Heroes Of Our Destiny

By 19Evangeline94

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Darth Maul x Reader *This story has more than one part/chapter* 05/26/2019 #19 second person! You are living... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note

Chapter 10

261 11 2
By 19Evangeline94

The city was crowded when you went back the next day for more parts for the ship. General, Maul and you wore your cloaks as you entered the shop.

When Han installed the part you got him he noticed there were more problems to fix before you could go back to Earth.

Luke and Leia were right. It's a pile of crap.

A chill went down your spine making you look around.

That was weird. It felt like I was being watched.

The sweet smell of coffee suddenly distracted you. You looked over to a cafe across the street drooling from the aroma. General and Maul were busy looking through some bins to notice.

"I'm going to the cafe across the street! You guy's want anything?"

They both turned looking out the stores windows doing some calculation in their heads.

General nodded,"looks safe enough."

Maul agreed,"it has plenty of windows where we could see her."

You sweat dropped,"I'm not a little kid you know."

Not acknowledging what you just said they turned back to the bins ignoring you again.

"Ugh! Fine, I'll be back", you huffed in frustration walking out the door.

When you entered the cafe, you saw a long line of people waiting impatiently as two young girl's madly rushed behind the counter. You looked back to the store hesitating on whether to help or not.

Ah fuck it! This won't take very long!

Taking your cloak off you hung it on a rack near the counter revealing your new black dress.

Once you tied your hair back you opened the counter top joining them in their frenzy.

"Hey! You're not suppose to be back here! Please wait in line for your turn!", said one of the girls with short black hair.

"My name is Angel, I own the cafe 'Heavenly Scent' on planet Earth. Let me help you", you spoke tieing a black apron on.

Before she could retaliate her coworker started freaking out.

"I can't believe it's you!", she squeeled,"you're famous for your cafe and how good the coffee is!"

You laughed,"I guess you read the Universe Time magazines. The pleasure is all mine. Now, where should I start?"

Sparkles formed in their eyes at you, their white knight, before returning to work with you.


The line of people slimmed down to two customer's. They gave their secound to last customer her coffee before the girl, with the black hair, came up to you bowing in thanks.

"How can we ever repay you for helping us?", she asked.

You smiled,"how about three double shot mocha's?"

She saluted you,"yes ma'am!"

Shrugging on your cloak you heard the other employee greet her last customer.

"I would like a double shot espresso please", said the man's voice.

Your heart stopped as you glanced over to see Shawn standing at the counter.

"Here you go!", they both said in unison handing you and Shawn your orders.

It took both of you a moment to realize that they were holding your cups as you made eye contact. Taking your cup you followed Shawn to a near by table.

"What are you doing here?!", you both asked in sync sitting down.

He cleared his throat,"I'm sorry, you go first."

"No, no. You go ahead."

"I insist though. As a gentleman."

"Ok", you smiled,"I'm here to pick up some supplies for my friends ship before we leave."

He smiled,"it must be fun to be out and about from planet Earth. At least it was for me on my first mission."

"What about you? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, right! I'm on a mission. Well, actaully, all the Jedi's are on the same mission I'm on. It's classified. You know how it is."

You giggled,"right. Like the time you showed up looking like you've been sun tanning for a year when it was only a day. I think Terin and I figured out that classified mission."

"You got me!", he laughed,"I went to the sun to take some readings. The damn shield went down for only a millisecond! The worst part about it  is the skin peeling after a few days."

You both laughed taking a drink from your cups.

"Who is this?",suddenly spoke Maul's voice next to you.

Coffee spewed from your mouth when you looked up to see both General and Maul standing next to your table with ship parts hanging over their sholders. Shawn looked at Maul suspiciously making your nerves scream.

"It's nice to see you again Shawn!",spoke General giving him a pat on the back.

Whew! Thank you General.

He smiled turning to General,"it's good to see you too! So you decided to take the trip here with Angel?"

"Yes sir! We thought it would be nice to get out and see the universe."

"Well, I hope you like it, there's a lot to see out there! If you ever need help with your ship just let me know, I'll take a look at it for you."

General laughed,"I think we got it. Thank you for the offer. Angel, we need to get going soon."

You gave him a nod,"ok! I'll meet you BOTH outside!"

General gave Maul a death grip on his sholder before heading outisde.

"Hey Angel? I forgot I have something to show you", he spoke digging into his pocket.

He pulled out a small black box opening it revealing a diamond ring.

You gasped in shock,"wow Shawn! It's beautiful!"

He smiled warmly,"when I come back I'm going to ask Terin's hand in marriage."

Your heart melted,"that's so cool! Congrats! I wish you luck! Oh, and she wanted me to give you this if I ever saw you. Looks like a love letter with the way she drew hearts all over the envelope."

"That's too funny!",he laughed,"I was just about to ask you if you can take one to her! If that's ok with you."

You smiled,"of course! I should get going though. I'll see you two back home before you know it!"

Standing up, he gave you a hug before you took his letter saying goodbye.

Once you got outside, Maul instantly glued to your side,"who was he? Is he a friend? What did he show you? What did you take from him?"

"Woah there Maul", you smiled at his jealousy,"his name is Shawn. He's a Jedi Master and a very close friend of mine. He's also Terin's boyfriend. I promised I would give a note to Terin for him. When he arrives back on Earth he's planning to purpose to her!"

General laughed,"I'll be damned! I wish the best for him with that little red head shit!"

Maul gave you both a questioning look,"purpose to her?"

You sighed,"it's when a man presents a ring to a woman that he wants to marry."

"Ah",he smiled,"just like when we first mated except in my peoples way of marriage."

"What!?", yelled General glaring at you two.

"It's ok General", you smiled trying to calm him down,"in the Dathomirian's way that's how they marry."

"You're married!?!"

Maul smiled,"yes sir!"

You face palmed yourself,"ugh! We aren't married in the human's way though."

"So what your saying is that this psychopath is your husband/ future husband for the rest if your life?!"

"Hey!", growled Maul from the insult.

You pat General on the back reassuring him,"it's ok General. I will always be the 16 year old girl that built you."

He sighed in defeat,"ok. But you and I will have a talk later old man!"

"Old man!?", Maul spoke shocked,"look who's talking you rust bucket! I can hear your parts squeal from here! At least my parts are-"

"That's enough you two!", you yelled punching them in the arm.

They both glared at each other with you in the middle irritating the piss out of you.

Ok! That's it!

You took a step out in front of them turning to face them with your hands planted on your hips.

"Now listen here you two! You-!"

Suddenly blood spattered their faces. A throbbing pain came from your sholder as you looked down to see a bullet grazed it. People next to you got shot in the head making you quickly run for cover as everyone panicked running in all directions. You ran into an alley way just as rock pieces spat at you from a bullet grazing the side of the building.

"I'm going to get this bastard!",yelled Maul over the sudden erruption of gun fire,"General! Watch Angel for me!"

He paused giving you a quick kiss on the lips before running down the alley taking a left turn before disappearing. General unsheathed all four of his lightsabers when he heard footsteps running twoards you. Quickly he jumped out from the corner taking down two white armored Stormtroopers.

"Stay there Angel!",he yelled over to you taking his cloak off.

Red laser bullets whistled pass him before he charged into battle. You took your cloak off running down the alley taking a right running down a side street behind the buildings. Sudden screams made you stop in your tracks. The back door to the cafe was propped open ahead of you. Taking out your lightsaber, from it's halter at your thigh, you ran through the door. You zig zagged through the stock room until you reached the front counter. Shawn stood in front of the counter with his green lightsaber pointed at some Troopers at the front door with their guns drawn. The two employees hid next to you crying holding onto each other.

Why hasn't Shawn kicked their ass yet?

A bullet wound on his side caught your eye.

You rose your hand at the Troopers,"Shawn duck!"

Without hesitation he quickly kneeled down onto the ground.

"That's her!", yelled one of them aiming their guns at you.

Built up pressure was felt in your hand as you drew it back before snapping it out at them. Their bodies went flying through the glass windows landing out onto the street.

"Thank you Angel!", cried the girls.

Giving them a nod you quickly jumped over landing next to Shawn. He leaned his body up against the wooden plank counter holding his side wincing in pain.

"Angel-", he gasped.

"Don't talk! I can fix this!", you panicked placing your hand over his wound.

Closing your eyes your tattoo glowed red. A light emitted from the wound until you opened your eyes making it fade away. He looked down in shocked at his healed wound.

"I'm so sorry Shawn", you whispered tears swelling in your eyes,"they're after me. They want me back."

"What are you saying Angel?"

"I know what your mission is. You're searching for me too by the Council's orders."

"Stop it! Stop talking nonsense! Your-"

"I'm the Fallen Angel."

He froze stairing at you shaking his head slowly in shock.

"She's over here!", yelled voices from outside.

Troopers came over cautiously walking towards the cafe through the broken glass.


"Yeehaw!", yelled a voice from outside.

A small figure ran at them jumping around each one cutting them down with a blue lightsaber one by one. It stopped at the doorway tossing it's tan cloaked hood.

"Reddick!?", you smiled surprised.

He smiled back,"stupid lady. I told you to be careful didn't I? Now come on! Let's go kick some Empire's ass!"

Standing up you felt a hand grab yourse next to you.

Shawn looked up at you,"I don't care if you are the Fallen Angel. You're my friend, and that will never change."

You grinned,"then what are we waiting for? Let's kick some ass! I know you want to!"

Helping him up he laughed,"you bet your ass I do!"

Reddick smiled at you two before running with you two out onto the street. Black space ship's flew in the sky surrounding the city all around you dispatching Stormtroopers from them.

"Man, they're not joking around", said Shawn watching them run towards you.

A bunch of lightsabers unsheathing was heard behind you. When you looked you saw Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and a whole crowd of Jedi's behind them with their sabers drawn. Luke smiled at you with a nod. You turned back to the on coming Stormtroopers.

This is gonna be awesome!!!

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