Defence Against the Dark Arts...

By VanityLove7

1.5K 30 9

Andromeda Cassiel is from America and went to the wizard school Ilvermorny. The summer after her fifth year h... More

The News
Packing and the Travel
Diagon Alley Part 1
Diagon Alley Part 2
Sorting Ceremony
First Day

Dragon Hatching and Getting On the Train

138 2 0
By VanityLove7

Andromeda's POV

I woke up to Midnight jumping up and down on my bed. I giggled, and he stopped jumping. He pointed his snout toward my egg that was on my left end table. I looked over, and it was starting to have cracks on the sides. I almost jumped out of my bed and ran over to my egg. I grabbed my phone and dialed Magnus' number.

(M- Magnus; A- You)

M- Magnus

A- Hey Mags, the egg is hatching

M- Okay stay right where you are I will be there in a minute

*end call*

He hung up, and I set my phone back on my side table. I waved my hand, and I was wearing my bath robe, since I normally sleep in my underwear and a sports bra. A few minutes later a portal appeared in my closet doorway. Magnus stepped through, and casually walked towards me, "So it hasn't hatched yet, well it should hatch in a few minutes." I nodded, and we waited a few minutes. The dragon popped out its head, and then the rest of the egg crumbled around him. He looked towards me and purred. I smiled at him, "Hi bud, now what could I call you?" I looked toward Magnus then towards my book shelf. My eyes landed on my Bible and then a name popped into my head, "I got it!" I looked back toward the dragon, "How about, Azrael?" Azrael purred again, and jumped into my arms. I giggled, Azrael hopped off of me, and I looked up at Magnus, "Hey Mags, you want to help me pick out my clothes for the train ride to Hogwarts? Which I have to get on at, 11." He looked away from my dragon to me, "Sure, now where do we start?" I giggled, pointed toward my closet, and then stood up. We walked into my closet, and he flicked on the light. I looked around, "Mags, I will pick out the outfit and you pick out the pair of shoes." He nodded before walking over to the side with my shoes. I grabbed a black shirt with a chain, a black lace skirt, black leggings, and a black hoodie with chains(above). I held up the outfit to Magnus, "How about this?" He looked up at me, "That's nice but it would look better with these." He held up a pair of my red and black boots with a silver heel, and I nodded. I heard a growl come from my room, and we walked out of my closet. I saw Midnight and Azrael looking like they are about to fight each other. I clapped my hands, and they both looked at me, "Knock it off both of you. You are now siblings you need to learn to get along." They nodded before Midnight went back to his bed, and Azrael jumped on top of my bed. I rolled my eyes and turned to Magnus, "I think you should head back to America, I will visit you this Christmas." He nodded before setting my boots on my bed, and I set my clothes down beside my boots. He wrapped his arms around my lower back, and I wrapped mine around his neck. We stood there for a few minutes before we pulled away, and he created a portal back to his home. He turned to me, "I will see you this Christmas, bye Cupcake." We smiled at each other, and he walked through the portal.

I shook the sadness from my head, and got dressed. After I was dressed; I walked over to one of my vanities, and grabbed the dragon collar. I walked over to Azrael, and he backed away from me, "Come on bud, if you want to go to Hogwarts with me you need to wear the collar." He growled before coming over to me, and I put the collar on him. I walked over to the other vanity and grabbed a pair of ruby earrings, necklace, and ring(above). I also grabbed one of my dragon rings(above). I walked over to my bed side table, and grabbed my infinite bag. I grabbed my school text books, and the last row of books of my shelf. I walked over to my closet, and grabbed my suitcase. I walked over to my box that I got from the robe shop, and walked outside of my closet. I set my suitcase on top of my bed and set my robes beside it. I walked back in my closet, grabbing a few sets of clothes for the weekend(below), and walking outside of my closet. I put them in my suitcase, and then put my robes inside my bag. I then grabbed the uniform: a white button up shirt, black jeans instead of a skirt, and black lace up heels with green spikes. I put the uniform inside of my suitcase. I walked inside of my bathroom, brushed my teeth, and then packed all of my stuff. I put my stuff inside my suitcase, and closed it. I walked over to my side table, grabbed my wand and sheath, and put it on my thigh. I walked back over to my bed, grabbed my suitcase, and walked over to my door.

I opened my door, walked down the hallway, and down the stairs. I set my suitcase by the door and looked at the clock above the fireplace, it is 10:00. I walked into the kitchen, and there was a note on the counter with my train ticket.

Dear Andy,

We had to go to work earlier, so you will have to head to the train stop alone. We are terribly sorry my dear, but have fun at school this year. Hope you finally make real friends this year. We love you, and we really are sorry.

Love, Mom and Dad

I shook my head, they are never home when its the beginning of the school year. There was a plate beside the note, it had two pieces of pizza. I grabbed the plate, and put it in my microwave. After I ate the pizza it was thirty minutes till I had to get on the train. I ran up the stairs to the closet in the hallway, and there was seven cages. I teleported the cages to my room, and by the time I got into my room all of my pets were in there cages. I closed the cages and teleported them downstairs onto a trolley. I put my bag on the trolley, grabbed the handle, and apparated to the train station. I stepped out of the shadows and walked toward the platform at Great Britain Station. I walked down the platform looking for platform 9 3/4. Then I saw a brick wall that didn't have stone on the side of it. I pushed my trolley to the front of the wall, looked up at the clock, it was 10:10, and I casually walked through the wall. When I got to the other side I saw the Hogwarts Express. There were only a few people on the train, and the luggage cart was loading students luggage and pets. I pushed my trolley to the cart, and put it with the other trolleys that were still being loaded. I grabbed Azrael off of my trolley, and went to go hop on the train. I walked to the back of the train and found an empty cart. I walked inside, put Azrael down on the seat, and sat down beside the window. I took out my wand, gave it a wave, the curtains closed, and the door locked. I opened Azrael's cage, he hopped out, and onto my lap. I took out my iPod, and looked at the time, it was 10:30. I took out my potions text book and started reading. Because I read so fast, when I got done with the text book the train started moving. Since I locked my door I'm guessing the other students had to share with people they didn't like. I giggled to myself, "I am such a rude person sometimes and I love it." I put my potions text book back in my bag, and grabbed my Defense Against the Dark Arts text book. I have already read all of the other text books yesterday, all I had left was Potions and DADA. I heard a knock on the door, so I put Azrael on the bench across from me stood up and walked over to the door. I unlocked the door, opened it a little, and saw the snack trolley, "Anything from the trolley?" I smiled at her, "Yes please, one Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans." She smiled at me, "That'll be one pound." I smiled and handed her the money, and she handed me the candy. She left, and I went to shut the door when I heard someone yell my name, "Andy!" I looked down the hall way and saw Draco walking my way with his pet on his heels. He stopped in front of me, "Hey, Andy, I don't think you were properly introduced to my girlfriend, Pansy." When he said her name there was so much venom dripping off his tongue. I giggled, "Really you were named after a flower?" She growled at me, then scoffed, "Really and what type of name is Andy? It's a boys name." I laughed, "It's a nickname, it's short for Andromeda. Like Draco, I was also named after a Constellation." She scoffed again, "When was there a constellation named Andromeda?" I shook my head, "You don't know your constellations, do you?" I heard Draco chuckle under his breath, and Pansy glared at him. His chuckle turned into a full on laugh, and Pansy dragged him back to their cart. I giggled before heading back into my cart. I sat back in my seat, grabbed my DADA text book, and continued where I left off at. I finished when it started getting dark; I put my text book back in my bag, and grabbed a few treats to give Azrael.

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