Ouran Host club x Male!Uke!Re...

Od SheliaMichaelis

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It says it in the title. Více

You have a twin?!
Kyoya's Ending
Honey's Ending
Takashi's Ending
Hikaru's Ending
Kaoru's Ending
Twin's Ending

Tamaki's Ending

2.1K 32 25
Od SheliaMichaelis

3rd pov:

It has been a little over a week, and (Y/N) had finally gone back home to live with his family once again after a year that he can't remember, I wasn't as bad as (Y/N) had thought it would be, nothing had really changed back in the apartment and his room was like it was when he left, organized and relaxing.

Haruhi and the host club had come by every day to talk and make the waiting of returning home more bearable, in that time (Y/N) had talked a lot together with Tamaki and had grown a huge little crush on him. Tamaki had (Y/N) enrolled into Ouran Academy after hearing how (Y/N) didn't want to leave his sister, besides he was really hoping to get him to join the host club.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean I haven't been in school for over a year" (Y/N) said very nervous, while fixing his tie for the eighteens time that morning.

"Don't worry, you will be fine," Haruhi said as she took his hand and walked outside "besides you were the smartest person on the whole school, there's no doubt you will do great"

Time Skip

(Y/N)'s Pov

I was walking about in the host club serving tea and cake to all of the ladies that was there when Tamaki decides that, that's not good enough.

"See it's simple, a couple of steps and you to can be a perfect gentleman," Tamaki said doing several of poses as if that would help me understand. Although he did look extremely handsome while doing so.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Tamaki snapped me out of my train of thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked with a confused face, before shying away with my head dropping to look at the floor." nothing's wrong Tamaki-senpai"

He made a confused sound before hugging me close making my whole face red before spinning me around.

"So cute~!"

"Tamaki-senpai! Please! I'm getting dizzy!" I yelled, he let me go and to me, the room was just spinning on its own.

"(Y/N)?!" I heard Tamaki call before I slipped on the floor, I closed my eyes and braced for impact, which never came. I opened my eyes to look into violet eyes, Tamaki was holding me in his arms, I exploded in blush from how close his face was to mine. I got lost in his eyes not even hearing the words coming from his mouth, I could see them move in the corner of my eyes.

"(Y/N)?!" the loud sound that Tamaki made hurt my ears a bit, making me pay attention to what he was saying." are you eating right? You way a lot less that Haruhi"

"I'm eating just fine, it just takes some time for me to get to average healthy weight, it's not like I put on weight overnight," I said calming down a bit as he slowly placed me back on the floor, I stumble just a bit falling into Tamaki's side.

"Maybe you should lay down for a bit, It hasn't been that long since you got out of a coma," Tamaki said picking me up again, this time I wrapped my arms around his neck as it surprised me to get picked up again. He carried me over to one of the couches, I was happy that it was close to the end of club hours, not as many guests where here as most had been here earlier in the day.

I'm fine, really," I said as was placed on the soft cushions, then Tamaki rearranges the pillows to make it more comfortable before he made me lay down."Tamaki-senp-"

"Shh... relax, you need it" He said with a big smile. I loved that smile, I want to see that smile every single day.

"Okay," I said, I couldn't make myself go against his wishes, besides he was right, It would be best if I took it easy for just a couple of minutes, I only took a few minutes before I fell asleep dreaming of violet eyes and the scent of a fresh sea breeze.

Time Skip

I was being shaken while someone was calling my name, It sounded like Haruhi so it must be time to go home.

"Are we going home now?" I asked sitting up to rub my eye.

"More like time for dinner," She said shocking me. I opened both of my eyes seeing that I was in my room at home.

"What? but ... how? When did we ...?" I was so very confused cause I did not remember waking up and going home.

"Tamaki drove us home, he didn't want to wake you as you were and I quote ' too cute to disturb from your dream' he made the whole neighbourhood come out thinking something was wrong with you again since he was carrying you into the apartment," She said, my face turned the shade of a tomato.

"H-he... H-he..." I didn't know what to say so I just pulled the entire blanket that I slept with over my head, hiding away from my own embarrassment. Haruhi was trying to pull it off me, yelling something about dinner but I didn't let her take the blanket from me, I didn't want to leave, knowing that Tamaki had taken me home while still asleep and carrying me to my room before leaving. Oh no... Tamaki had seen my room. It's not like its a bad thing and I don't have anything that would necessarily be embarrassing if he saw, Its more just the fact that I would have liked to clean and put everything in order before he saw it. Haruhi got tired of pulling on the blanket after like 5 minutes, she left saying that she would come with some dinner since I refused to leave my blanket fortress. I pulled the blanket off of my head and turned so I was laying on my side, staring into the wall, I didn't know for how long a laid there Haruhi had come with dinner which I ate even though I didn't feel hungry at all, but I know that Haruhi and dad would get worried if I didn't eat and I didn't want that. I hear a bing which meant I have a message on my phone, I picked it up and looked who message me. Tamaki's name was on the display making me sit up and open so I could see what he wrote.

'Hi, are you awake? I just wanted to know if you are alright :) - Tamaki' I smiled and turned so I could lean on the wall, I was strange, I was texting to Tamaki using his old phone, he had been so kind as to give it to me so I could stay in contact when I left the clubroom.

'I'm perfectly okay, but you could have just woken me up instead of carrying me home - (Y/N)' I smile as I sent it away, I felt a lot more at ease texting him as I didn't have to think about looking stupid in front of him.

'No, you clearly needed the rest, you had been running around all day, it isn't good to strain your body this early after a coma, beside you weigh nothing, are you really sure that you are eating right? - Tamaki'

He seemed like he was genuinely concerned for me, I found it rather cute as I could him looking at me with his eyes full of concern for just my well being. No, now I'm being selfish, he has so many that he needs to think about, the host club, the ladies that he entertains, his family, I can't be selfish and want his eye only on me.

'I just ate dinner, don't worry. And you seem to know a few things about this stuff - (Y/N)'

I placed the phone on the bed and stood up I was still in most of my uniform so I started to pull off my dress shirt so I could put on a shirt to sleep in, another ping came from my phone, I quickly finished changing and took a seat on the bed again, picked up the phone before rolling over so my legs were laying on the wall slightly bend with my back still on the bed. I turned the screen and looked at the message on the display.

'It reminds me a bit of my mother, so I just use a few of the things I would tell her - Tamaki'

I got concerned haven't heard of Tamaki's mom before, I have met his dad when I enrolled into Ouran but this is the first I hear of his mother.

'I see. If you don't mind me asking how was your mother? - (Y/N)' I hoped I didn't offend him but it was now or never to get to know more about him.

'She was sick when she lived here in Japan, but she was very kind back then and she loved to hear me play the piano when I was little. Of what I have heard she's doing better now when she is back in France:D - Tamaki

I see, so his mom lives in France and he hasn't seen her for a long time.

'It's good to hear she is getting better :), I'm going to try to get some more sleep, so good night :D - (Y/N)' I moved my legs from the wall and under the covers and placed my head on the pillows

'Good night, sweet dreams:D - Tamaki'

I smiled and placed my phone in the charger and put in on the night table beside my bed before falling asleep.

Time Skip

Days have passed since Tamaki carried me home, since then Tamaki and I have been texting a lot and he continuously hug me in and outside of club hour basically at any chance, he gets it seems, just like he was doing now, we were all sitting outside in waiter suits for a garden party, Haruhi had told me they have done something similar to this before in spring I believe.

"Tamaki, how come you always hold me nowadays?" I asked blushing in his arms as we were waiting for the guests to come.

"Hmm... not really sure, you are tiny and I have a strange feeling of wanting to protect you," He said as I struggled out of his hold as I heard female giggles coming towards us.

I have in a way come to hate this moment because it meant that I couldn't be in Tamaki's arms for the rest of the day. Which was sad as I was feeling nervous since I have to leave early for an appointment with my doctor, they had made it so that I had to go to the doctor once every other week just to make sure that I'm okay and well as having my blood drawn once a month just in case.

Only half an hour later I left for the doctor, which went well I'm fine as far as they can tell so I went back to the school to continue with club hours, I have even gotten a few of my own customers that thought that I was cute,I would steal a few glances over to Tamaki's table just because I wanted to see how it was going, only to feel sad as he would laugh and have fun with the ladies unlike with me where I just felt like a little kid have a crush on their big brother.

Time Skip

It has been a couple of weeks and my heart has just continued to break every time I saw Tamaki, he would be surrounded by beautiful ladies, laughing and compliments were falling from his lips that I realised that I have been wanting to kiss for weeks now. I was sitting in the maze, in the pavilion that was deep in there. I was sitting there planing for my potential doom, my hands were shaking and I was shifting in my seat as I couldn't sit still.

"(Y/N)" I jumped out of my seat by the sound of Tamaki's voice "I'm here, what did you what to talk about?"

Tamaki walked over to stand in front of me, My hands were fidgeting with the end of my shirt to try and keep my hands from shaking, my breathing was shaky as well as I tried to speak up.

"T-Tama Ta-Tamaki I need, need to, have to tell you-"

"(Y/N), are you okay? You seem a little shook up," Tamaki said placing his hands on my shoulders making me tense up, standing stiff as I tried to swallow which felt like a lump stuck in my throat, I nodded slowly and looked down before taking a big breath.

"I'm okay, I-I just have something I need to tell you," I said trying to keep my breath under control.

"Okay, do you want to sit down?" Tamaki asked taking a seat at the bench.

"No, I want to stand... in the past couple of months, I have been a part of Ouran, a part of the host club and it has been amazing" Tamaki opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him before he could say a word." don't talk! I just need this off my chest."

He just nodded and let me continue.

"I have realised that I have become... selfish, cause it hurt when I see you flirting with others and it breaks me"I said as I walked over to him, standing in front of him, he had to look up at me as when he sat, he only went to my shoulder, I leaned down looking him directly in his eyes, lips hovering just above each other

"For I have found out that I have fallen in love with you," I said closing my eyes before pressing my lips to his for only a few seconds before pulling away, opened my eyes to look at him, his eyes were wide in shock and I suddenly realised what I had done."I'M SO SORRY"

I quickly bowed, turned and ran away, not looking back, not once as tears rolled down my face. This wasn't what I had planned, I was just going to tell him, get rejected and leave the host club so I didn't have to feel horrible every time I looked at Tamaki, but I screwed up. Why did I kiss him?! I wanted to, but I'm an idiot, I shouldn't have.

I first realised how far I had run when I saw the apartment building, I continued to run, up the stairs, opened the door, closed it behind me, ran past dad and into my room slamming the door while ignoring dad that was calling for me as I slide down the door, pulling my knees to my chest, crying my eyes out like there was no tomorrow.

"(Y/N)?! Are you okay?!" Dad called trying to open the door. "Please open the door!"

"I-I'm okay, I'm okay, don't w-worry dad," I said, my voice breaking from the crying.

"You're crying, I can hear it on your voice," He said as he stopped trying to pull the door" do you want to talk about it?"

"No," I said rubbing my eyes, trying to dry the tears but they just kept on coming." just don't tell anyone from the host club about this... please"

"The host club? Did somethin.... I wouldn't, just talk to me, I want to help" Dad said through the door.

"I don't want to talk about," I said sniffing.

"Okay, try to calm down, I have to go to work, I'll see you later," Dad said as I hear shuffling from outside the door.

"Okay," I said trying to stop cry but I couldn't.

Time Skip

"(Y/N)? Are you feeling any better?" Haruhi asked as she walked into my room.

I was sitting in the windowsill looking out, I was in my PJs with a blanket wrapped around my body. I have been at home for the last four day, not wanting to see my own end in the eyes and instead avoided it.

"I'm getting better, I think," I said looking at her with a smile and slightly red eyes as I had cried earlier before she came home from school.

"That's good," She said ruffling my hair before turning to leave, she stopped in the doorway." You know, Tamaki-senpai is worried about you, he keeps asking about when you will back to school"

I hummed looking out the window again as Haruhi left my room. '

Tamaki wants to see me? He properly just wants to rejct me in person.'

I had turned off my phone after the fourth time of ignoring his calls. I jumped off the sill and walked over to my bed to take a nap, leaving down and wonder how it would have been like had I not confessed at all.

Time Skip

I was shaken awake. I battede the hand away as it was most likely just Haruhi waking me to get dinner.

"I'm not hungry Haruhi" I muffled out with my face buried in my pillow.

"Not only are you not at school, but you're not eating either?!" that voice, that voice scared the life out of me. I sat up and jumped off the bed, running over to the window to look out, refusing to look at the man that held my still fast beating heart.

"Why...? Why a-are you here?" I asked trying to calm my heart and breathing.

"I was worried! You weren't aswering any of my texts or call! You weren't at school and Haruhi didn't tell me anything aside from you not feeling well. Why wouldn't I be here?!" Tamaki yelled at me. 'Why is he mad?'

"I still don't understand," I said, I heard him sigh before his footsteps came closer. "Why would you worry?" My voice had turned to a whisper.

"Because you never let me tell you how I felt after you kissed me" 'here it comes, I'm screwed.'

Hands were placed on my shoulders, I stiffed up before I was forcefully turned around and lips were placed on top on my own, my eyes widened and I could be Tamaki's blond hair and closed eyes. Seconds passed and I started to relax, my eyes slowly closing as I leaned into his body, kissing back with all the love I have been keeping hidden in this room, my arms slowly raising up to rest on his shoulder as he fell down to hold my hips.

'A perfect moment, please don't end.'

Tamaki pulled away, my eyes opened, Tamaki's violet eyes were already looking at me, he had a kind smile on his lips that I really just wanted to kiss again.

"Will you let me answer you now?" he asked, I just nodded losing myself in his eyes." Good, now first the answer, I love you too, have done so for some time now, but I didn't want to scare you away. And secondly, I would like to ask a question" he paused for just a moment to kiss me on the forehead" Would you ever consider being mon amour?"

Tamaki had taught me a little French when we were talking together so I know what he was asking for, but I couldn't muster any word to come out so I just jumped up, wrapped my legs around his waist as I smacked my lips on his, he kissed back, obviously getting the point.

"Do you think they have made up yet?" I heard dad said, making us pull apart and turn to look at the door that slowly creaked open revealing Dad and Haruhi peaking into my room, I let go of Tamaki and took a pillow from my bed before throwing it on the door making it close and the two behind it shocked.

"So where were we?" I asked with a smile on my face, which Tamaki returned walking over to me before returning his lips to mine.

Time skip

"Mon amour, have you seen my wa-"

"Here's you watch honey," I said handing over the silver watch to the blond man that was buttoning up his shirt.

"Thank you amour," Tamaki said kissing me on my lips while pulling on the watch, as I picked up the tie laying on the bed before swinging it over his shoulder so I could tie it in a casual knot, as I would almost every morning.

"Ready for work?" I asked fixing his collar and picking up his jacket handing it to him.

"Yes, I just need to say goodbye to the sun and sky. I nodded and we walked together down the hall of our home, my arm wrapped around him and his around me while he talked about when he thought he would be home today. We reached the entrance where a young girl was standing talking to a maid that was holding a baby. The girl saw us walking down the steps and bounced over to us.

"Papa! Are you ready for today?!" she asked, looking up at Tamaki with big violet eyes.

"Of course Akari, now grab your bagpack and said bye to Daddy," Tamaki said walking over to the front door while holding her hand.

I walked over to take the baby from the maid, thanking her before she left. I brushed the thin brown-black hair on the baby's head before placing a kiss on his head and walked over to the two blonds.

"Goodbye amour, see you later. I love both of you" Tamaki said placing a kiss on my lips and the baby's head, I bend down and got a hug from Akari before she too placed a kiss on the baby's head.

"Bye bye Ciel, I will see you after school," Akari said skipping over to my loving husband who was standing in the door waiting for her. This was better than I could have ever imagined.

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