Son of Love and Fire

By SWhiteBoy01

306K 4.6K 2.8K

Perseus, the son of Aphrodite and Poseidon was cast away due to the hate of his father, lost to his family th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 9

16.2K 223 117
By SWhiteBoy01

As the sun rose and lit up the clearing, the sunlight glistened off the frost coated blades of grass that filled the area. It was a beautiful sight that Perseus had seen many times back on his island but there was one distinct difference to it now. Atop his cloak where she had been all night laid Callie, the young blonde who had warm brown eyes that reminded him of his mother sparked curiosity within the godling. Not only was she the first human he properly knew his entire life but she was a strong person, he could tell that within the way that she recovered from what those animals tried to do to her yesterday. He felt no remorse for what he had done and had swiftly disposed of the bodies last night nearby the clearing before returning to keep a watch over the young girl whilst he reached his senses around the forest to get an idea of where he was.

This place she spoke of, Tegea, he believed he could sense it beyond the edge of the forest, he was curious to see how the people of this city lived only having heard stories from a few animals on his island. He hoped there was not more vile people like those he found last night as despite their nature he doubted many would take kindly to what he would do to them.

As he continued to stay in a meditative like state, he felt an animal approach him from the trees and opened his eyes to see a small squirrel that had approached him due to curiosity. The squirrel bowed in front of him hailing him as its lord.

"There is no need for that little one, it is my honour to be considered as a part of nature with all of you. Where are you friends? Family?"

"They are back in a hollow sleeping, I heard stories from other animals that a mighty lord of the wild was wandering the forest and I thought they were kidding around, I had to see for myself."

"Well you've seen me now you better hurry back lest your family be angry with you. And please, don't tell people I am their lord, I don't like the title, consider me a friend of the wild not your master, and my name is Perseus." Perseus said whilst lightly petting the squirrel.

"Thank you for speaking with me friend Perseus sir, it is an honour we are happy to have you as a part of our wild."

Perseus chuckled at the title the squirrel before responding, "run along now, you don't want to be in trouble do you." At that the squirrel turned and bolted off into the trees but not before giving Percy another small bow.

After the squirrel had left Perseus turned back to the fire in the middle of the clearing and looked up at the sky, admiring the near cloudless morning that was indicative of a good day to come.

"Did you just talk to that squirrel?" He heard Callie ask incredulously.

"Ummm... How much did you hear?" Perseus asked whilst blushing at having been caught when he usually so attentive and aware of his surroundings.

"Just you telling a little squirrel to run off to avoid getting in trouble?" Callie asked not wuite believing he'd said that.

Realising she hadn't heard anything that actually gave away his ability to talk to animals he hastily covered himself up, "Oh, um, yeah that was about it" Perseus spoke blushing, "I like animals, nature too, I like to think that they can understand us. Stupid, I know." Perseus was quite proud of his cover.

Callie laughed a bright and merry laugh as she finished sitting up, as she was done sitting up, she was struck with a fragrant and delicious smell that wafted through the air. She turned towards where she thought the smells were coming from and found a duck that had been plucked and was roasting over the fire covered in what looked to be seasoning.

"Did you cook that?" Callie asked in wonder, never had she smelt something so fragrantly delicious even in the palace kitchens and was stunned by the fact that this strange man was also apparently an amazing cook as well.

"I did, unless someone came by when I wasn't looking and put it there." Perseus said tapping his finger on his chin and furrowing his eyebrows as if in thought at the end.

Callie laughed her cheery laughter again and Perseus stood and went over grabbing the duck that had now finished cooking and placed it in the clay bowl he had from his bag. On the bowl was carved depictions of the monsters that he had fought and killed over the years and was something akin to doodling that he did in his spare time.

Perseus took off a drumstick from the chicken and handed the rest in the bowl over to Callie after drizzling a sweet and salty syrup he had made from nearby plants, water and tree sap nearby. Callie took the offered plate before asking inquisitively, "Why are you giving it all to me, you cooked it, you should eat more." She held the plate back out towards him as she said this.

Perseus pushed the plate back into her grasp, "It's alright you didn't eat anything last night and need the energy for the walk today, don't worry, I am fine."

Callie was going to argue but as the delicious scent wafted up to her again and her stomach grumbled in response she blushed and started eating the food without another word. After she started, she barely stopped to breath until she had made her way through the entire bowl of food and to say that the food was the best, she had ever eaten would do it any justice, she couldn't imagine anything being so well cooked or with so much flavour. And this was cooked on a campfire in the middle of the forest!

As she finished, she looked up at Perseus with wide eyes, "How do you cook this well, it tastes divine, like what the food of the gods would taste like." She spoke with awe.

Perseus chuckled at her unintended inference but was very pleased that she enjoyed the food as one of the few things he liked more than cooking was having people to enjoy the food with. "I'm glad you like it, my mother taught me how to cook in many different ways and how to design a dish by yourself by balancing flavours rather than using a recipe. I find it a great skill to have, certainly rewarding" Perseus finished with a chuckle.

Callie joined in the laughter, enjoying the happy environment she was in, she hadn't had this much enjoyment for a long while having been too busy working hard at the palace. As she went to pass back the bowl, she had been handed she noticed the etchings in the clay through the few crumbs that were left there. Whilst the bowl wasn't the rich silver and gold of the royal dining's, the inscribed designs were like that of the most delicate and perfected art. There were no mistakes and the sketched of monsters looked very realistic almost as if carved with them in front of you for material.

As she passed the bowl back to Perseus she spoke up, "Where did you get the bowl, it's so beautifully carved, I've never seen something quite like it in my life"
Perseus blushed at the unintended praise before responding, "Ah, I did it myself, I'm glad you like it, I just thought plain bowls were kind of boring and wanted to make it more interesting." He rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke.

Callie looked up shocked once again before giggling lightly before answering Perseus' confused glance, "I should just have expected it, it seems that you are a man of many talents." She said with a bright smile.

Perseus joined her in laughter before getting up and offering her a hand to help her to her feet. "There is a clean stream a few meters off that way" Perseus said indicating to his left out of the clearing where he sensed the water, "I'll clean up here, if you'd like to refresh yourself, I'll be ready when you return."
Blushing at his kindness, Callie followed his indication and walked off to the stream. When she got there, she saw the pristine waters and peered into them as her reflection looked back at her. Blushing once again at her slightly dishevelled appearance and was quick to use the water to wash the dirt and grit from her hands before cupping it in her hands and splashing it onto her face in order to clean off her face. She then used a little water to get her golden, blonde hair back in some semblance of order then drank some of the cool water herself. As she now re-observed her appearance, she was quite beautiful for her young age with silky, bright hair, the warm brown eyes of her mother and somewhat royal-like facial features that she didn't know who she got from. The clothes that Perseus had given her didn't fit her very well, the dark brown trousers were rolled up and the waist was held up by the tight belt so that the large pants wouldn't fall down, Her top was a deep green colour like that associated with a forest and was messily tucked into her pants beneath the belt, the edging of the top were traced with a floral like golden design and gave a very simplistic but highly expensive look. The colours gave a nature like look with the gold accentuating the edges and coupling nicely with her hair. The fineness of the clothes would have led people to believe that they were uncomfortable but as she felt them, she realised just how soft and comfortable they really were and was amazed by them. Whilst Perseus' things were not all that of what the royals she had heard or seen used they were made of a quality that would almost put them to shame and this amazed her, having never seen anything quite like these.

Blushing once again, she realised how long she had spent peering at herself, she had never been all too vain of a person but still cared somewhat for her looks, her new interest in her appearance was somewhat of a mystery to herself but she pushed that away and started to walk back towards the camp. She had also been blushing far more than usual although she knew why, it was because of the mysterious yet kind, caring and, dare she say, godly looking man that had saved her.

Lost in thought, as Callie entered the clearing, she tripped on a root that came up off the ground and would have fallen straight forward into the wet and slightly muddy ground had it not been for her saviour. Once again Perseus had saved her from peril as he caught her in his arms with her falling against him, this caused Callie to blush once again as she pushed herself back up to her feet having grasped Perseus' arms that were more strongly muscled than any man she had seen before.

She shook her head and pushed such thoughts aside, Perseus had saved her, and it was her responsibility to repay that debt and that began with going back to Tegea with him, even though that would be him keeping her safe mostly.

Looking back at Perseus and the surrounding clearing she saw it was all cleared up and to her surprise even the grass where the fire had sat was starting to grow back but she dismissed any confusion rather focusing on Perseus who was standing in his cloak with his leather bag slung across his back.

"Shall we milady?" Perseus asked, bowing dramatically.

Giggling Callie responded, "We shall." Taking his offered hand and dragging him off down the somewhat beaten path which she had come from, leading back to the city.

Realising what she had done Callie immediately withdrew her hand upon noticing but thankfully Perseus made no deal of it and they continued down the path.

Breaking the silence and wishing to satisfy his curiosity Perseus began questioning Callie, "So, I haven't been many places around here and don't know much of Tegea. What can you tell me about it?"

"Well there is the king, Aleus, his queen, Anyte and their two children, prince Dorian and princess Ariadne. They are decent rulers, kinder than some and they make good decisions for the state, but the king is very harsh and cruel on punishments and the prince, Dorian will not make a good king, he is cruel and enjoys watching other suffer, he is also very arrogant and egotistical. Despite this the queen and princess are very lovely people and care greatly for everyone."

Perseus nodded following along to what Callie was saying.

"Tegea was one of the first of the great cities across Greece and is therefore older and more powerful than many others. The army is large and made up of quite well-trained soldiers, the city is also well known for its trading. Being in the centre of Arcadia it has made much of its riches as a trading hub and the taxes upon that. They are in a close alliance with Sparta and works strongly with them in all their things and are considered their northern protectors."

"What about you, your family and ancestors, I would like to know more about you." Perseus prompted.

"Well there isn't much to tell. My father is a good blacksmith who helps supply the army but runs his own forge rather than work out of the royal ones. He has supplied a few travellers, but it is mostly just the army. My mother runs a store, selling produce that is traded in from the markets, but she doesn't work quite as regularly and is therefore often found helping where she can in my father's forge. I work in the palace serving the royal family and kitchens, I am one of the three personal servants of the princess who is very nice and treats us well and it is mostly nice except if you run into the prince who like to mock us for the fun of it."

Perseus clenched his fists in anger hearing this but didn't do anything else not wanting to scare Callie, instead he resolved to do something about it at some point before he left Tegea.

"There isn't much else, I received some lessons as when we were young the princess wanted me to go to her classes with her, but her mother and father didn't let me go to too many not wanting me to distract her from he learnings. I also want to someday be able to make clothes myself, but I will probably serve the palace my whole life, can't hurt to have a dream though." Callie said cheerfully.

Perseus hoped that she would get to live her dream someday and if he could he decided he would help her do that as she was kind to him and was a obviously a good person.


For the next few hours they walked and talked about the city and a few things about their lives, Perseus being general as to not give away who or what he is. They had then stopped for lunch which consisted of the different fruits and berries that Perseus had picked along their way much to Callie's surprise, who hadn't seen him doing this. After they ate the two continued the journey and Perseus was amazed at how far they had sent her out to simply collect herbs. About an hour after lunch they could see the thinning of the tree line and more bright light was breaking through the tinner coverage of leaves indicating the end of the forest and therefore their destination.

As they broke the tree line Perseus had to conceal a gasp at what he saw, after so long alone on an island seeing this many people and this huge of a structure astounded him. In front of the two was a huge city that covered the horizon, bustling streets could be seen in the city that rose above the massive surrounding walls, the palace, a fortress in itself, could be seen crowning the city at the centre along with a large temple opposite the huge courtyard that it opened up to. Despite their distance Perseus could already tell how truly large the city was from afar and was both curious and slightly apprehensive to venture within. Pushing away his awe and observations he picked up his pace to catch up to Callie who was a few meters in front, not having notice him lagging back at the sight of Tegea.

As Callie and he approached the gates of the City they were caught up in the large flow of both incoming and outgoing traders from across Arcadia and as they passing through the gates a guard dressed in fine yet heavy steel armour with a cloak of dark green draped over his armour that identified him as a soldier of Tegea, the dark green being Tegea's signature colour.

The guard himself was confused as to how to address the two who were obviously dressed in fine clothes despite the Callie being dressed in clothes obviously designed for a larger male.

"What is your business in the city?" The guard inquired in a somewhat bored tone, the question being one he had to ask everyone who passed through the gates.

"I am from here and have returned from a short trip, this is a traveller I found on my way looking for a place to rest on his journey." Callie responded confidently.

"Very well, have a good day ma'am, sir." The guard answered with a small nod of his head before moving onto another traveller who was entering with a cart of good to sell.

The two continued on their way into the city, pushing their way through the crowds lining the streets of the bustling trading hub. Callie led them through the City and soon turned off from what was the main street, before they reached the agora, the main market place for the city, The street they turned onto wasn't paved as the other was but instead made of strongly packed ground from the many people who had traversed it over the many years. This street had far less people than the original but was still crowded given the smaller size and cluttering of baskets and barrels containing different things.

As they continued further from the main street Perseus asked the question that had entered his head as they were entering the city, "Is there a cheap place that I am able to stay nearby? I will need to get a job soon as well if you had any ideas?".

Callie turned at his question to face him, stopping in the middle of the street, "That won't be necessary, after all you did for me the least, I can offer you is a roof over your head and food for your stay. My parents won't turn you away I promise. There also should be many jobs available across the city as there is always things happening around here."

"I appreciate the offer, but I wouldn't wish to burden you with having to house me, I am fine with staying in an inn." Perseus responded not wanting to inconvenience Callie or her family with his presence.

"I insist, if not for me to repay you for your sake, do it for mine." Callie responded somewhat forcefully.

"Very well, I am not one to disrespect such a generous offer anyways." Perseus answered with a smile, wondering what life would be like for him in the coming time.

Callie smiled back and grabbed his hand, tugging him along down the street as they made their way to what was probably her house. Once again, she quickly let go and dropped her hand when she realised what she did although as he did last time, Perseus didn't make any comment of the action.

As they came upon a wooden door just around the corner of the street that had curved around part of the city following its circular design, they moved into the small alley that it was located at the end of. Opening the door Callie gestured for Perseus to follow her as she moved up the stairs that were where the doors opened to.

The stairs were small and went up half a floor before turning right and going up the other half. As they arrived at the top of the stairs they came upon a more solid wooden door than the one on the street that had heavy metal hinges that attached it to the door and a circular metal handle that Callie twisted, lifting the bar on the other side and allowing her to push open the door.

As the door opened Perseus realised how it had gotten quite cold outside, with the sun falling from the horizon, whilst the temperature didn't affect him, he could still feel the change. Warmth washed over the two as they entered the abode, Perseus standing just inside as Callie quietly closed the door and let the bolt fall back into place with a dull thud. The room was filled with a warm heat from the open hearth that he could see in one corner of the room, the place had a homely feel to it with a thick rug laid in front of the hearth and two worn chairs. In the middle of the room was a wooden table with bench seats on either side that looked like it could comfortably sit four people. The table was worn and had a weathered look due to the scratches and marks that marred the surface. On it was a few shallow, plain clay bowls and small cups as well as an amphora of what was probably water. Over to the other side of the room was a bench against the wall with shelves for storage both beneath it and hung on the wall above it. These shelves were cluttered with different amphoras of drinks and sealed pots of different food and materials. Lastly in the corner of the room on the other side of the door from the hearth was a few baskets of different things and a tough leather chest-plate and a simplistic yet solid steel sword leaning against the baskets that didn't look like they had been used in a long time.

Off from the room were a few doorways, upon seeing Perseus observing her home, Callie spoke up explaining the doorways whilst gesturing to them when mentioned, "The one to the very left (opposite side of the room from the hearth) is the lavatory. The next leads to a small closet of some supplies, that is my room next to it and the last room is my parent's bedroom. The doorway after that leads to the balcony over the street we came down." The last doorway was simply covered by a thick curtain to keep out the insects and cold.

Callie then called out to announce her presence, "Mother, father I am back."

The slightly ajar door to her parents' room opened to reveal what was probably her mother. The woman was in her mid-thirties and had dark, black hair, yet Perseus could tell she was Callie's mother due to her warm brown eyes that her daughter had inherited.

"Callie, dear!" She called out, rushing to hug her daughter. "You had us worried, you were gone all night and when your father asked some of the palace workers, they said you had been sent out for herbs. Are you okay?" She spoke with a voice full of love and concern.

"I'm fine mother, I got caught up and it got too late, so I stayed the night in the forest before returning today." Callie answered in a comforting tone, placating her obviously very worried mother.

Once she had calmed down, she looked up and immediately noticed Perseus, despite only being a young man, at 18 years old, physically, Perseus was very tall at 6'7" and with his large muscled frame, only added to by his thick cloak, made him quite an imposing figure. Despite this, his hood was down revealing his face, which brought a gasp from Callie's mother as she saw how handsome he was, his expression, as well as the aura of peace and calm he was giving off from his powers as Hestia's son he became more of a comforting presence than a threatening one. Curious as to the large man and his very expensive looking clothing her mother turned back to ask her daughter, realising that she was wearing very nice clothes that were definitely made for a large figured male and were probably the man's clothes.

"What happened? Who is this man and why are you wearing his clothes? Why is he here, shouldn't he be staying at the palace as a guest to the royal family? This isn't a suitable place to bring someone of his stature." Callie's mother questioned and lectured as she was worried and confused as to all the questions running through her head.

"Calm down mother, it is okay. When I was in the woods where I was sent for the supplies by the palace a group of 6 men found me and they attacked me, they were hurting me and about to rape me when Perseus here saved me. He killed all the men and saved me, my clothes were ripped up from their attack so Perseus gave me some of his clothes to wear, then made camp and helped me calm down, he kept me safe and wanted a place to go and when I told him where I was from he wanted to come with me. He said that he was from far away and that it didn't matter where he got the clothes and that he wasn't a lord. He has help me and done me a great service, so I offered him a place to stay with us whilst he was here." Callie spoke, informing her mother of what had happened whilst trying to calm her from her hysterics.

After spending a few seconds looking over her daughter as she held her at arm's length by the shoulders, she assured herself that she was okay and turned to Perseus before suddenly catching him in a tight embrace. "Thank you for protecting my daughter. My family are in your debt, anything you need whilst you stay here you need only ask. My husband will be home soon from the forge where he works." She spoke after pulling back from the hug.

"It is quite alright ma'am; I am grateful for any and all hospitality, but you must know that I don't see you being in any debt. I did what any good person would have done." Smiling at what he said Callie's mother simply nodded in thanks before ushering the two to the table.

"My name is Cynthia by the way, sit and I'll grab you both something to eat, I'm sure you're both famished.

"We aren't too hungry mother; Perseus cooked the two of us breakfast and collected some fruit and berries for lunch. But I won't say no to some food." Callie finished with a warm smile

Cynthia was a bit surprised by the fact that he had been able to get them both decent food on their travel but smiled and continued grabbing some cheese, bread and olives from the pots under the bench over to the left. Returning to the table she placed the food in the middle and sat across from them.

After they each got themselves some food and poured themselves some water from the amphora the three began talking about what Perseus knew of them and the city and telling him somethings he still didn't know. It wasn't long into their conversation when the door was opened behind the table and they turned to see what must have been Callie's father enter. The man had golden blonde hair like Callie and was tall at about 6'2" and was ruggedly handsome with short stubble across his cheeks and chin and dark brown almost black eyes. As he entered, he noticed the audience and regarded Perseus a welcome guest given the position the three were in when he arrived and was therefore quick to run over and embrace his daughter in a tight embrace. His initial confusion about the strange man and the obvious high class his clothing portrayed as well as the clothes his daughter was wearing was quickly wiped away as his daughter and wife explained the situation. He was greatly angered when he heard what those men had tried to do to his precious daughter but was calmed and eternally grateful when he heard what Perseus was done and they then had a similar discussion over debts as the ones Perseus previously had. Callie's father, now known to be Arthos, joined the three for their impromptu dinner as they continued discussing their lives and different things about Perseus as well as about Tegea.

After dinner was put away, which Perseus had tried to help with cleaning but was refused by Cynthia saying he had journeyed far that day and didn't need to strain himself, Perseus brought out a pouch from his leather bag that was leaning against the bench seat he was sitting on. Handing the bag out to Arthos he explained, "It is the money from the men. I know you didn't ask for any money, but I feel wrong to not repay your hospitality however I can. And I won't take it back so don't try and give it too me, it is little compensation for the hospitality and kindness you have shown me when I am far from home." Perseus added the last part, pre-empting the upcoming attempt to not accept the money.

Rather than refuse Arthos simply put on a warm smile, thanking Perseus for his kindness.

"I believe the two of you must be tired after the time you've both had. You should get to sleep now so you can be ready for your day tomorrow, the palace will be expecting you back Callie."

Nodding at her mothers word Callie turned to Perseus, "You can have my room, I will put together a mattress near the hearth. You need a bed more than me." Callie said in an informative tone.

"No, I can't accept, I won't come here and steal your bed. You have had a stressful and tiresome day, you should get some rest, I can sort myself out." Perseus said in a tone that didn't leave much room for rebuttal. Rather than argue a fight she knew she wouldn't win, Callie just nodded gratefully before retiring to her room.

"Thank you for taking care of out daughter." Cynthia said which Perseus smiled and nodded in response to, "I will get some straw from the closet and prepare you a bed."

"Don't worry. Your home is warm and the rug before the hearth is soft. A better environment than I have slept in before. I can help you arrange a mattress tomorrow; you have been working today and need rest as much as the rest of us." Perseus answered.

Knowing she also wouldn't win in an argument with this stubborn and kind man, Cynthia simply smiled gratefully and went to the closet, withdrawing a thick, folded blanket and spare pillow and handed them to him. Taking the items gratefully Perseus bid his goodnight to the couple and went over to the hearth. He laid his bag out against the wall and withdrew his daggers from his cloak, placing them in the bag. Once the two had left the room he changed into some clothes not for combat, a warm orange shirt and black pants, placing his clothes and cloak down next to the bag. He then laid out the blanket and placed the pillow at the top nearest to the hearth and laying down under the blanket. Whilst he didn't need to sleep, he had decided it would be hard to explain why he didn't and by doing so would help him fit into this life he was about to begin.

Before he could drift off, he whispered something almost silently to the crackling fire within the hearth, "Goodnight mother, I hope you are doing ok, and I'll see you soon." As he closed his eye and drifted to sleep the last thing, he saw were the hearth flames rising slightly and giving out a comforting and loving aura.

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