By mamafiji_

49.8K 2.4K 315

Sequel to Crazy in Love More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 14

1.8K 99 8
By mamafiji_

Angel POV

"So you mean to tell me my bestfriend is being held captive by a drug lord because y'all killed his son who killed Ty"

"Baby it was all Angel"

I smacked my lips turning to her "Aye man don't lie on me to get in less trouble"

"Monae I know you had everything to do it and I know Angel went along because why wouldn't she? Y'all both some damn idiot"

"I think I'm very smart considering I wasn't in the gang like her"

Moe nudged me hard as hell in my rip "Bitch you knew about it"

"Both y'all shut up and listen closely" Jelani instructed and we did just that

"Call all your little gang friends and your Uncle and tell them bastards to find Briel or I'll go to the police and tell them my damn self"

"You wouldn't put me in jail. I'm your wife and I'm fucking pregnant"

"Tough titties" She harshly spoke

I raised my hand up to speak

"Why is your hand up like a five year old? Just speak"

"Sorry to tell you but your plan is trash. Uncle Jordan may help but other people when they find out we the ones who killed Christian? Hell no. Snitching to the police is gonna get you sent home with three fingers, one ear, and seven toes. Half the officers work for Jordan or Eli and the 18% who don't are just there"

"Do you have a master plan then?"

"I might but y'all not going to like it"

Moe scoffed "I gotta hear this bullshit"

"I know this computer man that works in T-Mobile and he hacks shit and can plant trackers in anything. I have one in Bri necklace but I couldn't find a location sooooo why not use Moe for bait"

"I'm not a fish. You ain't using me for your twisted ass plan"

"So we would plant a chip in Moe and wait until they snatch her?"

Moe mouthed dropped open hearing what Lani said "You down for that shit?"

"Its the only plan we got Moe. You and Euski are going to be fine" She reached for Moe

"Don't touch me and damn sure don't talk to me until y'all screws back tight in y'all heads"

She got up, which took like five minutes because she didn't want any help, and left us

"Let me go talk to the crybaby"

There screams from arguing quickly turned to moans. Gagging I went to Malaiya's room getting in bed with her

"Mommy...that's you?"

"Yeah baby it's me"

"I miss mama"

"Me too baby but she'll be back with us soon"

Her little hand wiped a tear that I didn't even know had fallen

"Don't cry mommy. I don't like when you cry"

"You and me both" I chuckled kissing her hand "Go back to sleep and in the morning we can go to IHOP"

"Nighty" She yawned laying on my chest

I hummed playing in her hair. The tears tried to escape but I wouldn't let them fall. I gotta be strong for the both of us


Being shook I opened my eyes slowly gaining my vision "If you ain't here to kill me let me drown in my sorrow"

"It's me Briel"

Kabrina voice made me shiver in fear

"Damn they got my fake ass friend to kill me" I shook my head "Ain't that bout a bitch"

"Quiet down I'm tryna help you"

"Why would you help me? So you and Autumn can have Lay? You want my fucking daughter the one I carried for te-

Putting her hand over my mouth she shushed me

"I don't want your daughter and Autumn is dead. Eli killed her because she stole some of his drugs" Her jaw clenched "Now do you want my help or not?"

I slowly nodded yes and she removed her hand

"You have to give up where they at"

"I don't know where they can be if they aren't at either house"

"None of y'all don't have a cabin or a loft maybe"


"People that was in this life have a secret home or something Briel"

"They dumb ass d- well they might not be so dumb"

"What is it?"

"Angel dad owns two condos on the Northeast and she been running things because he's sick"

"Do you know the names?"

"River Oaks and Paradise Valley"

She looked around before kissing me. I kicked her in stomach separating our lips

"I knew you had something going on with this bitch" Eli stated coming in the room lDid she tell you anything"

"Duh but she'll only give the addy if she gets to see her daughter one more time"

"We can make plans for that" He ran his hands through his mustache "You still want Michelle? I rather have the boy than a whiny little girl"

"It's Malaiya dummy" I corrected him

Scowling me he moved to come my way but Kabrina stopped him

"You hit her and we don't have a lead anymore"

"Get her cleaned and dressed before sunrise"

He took one more glance at me before leaving

"Thank you" I mumbled rubbing my wrist

"I owe you"

I blocked the light coming into my eyes and hid my smile

I'm going to be free


A good friend made me want to update sooo I'm taking it off hold. I didn't edit so I'll do it later

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