1, Fairy Tail, a new day

By Magnoliafairy77

924 29 54

Introduction: Four years had passed since the terrible battle against Zeleph, where he was destroyed , accord... More

1. A new mission, a new beginning
2. The Sakura Festival, the day of Love
3.Sakura day,wedding bells
4. Honey Moon
6. A terrible Threat
7.Safe, at home
8. Epilogue and bonus gallery
Bonus Gallery 2

5.the blessings of pregnacy :)

117 3 5
By Magnoliafairy77

time skip 2 years

Since that day in May, 2 years had passed, and a lot of change had happened in many families.Three years later, the couples were well settled; Juvia is now pregnant with her first child, a boy.
Lucy, after giving birth to a first boy named Igneer, blond with green eyes, and endowed with the powers of his father, was now pregnant with a girl. And even Mirajane, married to Luxus, was pregnant with her 2nd child.
Erza was more than ever in charge of keeping the guild calm, since Mirajane was on maternity leave. The atmosphere was a little tense at Fairy Tail.
From the beginning Juvia was having a pretty difficult pregnancy with her first boy with Gray; she had pain, and serious morning sickness, mood swings, which not only revealed her well-known rain, but a fall of frost and hail that quite puzzled Gray.

It all seemed to have much to do with his own powers, and his connection with Juvia could have given birth to a baby that is the perfect mix of their two powers. But he was a bit worried. That morning of October, foggy and rainy, Gray arrived exhausted at the guild ... he had spent half of the night managing the needs of his wife, between cravings, bursting in tears and mood swings, followed by an umpteenth crying crisis; he even had to go out at around 3am to the self service grocery store, open happily 24/24/7/7, to buy sweet salted grilled chicken, pickles, and various jars and cones of ice cream, not being sure if this time she would like her favorite, vanilla, or pistachio, unless it's banana-chocolate , coconut? Gray was trying to keep his legendary phlegm, but he was exhausted, waiting for the last two months to be over quickly.
At the guild he found his friend Natsu, who didn't seem in much better state than him.

"So ice cube, how's going with Juvia? I noticed it was raining this morning... "Natsu began.
"Shut up, coalface! It's October, Juvia has nothing to do with this ... She's sleeping, finally." Gray cringed between his teeth, exasperated."Yo, calm down buddy, I know what you're going through, with Luce 'it's even harder than the first time, though ... the first time with Igneer, Lucy, had these mood swings, it was crazy!!One night she locked us on the balcony, Happy and me, only because I said something about her butt, luckily we were not in winter, of course she quickly melted in tears and opened us, and it was me who had to comfort her! Ha but the worst I think it's towards the end, it was in summer and it seems that because of the fire powers of the little one, she was suffering from the heat even more than other women do, we were almost by due date, and suddenly she wanted me to bring her a bucket, a bucket! Of Raspberry granite !! I told her "hey Luce" how the hell d'ya want me to get you now a whole bucket of it? "She was furious, to the point of summoning Taurus and Cancer against me! Well, she calmed down, we went out to take some fresh air and she swallowed three large raspberry granites, I'm not about to forget it, I hope this time it will be cooler. This time she wants to eat very spicy, and also full of sweets, especially marshmallows! But she's even more moody than usual, "says Natsu, laughing again with his exeed, Happy. Lisana, behind the desk, replaced her sister as bartender, because Mirajane, also 7 months pregnant, had to rest and could not spend hours standing, which frustrated her, because she couldn't hear and share the latest gossip and flirts within the guild; her sister, her sister - in - law Evergreen, her best friends Erza, and Cana, all had a day to come and amuse her and keep her updated of the latest news.
Lisana, with a big smile, asked:"So, how are you, and Juvia, we haven't seen her here for a week, is eveything all right?"
"Yes, thank you, but she is out of breath easily, she often has contractions, her bump is heavy now, and she has a lot of mood swings, and cravings ... weird, then she gets bored but can't walk very much, and she feels guilty, you know her, you've noticed these strange metereological chznges suddenly - hot rain, then hail or frost - I wonder if it's not related to the baby, we should perhaps consult Porlyusica ... "Gray concluded.
Natsu had an idea:"Listen buddy, I know it's a hard time for both of us, but it would be good for us to go on a mission, not too far away, so not to rust and take some air. the gils will enjoy being together , and there are plenty of friends who will look after them, what do you think? ""I follow you, even though I know I'll pay it dearly after ..." Gray said."I join you guys, if you do not mind" it was Luxus, their current Master, who to their amazement asked to escape with them; Pregnancy freed the demon side of the sweet Mirajane, and Luxus lately had to deal with Satan Soul sometimes for an empty jar of jam, or a wrong word. In short, it was clear that all three needed a break, a little exercise, to release the pressure.
A moment later, Levy entered with Jade, one of the 3-year-old twins, holding her hand, and Gajeel, walking behind them, was holding little Emma, ​​already 5 years old, with Gaile, the other twin, on his shoulders.Seeing the two friends collapsed and visibly tired, Gajeel couldn't help but tease them:"Ghee, your heads, guys ... so paternity, a big time, great moment, right?" And wait for the best to come ... haha ​​... Hey Gray, be careful if something happend to the rain woman...she 's like a little sister to me, so watch over her or I'll make crushed ice outta you, got it?! " said the Iron Dragon slayer with a theatening look."Gajeel! ... you can see that they are exhausted, they are very caring with their darlings." Lucy "chan told me how much Natsu takes care of everything, takes care of little Igneer so that she can rest, gets up for her in the middle of the night, for a hot bath or anything. "she continued" and I know how much Gray is tender and patient with Ju "chan ..." Levy smiled shyly." Well hm.. good, Levy, ehm ... we thought it would be a good idea to leave for a short mission, nothing dangerous, it would anyway make us gain some jewels, and we could let off the pressure, so, if you want, I'm talking to Juvia, and you, Lucy, Mira, Erza and maybe Cana, could stay at our home during the 2-day mission ... I'm sure they'll be happy within girls, and talk freely, ask for advice from you and Erza. We could ask Wendy or Lisana if they can babysit, and keep your kids, Erza's two, and Igneer, Emma loves him, right, Natsu? Gray finished, with a smirk, while Gajeel and Natsu looked at each other.
Levy replied "Yes, good idea Gray, you can go... don't worry, your little women will be in good hands, Gajeel, if you want you can join them, I know how much you miss a little action! "Levy said with a broad smile."Hmm are you sure Shrimp? Are you going to get away with the 3 all alone?""I will not be alone, all the girls will be there,so go! "Natsu stood up, "well, we just have to find a mission ..."Luxus finally spoke also "Exactly, I think I have the ideal one on hand, a short mission well paid, to recover a sacred artifact stolen from Khaldéistes monks.The monastery is a few hours of walk from here, out of Magnolia. A Dark guild had stolen a lute capable of enslaving anyone who listened to the melody, they want to use it to learn the secrets of ancient runes on which the monks have been watching for centuries " Luxus explained."Oh yes, I wish I could read their old scrolls!" Said Levy "Do we know which guild attacked them?"
"A clandestine guild, bunch up with lost rats, Raven Tail, Saber Tooth's renegades, and Eisenwald.""Another toy out of Zeleph's book?" Natsu asked "it reminds me of Lullaby"
"No, apparently, it's an ancient artefact, that would have been diverted from its original use, which served to protect the community of monks.""Well, it does not matter, when do we leave Luxus?" asked Gray"Tomorrow very early, so I'm counting on you, Gray, Natsu and Gajeel," said Master"It's going to heat up!" With 3 Dragon slayers and Gray, we'll make it a mouthful, right guys? " Natsu was already fired up.
Gray smiled, impassive "So I propose we get ready, and announce this mission to our beloved wives, good luck guys!" They exchanged a gloomy look."Don't worry, I'll see Lucy and Juvia soon, and Erza will go see Mira, And we can trust Erza to get everything organized." Levy said with a big smile.

Shortly later, in the Fullbuster house, Juvia waited visibly bored, wedged on the light gray sofa, surrounded by navy blue, dark gray and light blue pillows. She had at her feet a tray with an empty pot of icecream, and the remains of fruit; a pile of pregnancy magazines and a knitting bag were placed at hand.Nothing could distract her today, she felt fat, the baby, a boy, was already heavy in her belly and wouldn't stop kicking. She felt heavy and ugly, afraid of no longer pleasing her husband; Although she was delighted to finally have a baby, giving a son to her Gray - sama, the time seemed long, the closer she was to the end. She felt tired, although it was much better since the morning sickness had disappeared around the 4th month. Since then she had cravings, and odd cravings, often salty, tuna salads with lots of picles and vinegar; and especially, ice cream or popsicles , raspberry -mint, vanilla, banana- coconut with hot chocolate, mint -chocolate ... there was a freezer excusively planned for the stock of ice cream, once she had a craving for a raspberry sorbet, which woke her up in the middle of the night, as there was no more in stock, and she wanted that one " and nothing else," Gray had to pour into a cup some red fruit syrup and chilled it, he served it to his wife who devoured it delighted, and then fell asleep like a baby. She thought how much her Gray knew to be patient and caring with her, despite his often frowning look, he was an adorable husband, who satisfied her and who looked forward and proudly to the arrival of their baby. She, too, had noticed the frost that was forming when she was upset or moved ... as if her baby were already showing power through her; she was drown out of her thoughts by the sound of the door, Gray came back earlier than expected, Juvia though.

"Gray - sama, Juvia is so happy that you have already come home. Juvia is too bored, and would like to take a bath, my back is so painful!" Began the young woman.Gray hugged her, caressing her round belly, admiring her, for even now she seemed more beautiful than ever, blooming like a flower, like a round, juicy fruit. She was still beautiful, her porcelain skin had an even brighter glow and her deep blue eyes like the ocean sparkled. Her shapes were even more generous, but she remained rather slender, her belly well round, carried all low in front. Her hair was also more curly and radiant than ever.

"Why is Gray - sama watching Juvia like that? Because she is so big and heavy ... and ..." she started with eyes already full of tears.
"No, calm down dear, Juvia ... listen, I find you more beautiful than ever ... really, don't cry darling, please!" said Gray, wiping her tears, and surprised, found that he had wiped frost on his wife's cheek "Frost!" Just like that night, where you had cried so much, do you remember?
"Juvia doesn't know ..." she said.
Gray went on, "I went out for some shopping for dinner, you worried, and on the way back I noticed that the rain was freezing on the ground, and even the hail was falling for several minutes. you calmed yourself, the rain and the hail disappeared immediately "
"Yes, Juvia now remembers it, she also thinks it's related to the baby, Gray-sama, but it does not hurt Juvia, quite the opposite, it's nice that sudden coolness when Juvia is hot or breathless. But, what news from Fairy Tail? Juvia can't walk alone anymore, "she said with a sulky pout, which Gray found adorable.
"Oh nothing special at the guild, except that Mira is also resting and her sister is replacing her, and ... Juvia, I'd like to talk to you about something, but first of all promise me not to panic, okay?" said Gray holding her hands, looking into her eyes tenderly.
"Yes, Juvia promises," she replied, not too reassured. He went on "So, Natsu, Luxus, Gajeel and I are going to go on a short mission ... don't be afraid, it's very close to here, it will take just 2 days, and, meanwhile, since here is spacious, what would you say if you girls spend these 2 days here , you, Lucy, Mira, Levy, and of course Erza, and Cana? Lisana is ready to keep the kids at Levy's, with Panther Lily Wendy and Carla."Oh Gray- sama always has the best ideas! This solution will help greatly Juvia, in your absence, my love; and lately Juvia has been secluded here without seeing almost anyone for 3 weeks now, and given this bad weather, it will be the most beautiful girls party!

"I'm glad you agree, but I admit that this idea comes from Levy, to make sure that you three do not miss anything." Erza will bring extra mattresses, and will also stock up on food , according to your needs, moreover, I redid a small stock of ice cream, your favorite, raspberry sorbet, apricot, salted caramel, banana -coconut, vanilla, and dark chocolate - mint. "Juvia kissed her husband, happy as a little girl, which always "melted" the ice mage.

Meanwhile, not far away, in the Dragneel's apartment, Lucy had just taken a hot bath when her husband arrived, with the fried chicken dinner, fish and spicy noodles with vegetables, not to mention the hot chips, and the chocolate cake caramel for her dessert."Natsu, are you here now? Come help me out of the bathtub please!" cried Lucy from the bathroom; her husband rushed to help her, after kissing her eldest son."Here I am Luce!" I warmed you the bath towel "He helped his wife out and wrapped her in the big warm cloth."Thanks Natsu, you're really adorable tonight ... do you have something to say to me?" Lucy looked at him suspiciously."No, well, yes, but wait, it's just good news Lucy, calm down ... actually Levy suggested that you spend two days together all together at Juvia, with Mira too, Levy, Cana, and of course Erza. .. "
"Yes ... but, why and what do you have to do without us in the meantime? And the kids? "Lucy bombarded him with more and more upset questions.

"We're going on a little mission, not far, really nothing dangerous ... just to earn some money, and not rust, by doing nothing ... even Luxus comes with us, you can rest easy. "Lucy pouted a little but the thought of spending some time with her girlfriends pleased her; she trusted Natsu, and she knew he would be well surrounded.
Natsu quickly told her the purpose of the mission and how they would go about it. During their dinner, which Lucy devoured, he explained how Erza was going to take care of everything and organize these two days. She finally got the news well, relieved at the idea of ​​this girls' break, while they would keep her older son; rest and chatting between girls, and full of delicious snacks!Happy, with his sense of humor, said to her friend, while eating fried fish:"Careful Luchy, you're eating almost more than Natsu, I'm really scared you're going to burst ...""Shut up, you cat! And he means that seriously? ! Natsu, catch him "he'll see if I burst!"
Lucy thundered the poor cat, who flew over her laughing.

The next morning, the girls met at Juvia's. As expected, Erza had thought of everything, mattresses and extra beds, magazines, and plenty of food for all tastes! Only Cana had brought a little barrel of wine for her ; for Mirajane there was a stock of cookies, cakes and apricot jam jars, cherries jam, hazelnut cream and marshmallows. Lucy had hot chips, fish noodles, hot sauce, and lots of caramel and chocolate bars.There were all sorts of things for 2 days; even a stock of 20 small strawberry cakes, exclusively for Erza.Lucy asked her friend, pointing to the pastries, if she did not have some good news to tell them, but Titania simply said it was only her usual ration."When I was pregnant with Sakura, Jellal had to make an exclusive contract with our pastry chef, to make sure that I would have my 40 small strawberry pastries a day ..." Erza said plainly. "But Jellal sometimes had strange reactions to my cravings, let's see, tuna mayonnaise and grape jelly , it's just great, you agree, right?"The girls did not dare to contradict Titania, nodded, exchanging horrified glances.Then it was Mira's turn to share:"Oh, the first time with Markus, I could not spend a day without hot chips and a jar of pickles a day, and for a whole month I ate grilled chicken with peanut butter ... And Luxus had the nerve to tell me that it was disgusting! You believe it ?! But after a somewhat animated explanation, I admit, (Satan Soul) I lost my temper, well, he did not make any comment ... but oddly this time I especially want sweets " she said while emptying a jar of apricot jam with a spoon."Juvia understands you, Mira-chan; Gray - sama is very, very patient with Juvia, almost too much, and Juvia feels guilty for being such a heavy burden ... but he too made fun of Juvia 's cravings; it's the baby who needs it! Juvia can not do without ice cream, and even one morning, early, she was very hungry, and asked Gray - sama to make pancakes with bacon and maple syrup, and then omelette with banana - coconut ice cream ! And Gray watched Juvia eat with a disgusted, anxious look! "Juvia said almost in tears."Oh... Gray! Believe me Natsu is not better! He never wants to give me enough hot sauce, he makes fun of me saying that soon I will spit flames as much as him! Besides, at least this time I do not want flames ... with Igneer, Natsu even had to worry about his, so I wanted it all the time! Oh, by the way, can I still have this fried chicken, but with peanut butter?, you made me want to give it a try Mira! ""Juvia wants to try too, but don't forget the vanilla ice cream with!" Juvia shouted.

I don't own these fanarts, all credits go to the respective artists. I only used it for illustration purposes. Thanks.

Levy went to serve them laughing."Levy- chan, tell us, with the twins, what weird cravings did you had? "Asked Lucy."Ehm, with the twins ... it's been so different than with Emma ..." Levy started shyly"Come on, tell us, I too saw a big difference between boy and girl, with Simon and Sakura!" continued Erza."With Emma, ​​I especially wanted fruit, and chocolate ... but with the boys, it was the opposite: I ate a lot of meat, I drank a liter of milk a day, and I ate everything very very salty and spicy! ""Hmm Levy - chan ... it was because of the spices that you were ... also" hot "?" Lucy said maliciously. She knew all the secrets of Levy, her best friend."Lu- chan !! "Levy fumbled, red like a cherry" we're not going to talk about that! ""Well, I admit I wore out Jellal both times, it was very fulfilling," Erza said quietly, not at all bothered by the intimate details of the conversation."Not this time, for me," said Mirajane, who was also very comfortable with this subject "but the first time, even Luxus was exhausted""Mira - chan !!" Levy yelled, embarrassed.
"What, oh go on girls, so I'm learning juicy details that are not written in pregnancy books!" laughs Cana, already half drunk."Juvia, and you? Don't tell me your Gray stays" ice cold "all this time?" Erza asked."In fact, Juvia ..." began the young bluenette "Juvia is too embarrassed ..." she said blushing."Let's go Juvi" chan! Between us we can tell it all, it's a secret, promised! "Reassured Lucy."Well, Juvia too ... but at first she was too ashamed, thinking that she could not look good for Gray-sama ... then, he convinced me, and Juvia loves, to please Gray - sama ..." confessed Juvia , red cheeks and bright eyes.Their confidences and chats went well until Erza declared that it was time for all to take a shower and then go to bed. Juvia and Lucy slept in the big bed upstairs, with Levy on one of the mattress on the floor, while downstairs, Mira and Erza slept in the bed- sofa, while Cana was sleeping on a mattress next to it.
These two days passed in a flash; the boys succeeded in their mission, the artefact was found as well as rolls of ancient runes, which Levy eagerly read afterwards. After their return, nothing seemed to be able to disturb the happy course of their pregnancies.That day, no one could have imagined the fatal events that were still going to fall upon the members of Fairy Tail.

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