Always (2/3)

By Kaori-_-Miyazono

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They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but what about three years? It's been three years since Pacific... More

00: never saw him again
01: in love with tragedies
02: eating was the last thing on my mind
03: the ultimate wingman
04: but he's not evil
05: ripped out of my chest
06: beautiful albeit complicated
07: past tense. ergo, over
08: upcoming date with infamous heartbreaker
09: someone I used to know
10: you've just sealed your fate, dummy
11: all ideas are good if you have the right mind-set to execute them
12: depends on your definition of worse
13: doesn't know how ignorant he's being
14: from unemotional to angry
15: this relationship is a two-way street
16: you've given 'ignorant asshole' a new meaning
17: never said anything so short and inarticulate in my life
18: talk this out like civilized adults
19: vulgar as ever
20: you swore you'd never use magic on me
21: you can gawk at the merchandise later
22: revealing a piece of my mystery-night puzzle
23: at the risk of sounding cliché
24: wouldn't call 'senseless fucking' a past history
25: a small white lie
26: die because of tracky-boy
27: everybody, let's go to the church
28: nervousness was a feeling I rarely felt
29: it would result in his immediate death
31: only misguided
32: like I said; I just wanted you to know
33: love is all about seeing through the flaws in other people
34: not that lucky then
35: curtains rise at ten
36: that was mistake number one
37: the line clicked dead
38: it's been a long decade
39: humans are quite careless when it comes to pain
40: I hate to be dramatic, but I'm bleeding out here
41: I suppose I'll just have to pay my dues
42: she's acting like she'd rather you died
43: the only downside to being a Gleeful
44: consider me interested
45: how very nineteenth century of you
46: can standoffish-ness be passed down through genetics
47: the latter would truly be better
48: leave the bottle, sister dearest
49: the effervescence of resentment
50: a stammering mess of inarticulate syllables
51: like any reasonable teenager would
52: you would've been here tonight with me, not her
53: kept my wits about me
54: lighten up, don't sober up
55: solving one piece of this puzzle might be helpful
56: till your uses run dry
57: quite the oxymoron
58: could be a whole lot more romantic if you'd let me
59: g minor seventh -saddest of all chords
60: I promise; whatever happens
short story 1/3: we've got forever (slipping through our hands)
short story 2/3: you were a wolf in the night (to fetch me back)
short story 3/3: we walk through the fire (is there a way out?)

30: thanks for the vote of confidence

762 31 23
By Kaori-_-Miyazono


Mabel came over faster than I expected. "What happened?" She demanded as soon as I opened the door. She strode into the house and looked around for Dipper.

"I dunno." I stated. "He just came over and started speaking. . .weirdly."

"I didn't know that was a symptom." Mabel shook her head. "What was he saying?"

"Um, a whole bunch of things." I thought back to it. "Sometimes it didn't make sense."

"I beg your pardon?" Mabel looked around once more for Dipper. "Where is he?"

"He's in the living room." I pointed a finger in the direction of the room. "It was just a bunch of random sentences. . .about us."

Mabel took a quick peek into the living room and there was a moment of relief on her face. "About you two? Do tell, what?"

"He said he couldn't take it anymore." I explained slowly, remembering the conversation. "He said he wanted to. . ." I thought about not telling her. I didn't want Mabel thinking Dipper was a coward who didn't want to face his problem. "That's it."

"I can understand all of it." Mabel mused. "I. . .I think this has something to do with Traqueur Magique."

"Like an illness or disease?" My eyes widened at the thought.

"It would explain some things." Mabel admitted. "If this disease. . .wait, I see."

"What? See what?" I demanded.

"The disease only affects those who use magic against the creature." Mabel pointed out, "that's why this isn't affecting Gideon! He didn't use magic against the creature, but Dipper did."

"Oh no," I muttered. "This could be bad."

"It only attacked him and hurt him because he possessed magic." Mabel explained, "that's why Gideon's still alive."

"And Dipper will be fine?" I asked. "At least I hope so."

Mabel ignored my last comment and proceeded to check on Dipper. "Hey, Dip." She whispered softly.

Dipper looked up at her, "oh. . .hey Mabes."

"What are you doing here?" She sat next to his feet on the couch. "And more importantly, how are you?"

Dipper rolled his eyes. "I'm here because I want to see Pacifica." He answered. "How am I? Oh, isn't that a question."

"Drink some water, Dipper." Mabel encouraged, turning to face me. "Get him some water, Paz."

I walked into the kitchen and quickly grabbed a cup of water. "Drink this, Dipper."

"I dunno what you guys are freaking out about," Dipper took a long sip, "I'm fine, you don't need to freak out."

"Do you remember our conversation?" I asked, fearing the worst.

Dipper gave me a look, "if I'm being honest, kind of?"

"Okay, Dipper." Mabel interrupted. "Why did you even come over here in the first place?"

Dipper groaned and laid back down, "I. . I dunno."

"Oh dear God, tell me you weren't drunk." Mabel groaned aloud as well.

"Of course not!" Dipper snapped and then decided to stand up. "Now, if it interests either of you, I'm ready for the plan to unfold."

"But Dipper!" I interrupted him. "I'm not sure we're ready, plus this entire thing just happened. Shouldn't we try to focus on what just happened to you?"

Dipper must have noticed something. He must have noticed how panicked I was that he wasn't taking it all seriously. Because he took his seat back on the couch, let out a sigh, and in the quietest voice I've ever heard him use said "okay."

"Does being Marked have other restrictions?" I found myself asking. "Like, it restricts you from using magic anymore without the thing finding you, but does it restrict your memory?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Dipper admitted. "I know there are illnesses. Because I've had magic for almost ten years, it could be the lingering effects of me not being able to use it."

"Oh, you guys suck," Gideon's voice came from the entrance to the living room. "You guys call a meeting and don't tell me? Nice, just nice."

"Sorry, Gideon," Mabel winced, "this wasn't a planned meeting."

Gideon's ears only seemed to hear the word 'planned' and his eyes widened. "What did I tell you two?! We don't want any Dipper/Pacifica hybrids running around! I told you two to use protection!"

My face felt like it was on fire! Mabel was beside herself with laughter, she almost fell out of her chair she was laughing so hard. Dipper's face looked shocked as well, like he was just as mortified as me. That was a first.

"That's. . .that's not what we're talking. . .about." Mabel said through wheezes. And when she finally composed herself, she said, "we didn't plan to have this meeting. But there's something wrong with Dipper."

"What else is new?" Gideon rolled his eyes, "you wanna know something? I think Pacifica's life has gotten way more problematic ever since you came back into her life."

Dipper didn't argue. "I know, believe me, I never wanted this for her."

"I know." I said, looking back to Dipper. "But it doesn't matter. I'm involved in this now and we're going to end this once and for all."

Dipper closed his eyes and let out a sigh, "I don't want you to get hurt, Pazzie."

"She won't." Gideon crossed his arm, "because you're going to protect her, okay?"

"I won't need protecting." I groaned, "right, Mabel?"

"No, you'll definitely need protecting." Mabel informed us all. "It's nothing against you, but you're hella clumsy sometimes."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." I rolled my eyes, "well, it doesn't matter. Because my life isn't on the line here."

"Are you subtly mentioning that you're angry at me?" Dipper raised a brow.

"Angry?" I repeated.

"Mabel, Gideon, if you please," Dipper gestured to the door.

Gideon groaned, but Mabel did end up dragging him out of the room to give me and Dipper some privacy. God knew why we needed it.

"Are you mad at me, Pacifica?" Dipper's soft toned voice soothed me.

"I dunno why you would think that." I shook my head. But was I mad at Dipper?

"I get it," he pulled me to the couch.

I took a seat next to him, my eyes trained on the ground.

"I know, this is absolutely terrifying." Dipper admitted. "But. . .are you angry with me?"

"I'm scared for you, Dipper." I finally breathed out. "This is very dangerous, what we're going to do, and we just. . .we just found each other again."

"You don't want to lose me?" He echoed, confused.

"In case you haven't noticed, Gleeful, I love you." I shook my head. "And I don't want to lose you, ever. I've worked so hard, I've gone through so much, and so have you, and--"

He cut me off by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer into him. "I don't want to lose you either, Pacifica. I'll be the first to admit that this scares me, more than I let on, but I trust you."

I closed my eyes and leaned into him. "Please, Dipper. You're playing a dangerous game here, and you know it. I just--"

The doorbell rang.

Dipper looked at me, "were you expecting company?"

"No," I murmured. "I wasn't."

"Is someone going to get that door?" Mabel's voice sounded irritated from wherever she was. "Last I checked, we don't have servants here to open it for us!"

"I'll get it," I groaned, standing up slowly.

But something stopped me, no, someone stopped me. Dipper wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back to him. "Gideon can get it." He murmured. "Stay with me."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, possessive."

Dipper rolled his eyes in turn.

Gideon groaned loudly. "FINE! I'll get it!" I heard his footsteps pound as he walked toward the door.

"You wanna know something?" Dipper whispered to me.


"You're still just as stubborn as the day I first met you," He leaned toward me and kissed me gently.

"When did you become such a romantic?" I raised a brow at him.

"You call that romantic?"

"Pacifica!" Gideon called. "It's for you."

I looked back at Dipper, "now I have to go. Be right back."

Dipper crossed his arms and pouted like a child.

I laughed as I walked away toward the door. "Who is it, Gids?"


I looked up at the door and my eyes widened. Showing up at my door was none other than Cody Chiu.

Sorry it took so long to update! I hope this makes up for my absence! I've been working hard on chapters and plan to have the story finished before summer starts (June 21) Keep smiling, my lovelies

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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