Cherish (My Horror Academia S...

By ToxicBlood18

49.7K 1.5K 433

After a failed Suicide attempt, Mei Hatsume learns to value her life and decides to teach others to appreciat... More

Chapter 1: The Creation of Jigsaw
Chapter 2: The First Game
Chapter 3: Fallen Green Angel
Chapter 4: His Side of the Story
Chapter 5: Setting Up
chapter 6: Mineta and Monoma
Chapter 7: We Are Live
Chapter 8: Love and Pain
Chapter 9: The Fangirl
Chapter 10: Jigsaw Rules
Chapter 11: City on the Edge of Battle Part 1
Chapter 12: City on the Edge of Battle Part 2
Chapter 13: Please Come Back
Chapter 14: Just When Everything Was Getting Back to Normal
Chapter 15: A Mother's Love
Chapter 16: Friends in High and Low Places
Chapter 17: Doing The Right Thing
Chapter 18: Callous Hearts
Chapter 19: Uninvited Guest
Chapter 20: The Plan Goes Bad Part 1
Chapter 21: The Plan Goes Bad Part 2
Chapter 22: Rules and Promises
Chapter 23: Bloody Money
Chapter 24: Toga and Iida Got a Mission
Chapter 26: A New Enemy
Chapter 27: Information
Chapter 28: Internship
Chapter 29: Keeps Getting Worse
Chapter 30: Family Game Night
Chapter 31: You're a Celebrity
Chapter 32: Truth
Chapter 33: Story of Hosu
Chapter 34: Cat's Paw
Chapter 35: Goodbye
Chapter 36: You Want to Play a Fucking Game
Final Chapter: Let The Games Begin
Things I Cut From Cherish

Chapter 25: From Okay to Really Bad

802 33 3
By ToxicBlood18

(Holy Shit Guys 25 chapters, thanks for all your support)

Bartender, another round for me, me, and me please thank you." CowCow boy smacked his empty bottle on the table and started to laugh in his drunken state, "I think you have had enough for one night." The bartender said while he cleaned a glass and signaled the doorman to be ready incase things get rough, "I'll tell you when i've had enough you bastard, do you know who i am, i'm motha fucking Cow *hiccup* Cow Boy you bitch, suck my dick." He said angrily as he raised up the middle finger but he was so drunk that he wasn't even facing the bartender, the dorman was given the signal and he grabbed the villain by the coat and dragged him outside on to the street, "Hey put me down." The villain asked, the doorman just shrugged and threw the him down to the ground, "Have a nice night." He said sarcastically and closed the bar door, CowCow Boy slowly got to his feet and began wobbling to his car that was across the street, after a few minutes of trying to remember how to open a car door he finally got in the drivers seat and buckled up before pulling out his keys, as he put the key in the ignition he noticed something strange despite being completely hammered, "Wait a second." He looked at the car door the best he could thought really hard what was off, then it hit him, "I lock my car before i started drinking, how did open my door without using my key?" He looked at his key than back at the door, he then looked in the back seat to see a pig mask figuare who attacked him, smothering him with a rag soaked in chloroform, at first there was a struggle but after a minute he was out like a lightbulb.

The pig masked figuare crawled to the front seat and moved the body to the back seat so he could sit in the front and drive, the figuare removed the mask to reveal it was Himiko and she was bursting with excitement, "My first drugging as a official Jigsaw member, OMG this is so cool." She jumped up and down in her seat as she started the car and drove off to the meeting point to see if Iida was done with the trap or not, the setup wasn't far from the bar only a five minute drive and she was there with the player, the place of the game was a construction site that was abandoned years ago, "Wow, this looks interesting." She parked the car and dragged the villain out of the backseat, "Damn your a heavy fucker, maybe i could drain you of some blood to lighten you up." She lifted up his shirt and pulled out a knife pressing it against his stomach, Just as she was about to cut a hand grabbed her wrist stopping her, "There's no time to feed your blood cravings, we have shit to do." Iida let go of her wrist and grabbed the lower half of the villain while Toga grabbed the top half and carried him over to a cement mixer, "So what's the plan Iida?" She asked as they dropped him on his face, Iida walked over to bag he had placed there earlier and pulled out a power drill and some chains, "The plan is to make him learn a lesson he'll never forget." He said as he walked over to a tarp and removed it showing her a large rectangular hole, they both picked up the villain again and threw him into the hole, "Alright lets get started with the drilling."

(Back at the Warehouse)

Mei was sitting on the couch watching Robocop while eating cookies that Izuku had made just for her and drinking milk, "Izuku hurry up your missing the movie." She said with a mouth full of cookies, "Mei i'm almost done with the next batch of cookies and i can see the movie from here, you do know were in an open warehouse and i can see from across the whole building." She looked at him with sad eyes and held out her arms waitingfor his embrace, he sighed as could not resist her sad face, "Okay i'm coming." He ran over to her and layed down next to her, "So did i miss much?" "Nah not much, you only missed the part where Murphy got shot up by the bad guys but thats just the beginning." The two watched the movie though Izuku really wasn't a fan of these 80s futuristic movies but he could see why Mei liked them, there was always some cool technology that was used like killer robot assasins and vehciles that looked normal but were built like tanks, to her that was best thing in the world and if she liked it then he will learn to like it too. She suddenly paused the TV at the part when now Robocop Murphy had just started to walk, "Izuku go to my workshop and grab me one of my journals." He was about to ask why but he had to get the cookies out anyways so he did what she asked and returned with one of her journals, she flipped to the first blank page and started writing obsessively like Izuku does when he writes about heroes, "Mei what are you writing."

It took her a few minutes but once she was done she shoved the paper in his face, "Mei what is this? It looks like a robotic human spine." "That's exactley what it is." She kissed him and ran to her workshop and Izuku followed, he watched as she collected a bunch of materials and placed it on her workbench, "Why are you building a mechanical spine?" She pulled her goggles down over her eyes and started hammering away, "For Iida." Izuku thought about why Iida would need such a thing and then it hit him, "You want to make this for Ingenium." She shook her head yes and started to blowtorch things together, "Iida isn't like us Izuku." She put down the torch and looked at him, "Me, you and hell even Himiko don't have much of a family left but Iida, he had a family of heroes that had high expectations of him but now they see him as villain. can you imagine how he feels knowing that his family probably hates him and never wants to see him again even though he still loves them with all of his heart, i thought if i make something like this to help his brother than maybe he'll see that we see him as family and that we care for him and his brother." Mei's words really got to Izuku as wiped away the tears from his eyes, "Mei, that was really beautiful but there was one problem."

She put her hands on her hips and looked at him in annoyance, "And What might that be?" He showed her the design she drawed on the couch, "This design could use some work, you made it in five minutes maybe we should go over it some more so we have a good plan made." He pulled out some scratch paper and a pencil and took a seat, "Alright Mei, lets start with what this baby must be able do and withstand." Mei took of her goggles off and took and pulled up a seat, she began explaining everything this invention should be, she went on for two hours non stop while Izuku wrote down every single detail until she was done, he had a total fifty six pages worth of notes ready to be turned into a reality when they heard the garage door open, "Looks like Himiko and Iida are back." "You go greet them while i look over the notes you wrote." Izuku handed her the journal and went off to the garage where he saw Iida and Himiko get out of the van, he expected the vampire girl to be cheerful and energetic but instead she looked scared and uncomfortable, "Hey guys did everything go as planned." He looked at Iida who looked scared too, "What's wrong guys, you look like your afraid of something." They didn't say anything, "Guys what's wrong just say it." They looked at eachother and then back at him, Himiko was the first to speak, "The game went as planned, CowCow Boy survived but." Her tone was bland and had no emotion behind it, "So if it went well then why do you both look scared?" Iida responded this time sounding the same "We have a new problem, worse then L.O.V or the heroes."

"What do you mean worse than those two, what could possibly be worse than those two and don't say vigilantes they count as heroes." They both took a deep breath before answering him, "Midoriya, do you know a villain by the name Destro?" Izuku scratched his head and thought about it for a second, "Umm yeah, his power rivaled All Might wait what does this have anything to do with your game?" "Listen to him Izuku." He was starting to grow impatient but he listened to Himiko and let Iida talk, "Destro use to be the leader of a very powerful group, do you know the name of that group." Izuku froze as he remembered the name, he found himself just as afraid as they were, "B-But that g-g-group disband disbanded years ago." Iida shook her head, "CowCow Boy was part of that group until they shot him in the head, there coming for us next." "Whose coming for us?" They looked over and saw Mei standing there in the door way, "Well you gonna tell me or just keep standing there looking scared?" Izuku wanted to tell her in way so she wouldn't freak out but Himiko marched right in up to her face, "I THOUGHT YOU DID RESEARCH ON THE PEOPLE YOU PICK." Mei was confused and shocked at her sudden outburst, "what do you mean?" "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN, BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR POOR RESEARCH WE NOW MADE ENEMIES WITH THE META LIBERATION ARMY!!!!!!!!"

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