Leo tight. "I'm sorry I said that stuf..." he hits you on the head making you rub it "Ouch" you glare at him "Don't ever let your guard down again" he snaps "I almost lost you" he pulled you in sobbing on the t-shirt as you hold him you feel someone behind you.

Turning your head you see Alex "Hey!" he looks nervous "So a quirk huh" you smirk "Yeh finally came through who knew" he smirked as your lip started to go he picked you up off Leo. "Kitty Kat. Let's not let that happen again" he whispers into your neck as you nod. "Yeh I didn't enjoy it one bit" You whisper as he holds you close. "Well I moved to Japan!" his voice trembles "Yeh" you agree as Katsuki walks in "Food!" he snaps as Alex places you on the sofa.

"Miso soup. Your throat still hurts right?" he raises an eyebrow as you nod "Yeh had something in my throat" you literally burst out laughing as everyone looks stunned that your laughing. Katsuki glares "That is not fucking funny" he snarls as you wipe the tears from your eyes "You're telling me" you pout, "I thought I would crack a joke since your all looking so fucking tense" looking at your classmates before slurping on your noodles.

"Caramel soy latte!" Katsuki places it down before making you stand to sit on his knee to wrap his arms around you making you wince. Mina looks at you as you see her sat close to Kirishima, Momo near Todoroki, and Kaminari near Kyoka and Midoryia near Ochacho. Looking behind you Katsuki looks at the class.

"Kachaan said you don't want to be a hero anymore?" Midoryia blurts out clearly wanting to get you to talk it was a habit of yours. "I'm not sure I wasn't very good against villains." you look at your coffee. "Your here" Mina comments as you look at her which reminds you. "Oh, I know some of you got in trouble. Thank you for coming to save me. Leo, Kirishima, Todoroki, Momo, Midoryia and Iida" standing up slowly you bow.

"You'd do the same for us" Kirishima smiles "Yeh also Midoryia. I saw what you did to save Kota you were my partner in the trial never run away again." you glare at him "Use your head these villains are still out there" you look around the room. "I want to..." you feel some grab your hand pulling you to sit. "I'm your doctor remember sit" he smirked "No your my nurse" you stick your tongue out as his eyebrow twitches before you sit and he holds you close.

"I need to get what happened to me off my chest because maybe if I talk about it. I won't be scared anymore" you hold his hand tighter. "You don't have to" Momo comments looking at you. "I want to...this has been going on for months. Since the first day I met Hoshi." you sigh as Katsuki glares "When I was first attacked the man was sent by Hoshi. He was supposed to capture me then but the man decided to attack on his own desires, when Hoshi saw this he was going to save me and infiltrate the hero society from what I can gather...but Katsuki saved me instead" you took a sip of your coffee.

"The collar from the USJ was Hoshi's and only he could take it off. When I went to the cinema he tried to use his quirk on me but Midoryia snapped me out of the trance at the coffee shop." you looked over to the green-haired boy who looked surprised but then spoke out "I wasn't sure at the time but I did see that you weren't yourself for a while" he looked nervously at Katsuki "YOU KNEW DEKU AND SAID...." you turned glaring "Seriously my ears are sensitive" your growl before coughing a little.

"He took Alex because he thought I would be happy he gave my quirkless friend a quirk. He told me everything he did was for me and he wasn't bothered about the league or his father" this made them all look at you. "Who is his dad (f/n)?" Todoroki questioned you "He father is the one that gave me my quirk All for One I think they call him. He seemed to hate All Might" you scratched your head.

"Does All Might know this?" Midoryia snapped as you shook your head "I believe I have my interview with the police tomorrow" you sigh. "What did they do to you?" Leo asks not wanting to know but also he does. Sighing you continue "They took us both to the bar. Were Hoshi dropped his quirk letting me say goodbye to Katsuki. Before he took me to warehouse" you paused as your body started to shake at the memory Katsuki grabbed your body in his.

"Come on the sooner you say the quicker and better you'll feel," he said as you looked up nodding "They put me under his control but making it so my own mind was still awake. I just could only do what they told me no matter how much I screamed and cried out. They commanded me to strip and lie on a cold metal hospital bed" as your talking about it your eyes go lifeless.

"Then Hoshi left to prepare something leaving me with the girl Toga who attacked Ochacho and Tsu." you gulp as the girls gasp "The blonde obsessed with blood?" Ochacho commented as you nodded "Hoshi's quirk gives him the ability to do anything with plants and he has practised a lot to the point he knows what to use to cause pain. He applied one to Toga's blades because he knew that I could withstand a lot of pain from my shifting but he needed my mind to brake ever so slightly to get whatever he put in me to set." you looked at the floor.

"She just kept cutting me over and over and over and over again. I would scream but nothing would leave my mouth I was begging for her to stop but she couldn't hear me. She said she wished she could hear my screams but Hoshi didn't want to hear them. When she decided cutting me wasn't fun anymore she decided to poke around in the deeper cuts twisting her finger but yet I couldn't break the control of my body." your lip started to go you hadn't even realised that tears were falling from your eyes.

Wiping your eyes you looked up at the faces filled with a mixture of anger, grief, horror and rage. "After an hour of Toga playtime. He came back pretending to be the nice guy saying he had made a special herb to heal my wounds quickly but he had to do it. He took me off the table in his arms carrying me to a large metal tub filled with water and herbs. Me being naive was relieved for this but I regretted it when he dropped me into freezing cold water making me gasp for my breath before the herbs started to work quickly seeping into my bloodstream and knitting the wound together.

You passed your coffee to Katsuki who looked like he was going to murder someone one. "All the white lines will go but this is just my stomach." lifting your top they all gasped as Momo hadn't seen them earlier as she was too concerned cleaning the fresh wounds up. You sat back down "Then my head felt fuzzy as he played with my mind locking and replacing all my memories away, my friends, he changed it to my family was slaughtered and Heroes couldn't save them. They made it that I was a villain and every single memory of Katsuki was replaced to be memories with Hoshi." you looked at Katsuki who nodded.

"I passed out but the next morning when I came to. I was the new (f/n) the villain, Hoshi's long term girlfriend and lover. It was soo real in my head that I didn't know what I was doing and believed we had had had...I can't" you instantly wrap your body up into a shaking ball. "I already told you its fine you weren't you." Katsuki was livid as Kirishima looked at his friend. "He's right" Kirishima called over as Kaminari agreed. "I then agreed to a new quirk and that felt like I was being stabbed with a million little needles. That was a few hours before I was freed." You sighed as you looked at Leo and Alex.

"The day I went shopping with my family after being released from the hospital. Hoshi came to me and gave me a vial to take but being here the memories were too strong." your sighed "So your telling me that's why you were in the changing room so long" Leo growls as you nod "I'm calling mum and dad" he snapped grabbing his phone walking off. "He can't get you now" Ochacho smiled walking over hugging you. "I don't know" you sigh as everyone hugs you and fill you with confidence.

Katsuki watches as you smile but he knows you're exhausted "You need your tablets then bed. You can speak to the extras in the morning." he snapped as you nodded walking away to the boy's room getting into bed with him as he held your body close to his before you instantly fell asleep. However, Katsuki struggled for a while to get to sleep as he just took in all your features scared of you being taken from him again before he also fell to sleep. 

***Thank you for reading***

***I don't own the BNHA or Pictures***

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