31: only misguided

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   "What are you doing here?" I asked.

   Cody looked exactly the same way from when I saw him a few weeks ago. Caramel-colored hair, tan skin, brown eyes. Friendly eyes. Calm demeanor.

  He seemed tall too. Taller than me now, it was kind of weird.

   "I mean, it's nice and all but--"

   "I figured we could catch up, y'know, since we were interrupted last time." He shrugged, a smile on his face. "Unless you're busy."

   "Oh, she's busy alright."

   Cody's eyes hardened. "Gleeful."

   Dipper walked up and wrapped an arm around my waist, "Chiu."

   Oh boy, here we go. I thought. Dipper better be the bigger person here.

   Cody looked at where Dipper had placed his hand on me. "I'll take it that you two have worked everything out?"

   Dipper glared fiercely at him. "As a matter of fact, we have. What's it to you?"

   "Look, it doesn't matter." I looked at the both of them. "Does it?"

   "Why did you come here, Chiu?" Dipper let go of me and stood facing his enemy. "I don't like you slinking around where you don't belong."

   "Oh yeah? And what does that say about you?" Cody asked. "You shouldn't be slinking around where you don't belong either."

   "You're saying I don't belong at my girlfriend's house?" Dipper growled. "And what right does that give you?"

   "Excuse me," I interjected. "I'm right here, you two. Cody came by to catch up with me. He didn't know that you and I are together." I explained quickly to Dipper. I needed Mabel out here fast, she would know how to cool the situation down.

   "Be careful with this guy, Paz." Cody jerked a finger at Dipper. "I know you think he's a great guy and everything, but he hasn't changed a bit. You can do better."

   "And you're better?" Dipper demanded, pushing me behind him. "Forget anything you think you know, Chiu. Because you're often wrong. You wouldn't want to go around with false information."

   "What would he know, Dipper?" I asked even though I told myself not to get involved in their blood feud.

   They'd been enemies ever since I'd come to town three years ago. There wasn't a soul in Reverse Falls who didn't know how much they hated each other.

   "Absolutely nothing." Dipper muttered. "He has what he thinks he knows about me."

   "Which is?!" I demanded. This was going absolutely nowhere!

   "You already know he's a bad guy, Paz." Cody reasoned. "So why do you continue to pretend that he's the good guy?"

   "Cody, please, this is no time to discuss this." I held up my hands, finally stepping between them. "Dipper isn't a bad guy only—"

   "—only misguided." Cody rolled his eyes, "yeah I know what you say. But that isn't the case. He's the closest to evil you'll get on Earth."

   "Watch it, Chiu." Dipper growled. "You dunno how bad I can fuck up your life."

   "Dipper, stop it!" I yelled. "Cody, get out of here, I dunno why you're like this."

   "Of course you can," Cody laughed. "After all, you screwed up yourself. It's not going to be long, you'll fuck up so bad Pacifica won't want to even see your face. You'll mess her up, Gleeful. Because that's what you do best. You fuck up people and then you move onto the next one. She's just one on your—"

   Dipper was too fast for me to comprehend what was happening. All of a sudden, he pushed me behind him and decked Cody right in the face.

   "Dipper!" I screamed.

   But Dipper didn't stop, he just kept whaling on him, pushing him farther outside the Shack and Cody managed to get in a few swift punches.

   If they were to continue fighting, I knew one would most likely kill the other.

   Without even thinking straight, I rushed in between the two and was met with a punch on my ribs.

   "Aagh!" I cried out in pain which managed to get their attention. I clutched my side with both hands, cursing myself for being so stupid.

   Dipper immediately dropped down to me, blood dripping from a busted lip, and he pulled me closer to him. "Pacifica—!"

   I moved quickly out of his reach and glared at the two of them. "What is wrong with you two?!"

   "It was Cody who hit you!" Dipper exclaimed.

   "No fucking way." Cody snarled at Dipper. "I saw you, Gleeful. Don't blame your actions on me!"

   "Both of you, just stay away from me!" I yelled, wincing in pain. I looked at Dipper, "I thought you were better than that, you are supposed to be!"

   Dipper opened his mouth to argue but I quickly cut him off.

   "And you!" I yelled to Cody. "I thought you were supposed to be my friend! Just both of you leave me ALONE!"

   I stormed back into the Mystery Shack, tears pouring down my face, my ribs aching. I couldn't believe how childish they actually were!

   As soon as I got inside the Mystery Shack, I ran straight into Gideon who looked at me with wide eyes.

   "Pacifica! What happened?!" He exclaimed.

   I rushed past him and barreled into the bathroom. I locked the door faster than anything and just let myself fall onto the floor.

   The door handle jiggled fast and violently, I could only guess who was outside the door.

   "Pacifica, please, open the door." Dipper pleaded from the other side. "Let me explain."

   I stayed quiet.

   "Look, I'm sorry!" He yelled, pounding a fist on the door. "He was instigating and everything, I just couldn't control myself."

   I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall. I didn't think that would go that far. Why did Cody have to say those things?

   You know why. I closed my eyes, letting the tears fall delicately onto my cheeks.

   There was silence outside the door. But a little sigh told me Dipper was still there. "Pacifica," his voice quiet and shaky.

   Don't answer him. My head warned. You need time to think this out, if you answer, he'll think everything is okay. You need time.

   "God damnit!" Dipper cried out, pounding his fist on what I could guess was a nearby wall. "He was right. It was only a matter of time before I fucked up again."

   His footsteps retreating told me that he had indeed left. And then the slam of the Mystery Shack door also told me he had left completely

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