My best friend (leoxlucas)

By sadlyme01

844 36 3

Lucas is in love with Leo. Leo finds out about about Lucas's feelings and realizes he feels the same. What... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

127 3 0
By sadlyme01

"I like you, you idiot, but I know you won't like me back so it's okay to just stay like this".

Those words kept repeating in Leo's head. A few days passed and Leo didn't know how to bring it up. He wasn't sure he even should. Would they still be okay if he did? He wasn't sure he could deal with not having him around.


After class Lucas headed home alone since Jessy had left early and Leo had stuff to do.

On the way a man walking by, who was most likely drunk, suddenly walked towards him. "hey" Lucas took a step back. "why don't you come with me and have some fun" the man walked closer.

"No" Lucas said which made the drunk man get agitated. He then put his hand around Lucas's waist and kissed his neck. Lucas pushed him away trying to make him let go. Lucas tried to run but failed as the man had grabbed his leg. This time he tried hitting him but in the process ended up getting a beating.

When the man had left, after Lucas pretended to pass out, he stood up and walked home. He was lucky Leo wasn't home, he didn't want any questions. He put his things away and went to take a shower.

When he got out of the shower he looked at himself in the mirror full of small marks all over his body and then at the old scars that covered his lower half. 'disgusting' was all he thought before getting dressed and going to his desk to do homework.

He tried to concentrate on doing homework but failed at it. He had taken off his contacts which he usually wore during the day and wasn't wearing his glasses. He just sat there staring at nothing.

The door to the room opened and in walked Leo. "hey" Lucas didn't answer. "what's wrong?" Leo could only see the marks on Lucas's neck so when he turned him around he was surprised at all the marks on Lucas's face.

"Who did this?" Lucas looked down and didn't answer. "who?" Lucas didn't answer. "just ignore it Leo" Leo was mad and at the same time worried. "I can't ignore it" Lucas was happy that Leo worried over him but didn't want to talk about what had happened.

Lucas stood up and went to bed. Leo wasn't sure what to do so he just let him be.

The next day Leo got up early and got breakfast for Lucas. When Lucas go up he was met with Leo staring at him. "eat you aren't going to class today" Lucas looked stunned. "Leo that class is expensive, I can't miss it" Leo shrugged. "you are going stay here, if you don't pass the class because of missing one day I'll make arrangements now stay"

Yes, Leo was rich enough to do and say those thing yet he wasn't a show off. He didn't like to spend money either. That is why he became his room mate In a small dorm room that had only one bed.

Lucas nodded. " Now eat" Lucas didn't want to eat. " Eat" Leo said. "I'm not leaving until you eat" Lucas sighed and after a couple of bites he stopped. "is that all you're going to eat?" Lucas nodded.

"I'll be back early stay here and rest" Lucas nods.

Lucas didn't want to stay he would rather go to class than stay and do nothing but going against Leo wasn't a good idea.

In the afternoon, Leo was walking with his girlfriend when she asked. "do you want to go to dinner?"

"Sorry babe I have to go take care of Lucas he's sick at home and it wouldn't be right to let my friend get even more sick" she nods. "you ever think maybe he's faking it" Abbey seemed annoyed at the fact her boyfriend chose to stay with his friend instead of her.

Leo ignored what she said and after saying goodbye went back to the dorm.

He arrived and Lucas was taking a shower so he just sat down on his chair and put the food to the side.

The door to the bathroom opened and Leo turned around. Lucas was drying his hair while walking out of the bathroom.

"You're back" he said without looking up. He walked to his desk and put on his glasses. Leo nodded even if he couldn't be seen. Lucas sat on his chair and turned to Leo.

"Here eat this" Leo said and pointed at the food he had brought. Lucas sighed. "I'm not hungry" Leo took the food and put it next to Lucas.

"Eat" Lucas shook his head. "Lucas you're not a child now eat this. You probably haven't eaten anything since I gave you food this morning". Lucas sighed once again and took the food.

"Don't make me worried" was all that Leo said before going to take a shower.

'thanks for worrying over me' was all Lucas could think of.

Lucas ate his food and did some work he had to turn in the next dat and Leo got out off the shower.

The next day they both went to their classes. In the afternoon Leo was walking with his girlfriend to her car hand in hand when she spoke. "Do you want to go to dinner today?" Leo looked around. "sorry I can't" she sighed. "we need to talk" she said upset.

"What's wrong?" She sighed again. "I think we should break up?" He's left stunned. "what why?"

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