Artist's Hands [Ereri/Riren F...

By Raizossoup

5.1K 192 4

Levi Ackerman, a man who has been in the modeling business since the age of fourteen, has grown tired of the... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Thank you for Reading!!!

Chapter Thirty-Three

100 3 1
By Raizossoup

Eren's POV

Everyone sat around somewhere in Armin's office enjoying their drinks, as his managing assistant, the woman from the front desk, had come in with a cart of drinks and light snacks. Armin and I sat in our own chairs next to each other on the balcony talking about my childhood from this life up until the recent events.

" Ever since they passed the Reincarnation Law, my grandfather and I saw that it was injustice to so many people like us. That's why we spent three hard months to quickly establish this building for those afflicted to find some peace of mind until the day the government decides to repeal it."

" I respect you for that Armin, I really do, but do you think this'll work? Not everyone is going to find this place if you want to avoid the government shutting you down."

" That's why my grandfather is away right now, if he's on time he should be meeting with the state representatives of Maine. We plan on building establishments just like this one throughout the country, and we plan on having every state having at least fifteen of them built."

" Will you even be able to do it? Where will you get the money for all of it? There are fifty states and if you want fifteen in each that'll sum up to a huge debt to pay off."

" Oh we don't have the money, but we have our way with people. Of course I'm not saying we're bribing people or threatening them to build these places for us, no, we're simply asking them if they're willing to help the cause. If they see our reasoning and want to help great, if not then oh well. We're at the trial and error stage right now, and so far we're doing pretty good. Try and guess how many states have agreed so far?"

" I don't know, how many?"

" Ten, out of fifty. Before you know it we might have half the country on our side, and it might be enough so that the government realizes what's going on, heck the public would know before them, and once they do the public will be showing protests showing how unjust the Reincarnation Law really is. All that stands before us is time. So I hope you guys can wait a while before you have your equality among the rest of the nation."

" What you're doing right now is more than what any of us could do or think of, and I think we all are in dire need to thank you for what you're doing." I intentionally empathized those words to get the attention of the rest of the group.

Everyone got silent and looked over to us and so I cleared my throat and spoke again, " We should thank Armin for what he's doing. He's working hard for all of us, and he won't stop until we have our lives back. I can't think of anything else that would work compared to what he's doing right now, and I want him to know that we need him and his goal."

Everyone nodded and thanked him at the same time, but I waited until they finished, " Thank you, so much, Armin. Not only for what you're doing but for all the things you've done for me throughout this life and back then, I'm sure everyone has their own gratitude to share during their own time, but I just wanted you to know that."

I embraced Armin one last time before standing up and turning towards my camera to put it and its stand into my bag. Annie noticed what I was doing and asked.

" Where are you going?"

" Well, you see, I kind of have a date to get to so I kind of have to get going. Don't take it the wrong way, I'd stay here until the next morning, but I've got some things to sort out with them."

" Right. Take care then."

" You too Annie. That goes for everyone as well, take care of yourselves!"

I swung my bag over my shoulder and went out the door. When I was outside I heard the pitter patter of feet coming after me, so I looked behind me and saw that it was Mikasa.

" What's up Mikasa?"

" You kind of brought me here, and no one knows where I live but you."

" Oh yeah, forgot about that. What about Annie?"

" What about her?"

" She could take you to her place maybe and I could stop by when Levi and I are done to bring you back home. Does that sound good?"

" Okay then, oh and I hope you don't mind if I send Levi these pictures I took on my phone of you hugging Armin."

" Wait what?! No, don't do it!"

" I'm only messing with you, now get going, if anything you should know about Levi it's that he's very punctual."

" I hear ya, well I'm off. See you in a while."

I unlocked my car and got in, gently throwing my bag into the back seat, and started the car. Once it started I saw that it was 5:58 PM, and I realized two things.

" Damn, ended up sending about eight hours with everyone here, and I'm going to be late. Shit."

I rested my head on the steering wheel before blowing out some air, lifting my head up to back up and turn around to get onto the road. Before the whole big mess with everyone's memories, Levi had promise me that he'd take me to the beach someday, and after that, before we were rescued by a S.W.A.T. team, he promised that he'd take me out for a date. So we kind of planned this to make both his promises become reality. Though I have no idea what he'll do for dinner since he said he was buying, so I'll just have to wait and see.

" Where is it? ! Here we go."

I turned into the small parking lot where I saw one other car parked, and pulled in. Once I got out I put my hands into my pockets and walked down the small set of wooden stairs and walked on the sand to met up with Levi, seeing that he was already here. The warm breeze blew against my face and made my hair fly behind me a bit, the ocean smelled of the lilacs my mother loved so much, and the sound of the water washing up on the shore seemed to take away any left over stress I had left. To me, the ocean was where I belonged.

" You sure do cut your timing close, Eren."

" Yeah sorry about that, I needed to see Armin after all this time. You know?"

" I can relate. Also, why is your hair so long?"

" I knew you'd say something about it, and well I don't feel like going anywhere where I feel like I'm being discriminated for just because of these memories."

" That still doesn't mean that you can't cut it yourself or have me cut it for you."

" You as a hair dresser?"

" I have other hobbies of my own too you know."

We both laughed a bit before grabbing hold of each others hand and walking down the beach towards the water. I found a rock where Levi could sit on as I had a distinct feeling that he wouldn't want to sit in the sand. He thanked me and I soon sat down in front of him, between his legs. My hands kept digging into the sand as the feeling of it was so new to me, and I guess Levi picked up on that.

" You can take your shoes off and bury your feet into the sand if you'd like, I like to do that whenever I come here." I did as he suggested and frankly it was a nice feeling, " Say Eren, do you think we'll ever get our lives back to how they used to be?"

" Hard to say. I'm kind of in the middle about this situation. I'm happy with my work now, but at the same time it's kind of hard to get used to the low income. I bet you're the same way huh?"

" Not really. I was going to retire from the modeling industry to hopefully get something close to it or just pick up another hobby of mine, but after they passed the Reincarnation Law things have went to shit. I don't see how this law helps people, it further separates people like us from the rest of the nation, and like you said before, none of us can go anywhere without being called out upon. It's worse than discrimination in my opinion." Levi sighed harshly, " I'm sorry. I don't want our date to be ruined due to politics, so I'm going to ask you what I've been meaning to ask you."

" And what's that?"

" Well, this may seem rushed but being separated from you felt like a year, but..." Levi rested his head on the nook of my neck and started to hesitate, " Well... I can remember our relationship from back then and honestly, I want to make it come into this life too... so, Eren..."

" It's alright Levi, you don't have to be nervous around me. Just take your time." I felt him nod and so I waited, even though I had a slight notion of what he was about to ask.

" ... Would you want to be with me... for the rest of our lives? I'm not the best at this kind of thing, and I still have a lot to learn but, would you stay by me? !... Would you..."

" Yes."

" ! What?"

" Yes, Levi, I do."

I heard him let out a happy and excited breath and he then embraced me from behind as tightly as he could. I looked over my shoulder to look him in the eyes and kissed him gently on his lips. What I had did was accepted this man's proposal, and I would stay by his side until the day we die. I would be with this man, the man of whom I fell in love with 2,000 years ago, through all the hardships we may face in the coming future. I'll defend him from anything whether it be anyone who tries to hurt him or the government that may continue to pass more laws to keep the afflicted from having anything to call their own, I'll remain by his side through it all.

I finally realized what I had seen back when I had gone to Germany with my parents, that day when they were together. They were the ones who experienced true happiness and love for one another, and I knew that that was what my mother had wanted me to find. I suppose I couldn't hate anyone after all that has happened, not my father, myself, anyone. If I was to live my life in pure happiness and love then I'd live it with the man right behind me.

" Hey Levi, how about we go and eat?"

" Hungry already?"

" Yeah."

" Let's just stay here for another five or ten minutes, okay?" I could tell he was still trying to control his emotions, as his breathing would hitch every now and then, and I could hear his quiet sobs of joy. 

I looked at the view before me and took it all in, like my eyes were a camera snapping a photo. The wind gently blew at us, carrying with it small water particles onto our faces. After about five minutes, Levi kissed my cheek and stood up. He offered his hand to me after I put my shoes back on and helped my up.

" Before we go, I want you to wear this everyday starting today." He took out a small box and took out what looked like a ring.

" It's so beautiful. Where'd you get it from?"

" My mother. I didn't want Kenny to have anything from her so I took anything valuable and kept it for safe keeping. This ring was her's when she and my father were married, but I want you to have it."

After he put the ring on my finger I looked at it and smiled, " I love you, Levi, so much."

" I love you too, Eren."

We kissed once more and walked to our cars, hand-in-hand. With every step we took, was another step into our new and bright futures.


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