Red vs Blue Season 11: Male Oc

By xSpartanLeox

72.8K 1.4K 1.2K

RvB Season 11, the Reds and Blues have been shipwrecked in a mysterious canyon, they will have to work togeth... More

Rvb S11 E1 "One-Zero-One"
Rvb S11 E2 "Get Your Tucks in a Row"
Rvb S11 E3 "Barriers to Entry"
Rvb S11 E4 "Heavy Mettle"
Rvb S11 E5 "A Real Fixer Upper"
Rvb S11 E7 "Can I Keep It?"
Rvb S11 E8 "The Grass is Greener. The Blues are Bluer"
Rvb S11 E9 "A House Divided, Then Multiplied"
Rvb S11 E10 "Long Live the King"
Rvb S11 E11 "Worst Laid Plans"
Rvb S11 E12 "Finders Keepers"
Rvb S11 E13 "+1 Followers"
Rvb S11 E14 "Reconciliation"
Rvb S11 E15 "Neighborhood Watch"
Rvb S11 E16 "FAQ"
Rvb S11 E17 "Ready...Aim..."
Rvb S11 E18 "Fire"
Rvb S11 E19 "Lost But Not Forgotten"
Rvb S11 E20 "Old friends"

Rvb S11 E6 "S.O.S"

3.8K 78 103
By xSpartanLeox

It's been about a month since the Author went silent on Wattpad. He was currently outside of his house door, carefully opening the door in hopes it doesn't utter a sound.

Author: Nice and easy...

Thankfully he was able to slip into his apartment and close the door without a single sound. You may be asking why is he being so, cautious entering his own house. Will last time he didn't write for a month, a certain robot ladie broke his legs... so yeah.

Author: M-Maybe, if I can finish writing the chapter she won't notice.

The Author hurried to his room, entering silently and draws his attention to his chair and computer.

Author: (Sighs in relief) Made it! Thank the lord, now if I just finish-

Suddenly, the chair spins around revealing Tex to be sitting in his chair with her arms crossed.

Tex: Look who finally decided to show up.

Author: T-Tex, hey how's it going! Look I know I promise I wouldn't go and disappear again, but you see school just bit to much to handle and-

Tex: I don't want to hear your excuse! Was breaking your legs not enough?

Author: They've just healed up, alright! I was just about to continue writing anyway, soooo...

Tex gets off the chair and walks over to the Author and grips his shoulder tightly.

Tex: Fine, I'll let you off with a warning this time.

Author: Thank god-

Tex: BUT, if I catch you pull this shit again. Then I'll break your legs again, maybe spend all your money-

Author: I'm still trying to make back the money you spent, before.

Tex: Or perhaps I'll buy you a collar and leash to make sure you never run off again.

Author: Getting a bit yandare there and your not serious about the collar, right?

Tex let's go of the Author and makes her way out of the room.

Tex: Who knows I might put "Owned by Agent Texas," on it and make you walk the streets with it on.

With that she finally leaves, leaving a paled Author.

Author: ....Control + F + My life!

A machine whirs from within the cavern and noises arise in the background. Caboose can also be heard from within the cavern.

Caboose: It's alive. It's alive! He's ali- Aw, now it's dead.

A short moment of silence.

Caboose: No, it's alive again! Oh, thank God that was close.

Comm Tower
Leo and Wash are still working on the Comm tower, trying to repair the radio equipment. Zeta and Wade are down below, watching Tucker "attempting" to fix some busted wires. Tucker soon walks out from under the tower and stands beside Wade and Zeta.

Tucker: Ok, how about now?

Leo tries turning the radio on twice.

Leo: Nothing.

Tucker: Hold on.

Tucker heads back under the tower for a brief moment, before walking back out.

Tucker: Ok, try it again.

Leo tries turning the radio on once more.

Leo: Still nothing.

Tucker: Balls.

Wash walks over to the edge and looks down at the three, specifically Tucker.

Wash: Hey, what exactly are you doing down there?

Tucker: Oh, you know.... Calibrating.

Wash: ...Calibrating.

Tucker: Yeah.

Wash looks at Wade and Zeta.

Wash: ...He hasn't done anything, has he?

Wade shakes his head.

Wade: Nope.

Zeta: It's Tucker, what'd expect?

Tucker: Oh come on, I don't know what I'm doing or why you sent me down here. You could of sent Wade or Zeta instead! Are you specifically, trying to make me look like an idiot!?

Zeta: I think you handle that part all by yourself, Tucker.

Tucker: Thanks for reminding me. (Mutters) God, it's like talking to female version of Church.

Wade: They are related, you know.

Wade looks up at Wash.

Wade: Wash, why couldn't you of just send me or Zeta? We'd would of probably got done by now, ages ago.

Wash looks down for a moment.

Wash: (Mumbles) That would've made more sense.

Zeta: Hey Wash, we've got a situation.

Wash: What kind of-

Wash looks back up and see's the Red Team standing, behind the blues.

Wash: ...Oh.

Grif: Good to see you too.

Leo walks up besides Wash and see's what's going on.

Leo: What are you guys doing here?

Sarge: Figured it be a good idea to come over and lend a hand.

Wash: No, that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch anything.

Simmons: But we could provide tech support!

Sarge: Have you tried using any D batteries?

Leo: Power isn't our issue here, Sarge. These battery arrays are solar.

Sarge: Well, there's your problem. This baby needs to be converted to diesel on the pronto!

Wash: Solar is field-standard for communication systems.

Sarge: Well ooh-la-la, Private Hippy! Hey, I got an idea; why don't we just plant a garden in? Grow some organic sun-dried tomatoes, and open a farmer's market. Then on the first Saturday of the month, when the UNSC ships show up to buy some fresh sustainable produce, we just hop on board and ride back on the power of love!

Wash stares a Sarge for a couple seconds, before looking at Leo for help, who just lifts his hands up in a "leave me out of this," way. Wash then looks down at Wade, Zeta and Tucker.

Wash: ...You three, if they touch anything, or if he makes any more suggestions, Zeta shoot their legs, Wade blow them up and Tucker prod them with your sword or something.

Tucker: Ha ha, now that's something I can get behind! Bowchickaboww- Wait, no! No no no no no!

Sarge: Fine, well I guess you don't want any help from our incredibly advanced robotic companion.

Sarge says, while gesturing over at Lopez 2.0

Lopez 2.0: >Hello.<

Wash: Nope!

Grif: Racist!

Leo: I can't leave you guys by yourself for one minute and you start building robots.

Grif: This was all Sarge's idea.

Leo: And why I'm I not surprised.

Sarge: Hey tree-hugger, what if I told you it runs on recycled cooking grease? It's perfect. Grif sweats the stuff.

Grif: What else was I supposed to drink once we ran out of soda?

Zeta: Don't you guys have water?

Grif: Please, what are we, cavemen?

Wash: I said no.

Lopez 2.0: >Are you sure you don't want help? This looks like a relatively simple fix.<

Wade: Wait a sec, is that Lopez?!

Simmons: Not exactly. (Whispers) This one isn't very smart.

Wade: Why did you build him with a low IQ, in the first place then?

Simmons: I don't know, why you asking me? Sarge built it!

Lopez 2.0: >Seriously guys, I'm looking at the problem. I can fix it right now.<

Zeta: How can you tell, he's not smart?

Sarge: Oh, a mother knows.

Lopez 2.0: >Okay, if no one is going to stop me, I'm going to fix your radio tower.<

Lopez 2.0 walks towards the base of the comm tower.

Leo: Here's a better idea, why don't you three go check on our food supply? It has been awhile since we've done a full inventory.

Simmons: You can't shove your bitch work on us! What do we look like?

Tucker: Uhhhh... Bitches?

Wash: Tucker, I want 100 squats.

Tucker: What? But it was leg day yesterday!

Wash: You are a space marine, private. Everyday is leg day.

Wade: Hehe.

Wash: Find something amusing about this Wade? Perhaps you would care to join Private Tucker.

Wade: Uuh nope, I'm good. No need for that, thank you!

After a moment, Tucker starts doing his squats.

Tucker: This is bullshit.

Grif: Ha! Who is the bitch now?

Tucker: Your sister was my bitch, if I remember correctly.

Grif: What did you say to me, bitch?

Zeta: Can you both stop bickering like a bitch?

Tucker: Hey that bitch, started it!

Leo: And I'm finishing it! No one here is a bitch, now stop calling each other bitches and be quiet!

Grif: .... Simmons is kind of a bitch.

Simmons: Hey! What the fuck?!

Sarge: Ah, can it Private Bitch.

Simmons: (Sulks) Yes, sir.

Tucker/Grif: Bitch.

Leo starts growling in frustration, clenching is hands into a fist.


Leo takes his anger out at the radio box, punching the side of it and causing a small dent. Suddenly, the radio tunes up and everyone stares at it in shock.

Wade: Holy crap!

Zeta: Did it just turn on!?

Leo takes a step back from the radio.

Leo: It's working. It's actually working! I-I don't know what I did, but it's working!

Lopez 2.0 emerges from under the comm tower.

Lopez 2.0: >Comrades! I have repaired the radio tower! Are you pleased with my performance?<

Sarge: Lopez, you're ruining the moment.

Wash runs up the the radio box and starts signalling for help.

Wash: Mayday, mayday, this is Agent Washington, can anyone read me? Over.

No response.

Grif: ... Maybe they're screening our calls.

Simmons: What do mean "they"? Who's "they"?

Grif: I dunno, people who know us?

Simmons: What?

Grif: Look, I wouldn't pick up the phone if any of you fuckers called me.

Wash: Mayday, mayday, we are survivors of a shipwreck, and are in need of immediate rescue, please respond.

Tucker: Don't call them back right away, you gotta wait, or else you'll look desperate.

Zeta: But we are desperate! We're stranded in the middle of nowhere!

Wash continues calling for help as Leo walks over to edge and looks down at everyone.


Everyone finally goes quiet.

Grif: Woah...

Wash: Mayday, mayday, this is Agent Washington and the red and blue troopers of Project Freelancer! We are stranded, does anyone copy?

No response.

Wash: Mayday, this is Agent Washington, I am a soldier.

No response.

Wash: Is anybody out there?

No response.

Wash: Can anybody hear me?!

Finally a male voice can be faintly heard on the radio.

Voice (Radio): ... Hello? is someone there?

Wash: Yes! Yes, we're here! Do you read us?

Voice (Radio): this...prank call.....

Wash: No no no no, this is real, please you have to listen to me! My men and I are shipwrecked!

Simmons: Its an emergency!

Wade: We need saving!

Grif: Black Hawk down!

Sarge: Code Red!

Voice (Radio): What? Like a lightish red?

Everyone pauses for a short moment taking in what the voice just said.

Tucker: What the fuck did he just say?

Voice (Radio): Cause I mean, red is a pretty broad spectrum. There's scarlet, vermilion, like a deep burgundy.

Leo runs up to the radio and stands besides, Wash.

Leo: Donut, is that you?!

Donut (Radio): Leo? Oh hey guys, what have you all been up to?

Leo: We're all stranded in the middle of a jungle with limited food and supplies! We're probably going to die!

Donut (Radio): That sucks.

Grif: No shit, dickhead!

Sarge makes his way up to the Comm tower and stands besides Leo at the radio box.

Sarge: Donut, I need you to listen to me.

Donut (Radio): Is that you, Sarge? Man, it sure has been awhile, is Simmons and Grif there too?

Sarge: Private Bitch is here along with the disappointment.

Simmons/Grif: Hey!

Sarge: Donut, I need you to send help. Call command.

Donut (Radio): Command? I think I know a guy if you want to turn this call into a three way.

Sarge: No... Don't do that. I need you to write down these coordinates

Wash leaves Sarge and Leo at the radio and walks over to the edge and looks at the Reds and blues.

Wash: Who is Donut again?

Simmons: Cheery guy.

Wade: Wears pink armor.

Zeta: Got a good throwing arm.

Grif: Kind of stupid.

Tucker: And a little-

Wash: Wait, did I shoot him once?

Grif: Bingo.

Wash: Got it. And he's competent enough to trust with our lives?

Wash looks over at Sarge and Leo talking to Donut on the radio.

Donut (Radio): Sorry, did you say 'five' or 'nine'?

Leo: He said eight.

Donut: Oh.

Back over to Wash.

Wash: Right...

Wash walks back over to Sarge and Leo.

Wash: Okay, Donut, those are our last known coordinates but be sure to let the rescue team know that we've got no clue where we actually landed.

Donut (Radio): Don't worry guys! No matter how deep the bush, Private Donut always finds his man.

Sarge, Leo and Wash all look at each other nervously.

Sarge: Roger that son.

Radio static cuts in.

Donut (Radio): What was that? Your breaking up.

Leo: Just make sure to send help as fast as you can!

Donut (Radio): Okey dokey!

The radio loses connection and everyone goes silent.

Zeta: So, what happened?

Sarge walks over to the edge and looks at everyone.

Sarge: Well boys and missy, I don't want to jinx us or anything like that but...

Sarge jumps down from the edge, landing in front of the gang.

Sarge: We're gonna be rescued!

The Reds and Blues start cheering, while Wash and Leo walk over the edge and watch them celebrating.

Simmons: I can't wait to eat a hot dog!

Wash: Now guys-

Sarge: Theres no possible way anything can go wrong! Everything is going to be good forever!

Grif is cheering as Simmons is jumping in joy, Tucker is driving a warthog doing donuts and Wade lifts up Zeta and spins her around in happiness as they both cheer.

Wash: Guys, it can still be a few days before they-

Sarge: Lets eat all the food rations tonight and then fire all of our excess ammunition indiscriminately into the air and celebrate!

The group continue to cheer and start shooting their guns in the air.

Simmons: Then lets fix up that old Warthog that's been hanging near our base!

The group stop cheering quiet down with confusion, all of them staring at Simmons.

Simmons: So we can crash it into the other Warthog because 'fuck it'!

The group goes back to cheering.

Wash: Listen, lets not get our hopes up just yet.

Tucker: Aw, come on Wash. Lighten up. We did it, we made contact.

Wade: We're going to be rescued!

Leo nudges Wash a bit with his arm.

Leo: You know, it is the first good news that we've had in awhile. Maybe, we should let them celebrate just this once.

Wash: I guess so.

Wash and Leo both jump down from the Comm Tower and land next to the group.

Leo: Besides, what's the worst that can happen.

Wash: Well-

Caboose comes running over to the group.

Caboose: Hey everyone!

Zeta runs up to him.

Zeta: Caboose! Where've you been? We haven't seen you for hours!

Caboose: Yeah, I went on a walk like you said and now, everything is going to be good, forever!

Sarge: Told ya' so!

Wash walks up to Caboose.

Wash: Wait, Caboose, you were miserable, what happened?

Caboose: Oh, where are my manners? I haven't even introduced him.

Wash: Introduced who?...

Caboose turns around as everyone follows his gaze.

Caboose: FRECKLES! COME! (Whistling)

A huge machine starts walking towards the group, causing the ground to shake with each step it took. Everyone stood silently watching the machine walking over to them.


Freckles: Enemy soldiers detected.

The machine takes aim at Grif, Leo and Simmons.

Caboose: No, those aren't enemies, Freckles. Those are Grif, Leo and Simmons... our enemy.

The machine prepares to open fire.

Freckles: Firing main cannons.

Caboose: No! Bad Freckles! Down!

The machine crouches down.

Freckles: Yes, Master.

Caboose: Bad Freckles...

Caboose turns back to the others.

Caboose: So, what have you guys been up to?

Everyone just stares at the Machine.

Grif: Ehh...umm...

Wade lifts his hands up in disbelief.

Wade: in the fu-

Somewhere in a murky, misty forest where Washingtons distress signal can be heard playing.

Wash (Radio): Mayday, mayday, this is Agent Washington and the red and blue troopers of Project Freelancer, we are stranded, does anyone copy?

No response.

Wash (Radio): Mayday, this is Agent Washington, I am a soldier.

A mysterious solider with steel and green trim armour is listening to the distress signal.

Wash (Radio): Is anybody out there?

The unknown soldier doesn't respond back.

Wash (Radio): Can anybody hear me?

The End

Author: Yay! Finally done, let's hope it doesn't take another month or so... really don't want to find out, if Tex was serious or not.

But sorry for a another delay, I know I promise not to make it happen again, but with school running me up the wall, I've had no time to be on Wattpad. But enough of that, things have calmed down a bit so, let's hope it stays that way.

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