Heroes Of Our Destiny

By 19Evangeline94

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Darth Maul x Reader *This story has more than one part/chapter* 05/26/2019 #19 second person! You are living... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note

Chapter 12

325 7 5
By 19Evangeline94

It seemed as though everthing disappeared around you as he stopped five feet away with his saber drawn at his side. He looked down to Shawn laying in your arms before looking back to your tear stained face.

"No matter where you go, you will always bring war with you",he spoke,"look around you Angel. Is this what you want?"

Gently you removed your hand from Shawn's chest laying him down on the ground. You stood up looking down at his lifeless face.

"Come with me", spoke Vader holding a hand out to you,"we can put an end to this war."

Shawn's words echoed through your head with flashbacks of his smiling face.

'You will never quit will you?'

His words echoed as you tightened the grip on your saber in your hand.

'The rebel angel you are.'

Unsheathing your saber you swung fiercely at Vader blinded by rage. He blocked your attack causing the sabers crackle as sparks flew between you two. Everyone around slowly stopped fighting watching the two of you battle.

You swung at him again,"you son of a bitch! This is all your fault! The bloodshed, the fighting, this war! YOU started this!"

Vader blocked your attack,"this can end as easily as it started."

Swinging your saber at him he blocked it before quickly reaching out choaking you with the force. Your saber fell from your hand as you grasped at your throat. Your body hovered from the ground into the air.

"Angel!", everyone called out beginning to rush to your aid.

"Come any closer and I'll break her neck", warned Vader making them stop,"either way I can easily extract her power from her dead body."

A bone chilling voice spoke behind Vader,"it's nice to see you again my apprentice."

All of the Stormtroopers simultaneously dropped down to one knee bowing. Maul glowered at a black cloaked figure appearing next to Vaders side.

"Let her down", the man smiled at you.

"Yes my Master", Vader replied releasing you letting your body hit the ground.

Luke clenched his teeth," Darth Sidious."

You trembled reaching out for your saber laying on the ground 3 feet away. Vader used the force sending it flying into his hand before you could grab it. Sidious knelt down in front of you with an evil smile.

"Leave her alone!", demanded Maul stepping twoards you.

Sidious head slowly turned to him,"I'll deal with you in a minute Darth Maul."

You clenched your teeth laying on the ground helplessly glaring up at him as he turned back to you.

"Come with us my child. I promise if you surrender nobody will get hurt",he smiled evilly.

"Don't listen to him Angel!", yelled Maul.

He quickly turned back to him,"SILENCE!"

Maul paused grabbing his chest, his face twisted in pain. Suddenly blood spilled out of his mouth onto the ground. While Sidious was looking away you quickly head butted his face before shoving both of your hands out at him using the force. His body went sprawling to the ground past where Vader stood. In a blink of an eye Vader unsheathed his saber swinging it at your neck.

"Stop!", yelled Sidious.

His saber stopped centimetres away burning your skin. He sheated it as Sidious got back up laughing like a mad man.

"I must of misjudged you Darth Maul! You helped her unleash her true power for us! Now it will be easier to take it away from you, Fallen Angel!"

He turned to Vader,"take them all with us. We need them to fuel her anger."

With one arm outstretched Vader used the force squeezing your throat. Your mouth opened gasping for air clawing at the invisible pressure trying to make it release you. People screamed your name. But you had no strength left. You gave up struggling for air as darkness consumed you.


Opening your eye's you saw nothing but darkness. A sudden light flicked on above you revealing your arms chained above your head. Sidious stepped into the light with his hands in his black cloak sleeves in front of him.

He grinned," you may of remembered Darth Vader's machine that extracted your powers from you. But this-"

Lights came on all around you showing a huge room with machines and wires all over the place. Robot's busily worked away on them facing away from you. A huge door at the end of the circular room had two black armored Stormtrooper's armed on each side of it.

He spread out his arms to the room,"this is my little set up for you. Welcome to The Death Star, Fallen Angel."

Fear shot through you,"what did you do with my friends?! Where are they?!"

He chuckled evilly,"oh they're here. They will actually be part of the audience for your death."

Rectangular doors opened across from you revealing everyone in each small room with a glass wall looking out to you. They all look around confused till they saw you.
Liea collapsed on her kneese stairing in horror with a hand covering her mouth. Han and Chewie desperately pounded on the glass yelling in anger. Luke was trying to break free with his hands tied behind his back as a metal band was locked around his neck. General was chained to the ground trying to get out. Maul was in the same predicament as Luke chained with the same metal band. He saw you as his eyes widened in fear. Standing up he yelled at you running at the glass trying to break it.

Sidious turned to you,"now that we are all here, shall we begin? I must say that I am quite impressed by your healing factor. Not only can you heal others but you can heal yourself too. You are close to learning the full potential of your power. Thus making you immortal. I pity you Fallen Angel. The only reason you came to this world was to only be used for destruction and chaos. Though I am also impressed you survived Vader's machine before you became immortal. Except this time, your powers will be distributed to the Death Star. It will take every ounce of it before you have time to heal or regenerate."

Your eyes widened, your body shivered in fear.

"Oh. Don't be afraid my child", he grinned,"at the rate your powers regenerate you will not be killed. Although you will soon wish it would."

The machine started lighting up as the robots read off the percentage until they all turned to Sidious waiting for the next command.

His grin widened in excitement,"start the project!"

One of them cranked up the dial sending shooting pain throughout your body. You grit your teeth glaring down at Sidious.

He turned giving a nod to the robot,"let's speed this up shall we? I want to hear the music!"

The robot crank up the dial slowly not stopping this time. Pain soon became unbearable at the quarter mark making you close your eyes tight with tears. By the time he reach halfway your tears turned into blood with blood coming out your ears. Your flesh felt as thought it was being lit on fire with your skin melting off. Every bone in your body felt like it wanted to shatter into a million pieces. Soon your body noticeably shook as you cried out loud in pain.

"We are at three quarter's sir! At this rate her heart rate and vitals will-!"

"Keep going until I say so!", he yelled at them.

They turned the dial up to max watching you. Your screams amplified until your body gave out with a rush of fluid going up your throat. Blood poured out onto the ground in front of you as you started to puke non stop. Once there was no more blood coming out, your body went limp as you hung your head.
Sidious nodded to the machines as they crank the dial back down to zero.
He walked up the steps grabbing your hair forcing you look up at him. Blood caked your face coming from your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. You glared at him with bloodshot eyes.

An evil smile curled his lip,"that's one time you've died. Let's see how many times it will take."

Spitting blood at him his smile faded making him release you.

"Again!",he ordered them.


You looked up to see Maul standing up from the ground with shattered glass surrounding him. He glared at Sidious with a stern face.

The two guards were about to attack until Sidious raised a hand making them stop.

"I knew this would happen. I don't expect nothing less from my exiled apprentice!", he laughed evilly.

Maul broke the cuffs behind him before slowly yet cautiously walking towards him. When he reached 10 feet away he stop getting into a fighting stance.

Sidious smiled,"continue the project. Do not worry about this pest. I will deal with him myself."

You stared at Maul in horror until the robot begin turning up the dial again. Screams erupted out of you again as they reach past the halfway mark. Your screams turned silent as your throat when raw causing you to go mute. Blood poured out of your mouth onto the ground making them turn the dial back down. You started wheezing till your hearing came back as your powers healed you. The sound of a lightsaber being unsheath forced you to look up. Maul stood in front of you with a warm smile. Panic stricken you noticed a red lightsaber coming out of him through his heart.

"I love you Angel", he whispered blood dripping from his lips,"I failed you yet again, please forgive me."

The saber went away making him hit the ground on his knees as Sidious stood behind him.

Tears fell from your face, your voice cracked,"don't die Maul! I need you! Please don't die!"

He looked up to you smiling weakly,"do not worry my love. It is ok to cry. I will always be with you. And I will....always......love you."

His body fell back on the ground, his eyes fading to grey. The heart on your bracelet soon beat slowly until it stopped going dark. Tears dripped from your face as you stared down at Maul's lifeless body in front of you. Memories flooded your mind.
'What does it say?', asked Maul trying not to be curious.

You tapped on the envelope making it dissapear,'that's classified.'

Maul crossed his arms pouting/irritated.
'-You just seem too much of a badass to do this kind of stuff.'

He laughed,'I am still a badass.'
He stood up looking down at you with a smile as a tear gently rolled down his cheek.

'I love you.'

"Maul-", you whispered opening your eyes,"I love you too."


Luke ran at Sidious with a war cry as shattered glass glistened in the air. Sidious sneered at him when he came near. Luke threw a punch at him before Sidious vanished in thin air.

"Let her down!", he yelled at the robots.

They hesitated before turning the machines off. The chains lowered setting you down on your feet. Luke walked through the pool of blood on the ground, helping you stand unshackling the chains from your wrists. When the machines shut down completely, the glass from the cells disappeared releasing everyone. He helped you walk towards Maul's body. You placed a hand on his shoulder before walking on your own. Kneeling down you gently scooped his cold body in your arms.

"I'm so sorry",you whispered placing your forhead against his.

General walked up to you kneeling down placing a hand on your sholder. His head hung in a prayer. Slowly everyone bowed their heads joining in. Your tattoo slowly glowed with a golden glow.

"Angel-", spoke General looking at you.

When he noticed the tears in your closed eyes, he closed his embracing your body and a gentle hug before standing back up. Slowly your tattoo start to fade into the air glistening like glitter.

A tear rolled down your face as you looked up to everyone around you,"thank you for being here for me and becoming my friends. I will never forget all that you have done for me."

Tears formed in Han's eyes,"what are you saying? You're going to be okay. The war is over, we can go home now. We can be free."

A bright light surrounded all of you making you disappear teleporting them on the lawn of your backyard. The sun was beginning to rise painting a pink sky above you.

Your tattoo disappeared as the glistening gold glitter absorbed into Maul's body. The hole in his chest closed up leaving behind a small pink scar on his red skin.

Luke smiled sadly,"what your saying is goodbye."

Your feet slowly started to disappear proceeding up your body. Maul opened his eyes when he felt a tear fall on his cheek.

"I hope to see you all someday", you smiled before looking down into Maul's loving eyes.

His eyes started to tear up placing his hand on your face. You placed your hand over his as it to started to disappear.

"I love you Angel", he smiled struggling not to cry,"you will always be in my heart. I hope somday too I will be able to see that beautiful smile again. To hold you in my arms until we grown old and grey. And to hear that sweet laugh you always do. I promise to wait for you until you return."

Your body disappeared making Maul's bracelet stop beating.

General turned to the sky," we live between the act of awakening and the act of surrender. Each morning, we awaken to the light and the invitation to a new day in the world of time; each night, we surrender to the dark to be taken to play in the world of dreams where time is no more. (John O' Donohue). Until we meet again, Angel."

The End

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