The Nara Curse - ShikadaiXRea...

By steviekins96

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Shikadai is tired of being so popular with the girls in his village. When he finds out that his childhood fri... More

① | »Troublesome Girl«
② | »It's just me ... your girlfriend«
NEW | Three
NEW | Four
NEW | Five
NEW | Seven
NEW | Eight
Author Note
NEW | Nine
NEW | Ten
NEW | Eleven

NEW | Six

2K 75 28
By steviekins96

The Nara

━━━✦❘༻ Shikadai ༺❘✦━━━

There were many words people would describe Shikadai. Smart, handsome, lazy, caring - the list was pretty long but there was one word that he never thought he would add to his list.


It all started after Shikadai finished a training session with his team members when ChōChō practically had dragged him and Inojin to their favorite Barbecue restaurant since all the hard work had made her hungry. Shikadai only agreed to have lunch with his two friends because he knew that Asuka would be stuck in meetings the whole day, giving him nothing else to do on this afternoon.

At least that's what he thought.
Apparently, he had misunderstood something.

When the Ino-Shika-Chō team arrived at the Barbecue restaurant Shikadai was more than surprised to see his pretend girlfriend sitting with his former classmate Iwabe, laughing and having the best time. Shikadai didn't know why but seeing the two of them together pissed him off.

It wasn't really a secret that Iwabe used to have a huge crush on Asuka when they were younger. He even went so far and asked Asuka out on a date which she had not accepted, explaining to him that his friendship was too important for her to risk getting messed up by something silly like a date.

»Oh hey! Isn't that Asuka and Iwabe?« Inojin asked as he pointed over to the table the two friends were sitting.

»Aw, look at that! They're on a date! She finally agreed to go out with him.« ChōChō smiled.

A date?! But she's suppose to be my girlfriend!

Shikadai clenched his hands into fists as he watched Asuka giggling about something Iwabe was telling her. Sure, he knew that the two of them were good friends but he never realized that they were that close. Why did he never noticed it?

»Why do you look like you're about to strangle Iwabe with your shadow jutsu?« Inojin asked a little confused.

»I'm not looking at him like that! Why would I do that?!« Yes, Shikadai was pissed but there was no way in hell he would admit that out loud.

»Please, we all know that you're madly in love with Asuka-chan and seeing her with another guy is making you crazy jealous.« ChōChō pointed out, not really caring how loud she was.

»I'm not-« He stopped in the middle of his sentence when he remembered that he was suppose to be Asuka's boyfriend. He couldn't just say that he wasn't in love with her if he wanted people to believe his relationship with her was real.

So he cleared his throat and tried to sound as normal as possible. »There's no reason for me to be jealous since I trust my girlfriend enough to know that she wouldn't cheat on me.«

»Ha! I knew the rumors about you two were true!« ChōChō smirked as she crossed her arms over her chest. »And Inojin thought I was crazy for believing them.«

»How should I know that the two of them would finally decide to start dating?! I mean they had a thing for each other ever since they first met.« Inojin defended himself.

»Don't you guys have something better to do than talk about my love life? It's starting to get really old.« Shikadai said without taking his eyes off from Asuka.

For a matter of fact; Shikadai did know that literally everyone from his friend group were thinking that he and Asuka secretly liked each other for ages but were too shy to admit it. None from his friends believed him when he told them that he only saw her as a good friend.

At least that's what he had been trying to tell himself the last couple of years.

»I have been waiting for you two to get together for years now. Let me enjoy this moment.« ChōChō demanded. »Didn't you say that dating someone like Asuka-chan was way too troublesome?«

»I did but .... I realized that she's worth the trouble.«

I mean Asuka wouldn't be the worst choice for me to start dating ... Wait. What the hell am I thinking?!

He decided to throw that thought out of his head before he walked over to Asuka's table. He could tell that she hasn't noticed him yet since she was too busy talking to Iwabe to pay any attention to her surroundings. Shikadai slowly put his hand on her bare shoulder, feeling her soft skin on his fingers.

The second their eyes met Shikadai's heart skipped a beat. How did he only noticed now what an effect her eyes had on him? It was starting to freak him out a little.

»Shikadai? What are you doing here? I thought you had a training session with ChōChō and Inojin.« Asuka asked surprised, not really expecting to see him so soon.

»We had to cut our training because ChōChō wanted to get something to eat.« Shikadai pointed with his head towards his two friends who were now walking over to their table.

»Didn't you tell me that you're going to be stuck in meetings the whole day?«

»Denki's dad canceled the meeting last minute and since I didn't want to interrupt your training session I asked Iwabe if he wanted to hang out with me.« The young woman explained as she gave him a small smile.

That's still no excuse for you to ask Iwabe out! I'm suppose to be your boyfriend!

»Next time something like this happens you should call me. I'm suppose to escort you around the village so nothing happens to you.«

»Aw! You're really cute when you get overprotected. It's a real turn on.« Asuka smirked, giving the dark haired boy a quick wink.

»Gross Asuka-chan! Keep it in your pants. I really don't want to see you droll all over Shikadai.« ChōChō complained as she took a seat right next to Iwabe.

»Huh? Why should she droll all over Shikadai?« Iwabe asked, obviously not knowing what was going on between the two young adults.

»Didn't you know? Shikadai and Asuka finally decided to release the sexual tension between them and now they're together.« Inojin explained while he took a quick look at the menu.

Iwabe's eyes widen in shock as he looked between the new couple who were sitting across from him, sharing a menu while Asuka had put her head on Shikadai's shoulder.

»Oh my god; Boruto was right?! You two are really a couple?!«

Shikadai looked up from the menu so he could answer Iwabe's question. »We have been for a while but we decided to keep it a secret till we both felt comfortable enough sharing the news with everyone.«

»Wow ... poor Metal. He's going to be so devastated when he finds out about this.« Iwabe mumbled before he took a sip from his drink he had ordered.

Asuka frowned, not really understanding what Iwabe was trying to tell her. »Why would Metal be devastated when he finds out about me and Shikadai?«

Is she seriously asking that?!

»You do know that he has a huge crush on you, right?« Shikadai explained as he watched in amused how Asuka's expression changed from confusion to horror.

»E-Eh?!? Metal has a crush on me?! When did that happen and how did I find that out just now?!«

Inojin raised one eyebrow in surprise and let out a small chuckle. »Are you serious? His crush on you is so obvious. Didn't you notice how nervous he always is when you're around?«

»But we're talking about Metal. He's always nervous!« Asuka pointed out before she turned her head back to Shikadai. »Why didn't you tell me that he's crushing on me?«

»Do I look like I would talk to you about all the guys who have been crushing on you?«

»Wait. Are you saying Metal isn't the only guy?!«

The Nara boy rubbed the back of his head, cursing himself for letting that information slip out of his mouth. Over the years he did notice how beautiful and confident Asuka became, so it wasn't really a surprise to him when other boys started crushing on her.

However, even though Shikadai knew that a lot of guys who had a thing for Asuka none ever dared to ask her out which he kinda understood. Being the daughter of the Feudal Lord was a big deal and it made the whole dating thing a lot harder and more complicated.

»Stop asking me those kind of questions. You already have a boyfriend, so it doesn't matter what other guys think of you.« Shikadai pointed out and secretly hoped that she would finally drop the topic.

»I just wanted to know what my options were.«

For that comment Shikadai pinched her cheek really hard, making Asuka yelp. »I'm the only option you have. Don't you dare to look at other guys, you troublesome girl.«

»If I didn't know any better I would say that you're jealous, Bambi.« The young girl smirked as she rubbed her cheek with her free hand.

A light blush crossed Shikadai's cheek before he turned his head away from her, not wanting her to notice that her comment had that kind of effect on him. He would never hear the end of it if Asuka would know that she actually made him blush.

»Wouldn't be the first time. I mean he was about to attack Iwabe when he saw you two together.« ChōChō commented, not really caring that she just back stabbed her team member.

»E-Eh?! What?! All we did was having lunch! I wasn't trying to make a move on her!« Iwabe defended himself.

Inojin nodded. »That's true. He always gets super jealous when he sees you with another guy.«

»T-Th-That's not true! Stop making things up!« Shikadai yelled in embarrassment, his face turning into a deeper shade of red.

Suddenly, he felt Asuka's soft hand on his cheek, carefully moving his head so he was looking into her deep violet eyes. Shikadai never admitted it but he really liked the color of her eyes since it was such an unique color. It always felt more relaxed when he looked into her eyes.

»There's no need for you to be jealous. The only guy I like is you.«

And for a second Shikadai really believed her.
She really made him feel like he was the only one for her.

»But the second Mitsuki asks me out I'm dumping your sorry ass.« She joked, making the others laugh.

Shikadai rolled his eyes before he wrapped one arm around her shoulders and pulled Asuka closer to him so his nose was touching hers. Feeling her hot breath against his skin was making him dizzy, secretly wishing that he could hold her this close everyday.

»Like I would let that happen. You're stuck with me, troublesome.« He whispered, his voice sounding a lot huskier than usually.

Asuka smirked as her eyes wandered down to his lips. »I don't mind being stuck with you.«

»Gross guys! You do realize that you two aren't the only people on this table, right?« Inojin cleared his throat, making Shikadai and Asuka pull away from each other.

Shikadai's head was spinning while he tried to process what had just happen between the two friends. Sure, the both of them agreed to act like a couple when they were around people but somehow this felt a lot more real than he expected. Was his heart suppose to beat so fast?

»Sorry ...« The couple apologized as they tried to avoid eye contact with each other.

While everyone else was ordering Shikadai dared himself to take a look at Asuka just to find out that she was already staring at him. Those big violet eyes were practically staring into his soul as Asuka grabbed his hand from underneath the table before she flashed him a beautiful smile.

And that's when he realized that he was hocked.
There was no way in hell he was able to forget that beautiful smile.

Oh god ... am I seriously starting to catch feelings for Asuka?

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