What No One Sees

By WolfMoon5

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Leo smiles. He laughs. He jokes. But no one sees how much hurt he is going though. How much pain he has store... More

Day one
Day two AM
Day two PM
Day 4 AM
Day 10
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 16 continued
I'm sorry
This day will never end
It's me...
The reason why
I'm a little better
yall realize its still day 16?
In the 5th hour
The Ups and Downs of Friends
Day 17
The Afternoon of The Day of 17
The Heartbeat
Early Morning Day 18
Merry Christmas!
fckd up
I need to figure out what day it is
the part where Jason dies
the 'uh oh' part
Valentines day Special
naps and contemplation
things are getting bad again
click click clack
not really an update
Day 32
*vent* Should I feel?
A Morning of Contemplative Thoughts
Jason... what the fuck
The Choice
Therapy Session
Is This The Process of Healing?
Let's Go Talk To Will
A Step In A Direction
And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
The Green Monster
Sister Nadia
break notice
Sunset Sunrise
Blind to All
Looking For Me?
Confidence To Open Up
The End
Epilogue (Part 1)

Unknown day and time

7.7K 151 295
By WolfMoon5

Leo sat in the darkness, arms wrapped tightly around his knees. He rocked back and forth trying to calm himself down. His breathing was shallow, but then would suddenly come in ragged gasps and he would stop rocking and dig his nails into his arms trying to get his breath back.

'Why are you still alive?'

'Nobody wants you here'

'Nobody cares about you'

'You should just cut again'

'You should just kill yourself'

These thoughts were racing through the young Latino's mind. Each one worse than before. Each one feeling like a punch to his gut. Like all the broken pieces of his heart were pieces together just to be shattered into tinier, sharper pieces.

"I'm not meant to be happy" as Leo said it, he knew. Everything made sense now. He wasn't meant to be happy in the first place.

With newfound strength he stood up and began looking for the sharpest object he could find

'I'm not meant to be happy, but I can feel okay and cutting makes me feel okay'

Grabbing the sharpest shard of metal from the chandelier he had broken, Leo looked down at his arm, at the scabs that were almost gone from his previous cuts. He decided on a less obvious place and instead pulled down his pants til his thighs were exposed.

'Here' and he began.

 First he pressed the chandelier to his skin. In one place and then another, always checking to see if a level of skin had been cut. When no blood was spilled he started dragging the shard across his skin. With little pressure he slid it across and felt his skin stinging.

'It needs to be deeper'

The small hero pressed the broken piece of chandelier against himself and slid it across his skin harshly. It tore up his skin and blood came forth. Lots of blood. But not enough. Not enough to satisfy Leo and his intense desire to hurt himself.

He kept going. 

Cut after cut.

Going deeper and deeper.

When there was no more space on his thigh to keep cutting, he moved to his other thigh and started over.

His blood had successfully soaked his pants completely by the time that Leo decided to cease.

When he saw his ragged broken skin and his blood all around him, he felt lightheaded and nauseous. Pulling up his pants he scarcely had time to make it to the toilet where he puked and passed out.


lol this is fantastic. I was gonna cut myself, but i made Leo do it instead. What the fuck is wrong with me? maybe im the one who should kill themself

who am i kidding. of course i am the one who should. Leo deserves the world.

Wolf out

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