Second Chances

By xpurplexpanda

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How would you feel if the person you swore to hate forever asks you to fake a relationship with him for three... More

Chapter 1: Past & Plans
Chapter 2: Surprises & Siblings
Chapter 3: Frenemies &Flashbacks
Chapter 4: Best friends & Boys
Chapter 5: Flights & Fights
Chapter 6: Beaches & Beach Houses
Chapter 7: Jealousy &Jellyfishes
Chapter 8: Passengers & Puzzles
Chapter 10: Defends & Dresses
Chapter 11: Dancing & Deals
Chapter 12: Birthdays & Breakfast
Chapter 13: Understandings & Understatements
Chapter 14: Realize & Real Lies
Chapter 15: Hand Holding & Horseplay
Chapter 16: Anniversary & Anchors
Chapter 17: Water Parks & Wanted Company
Chapter 18: Dismay & Disputes
Chapter 19: Beyond & Blushes
Chapter 20: Fantasies & Facades
Chapter 21: Debates & Decisions
Chapter 22: Anxiety & Attacks
Chapter 23: Requests & Reasons
Chapter 24: Last Days and Laughter
Chapter 25: Leaving & Letters
Chapter 26: Reunited & Remarks
Chapter 27: Reconcile & Relationships
Chapter 28: Beginnings & Breakthroughs
Chapter 29: Comebacks and Countering
Chapter 30: Prepare & Protect
Chapter 31: Confront & Complain
Chapter 32: Chance & Can't
Chapter 33: Forward & Forever
Chapter 34: Ending & Everlasting
Story Favorites

Chapter 9: Buying & Blackmail

485 14 1
By xpurplexpanda

Another update!!

I feel like this part of the story has so much going on. So I've been dividing it in chapters.


When we walked into the store, there were dresses everywhere. I don't think I've ever see this many dresses.

"Oh." Sarah started.

"My." I added.

"Goodness." Shane finished.

There were dresses on mannequins, dresses displayed on tall hooks,and some accessories located at the middle of the store. The dress that caught my eye first was a bright orange one. The dresses were all divided by color, pinks and reds were on the left, blues and greens were in the middle, and black and white were on the left. Sarah's face looked like she was a little girl in a candy store.

"Ok, Allison you go sit over there." Sarah pointed to the back of the store where there was couches. "And TJ and I will style you." She finished.

"You don't have to." I nodded my head.

"She should pick her own dress." Shane defended.

"Fine. Fine." Sarah sighed.

"Shane, you and Stacy go sit and we'll take care of Alli." TJ said practically pushing Shane and Stacy away.

"What do you think of this?" Sarah said holding up a pink dress that had sequins all over the sweetheart neckline which also flowed nicely.

"Uhmm, I'm not really into the color pink." I nodded my head. Although I dressed girly, I hated the color pink.

"What about this?" Taylor said gesturing to the dress next to her. Is she trying to make me look bad?

The dress was a neon green and had a black sequin waistline, not to mention in was a knee length dress. I nodded my head while sending her a death glare.

By the time we reached the back of the store I had about 9 dresses in my arms. I'm so weak! I had a couple of blue dresses, a purple one, a couple of red ones and a few other colors. When we made our room to the dressing room, Shane looked like he was ready to fall asleep.

'You know you only need one dress right?" Shane said gesturing to all the dresses

"Shaney, she has to try them on." Taylor said sitting on the arms of the chair Shane was in.

"I'm going to go help her." Sarah said pushing me into the dressing room.

"Make sure we get a show." Shane called out before we disappeared.

I placed all the dresses on the hooks and quickly stripped off my clothes.

"Try this one first." Sarah said holding up the black dress.

The first dress was a long one and it was a low V-neck dress that had a cutout X design on the back with gold and silver sequins running along the edges and neckline.

"Woah. You look hot." Sarah laughed. "Let's show Shane."

We walked on out and everyone's jaw dropped even some stranger who was standing by the wall.

"Wow." Was Shane's one descriptive word.

"You should get that." The stranger winked. Ew.

"Yeah. You're not getting that." Shane stated throwing a glare at the stranger and pointing me to back in.

"Next." Sarah said as I stripped the black dress and she handed me a dark red one.

This dress was pretty nice it had a lace sweetheart neckline and the dress was at an award length, it didn't reach the floor it rested about mid calf.

"Well," Sarah rubbed her chin. "It's not bad."

"And it's not good." I giggled walking to the waiting room.Their stares were unreadable.

"It's nice." Stacy said walking up to me and touching the silky fabric.

"You think?" I smiled.

"You should get it." TJ smirked.

"No. She shouldn't." Shane disagreed . "It's not you." He nodded his head slowly.

I tried on three other dresses, a purple one, another dark red one and a light green one and still none of them were me. And Taylor kept encouraging me to get the ugly dresses. The next dress I tried on was a fierce red color that had a plain sweetheart neckline, but the dress's main attraction was the back, it had a beautiful cutout that was the perfect size with silver detailing.

"This color is beautiful on you." Sarah commented. "Shane's gonna love it." She said pushing me outside.

Shane eye's quickly went from dull to sparkled. Was Shane Carson speechless?

"Don't you think it looks slutty?"TJ asked.

"I-It looks great." Shane stuttered.

"Wait. There's one more dress I think you'll all love." Sarah said pulling me back inside.

"This one's the one." Sarah exclaimed handing me the dress.

Once I slipped it on, it felt so comfortable. The dress was a v-cut, but it wasn't too deep, it was just right and it had silver sequins going down the v-neck all the way to the waist, but what made it flow nicely was that it had a nude see through mesh that was still appropriate,there was also a high slit opening on the ride side of my leg. The best part it was all on another fiery red fabric.

"You are getting that!" Sarah grinned.

"Is it alright?" I asked hopefully.

"Let's show the others". Sarah said walking before me.

When we reached outside, Stacy was smiling from ear to ear, Shane's face expression did all the talking and TJ's face had full on jealousy which put a smile on my face.

"Well what do you think?" I asked doubtfully.

"You look so pretty Alli." Stacy complimented.

Shane walked up to and took my hands and spun me around. "Well?" I muttered.

"You look beautiful." Shane half smiled. And omg that half smile! On point!

"Ok. I'm getting it!" I announced clapping quietly.

I stripped the dress off and slipped on my regular clothes before heading out the dressing room. Sarah held all the dresses I wasn't getting and hanged them on the rack while I handed my perfect dress to Shane as he went to the cashier.

It'll be $125.00." The cashier said. Woah! I didn't even know a dress could be that expensive.

I looked to Shane as he handed the cashier a credit card.

"ID please?" She asked. As Shane handed it to her, she checked it over and handed both cards back to him. When the purchase was done, she put the dress in a dress bag and handed it to me.

We left the place and put the dress safely into the car. That was when we decided we get something to eat before buying my shoes and accessories.


After lunch, we were looking for just the right shoe store. Well Sarah wanted the perfect shoe store. I would've been happy with any shoe though, but Sarah wanted me to look perfect and I was fully appreciative of her help. As we looked for the right shoe store, Shane and I were holding fingers. Yeah not hands, but fingers. He was close to me, but our hands weren't connected, just our fingers. He held my index and middle finger while I held his two fingers. Our grasp was so light that it would've been easy for someone to break it.

"There." Sarah pointed to a store called 'Nu Pair.' Hmm, never heard of it. As we headed for the store, Shane stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulders.

"I hate shopping." He complained.

"Tell me about." I sighed trying to carry his weight.

"I just want this to be over." He sighed.

"Alli." Taylor smiled reaching for my hand. "Let's go find you your shoes." She smiled. Totally fake. pulling me away from Shane.

"Let go of me." I whined pulling my hand back from her.

"Stay away from Shane." She warned.

"Or what?" I threatened.

"Everyone will know about how you and Shane first met. How you two didn't start off as friends." She blackmailed.

My eyes widened at her words, "How do you know about that?"

"Shane doesn't keep secrets from me." She said.

"Come on." Stacy said pulling my hand into the store.

"What's your shoe size?" Sarah asked looking at boxes of shoes.

"8." I replied, my mind still on what Taylor just said.

"Try these." Sarah said handing me a green box. Inside the box were silver stilettos that were about three inches high. Luckily I was able to walk gracefully in 5 inch heels.

"What do you think?" I asked moving my foot side to side in front of a mirror.

"I don't know?" Sarah said. "They're cute, but I don't know if it'll match your dress." She concluded.

"What about those?" I picked up a pair of plain white pumps and slipped them on. These were a little higher, maybe 4 inches tall.

"Your dress isn't white." Taylor said.

"No, but the white will contrast nicely with the red." I defended.

"She's right." Sarah agreed.

"Plus it makes your legs hot." Shane winked making me blush.

"Let's get them." I said taking the shoes off, putting them back in the box and handing it to Shane.

"It'll be $40.00." The young cashier with blonde hair smiled.

As like before Shane handed her the card and showed his ID. And we were out in less that 45 minutes.

"Time for accessories!" Sarah gushed.

"Sounds fun." Shane sighed reaching for my hand. I tried reaching back at it, but Taylor's blackmail was remembered in my mind. So I quickly pulled my hand away and walked to Stacy as I held her hand. I looked back at Shane as confusion appeared on his face.

"We're going to shop at 'Nordstrom' for your accessories. It's cute and affordable." Sarah leaded the way to the store.

"Stacy go with Sarah." Shane said pushing her towards Sarah.

"You okay?" Shane asked without even bothering to look at me.

I saw Taylor glaring and nodding her head as Shane spoke to me. "Yeah. Everything's fine." I lied.

Shane stepped in front of and looked into my eyes, "I know you're lying."

"Shane I'm fine." I whispered walking around him.

"Alli." He said stepping in front of me again. "I know you're not."

"Can we talk about this later?" I said. Hopefully he'll forget

"Sure." He said stepping out of my way.

I looked at Taylor and she threw me a death stare and then I looked I front to see Shane catching Taylor giving me her death stare.

Shane walked up to me, "What's going on with you and TJ?"

"Nothing." I lied again walking in between Sarah and Stacy as we reached Nordstrom. I looked behind to see Shane talking to Taylor. Oh Shit! Either she was gonna tell him the truth or lie.


After we bought all the accessories we needed for myself, Shane bought himself a white button up t-shirt and after we headed home.

At home I tried my best to make Shane forget about 'TJ's death stare(and currently I was doing a bad job. Everytime Shane tried to talk to me or even start a conversation, I just responded with one word answers. I hated Taylor for making me act this way. If only this chick will mind her dam business.

"Here, I got that." I told Shane as I reached for the bags.

"No it's fine. I got them." He pulled the bags further from me.

I looked up at him and smiled as I closed the trunk of the car.

"Here. I got that." I said running before him and holding the door open.

"Thanks." Shane sighed dropping all the bags by the entry way and placing the car keys into the glass bowl on the table by the door.

I walked into the living room to see Stacy, Sarah, and TJ set the video game.

"Wanna play?" Stacy innocently smiled as she handed me a controller.

"Video games aren't really my thing." I said dropping the controller on the couch.

As soon as I put the controller on the couch Shane walked up from behind me and snatched the controller off the couch. "I'll play." He said falling onto the couch.

"You do that." I teased patting his shoulder.

I walked out onto the porch where the sun was shining on. I took my flats off and left it on the porch while I walked onto the beach, the hot sand sinking between my toes. I stopped about 10 feet away from the house and sat on the ground.

I looked around the beach to see it was pretty quiet except for a small gathering that was 3 houses down from me.

I looked away and at the ocean waves,it was calm as the waves pushed itself on the beach and then pulling away seconds after, as if it wasn't sure if it's making the right choice. Kinda like me, scared of what to choose because you never know if it's right.

My mind quickly jumped from the thought of the ocean to my middle school years and what happened between me and Shane.

"Just forget about him." My friend told me.

"I can't." My voice faintly said.

Ok here's what happened. I didn't first meet Shane the day he told me his plan. No duh. We first met in my sixth grade English class. He sat next to me and when I saw him, I thought he was super cute.Sixth grade love. I decided to take a risk and tell him I liked him, but I didn't have the courage to tell him in person. So what I did was I wrote it in a note and had my friend give it to him.Dumb right? A couple days later I was told by one of his friends that he didn't read the note and just threw it in the trash. I was crushed. But wait that's not it. I did the stupid thing to write him again, but this time instead of throwing it away, he ripped it up into many pieces and gave it to his friend to give it back to me. I seriously wanted to cry the moment I received the note back.

I don't know why I always made a fuss about it because I was llonly a kid. But that day, he changed my whole perspective on guys, from that day I couldn't trust a guy again. I always took risks when it came to guys. They'd tell me they like me and I fell for it, but turns out they were 'playing' and never actually liked me.

When I met Ryan, I thought he was different so I went out with him. Then after a year he cheated on me. And now I'm here on vacation with Shane. Taking a risk by coming, but I'm more careful because I know his motives and I knew what I had to do. I couldn't fall for him. I don't know if my heart could take another heartbreak especially from the same guy who made me this way.

Snapping my head I looked down at the sand and picked it up with my hand.

"Hey." Shane smiled. "I was looking all over for you." He took a seat in front of me.

"Well you found me." I said dripping the sand from my hand.

"What's going on between you and Taylor?" He asked going straight to the point.

"Nothing." I lied.

"I talked to her and she said you keep giving her gruesome looks."

My eyes widened as those words left his mouth. "What?" I questioned as I knew that was a complete lie. "She's the one blackmailing me." I said my voice raising.

"Blackmailing? About what?" Shane asked.

Oh shit! I was supposed to make him forget this conversation.

"Alli?" Shane glared at me waiting for a response.

"About middle school." I admitted.

"Why would she blackmail you about something that happened 7 years ago?" Shane's voice choked as he remembered the memory.

I said nothing.

"Alli that happened a long time ago." Shane sighed.

"Doesn't mean I'm going to forget." My voice faintly said.

"We were kids." Shane countered.

"Shane." I sighed.Was I really ready to have this conversation? In fact I never thought I'd have this conversation. "You were my first heartbreak. Because of you my whole perspective on guys changed. You made me into someone who's shy around guys, someone who's afraid to take risks when it came to guys." I exhaled.

Shane remained silent looking at the ground.

"Shane you really hurt me back then. And then go and invite me on vacation. Why?" I said my eyes starting to water.

"Alli, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you." Shane said softly.

"I can't keep playing your games. I thought I was done. But I'm back here again playing these stupid games." I said standing up.

"Alli wait." Shane stood grabbing my hand and holding my cheek in his palm. "I'm sorry."

A tear trickled down my cheek as those words were said. "That sorry should've been said long before."

His face looked soft and full of sorrow. "I'm saying it now."

I pulled my face from his hand. "Let's just stick to why I'm really here.

Just gotta make it look real. Right?" I chocked, running back into the house.

"Alli?" Sarah called as I quickly wiped my tears

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I looked up to her and smiled before running to my bed.


What'd you guys think?

I'm thinking Shane's POV next chapter? That's kinda why I stopped it here.

Picture of Sarah,Stacy,Shane,Allison, and Taylor on the side>>

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Thanks guys!

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