I Will Make You Mine {ON HOLD}

By AnnaCroft7

4.2K 94 74

Steeljaw and Thunderhoof are leaders of one of the biggest and highly known mobs on Cybertron. When they buy... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

1K 21 13
By AnnaCroft7

I know what you all must be thinking, "Another SteelArm story? But you haven't finished the other ones yet!" I know I haven't, blame my mind it came up with this story while I was trying to go to sleep. >.< I still have a ways to go before I finish up the other two stories but I wanted to at least get started on this to get it out. Hope you all enjoy! ^^


A ring was heard all throughout the bar indicating a bot has just entered or in this case a group of them. Decepticons. Mobsters. Every bot that was in the bar made sure not to get in their way as these ruthless mobsters were known for their brutality. There were two leaders, one looking like an elk with big horns on his helm, he's known as Thunderhoof. The other is a Wolf-Con with sharp fangs and even sharper claws that could rip through the metal of any bot with ease, he's known as Steeljaw.

The two share leadership over the toughest and most ruthless mob on Cybertron, none dare cross them or anger them. Their ways of torture and killing are highly known throughout the planet, striking fear into every bot that hears of them. The group makes their way through the bar to a table where another mob group is sitting. The leader of that group greets them and tells them to sit down. The leader resembles a polar bear, he looks aged and all scruffy with marks and dents in his armor showing he's been in many fights and that he's been in this business for a long time.

Thunderhoof and Steeljaw sit down at the table while the rest of their group stay standing behind them, the two groups size each other up secretly daring the other to make a move. But this is supposed to be a peaceful meeting so neither side does anything, they just stand back and let their leaders have their discussion. Steeljaw and Thunderhoof agreed to this meeting so they could discuss the business of buying the city from this other mob leader who is known as Jawsplitter.

Jawsplitter is just as ruthless as Thunderhoof and Steeljaw. He got his name because he's known to actually split apart the jaws of bots that have crossed him and angered him, completely detaching the jaw with his massive paws and sharp claws and leaving them to choke on their own Energon. He's been in charge of this city for many years, he's the one that came up with the name for it calling it Silverdell because of the shiny silvery look of all the buildings. Sadly Jawsplitter has reached the age where it's time for him to retire the city to one younger. It's getting too much for him to run a big city such as Silverdell so he's going to get a smaller city he can run and peacefully rust away in.

When Thunderhoof and Steeljaw heard that Jawsplitter was giving up the city they jumped at the chance to take it. They've been going all over Cybertron buying out one city after another with nobody daring to stop them. With Jawsplitter old and ready to retire and there being barely any police activity around made this city easy pickings, so they contacted Jawsplitter and set up this meeting to discuss payment. Naturally, Jawsplitter's guys will keep tabs on them and report back to him, but otherwise, the city will completely belong to them once they finish the payment.

As the mechs settle in for their discussion one of the waitresses comes over to take their order, "Ah hello dear, I was hoping you were working this evening." Jawsplitter addressed the waitress.

Steeljaw and Thunderhoof look up at the waitress in time to see her roll her optics at the old mob leader. The femme has white and blue armor with some yellow on her helm, she's busty in her chassis area but slim around her abdomen and hips.

"Can I take your order?"

Jawsplitter and Thunderhoof gave her their order but Steeljaw wasn't paying attention. He allowed his optics to roam over her body checking out every inch of her.

"Hey, Wolfie! What do you want?"

Steeljaw snaps his optics up to her face and smirks, "How about your name and comm number sweetspark." He says in his sly and charming voice that usually makes femmes get all wobbly in the knees.

But the charm didn't work on her, she rolled her optics as she let out a puff of her air cycle with a hint of frustration, "Can I take your order?"

Steeljaw chuckled and gave his order then she turned as she rolled her optics and walked off, of course they all wanted overdose high-grade Energon all mobsters like to drink that. As she walked to the back to get them their drinks Steeljaw checked out her aft and found it to look nice and firm, he liked what he saw.

A loud clank rang out through the bar as Thunderhoof smacked Steeljaw on his helm, "We're here for business, not pleasure!" The older mob boss scolded.

Both Thunderhoof and Steeljaw then looked over at Jawsplitter after he started howling with laughter, his guys standing behind him joining in on the laugh, "What's so funny?" Steeljaw asked as he rubbed his helm and looked at the older mech in confusion.

"You will want to be careful with that femme, she's a real fiery one. She has a fiery spirit that can't be tamed." Jawsplitter says when he finally stops laughing.

Steeljaw was intrigued, "Really?"

"Yes. A few of my guys have tried and failed."

"Eyo, are we gon' do the payment or not?"

"Yes, yes. You have my thousand credits?"

"Of course." Steeljaw responds as he reaches his claws out to take a case from one of the guys standing behind them. He lays it on the table and opens it, "All is in there just as we promised."

Jawsplitter looks over the credits in the case and once he confirms it's all there he gives a nod, "Alright..." Before he could finish what he was saying the waitress came over with their drinks and placed them on the table. She glanced at the credits and knew they were discussing some kind of business. What else is new? She just turned and walked off to leave them to whatever business they're doing.

Once again Steeljaw watched her, slightly amazed that she didn't take too much notice to the credits laying on the table, "She doesn't seem to be phased by all this." He then says as he takes a sip from the overdose high-grade Energon.

Jawsplitter takes a sip from his own before he replies, "She's been working in this bar for a few years, so she's seen many meetings take place here." He lifts the drink to his mouth again as he watches the young mech, "Her name is Strongarm by the way." He says before taking another sip.

Steeljaw looks over at him as one of his guys laughed with a voice that sounded like it had been overused, "She's had many mechs try the same thing you had which is why she refused to tell you."

Thunderhoof just drank his overdose high-grade Energon and listened to their conversation, not too amused with what he was hearing. Jawsplitter placed his drink on the table and looked at the two mechs, "As I was saying, the city is all yours. Do with it and the residence as you please, but I do ask that you don't destroy it. It's a nice city and I've grown quite fond of it, so I would appreciate it if you didn't destroy it."

"We won't destroy it, you have our word." Thunderhoof says as he sets his drink down.

"Good..." Jawsplitter gulps down the rest of his drink and stands up from his seat with the assist from a couple of his guys, "Then I shall take my leave from the city tomorrow after I have informed all the residence of the change in leadership. For now, I'm calling it a night. See you both tomorrow."

Thunderhoof and Steeljaw stand up out of respect, "See you tomorrow." They both said as they watched Jawsplitter head for the exit after signaling for one of his guys to take the case. Once him and his group exited the bar the two sat back down and finished up their drinks.


There you have it, chapter 1. I don't know how much I'm gonna be doing on this story as I have yet to fully figure out where I'm going with it. I'll update on it as much as I can but I'm really not gonna put too much focus on it until I finish one of the other SteelArm stories I have going.

Please don't be afraid to comment I don't bite, Steeljaw may bite but I don't. XD I would love to hear what you all think.

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