Special Handling (manxman)

By PaisleyViking

1.4M 49K 7.7K

This is Benji's story (from Breaking Finn) and how he met Ajax. Benji is 19, he suffers from A.D.H.D. (Attent... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 12

54.9K 1.7K 204
By PaisleyViking

Chapter 12

Benji's POV

"Rob is a very traditional Dom," Ajax was telling me as we drove to the restaurant, "and you'll find that Peter is very quiet and shy, but he's a good guy; very smart, very kind and extremely submissive.  He practically doesn't breath without Rob's permission.  Please remember that your behaviour reflects on me as your Dom, so if you're at all unsure about anything, discreetly get my attention and ask.  I will be ordering for you, is there anything you don't like or especially do like, it's French-American cuisine?"

"I like just about anything Sir, you kind of already know what's best for me to eat...the only thing I can think of for that kind of restaurant is that I don't eat veal...because, well you know, the way the animal is treated."

"Don't worry, neither do I," he assured. 

We arrived at the restaurant and after Ajax gave his car keys to the valet we headed into the bar where we would meet Rob and Peter.  I wanted to make a good impression on Ajax's friends so he would be proud of me, so I vowed not to go all Benji-weird on them.  I would speak only when spoken to, remember my table manners and if I wasn't sure about anything I'd look to Ajax for guidance.

As we walked through to the bar many of the staff looked up and welcomed Ajax, then I remembered that he and his brother owned the restaurant so it made sense.

"Hey Scott, club soda and cranberry, two of them please," he called to the bartender.  "So what do you think? Ajax asked when he turned back to me.

"It's great Sir, really nice.  It's really busy, it must be very popular too."

"Yeah, it does a good business.  We have some amazing chefs here.  Oh, here come Rob and Peter."

"AJ, great to see you," a tall man greeted as they approached.  He was a bit taller than Ajax and a bit broader as well with dark hair and steel blue eyes, made me think of shark eyes; he looked to be about the same age as Ajax.  Standing just a step behind and close to his side was a much smaller man, he looked to be a few years older than me, maybe 22 or 23, very slim almost feminine with light brown hair and hazel eyes.  He looked up briefly then down again shyly.

Ajax smiled and shook the larger man's hand.  "Glad you called when you got back into town", then looked at the small man, "Peter, you're looking very well."  I noticed that Ajax didn't reach his hand out to Peter and I remembered that Doms don't like other people to touch their sub, especially other Doms.  Peter quickly looked up at Ajax and gave him a small smile, nodding his head before he looked down again.

"Rob, Peter, this is Benji.  Benji this is Rob and Peter."  Ajax made the introductions and I quickly looked at him before I met Rob's eyes.  He gave me a quick nod so I smiled and said hello first to Rob and then to Peter.  "Benji's a first year student at UCLA," Ajax continued.

"Nice to meet you Benji, good school! What are you studying?" Rob asked.  Again, I looked briefly at Ajax who nodded approvingly.

"Psychology & Sociology Sir, and theatre as a possible minor," I replied.

"Very good.  Peter did his undergrad at UCLA and now is in his second year of grad school at Stanford studying Computer Science, so we've pretty much relocated up North, but we get back to L.A. fairly often when I need to meet with clients, so we try to catch up with old friends whenever we're back in town."

"Stanford's a great school!" I said to Peter.  He looked up again and just smiled, but the look in his eyes seemed very warm and friendly, he just seemed painfully shy, but at least he held my gaze a bit longer.  "I love Northern California, you must enjoy living there." 

"Yeah," he spoke, barely above a whisper, "it's really beautiful. I...I was so happy when...um...Master Rob said we could move there."  His face flushed a deep red and I imagined that it must have been a bit of a struggle for him to get that much out.  I noticed he was wringing his hands a bit as well.

Ajax ordered Rob and Peter drinks and they began to chat about business.  "You must be really smart to go to Stanford," I mused. "That's like one of the best schools in the whole country!"

Peter's face turned red again, I noticed that even the tops of his ears would turn crimson!  "Yeah, I do okay," he murmured.

"Don't let him fool you Benji," Rob interrupted, having overheard I guess, "Peter's always been at the top of his class and has earned major accolades for his research and development.  He did a summer internship at Google and already has job offers lined up for when he graduates."  Rob looked at Peter fondly and full of pride and poor Peter blushed once again, but kept eye contact with his Dom and even smiled at him.   If he keeps blushing though, the poor guy will be feverish before the night is through I thought to myself.

"Ah, our table is ready," Ajax called out and the four of us followed a hostess to a quiet and private part of the dining room.

The rest of the evening went really well.  I followed all the rules, I answered questions when asked, but let Ajax or Rob lead the conversation.  I did get to speak more with Peter when they would talk business and he started to relax a bit and open up through dinner.  I really liked him and hoped that we would get to see them again before the end of my contract with Ajax.

"Maybe we can go visit Rob and Peter sometime," I asked Ajax when we got to the car.

"You liked them?"

"Yeah, they were great.  It's nice being out with another Dom & sub, and not have to hide anything too."

"I agree, and I'm glad you like them, I do as well.  And yes, we'll definitely go up and visit them soon," he opened my door for me, but before I sat down he held my arm.  "You did great tonight pet, I was very proud of you.  Rob even remarked on what a good boy I had when we walked out."

"Thank you Sir," I beamed, "I was trying really hard to make you proud of me."  When he kissed me softly on the lips I nearly melted into the ground and my stomach felt really...quivery is the word that comes to mind.  I don't know why, but knowing he was proud and the kiss he gave me, made me feel so good I knew it was something I would want to feel over and over.  I had never felt that way about anyone, wanting to do my best for them, wanting to do things that would make them happy.  I don't even think I especially felt that way about my parents, aside from the natural way children want to please their parents, but this was different.

"Sit down pet," Ajax chuckled and I realized I was leaning against the car in a daze.

"Yes Sir," I blushed and quickly got into the car and strapped my seat belt on.

"I think Peter has some sort of social anxiety disorder," I pondered out loud when Ajax was seated, "we were just learning about them in one of my classes recently."

"Yes, he does," Ajax confirmed, "you should have seen him when we first met him.  He's actually come a long way.  He started coming to the club with a friend of his who is a submissive about two and a half years ago.  He wore a white bracelet for the first 3 months so none of the Doms could even talk to him.  He wouldn't even talk to Master Phillip at first until his friend finally convinced him that if he wanted to become a submissive, he would need to be trained.  Phillip did what he could with him, but Peter was so nervous, he would panic at any physical contact, he couldn't look anyone in the eyes, he could barely speak to even his closest friends.  He finally stopped wearing the white bracelet, but Phillip had a talk with every Dom in the place first.  He didn't want him to regress, so it was an unspoken rule that anyone wanting to approach Peter had to ask Phillips permission first...and once Rob made his intentions known, the boy was pretty much off limits."

Ajax maneuvered his car expertly thought the city streets while he told me Peter's story.

"Rob had his eye on Peter from the first day he came to the club.  He even stopped seeing other submissives; he didn't want anything to ruin his chances with Peter.  And you have to know Rob back then; big, gruff, overbearing.  But Peter completely changed him, when he stopped wearing the bracelet, Rob approached him slowly, he exercised the patience of a Saint.  He sent him drinks, he sat near him, but didn't try to talk to him, he let Peter get used to his presence first.  It was almost like he was dealing with a spooked animal.   Anyway...eventually Peter became his submissive and he's been making more and more progress with his anxiety ever since.  They're really quite happy together."

"So he helped him...that's so cool.  Rob's a really great guy."

"They've helped each other Benji," Ajax corrected, "Rob was my friend back then, but I like the guy he is now a hell of a lot better.  He's almost like a different person, he really loves Peter and through the process of being the person that Peter needed, he became a better person himself."  Ajax pulled into his parking spot in the private garage under his apartment building, when he stopped the car he looked over at me and I couldn't help but look at him with admiration.  The story was about Rob and Peter, but I couldn't help but see the parallels with Ajax helping me.

"But don't ever tell Rob I told you he was a nice guy," Ajax laughed, "he prefers everyone to think he's still the big bad wolf he used to be."

I smiled back, "won't say anything, scouts honor!" I assured as I held up three fingers.

When we reached Ajax's apartment I followed him inside a little bit uncertain.  I just wasn't sure what was going to happen tonight, I hadn't been with him long enough to figure out a pattern.  What would we be doing now?  Should I take another shower?  Should I just get undressed?  Should I stay in my clothes?  Would we be having sex?  Did he just want me to go to bed?  I looked down at my feet, crossing my arms over my chest awkwardly as if trying to hide inside myself.

"Benji."  Ajax's voice interrupted my uncertainty.

"Yes Sir?" I asked.

"Why did you want to be a submissive?" he asked much to my confusion.

I..I..ah...I already explained that to you..." I began.

"You wanted someone to..." he interrupted, but left it hanging so I could finish.

"Make the decisions for me so I could feel less confused, be freed from the stress," I finished.  I looked up at him as I spoke and his eyes were warm with understanding.  I closed my eyes for a moment and chuckled.  "Thank you Sir," I said with a deep breath when I looked  back at him, returning his smile.

"Now I know it's been a long day with school and we spent much longer with Rob and Peter than I thought we would.  It's late, so we'll save the playroom for tomorrow.  But I would like to reward you for your good behaviour so why don't we take a bath together in my jacuzzi.  The warm water will help us both relax and get a good night's sleep."

"Yes Sir.  Would you like me to run it?" I asked.

"No pet, I'll get the bath ready.  You go get undressed and I'll come get you in your room when everything's ready.  Hang your jacket in the closet, put any dirty clothes in the hamper, and kneel naked next to your bed with your back to the door.  Once you're in position do not move until I instruct you.  Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," I confirmed, grateful for the clear directions.  I went directly to my room and did everything Ajax said.  Well, I quickly went to the bathroom and then brushed my teeth, but I didn't think he'd mind that.  I'm pretty sure it was implied that I could relieve myself when necessary and I didn't want to have bad breath for him either.

About five minutes after I had gotten in position, Ajax...Master, came into my room.  I didn't turn around or move, I knew he wanted my back to the door to test my self-discipline and listening skills so I wasn't about to turn around until he told me to.  Master took his time walking slowly up behind me.  I felt his fingers glide over my head and down over my shoulder.  He crouched down behind me and I felt his lips on the side of my neck, when his teeth nipped gently into my skin I stifled back a small moan.

"Do you know how sexy you look, kneeling here naked?" he asked, his voice deep and low.  I wasn't sure if I was supposed to answer, but before I had a chance he continued.  "I think I owe Master Phillip a deep debt of gratitude for saving you for me."  His hand slid down my back and cupped one of the cheeks of my ass, massaging and caressing it before moving to the other side.    "You really are so beautiful."

He pressed his bare chest against my back and his hand came up moving my head slightly to the right giving his mouth more access to my neck.  I still had my collar on, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to remove it, but I was pretty sure that only my master was allowed to.  He tugged on it causing my head to move, opening my neck up even more to him as his teeth slid down further to my collarbone. 

"Where do you want to sleep tonight pet?" he asked.

"Wherever pleases you Master," I panted as he sucked on a very sensitive part of my throat and trailed his hands over my chest and stomach. 

"Good boy," he murmured into my ear, "but you've been such a good boy tonight, I want you to choose what pleases you."

"If I had my choice Master, I would like to sleep with you," I replied honestly.

"Okay, then that is where you will sleep.  Come on pet, let's go take our bath."  Master stood up and took my hand helping me to stand.  When I turned around he was just in a pair of black silk boxers.  My eyes raked his whole body, it was beyond amazing.  My Master was the embodiment of male perfection.  Every muscle was in perfect proportion to his height, his skin was tan and flawless, he had the perfect amount of dark chest hair and the perfect light trail of hair down his abdomen and into his waistband.  When I looked back up to his face he was watching me with a knowing grin which made me blush in embarrassment.

"Sorry Master, you...you just have an amazing body," I blurted out.

"I'm glad you think so pet.  Why don't you come help me wash this body in our bath."

 "Yes Master."  I followed a few steps after him down the hall to his large ensuite bathroom that was larger than my dorm room.  The jacuzzi bath was all drawn and steaming and he had lit several candles on different counters so the room was glowing.  Master took my leather collar off and then held my hand as he had me step into the bath.  I sat in the middle of the hot water while he took his boxers off, placing them in a hamper.  First I got to stare at his muscular ass, then he turned around.  I had seen him naked before, but each time was like a whole new set of wishes coming true. 

Master stalked over to the tub, his large cock swaying heavily between his thick, muscular thighs.  He chuckled as he climbed the two steps up to the side of the tub and then stepped down behind me.  "You look at me the same way I feel about you."

"How's that Master?"

"Like you want to eat me," he huffed as he jokingly bit into my neck.  To my horror, I giggled and squeaked like a school girl as he tried devouring me at the most ticklish spot on my whole body, but my embarrassment was soon forgotten as he pulled me back into the warm water and against his chest.

He leaned against the side of the tub which was curved, perfectly designed for relaxation and let out a long sigh.  "Tell me about your week Benji."

"Well, you know about most of it Master, I talked to Steven and then Eric and apologized for the other night, they were cool about it.  Other than that it was just classes and studying."  Master was running his fingers through my hair as I spoke and it felt...well it felt really normal in the best of meanings.  For right now, it wasn't sexual, not that I didn't want lots of that with Ajax, but there was always that fear as a submissive that you were just being used for sex.  So far with Ajax, with my Master, I didn't feel that.  I loved lying here on his chest just talking.  "I'm going to start volunteering next week at the boy's club, do you remember I mentioned that Master?  It will be Thursday afternoons, so it won't interfere with our time together."

"Yes, I think that's great Benji, I'm sure the boys will benefit and it's great experience if you're going into psychology or social work."

"That's what I thought too.  Even if I could help just one kid, it seems like it would be worth it, not that I expect that I'll have any great impact, but Joe said they could really use the help."

"Don't sell yourself short Benji, you have a lot to offer; you're smart, you have lots of energy and most importantly, you have a lot of empathy.  Those kids will be lucky to have you there."

"Thank you Master," I was getting that jittery feeling in my stomach again as he spoke.  I turned around in the water so now my chest lay on his stomach, I looked up at Ajax...I really wanted to tell him what I was feeling, but I wasn't sure.

"What is it pet?" he asked.

"I...I'm really...um, lucky to have you," I fumbled.  "You make me feel a lot better about myself."  I looked down as soon as I finished and rested my head on his chest.  I was still nervous about opening up to someone that I didn't know all that well yet, it wasn't like Jamie who's been my best friend my whole life.  I was still unsure about putting myself out there, I'd been cut down enough times by other kids and even boyfriends...but I had to believe that if you didn't put yourself out there, you would never get anything in return.  So I was determined to take the risk with Ajax.  I mean, wasn't that the whole point of having a Dominant?  Someone to look out for you and be there 100%.

"Benji, look up at me," he said softly.  When I hesitated, he added, "you can trust me."  I looked up into his warm, honest eyes and I knew that he wouldn't make fun of me or ever make me feel like the awkward person I had been growing up.  "You are amazing, I am the lucky one.  Don't ever forget that!"

We looked at each other for several minutes, Master still running his fingers through my hair or down the side of my head.


"Yes pet?"

"Can I wash you now?  If we keep talking all deep like this, I might start crying and that would just be way too embarrassing."

Ajax let out a hearty laugh, "Yes, Pet.  Grab a washcloth from the side there and the soap.  When you're done washing me, I'll do the same to you.  I especially need to wash that goop out of your hair before my fingers get stuck in it."

Again with the hair?!

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