1, Fairy Tail, a new day

By Magnoliafairy77

924 29 54

Introduction: Four years had passed since the terrible battle against Zeleph, where he was destroyed , accord... More

2. The Sakura Festival, the day of Love
3.Sakura day,wedding bells
4. Honey Moon
5.the blessings of pregnacy :)
6. A terrible Threat
7.Safe, at home
8. Epilogue and bonus gallery
Bonus Gallery 2

1. A new mission, a new beginning

229 4 16
By Magnoliafairy77

Time had passed, yet some things remained the same; in the hall of the guild that day, everything seemed exactly like the day Lucy entered it for the first time; Behind the bar, the beautiful Mirajane served drinks to friends sitting, chatting, others were talking, laughing or playing cards.
Down on the wall, mission offers were full, and you could often see members discussing , about rewards or teams to form."WHAT ??" exclaims Jet reading an offer - only 75,000 jewels to chase a jester elf from a wealthy property? But he thinks we're loosers, what, Droy, we need at least double, we're Fairy Tail after all! "He said to his old friend, looking comically outraged.

In a table in the background, Cana, a pretty, tall brunette dressed as usual with a bikini top and a pair of corsair pants, and sandals, drank glass after glass of red wine, laughing with her companions, while at the opposite table, a young man with jet-black hair and another with a thick and messy hair of a pinkish shade, seemed to tease eachother with the clear intention of a friendly fight:
Gray: " Shut up, Ashbrains, will ya?" He said coldly.
Natsu: "Oh, you wanna fight, snowman? ... I'm going to melt you in my own way ..." Natsu was already fired up. A soft, laughing voice said to them, almost maternally :
"Calm down boys, don't mess up like last time, Erza will be here soon," said Mira, the very pretty bartender, with silver white hair and blue eyes
" and by the way,your girlfriends will be here too, "she finished, putting down their glasses, with a knowing nod.

Mirajane was also the match-maker of the guild, or at least she was doing everything for it.

She had finally seen couples that she had long hoped to see together.

The first to take the plunge, to everyone's surprise, were Gajeel, the colossal Iron Dragon Slayer, and the petite and shy Levy; everything seemed to oppose them, yet they complemented each other. Thus, since their marriage 2 years ago, they welcomed a little girl, named Emma, ​​with her father's black hair and Levy's soft golden eyes. , and the family would soon expand as the birth of twins was due in three months.

Since then, Erza and Jellal,who was finally admitted to the guild too, have tied the knot, after a long and difficult story since their childhood. They too were blessed with two children, Simon, and Sakura, who was just eleven months old.

A few moments after Mira's words, several members arrived at the main door; it was a beautiful day in April, Emma and Simon were happily running ahead of their parents. Erza had tied her long, deep red hair high in a bun, and for once she was not in armor, but in a pretty strawberry color dress; by her side walked her husband, Jellal, with dark blue hair, who carried the sleepy little Sakura in a scarf.
Behind them came Gajeel, the tall, wide, black-haired Iron Dragon Slayer, supporting or rather carrying in his arms, a tiny woman with light blue hair; she wore a yellow headband matching her maternity dress, and her already prominent belly seemed to be heavy; in spite of that she protested between laughter and anger against her husband who carried her in his arms.
"Levy: Gajeel, silly, put me down right now, stop carriyng me like a sack of potatoes, I'm pregnant and not sick!" her husband, not the slightest disturbed, put her finally down, and said with his typical laughter: "Ghee Lev 'you were walking so slowly that you would still be down there, and frankly, as you already seem to burst, so ... "
" What? So you see, you say I'm fat, as a hot-air balloon, like a whale ... "and she burst... in tears, which left poor Gajeel sheepishly, while the other girls, Erza, Mirajane, Juvia and Lucy who had just come in, glared at him, trying to cheer up their friend.
Gajeel went discreetly with his Exceed, Panther Lily, to sit at Natsu and Gray's table, hoping to find some male solidarity.
Gray: "hey great, well done Iron mouth, good luck at home...
"Gajeel: "Hey ice cube, I'll see you there when your turn comes ..."Only Jellal said nothing, looking embarrassed, pretending to cuddle little Sakura; because everyone knew that during her pregnancy, Erza had been a real dragon! Lucy, a blonde young woman, Juvia, the water mage with curly blue hair, and Erza joined the boys' table, with a mission sheet in hand; as always, Erza was the commander-in-chief of this elite team, all of whom were of rank S mages.Always , she went without wasting time straight to the point, and read the offer that promised a really huge reward, 80 000 000 jewels!A town north of Fiore, Azalea, on the edge of the Asphrigane Woods, lived in terror, infested by gorgonian demons, ravaging everything in their path. It seems that these creatures hatched their eggs and had been hidden for nearly 400 years, coming from the Book of Zeleph; a Zeleph disciple sorcerer discovered them and wanted to use them as revenge against the royal city of Crocus, and the king, for being chased from the court, but, arrested by the Legion, he killed himself before he could finalize his evil plan.
The eggs of these demons remained forgotten for four centuries, until a former enemy of Fairy Tail, Zero's pupil, found the project and the way to succeed.

"If we accept the mission, we'll have to leave tonight, we'll do part of the journey by train, and then walk to the woods," Erza said briefly as always "Jellal, I'd rather go this time and you stay with the kids ok? Mira will be happy to help you. " Jellal looked at her and understood, that his wife was needing some action again, he nodded giving her a slight smile.
Gajeel said "sorry guys, this time it will be without us, I can't leave Lev 'at this moment, and with Emma, ​​she must spare herself." Everyone nodded approvingly and the big Iron dragon walked away, taking his little Emma on his shoulders. "I suppose we team up as usual with the girls ...?" Natsu said ; He looked at Lucy with a broad smile, blushing but trying to look natural: "Yeah, well, we're team mates , as usual ..."Lucy answered blushing even more.
Gray said nothing but had a small smile and looked under his long bangs at the young woman with white skin, dark blue eyes and light-blue hair, Juvia, on his side, seemed delighted and blushed when she finally dared to speak:
"Gray - sama, Juvia will be your partner, if you still want it.
Gray: "hm, yes, we practiced a lot of spells and unison raids together... it will be useful!"
Erza cut short, in her military way:"Enough chatted, go prepare your packages, it will not be just fun, we have to meet at the Magnolia station at 7pm."
Natsu seemed to be sick already at the thought of the train, because like all dragon slayers, he suffered terribly from motion sickness, except by flying with Happy, but the trip was too long this time.
Happy: "Ayé sir, let's go, come on Natsu you can always have an excuse to lie on Lucy's lap!" the exeed lought teasingly flying above them.
As decided, they were all on time at the Magnolia station, they all arrived by pairs, as expected. Lucy and Natsu, already greenish at the sight of the train, and Happy took the opportunity to make fun of his friend; in fact, Natsu was no exception, because all Dragon slayers, suffered from motion sickness! The second couple arrived shortly after, Gray walking casually, and as often shirtless, while Juvia accompanied his beloved Gray - sama a few paces behind, picking up his clothes: "Gray - sama, you dropped your shirt, but Juvia can keep it for you," said the bluenette, who had the curious habit of talking in the third person. Gray, pretending indifference, gave her a slight smile; everyone knew from a long time that these two were made for each other, but the boy had a hard time letting his feeling out.
Erza, wearing her usual armor, was ready; they went to their seats, and immediately Natsu moaned and slumped on Lucy, but quickly Erza put an end to his sufferings with a "friendly" kick on his head. The trip was silent, with Gray and Erza on alert; their night journey passed with no incidents, and at daybreak they were at their destination. It was a small station isolated from the city, and on the edge of dark woods, having something sinister in the mist of dawn.A man of a certain age, Ibashi-san, looking rather uneasy and in a hurry to go, received them, he was the mayor of Azalea, and quickly told them what was going on in his region for months. The population was terrified, and no one knew where this hell was coming from or why. The mages listened to him gravely, and after he left them, they consulted quickly on their mission.
Erza: "The thing seems pretty simple, first we have to find and destroy these demons and find where the cursed eggs nest, and find the way to trap them, and later we'll have the time to study the origin, with Levy and Mira, at the headquarters.
She continued: "Juvia, Gray, considering the humid places, I think you can easily take advantage of these water points ..."
"Yes Erza - san, Juvia thinks she has a spell that could work, especially with Gray - sama ...
"I see, are you talking about the latest Unison Raid we've mastered?" said Gray "Yes." she answered.
Natsu asked "Well, ok, but what I'm gonna to destroy ? Luce you comig?"
Erza said "Wait, Flamebrain, you'll have something to have fun, but we must also catch the bastard who is causing this calamity, what seems, a former disciple of Zeleph , who would have even continued after his defeat. So, here's what I suggest : Gray and Juvia, you block and you make sure that no way out is possible, Lucy, I count on your celestial spirits to help us at the right moment if needed, and you and I Natsu, let's go and see the ruin of the temple in the middle of the swamp, as the mayor told us, so if everything is clear, let's go !"Without further ado, the group split as decided. There was plenty of water around, Juvia cast the spell of Water cage, ready for Gray who, with his Ice make Wall, made a thick ice dome throughout the area.Erza, Lucy, and Natsu had barely taken a few steps, when a cringing noise of some kind of vautures, worse, demons, echoed loudly under Gray's icy vault. They tried to pierce it, aiming at the intruders but, thanks to Erza's speed armor, and Natsu's fire attacks, they fell by hundreds; but strangely, those horrible demonic birds seemed to fear more the ice and the water than Natsu 's flames. Lucy, summoned Aquarius, destroying a good number of them, while Erza, changed into her empress of the lightning armor, also decimated them; while advancing inside the ruins, they noticed the horrifying number of eggs, unhatched, held under a sort of hot circle, with a yellow light of old runes spell.

In the background, a man with white hair, dressed in black, like a monk, recited ancient runes.Natsu whispered "Levy would have been really useful here..."Erza: "Silence, the main thing, for once, is to destroy everything, so please Natsu enjoy yourself !"The fire Dragon Slayer , after a deep breath, released his Fire Dragon Cry, which turned the unhatched eggs into dust, as well as ancient papers of runes, then, the man turned around and, casting a circle of runes, took shelter.

Erza shouted "You are a coward! A former worshiper of Zereph, and a disciple of Zero, what do you want from these poor people? If you want a revenge, come and fight!"
The old man answered with a snear "Somehow you have ruined my plans, since my creatures were to be an army capable of avenging Lord Zeleph and fulfilling his prophecies!"Natsu answered "Hey old man, you're totally off outta your mind, all that's over, and frankly your chickens could't make it! " So, rather than harassing innocent farmers, it's Fairy Tail than you'll you have to face, get it? "That said, He cast a last kick, the Fire Dragon's Purple Lotus , but could't see one one of these creatures attack him from behind.
Thankfully Lucy was on spot and summoned Sagittarius, whose arrows covered Natsu during this final attack.
At the same time, outside,
Juvia and Gray had released their Unison Raid, Steam Ice Geyser, that threw down the last demons, but, when all seemed finished and done, one of these monsters streamed violently on Juvia, who fell back,while Gray immediately pierced the beast with his ice arrow, just in time.
Juvia was still lying unconscious,
he rushed by her side, to lift her "Juvia, Juvia, is everything okay?"
She seemed unconscious

"No, Juv 'stay with me, I forbid you, to abandon me too, you ...please not again, not you, I' ve sworn I'll protect you with my own life, please... Juvia, wake up ... Please, I love you ..." he whispered, kissing softly the young woman on the lips, holding her up close to his chest.
Juvia: "Gray ... Gray - sama, sorry, Juvia failed ..."Cutting her off,
Gray: "Shhh ... little raindrop, no you haven't failed,we made it! but don't you ever frighten the hell outta me like that again, ok?!" I could not live without you ... Juvia Lockser, ... Though... Fullbuster would sound better, for what's mine, what do you say?
"At that point Juvia nearly swooned again, but then she wrapped her hands behind the neck of her beloved Gray, and kissed him back with passion.
Moments later, Erza, Natsu, and Lucy came out of the ruins of the temple; Happy as usual flew close to Natsu:
"Hey, sometimes you're really dumb, coal head, you know that without Lucy you'd have had a bad time ?!"Natsu just said "woah, that's what I call good teamwork!
"Erza, serious: "Baka, didn't you see that during the attack she looked over you, with her celestial keys ... Without the arrows of Sagittarius, you could have been seriously wounded there Natsu!"All stunned, the young man remained standing there for a moment, rubbing the back of his messy hair, then looked at Lucy, his comrade of so many adventures and quests ; Lucy, his best friend... their special bond, so close ... and suddenly everything became clear to him, blaming himself for his immaturity, he ran to the Celestial mage, and hugged her lifting and spinning her around in his arms.
Thinking it was just another childish pranc from Natsu, the blonde girl exclaimed: "Natsu, silly, what's wrong with you, what are you doing?" said she angrily.
Natsu said serious, "Luce listen, I just realized how many times I could count on you, how many times you have saved me, all the things you do for me, and I just open my eyes to realise what you mean to me... Sorry, it might not be the best moment, I 'm nit good zt speeches, but I mean it, deeply, and truly... so, Lucy Heartfilia ... You're more than a nakama, a friend, Luce ', I love you, I always did, I was just too dumb to see it... and if you're crazy enough, would you want this dragon slayer for life? Lucy Dragneel? "He had said that all streight, without breath, and the young woman was astonished, yet she smiled as tears of joy ran down her cheeks:
Lucy: "Idiot, I thought you would never understand!! Yes, yes, yes, of course I want to marry you, I loved you from the beginning Natsu !!"
They kissed, while Erza discreetly walked away, just to fall on Gray and Juvia embraced and kissing.
Erza: "hum, this 's a mission well accomplished!"
Happy was flying by repeating his famous: "Ahhh they aareee in loooveee !"

Walking towards the village, they realized that the day had turned to late after-noon. The fight had lasted longer than they had realized.
The Mayor, as well as other citizens, moved shyly towards their heroes, who had freed them from this terrible plague.
Azalea was once a pretty town, peaceful, surrounded by fields and pastures, on the edge of the Asphrigane Woods; the city was traditional, older than Magnolia, but prosperous nonetheless .
The Fairy Tail team was hosted in the largest, and best, hotel in the city, where they could refresh, and heal their superficial wounds. The girls shared together a large room, while their comrades, and boyfriends, had to accept the room next to them. The inn had hot springs, and the group took a long bath for a well deserved relaxation!
Lucy said "Wow' this's soo good ... my back is killing me, if only I could have a massage with oils ... Natsu? Do you mind giving me a back rub? Lucy gave him a flirty smile and a sparkling look.
Natsu: "With pleasure my Luce '... if you want, I can also warm my hands ...
"Juvia: "Gray - sama, Juvia had an injury on her ankle, it 's just a bit swollen, but Juvia would be relieved by some ice ..." She blushed while watching him under her long lashes. Gray looked a little embarrassed, but he smiled at the girl, and took Juvia's thin ankle into his hands; immediately a white light appeared and a thin layer of frost formed on Juvia's creamy white skin.
Erza remained impassive, her eyes closed, her long garnet hair wrapped in a towel, she enjoyed the heat and relaxed, but seemed to be thinking at the same time. After a moment of silence, she spoke:"Friends, this time, we won the biggest team award ... and I think you'll want to share it as a couple, so I suggest we split the total into 4." she says.Natsu: "Ok, Lucy, do you agree?" But ... why 4 "If we're here 3 couples, you and Jellal, Gray and Juvia, and ... uh, me and Lucy? ... Why 4 shares?Gray: "I think I know what's you point Erza ... it doesn't surprise me, I agree, for me it's ok, right Juv '?" He looked at his girlfriend smiling. "Gray - sama, Juvia agrees ..." she looked at him with adoration.Natsu: "Hey someone' d care to explain me, I don't care if my share shrink, but what's the project?"
Erza calmly eplained "Calm down Natsu, it's very simple ... for us this ammount will be a new beginning, it will allow us to settle down, without living more from day to day.But for many of our nakamas even while chaining the missions on and on life is not easy, not to mention those for whom big missions are not possible, so I thought I would give half of this 4th part,1,000,000 jewels to Levy and Gajeel; they will soon be 5, and their actual flat is really small. This will be the birth gift from the entire guild, what do you say?
Lucy: "Oh Erza, it's a wonderful idea, you have such a big heart!" said Lucy, moved, for Levy was her best friend; Erza blushed a little, being very modest and reserved. Then she continued:"And the last part will be a kind of common fund, to help the whole guild, so if you all approve, I'll talk to Laxus, and the former Master Makarov."After the hot bath, they went down for dinner, the table was full of delicious dishes in honor of Fairy Tail members; Natsu impressed as always for his monstrous appetite, to the great embarrassment of Lucy, while Happy feasted on fish while making fun of them:"Ha ha! Luchy, you'll do better to keep the accounts, or he'll be able to eat everything in a month!"Natsu, a little annoyed but laughing, said to him: "oh you cat beware or I'll leave you at the guild !" They laughed at poor Happy, who quickly consoled himself with a big mouthful of fish. Before going to bed, Erza contacted Jellal, at the headquarters, to reassure them of the success of their mission, and to announce their return the next day at midday.She heard from her children, relieved to see that her husband, was doing very well as a dad alone.

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