BatCat 'Selina & Bruce' OneSh...

By Scarlett282

11.5K 138 42

Coming soon short stories of Selina & Bruce More

BatCat One Shots!
"Omg I Like Bruce" Part 1 of 2
"Omg I Like Bruce" Part 2

I promise to return to you...

2.2K 33 28
By Scarlett282

Okay guys I'm heartbroken 😔😭💔 Why Did Bruce Just Leave A Note..... Poor Selina 😔😭 And It Was The Last Scene That David Mazouz and Camren Bicondova will play TOGETHER 💔
So I'm doing a BatCat One Shot. For Our Selina Kyle. She will get The GoodBye She Deserves.

Selina walks into the GCPD looking for Bruce...

"Where's Bruce?" Looking at the lady sat at the desk with concern in her eyes...
The lady looks up at her not knowing if to look Selina in the eye "Um..." She reaches for a note. "He left you this"
Selina looks at the note in the lady's hand not sure what to do... she takes a deep breath and takes the note. Walks away her hands start to shake, she could feel tears in her eyes. 'Omg Bruce.... please no' She says to her self before reading the note.

I don't know where to begin... I couldn't face you so I did the cowardly way and left you note. I know you may hate me for doing this to you when I promised I wouldn't leave. I can't put into words how much I'm going to miss you.... this is why I couldn't face you because if I did... I wouldn't leave. Please don't hate me. I know what you must be thinking right now. Everyone leaves me behind... please don't think that. It will be hard for you to come to terms with me leaving Gotham... but I have too. I have to leave. I will return when Gotham needs me but for now. Please do good for self, you are strong beautiful and brave and you know my feelings towards you will never change.
I know asking this may come of a surprise but... I'm not sure how long I will be away from you or from Gotham. But wait for me. What I mean by this.... is I'm in love with you Selina. I know you may be broken that I have decided to tell you now, then I go and leave you. But I will come back to you. To my beautiful gorgeous Selina Kyle. My Cat!

Stay strong
Be you.
I love you. Forever Yours. Bruce x

Selina was shaking, tears falling down her cheeks.. not believing that Bruce would leave. Not her. Not Gotham. Why would you this! Why would you leave me now.... after everything.... now you tell me you love me... I can't let you go I have to find you before it's too late....

Every step felt like a lifetime.
Every step closer to the plane. I felt my heart crumble each step I took. One further away. Away from Selina. The love of my life. Away from Gotham. My home. But right now it doesn't feel like home. Every step in its wake. Broke my heart. I don't know if il ever get to see Selina again. I left her behind when I promise her I wouldn't leave her. But I knew in my heart, I had to leave. I couldn't even build up the courage to reach out to her, tell her in person. I took the cowardly way out and wrote her note. I feel bad for doing so. I wanted so much to tell her that I was in love with her, I think she knew in her heart that I was. But it would of been nice to finally tell her face to face. I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to let her know my feelings, my true feelings.. if I did she would of been the one person that would of made me change my mind.

Bruce turned around on the steps of the plane, he could see Alfred in the distance, he smiled a little then lifted hand to his forehead to form a salute. He remembered they did this years ago when Alfred taught him to be strong, be the man he is today. Alfred smiled and did the same. Watching the young man leave Gotham. To become the man he wants to become. When Gotham needs him, he will return.

Leaving Alfred, felt like he was losing a huge part of his life behind. He's been his family, his support in his life, he'd been his second father. He would miss him dearly. The next few years or however how long Bruce would be away for, it would be tough without Alfred by his side. He would struggle, although he'd known that when he made the decision to leave. He has to be strong. Strong for himself.

Selina knew where Bruce would be heading, straight to the airport. Walking through the airport, looking everywhere for Bruce, she then spots a plane in the distance through the window, walking towards it placing her hands on the glass, taking a deep breath. She could see Bruce walking towards the plane. Shaking her head, backing away from the glass she walks through some doors and sees a glass door, pushing it. Rushing towards the plane.

Bruce was just on the steps just about to head into the plane when he heard his name being called.


He froze, felt like the last crack in his heart, completely breaking. He closes his eyes recognising her voice. She sound close. Too close. Only a few feet or so away. Her voice could be heard echoing around the plane. He could tell her voice was broken, every single ounce of it. He had to restrain the bits he had left to not break himself.

The letter wasn't enough, she had to go find him. To pull him back. To somehow stop him. Stop him from leaving. When she called out his name, she was breaking inside, the strain on her voice, she was shaking. She couldn't stop herself. With the letter in her hand she found her voice once more.

"You think a letter wouldn't stop me from coming here. You was just gonna go and leave on plane... anyway... leave Gotham and not even have the guts to tell me to my face that you were-leaving. Your a coward." Selina felt the tears run down her face, she was shaking all over.
He could hear her voice shaking, she was breaking. He was coward, he shuck his head. Trying his best not to break himself.
"Did not hear me?? Bruce at least look at me."
Bruce felt his own tears fall down his cheeks, he so wanted to turn around but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He stayed quite. After a few moments Selina spoken again this time her voice sounded weak.
"Your not even gonna turn around and look at me" Wiping the tears of her cheeks... "After Everything we've been through.... you can't even face me...Omg"
Her tears were falling down her cheeks fast, taking a deep breath to control her emotions.
Bruce could tell every tear that was falling down on Selina's cheek was breaking him down, he felt weak, he didn't want to see the pain on her face, he was fighting himself not to turn around. The restraints he put up were slowly swallowing him up inside. His hands started to shake, he gripped the rail tighter. Taking a deep breath to control himself.
Selina took a step closer to Bruce, "Bruce don't be coward....face me....turn around" Taking a shaky breath in.
Bruce also took a shaky breath in, despise the wind blowing around them, knowing that both of them were feeling the emotions and pain surrounding them, his grip lessened on the railing.

Turning around to face Selina...

The look in her eye, broke him further, he could see the pain in her eyes. He hated that. He caused this pain. This is why he wanted to leave. To leave Selina so she wouldn't feel pain anymore.
He noticed the grip of the note she was holding in her hand. The pain in her eyes he couldn't bare to see, her hair wide as ever. He loved her curls. He loved everything about her.
Selina saw Bruce turn around, the tears glistening on his cheeks, he was broken too. The pain was indescribable, she knew the pain Bruce has been through but seeing the actual pain in his eyes broke her further. She had to find her voice again,
Shaking her head "Why?! Bruce why!"
"Selina...I don't know" His voice sounded small, not like him.
"I don't believe you....if you meant anything in this letter" Holding up so he could see. "Why couldn't you of just told me... huh...face to face...Why do this?" Looking at the letter then back at Bruce.
He shakes his head looking at the ground not wanting to see the pain in her eyes anymore. "Selina.. please don't make this harder than it already is" He voice cracking with emotion.
"Your kidding me right....look at me...god damn it Bruce look at me" Selina voice full of emotion.

He lifts his head, tears in his eyes. Seeing her eyes full of emotion.. he did the unthinkable thing which could change everything. Took a step towards her reaching for her hand.
Selina saw his eyes when he looked at her with tears, shocked at what he did next. Felt his hand on hers.
Looking into his "Don't touch me" Moving her hand away. Bruce tried again. But Selina pushed him away and screamed at him "I said don't touch me" Tears falling down her cheeks clearly shaking. Bruce gained his balance and walked towards her again taking a hold of her arms but she fought him and slapped him across the face. The almighty shocked took over when Selina released what she did bringing her hand to her mouth, Bruce was holding his face not looking at her. "Omg Bruce...I'm so sorry" Taking a step towards him. She reached out to his hand that was holding his face."I didn't mean that"
Bruce could tell Selina was in shock, he was too. He never thought she would react like this. But he couldn't blame her. Not one bit could he blame her. Moving so he found her eyes looking into his, feeling her hand on his while he held his face. He reaches out and pulled Selina into a hug. Her face went to his chest, towards his neck. Wrapping his arms tightly around her, burying his face into her neck. She froze a little but gave in grasping onto him tightly. Both of them letting out gasps of relief. Bruce felt the peace as soon as he pulled Selina into his arms, she always brought him peace. He knew at that moment that she would always bring him that stability, always be what made him the best form of himself. They stood like that for a while not wanting to let her go. He slowly moved away but Selina wouldn't let go. Once he moved she knew that he would go. He would leave. Holding him in place not wanting to let him go, she whispered into his ear "don't go... don't leave me" Bruce closed his eyes running his fingers in her hair. "I have to Selina...but I'm coming back...back to you...that I promise...."
Selina moved so she could look into his eyes, noticing a scratch on his cheek which was caused through her, running her knuckles down his cheek. Looking into his eyes "I'm sorry"
Bruce notice her moving slowly looking into his eyes, he stares into hers, feeling her knuckles slowly running down his cheek, hearing her say she's sorry.
He moves a few curls away from her face cupping her cheeks softly "I love you.... so much but I have to do this." She moves under his hold but he holds her still letting her look into his eyes. "I'm coming back, I promise. I have to do this, I can't keep putting everyone I care about in danger, you and Alfred could have died through this. You could have died. I have to know I can come back to Gotham and be strong enough to protect both of you, because I always seem to bring death and pain everywhere I go."
"Bruce... I can protect myself... you know that! But leaving Gotham. It doesn't make sense. This is your home." She cups his cheeks "You belong in Gotham. You belong here with me"
"I know, Gotham will always be my home but too much has happen. To much pain and hurt. I've put you through too much. I can't do that to you anymore"
"What about the night we shared... didn't that mean anything... to you"
"Hey..." Stoking her cheeks "Of course it did. It meant so much to me. You mean so much to me"
Selina smiled at little "Then—
"I have too leave. It breaks my heart leaving you here. But knowing you will be here, waiting for me. Makes it more special for my return."
"I..." Selina try's to tell Bruce that she loves him but every time she speaks her voice breaks full of emotion.
Bruce looks into Selina's eyes lovingly knowing what she's trying to say. He smiles, bring her to him and kisses her, moving his lips slowly over hers. Savouring the kiss, remembering how her lips feel under his. Not wanting to break away. He moves sees her eyes closed, he kisses her eyes, her cheeks slowly, her nose then her lips again.
Selina saw Bruce looking into her eyes, feeling everything. The love, the compassion, the Bruce that she loves with all her heart. Feeling his lips move with hers, feeling electricity going through her body. This is how Bruce makes her feel. Every-time. Noticing he pulls away but only to kiss her eyes which are shut not wanting to open them yet savouring the kiss. Her cheeks then her lips again. Feeling him pull away for the last time. She opens her eyes looking into his blue eyes, that are blue like the sky. Remembering this moment. Taking in so she won't forget Bruce or what he looks like now. As she doesn't know when she will see him again.
Bruce savouring the moments that he's sharing with Selina taking everything in. He then speaks "I know how you feel. It's okay. I will miss so much"
Selina here's his voice, she has to tell him before it's too late. Never said the words before. Scared of saying the words but she knows Bruce feels the same so it gives her the confidence to express her feelings. Her true feelings. She smiles at him, stroking his cheeks, staring into his eyes finding her voice. "Bruce... I love you"
Bruce hears her say 'I love you' making him feel weak but knowing that she's said the words means so much to him. He smiles down at her, staring into her eyes then leans down and kisses her hard for the last time.
They break away not wanting to break contact with each other but knowing they both have too. Bruce moves away from Selina taking a deep breath "I'm coming back... I promise... I love you so much" He moves away from her taking a step on to the plane once he's near the door takes one last look.

"I love you Bruce.... so much... I'm gonna miss you... come back to me..." She looks into his eyes taking a step back.

"I promise... il come back to cat" He smiles at her

"I'll hold you to that douchebag" She smiles at him then giggles

"I love you cat"

"I love you Bruce"

Then taking one last look he moves into the plane...

Few moments later Selina watches the plane flying into the air tears falling down her cheeks but knowing that Bruce will one day return to gotham. To her.

Bruce looks into the plane window seeing the outline of Gotham and Selina, touching his lips remembering how she tasted under his lips smiling to himself remembering every detail of his Selina. It meant so much to him to hear her say that she loves him, feeling the tears in his eyes but knowing that Selina will be there waiting for his return to gotham.

Hope you all enjoy this!

I'm so sad for Selina 😭😭😭 but I wanted to give Selina the best send off!

Still broken 😭😭💔💔

Will continue with both of my other books soon.

If you have any other suggestions to a BatCat One Shot.... please Comment below...

Would love to hear your views 

Thanks :)

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