Heartless ( 1D Fanfiction)

By GwenBookAddict

508K 7K 1.7K

"You're not allowed to fall in love with him. It's for the saftey of our clients." Easier said then done, Whe... More

1) "I didn't break in....The door was open."
2) "Daddy?!?!"
3) "So you come in, Uninvited, Forget my name and demand to watch my TV?"
4) Pfffffffffft! Date One Direction? Um, EW!
5) . "Hundreds and Thousands. Even Kayla Blue eats it."
7) "Is your Bikini Pink?"
8) Yes, I am a girl.
9) Ok, so whose girlfriend am i?
10) Do you have these nightmares often?
11) And Remember, You're madly in love.
12) The game of ❤
13) "I must defend the lady!"
14) Introducing Prince Charming...
15) "We're going to torture you."
16) Truth or Dare???
17) this is war
18) The Great Kayla Fiasco
19) A New Friendship arises
20) Daddy calls
21) Charector interview, NOT A CHAPTER
23) Get kissed by a frog

6) Kayla on sugar... not pretty.

22.1K 305 74
By GwenBookAddict

Nothing much to say, JUST ENJOY AND HAVE FAIRY BREAD!!! But not to much sugar, Because you’ll see what happens to Kayla when SHE eats a load of it!

X Gwen






“So how do you play this?” I ask, waving around a white DVD.

“Mario kart?” Liam says, scrambling of his bed. “I’ll teach you, but be warned, I am THE CHAMPION!”

“Liam.” I say, raising an eyebrow. “Let’s be honest here, I excel in every sport I try.”

Liam smirked and turned on the TV, and the screen lighted up with cartoon images and an annoying theme song.

“What level?” Liam asks.

“Surprise me.” I say.

“Ok, Easy.” Liam says. “I’m going to be nice to you.”

I roll my eyes, and we each pick a  character, I pick Yogi.  And the game begins, Liam and all the other annoying characters begin racing away from me, while I go on a suicide mission, trying to kill every cow and fence I come across.

“How do I use this?” I ask desperately.

“Oh, I thought you exceled in every sport you tried.” Liam said casually. “So don’t you know how to use this?”

“Don’t be a poo.” I say, jerking my controller around, trying to figure out how to move Yogi.  “Aaaaah!”

“Like this.” Liam said, leaning over, and carefully moving my hands of the controller, He showed me how to turn it, and move Yogi, The game finally made sense.

“Well, that was fun.” I said, after the game finished.

“I know.” Liam said. “And, You did pretty well for a newbie.”

“I got 4th.” I said, rolling my eyes. “That’s terrible.”

“4th is pretty good.” Liam said. “For your first time.”

“I guess.” I shrugged. “I just am kind of obsessed with coming first in everything I do.”

“Everything?” Harry gave me a smirk. “Reaaally?”

I grabbed the nearest pillow and chucked it him, hitting him square in the eye. “Never say that to me again!”

“Ok, Ok.” Harry said, lifting his hands up to defend his face. “Jeez!”

“So..?” I said, turning to Liam. “How long are we supposed to stay here?”

“Um, awhile.” Liam said. “We’re spending at least four days in this bus.”

“FOUR DAYS!” I scream. “I can’t miss for four days of my training!!”

“Whoa, Kayla, chill.” Zayn says. “We often take breaks, so you can do you’re training then.”

“Good.” I say, getting of the coach. “Because you’re doing it with me.”

“Wha- I don’t want to!” Niall whines.

“Seriously guys.” I say. “I’ve been thinking-“

“You can think?” Harry exclaims.

I roll my eyes. “Haha, not funny. Anyway, I’ve been thinking, you guys wouldn’t need so much help if you were, well… fitter.”

“Are you saying we’re unfit?” Zayn said angrily, taking of his shirt. “Look ar this! Does it look like flab to you?”

“We’re taking our shirts off now?” Harry said excitedly, and ripped his off in one big, dramatic motion. “Awesome!”

I rolled my eyes and turned to Liam. “Are they always-“

“Unfortunately so.” Liam said, answering my question before it was asked.

I turned back around to see Harry poking Zayn’s stomach and exclaiming, “Ha! Mine looks better!”

“No, It doesn’t!” Niall said, defending Zayn.

“Louis, You’ll support me on this.. talk some sense into them!” Harry said, bounding towards Louis’s bunk.

Louis barley looked up. From his phone .”Whatever.”

A flicker of a frown flew across Harry’s face, but it vanished in an instant. “Ok, Since it is now TWELEVE O’CLOCK.. LET THE FEAST BEGIN!”

I frowned. “Huh?”

The boys, meanwhile, ignored me and scrambled to the kitchenette, which was connected to the games/dining room and the bedroom.

I had no choice but to follow them, I was, after all, their valiant protector… well, that and I was hungry.

I found them in the kitchen, Louis pouring some Smarties and Freckles into a bowl, Liam,  taking some Ben and Jerry’s out of the fridge. Harry, grabbing some spoons, Niall,  melting some chocolate in the fridge, Zayn, mixing up a bowl of sour and sweet snakes,  chocolate chips and crushed Twix’s. “What are we doing?”

“Sit back, and watch the masters at work!” Zayn says happily.

I crossed my arms and frowned. So I guess TV had ben right after all, Teenage boys ARE obsessed with sugar. Louis sprinkled some crushed smarties and freckles over each of the Ben and Jerry’s, Niall poured the chocolate  over it and Zayn mashed in some sour and sweet snakes, chocolate chips and crushed Twix’s. They each got an ice cream tub and there was one left, I was guessing that was for me.

“Are you seriously suggesting that I eat my full body weight in sugar?” I asked dumb-founded. “Do you know how much carbs and fat and-“

“Save it.” Zayn said, rolling his eyes. “Just eat it, It’s good.”

“I’ll eat a quatre.” I said, taking the spoon, with my head held high.

Harry rolled his eyes. “Girls.”

“Well I’m sorry that I’m not going to ditch my exercise regime for some stupid sugar obsession.”

“Well at least you’re apologising.” Said Niall, his shoulders sagging.

“I’m-“ I said, my voice rasing a dangerously high pitch.

“Kayla, just eat the damn ice cream.” Louis said angrily.

There was a silence.

“Ok.” I said quietly.





“IT’S TWELEVE A’CLOCK! TWELEVE A’CLOCK! TWELEVE! TWELEVE! TWELEVE!” I shouted, giggling, and spinning around in a circle.

“I think we shound’nt of given her the ice cream.” Liam observes.


“Leilah, Shut up!” Zayn moaned, his hand pressed against his forehead.

I turned around to him and grinned. “YOU WANNA BE A PRINCESS TOO?”

“NO!” Zayn said quickly.


“What type of Princess?” Niall asked quickly.


“I gotta get this on tape.” Harry said, his eyes wide as he scrambled for his camera. “This is awesome black mail material!”

“FAIRY, FAIRY PRINCESS!” I did a little twirl. And then I stopped and turned around to Liam grinning.

I was unusually happy today. Everything was just so nice and bright and-

“What are you doing?” Liam asked as I dragged him off his bed.

“DANCE WITH ME!” I say, spinning him around, He stumbles slightly, suddenly dizzy.


“Wha- No!” Harry says, as I pull him down. “I am NOT being a ballerina!”

I turn to Liam and pout. “Liam...”

“Harry, Do as she says.” Liam said in a commanding voice.

“No!” Harry says. “I DO have SOME dignity!”

“Harry, You have none.” Zayn said.

Harry shrugged. “What the hell?” and jumped off the top bunk and proceeded to swirl around with the grace of a giraffe. “YOU ARE AN AWESOME BALLARINA!” I said with a giggle.

“Pfft. I have SO much more talent.” Said Liam, rolling his eyes.

“Excuse me?” Zayn said, jumping off his bunk. “You? Talent? Please! Look at me!” He did a twirl, and landed on his butt.

“Yeah. Mhmm… Talent.” Harry said, rolling his eyes, and then doing a pirrotette and then strking a pose. “Bring it, Sweetheart.”

Niall frowned. “Know guys, Let’s not do anything rash here..”

“LA LA LA LA.” I through my head back, giggling. “I CAN SEE CLOUDS.”

“That’s usally not a good sign.” Was all I heard Louis says before I hit the floor.






Hmm, So why is Louis being all moody and weird? Who’s the better Ballerina? And What Happened to Kayla? Tell me what you think!

:) X Gwen!

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