My blind hero

By Darcasher2889

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When battling Bakuguo, Izuku is hit with an Explosion that causes him to go blind in his right eye. Scared of... More

Character one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter four

540 30 5
By Darcasher2889

Izuku P.o.V

I made three mistakes. Three mistakes that if I had been more natural about my new injury that I could have avoided all together. Of course my dumb ass over thought the situation and thus the events that lead to these three accidents were entirely my fault.
First mistake; Avoiding Kacchan. I made everything more unnatural by how openly I stayed away from him. I left class before he did, I arrived to class before he did, during training I would take to areas that I knew he wouldn't go near. People were starting to notice my strange behavior but I pretended I didnt see it. I would catch him staring at me from time to time but he never tried to approach me at first. I'd ghost him in the hallways, we would be so close that we would almost touch but I'd move just enough to barley graze his body. My heart hurt but I didnt want him to see me like this. I wasn't ready for him to see what he had done. My second mistake started 3 days before the attack on USJ occurred. I had come to school late, and in my rush I had forgotten to put in my contact. I was hoping I could just go to the infirmary and get a new contact for the day or better to even just be sent home. I also hoped I could avoid everyone by sneaking around but I failed and ran into Uraraka. "Hey Deku!" She was just as hyper as ever and I liked that about her.
"O-Oh hey Uraraka!" I kept my head down I need to get out of here as soon as I can.
"Why won't you look at me? Are you not feeling well?"
"Huh!? Oh no I'm fine. I just wanted to see if Recovery girl might he able to heal the rest of my wounds from our last training course is all."
Shiiiit not Iida...
This was going to be difficult to get by both of them now. What was I going to do? I needed to get away before they see my eye. I looked for possible strategies, solutions, outcomes but I couldn't think of a way out.
"You know've been acting a little strange since our first battle training. Are you sure you're okay?"
"I have to agree with Uraraka. The gap between how you used to behave and how you behave now has increased a large sum." Iida pointed out.

Maybe it would be okay to tell them what's going on. I looked on either side of me and made sure no one was there or could even hear. Once inward certain that no one was around I slowly looked up, keeping my eyes closed. I took a deep breath and felt a twinge of pain from the burns under my eye and around it. After another moment of awkward silence, I opened my eyes.
I heard Uraraka gasp and saw her cover her mouth while Iida just stared wide eyed.
"Oh my god Deku!" Uraraka Yells
What happened to you?" Iida asks next
"I'm fine really. I just...cant see out of my right eye anymore." I smiled sadly at the two
"Wait...did this happen during your fight with Bakuguo?" Uraraka traced her fingers around the outer edges of my eye.
"D-Does Bakugou know about this?" Iida says
"No and I don't want him to...not yet."
"What? Why?" Uraraka starts to get angry
"Because...He's hurting more than I am."
"It doesn't matter! He hurt you! He could have had you removed from UA" Uraraka was mad now
I had to suppress a laugh. That's probably what he would have wanted. During our fight...while he may not have had full intent to kill me, he wanted to hurt me bad enough that it would cause All Might to stop our battle. I'm sure he would feel better about himself if he found out that he did cause an injury bad enough to remove from UA.
"Kacchan is coming to terms with the fact that hes not as strong as he thought he was. He...doesn't need the added stress I guess. I want to hide it as long as I can."
I could tell that they didnt agree with what I wanted but they agreed to not say anything. Unfortunately they didn't hide their anger for Kacchan. They grew protective of me after that, making sure that Kacchan didn't come near me but everyone else noticed their sudden hostility and I forget how many times Mr. Aizawa had to tell them to cool off. My third mistake was not watching my back. After the attack on the USJ Kacchan started to create situations where I would have had to interact with him but Uraraka or Iida would find ways to detour me from being involved by taking my place. I could tell that Kacchan was getting angry about it but I tried to do what I had been doing...ignoring it all. Everything about this was tiring and I always found myself more exhausted then I normally did. One afternoon was heading home from school, my body ached from traing and my head hurt from all of the studying but I played it off and continued my walk home. "HEY MIDORIYA CAN I TALK TO YOU FOR A MINUTE!" I heard someone yell at me.
I turned around and saw Kirishima running towards me. He was a friendly individual but I thought it was a little odd that he wanted to talk. "Oh hey Kirishima what's up"?
"You've been acting really weird lately. Are you okay?" Kirishima questioned
"Huh? Oh uh yeah I'm okay why do you ask?"
"Well its just you've been spending a lot of extra time in the infirmary and sometimes Iida and Uraraka won't let anyone near you. You are obviously ignoring Bakuguo. Everyone can tell." He rubbed the side of his neck nervously.
"Oh well you see. I'm overworking myself and I'll tell Iida and Uraraka that they are being to over protective. I'm sorry."
I openly dodged the question but realized my mistake a little late.
"Oh okay well what about you ignoring Baku-!"
"Sorry Kirishima, I've got to get home to help my mom. See ya tomorrow." I turned my back to him and started to head to the station. I lowered my head and felt tears form in the corner of my eyes. I hated this...I hated everything about this but I couldn't let others worry about me and I didn't want to talk about Kacchan at the moment. Not till I had my thoughts gathered. I was nearing the station when I felt someone grab my arm and yank me into a alley corner out of view of everyone walking by. I flinched and peaked up through my hair and saw Kacchans eyes glaring at me.

"Deku. What the fuck is going on with you?"
I didnt answer for a second because I wasnt sure what I could even say.
Kacchan gritted his teeth in anger and slammed his fist into the wall next to my head. My whole body trembled and I let out a very shaky breath.
Let me go Kacchan. I need to get home."
I watched his eye twitch as he held me in place. I didnt try to pull away from him at first because I wasnt sure what he would do. I just stood there, my head lowered and my body was trembling just enough for him to feel it or maybe notice it. "What did you say?"
"I-I said let me g-go. I ha...have to get home."
It was like a switch flipped in his brain and for a moment he released his grip on me. I took another deep breath and started to walk away. I just wanted to get home, to lay down in bed and cry myself to sleep because of this secret. I wasn't sure what happened next. One moment I was walking away from Kacchan and the next I was being slammed back into the same wall I was near before. I could feel the anger radiating "Who the hell do you think you are? You're just shitty Deku. DON'T TALK BACK TO ME!"
There was a temble in his voice that confused me a bit. It was a mix of anger and...sadness maybe?
"I have nothing to say to you Kacchan." I snapped back at him
I watched as his anger flared inside of him and he grabbed my chin and forced my face up. Before my brain could even comprehend what was going on, Kacchan pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened in surprise. He pressed me against the wall with his body weight and held me there for a few minutes. Once my brain kicked in what was going on I pressed my hands against his chest in a desperate attempt to push him away. What was he doing? Why was he doing it? I should have hit him, I should have made him stop but my body felt weak and I couldn't bring myself to swing. After another few minutes Kacchan finally released his mouth from mine and I dropped his head and tried to keep my body up. My whole body was shaking and I couldn't hold back the choked sobs I felt in the back of my throat. I could see Kacchan racking his head for a reason as to why he just did what he did but couldn't find an answer. I placed my finger tips to my lips and cried a little. That was my first kiss...and it was with Kacchan. He let me go after that, he didnt try to stop me. As I walked away I couldn't stop touching my mouth. While I could never tell Kacchan this and I knew that he would regret it tomorrow..I had always wanted my first kiss to be with him...but I didnt want it to be in this way. I didnt want it to be under these circumstances but it was to late to take it back.

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