Chapter 7

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"Hey, gramps!" Steeljaw shouts as he enters the apartment building.

Topper looks up from what he was doing, "Greetings Steeljaw." He says with a smile.

"Hey... uh... What's your name again? Trooper? Truffer?"


"Topper! Can you tell me what's Strongarm's apartment number? I would like to speak with her."

"Oh, there are only certain bots that she allows knowing where her apartment is. Not even Jawsplitter and his gang know, only me and other residents of this apartment."

"Are you refusing to tell me?"

"Only because she asked me not to tell any bot. Especially a bot from the Mafia."

Steeljaw growls slightly, "Then can y-?"


Steeljaw smirks as he looks over at the very femme he was there to see, "Strongarm, nice to see you again."

Strongarm glares at him, "Move away from Topper!"

Steeljaw puts up his servos as he backs away from the old mech, "I was just asking him what your apartment number is."

"Why? What do you want?" Strongarm asks as she walks towards him.

"Still so hostile. I thought you would be nicer after last night."

Strongarm clenched her fists as she gave him the deadliest glare Steeljaw had ever gotten from a femme, "If you weren't so high up I would have knocked you out for what you did!"

"What did I do?" Steeljaw asked trying to play innocent.

"You know exactly you did, and every one of them would have caused any other mech to get their aft kicked ten times over. Don't ever put your servos on me again!"

"Okay, I may have gone a bit out of line last night."

"A bit!? You went way over!"

"That's why I'm here, to make it up to you." Steeljaw reaches behind him to pull something out of his subspace. Strongarm feels her spark begin to quicken as fear begins to grip her, he's probably about to pull out a weapon and kill her. But what Strongarm sees in his servo is no weapon, it's flowers. The most beautiful Cybertronian flowers she has ever seen, they're metallic like everything else on Cybertron but they shine and sparkle like crystals and they're as blue as Energon. In fact, she believes they have Energon in them to help them live.

"I got these flowers for you. Go on a date with me and I'll make it up to you." He says seeming sincere.

But Strongarm isn't buying it, she wants to take the flowers and whack him on the helm with them before throwing them out. But they're too beautiful to destroy, she steps towards him and takes the flowers. She then turns to Topper and places the flowers on the desk, "Here you go Topper, flowers for the lobby." She says before she heads for the door.

"Good thing I'm not a sensitive mech." Steeljaw says as he walks after her, "Is that a no to the date?" He asks as they both walk out the door.

Topper remained silent through the whole thing and just watched as he grew worried for the femme. He watched them exit the building as his spark filled with dread, he gets the feeling that things aren't gonna go too well for Strongarm.


"Don't you have anything better to do than to keep bothering me?" Strongarm asked as she began getting very annoyed with Steeljaw.

"Yeah, there is some mob business that needs to be done, but I would rather talk to you. What's going on between you and Topper?"

She really does not want to be talking to him right now, especially not about her life and her business. But she knows that there's no way she can get rid of him, "He's like a father to me."

"And what about Jawsplitter? Didn't he raise you?"

"Aquatica told you, didn't she?"

Steeljaw shrugged, "I asked and she answered."

"Aquatica is a good femme but she talks too much. She had no right telling you about my past, it's none of your business."

"Technically it is my business, now that I'm part owner of this city I have a right to know about the bots that live in it."

Strongarm looks at him with a raised optic ridge, "Since when? Mob leaders never concern themselves with the lives of the bots in their cities, you guys only care about the credits."

"Alright, you got me. I only care about the lives of certain bots, like you."

Strongarm groans in frustration as she comes to a stop, "Why can't you just get the hint? I don't want anything to do with you! I just want to live my life, work at my job, make my credits and try to move out of this city!"

After mentioning moving out of the city Strongarm noticed a sudden change in Steeljaw's demeanor, she could hear a growl rumble from his chest as he looks at her with now angry optics. A sense of possessiveness emanated off him which sent a chill through her body and made her spark quicken again, "You're not leaving this city." Steeljaw says a bit too calmly. For some reason, Strongarm found the calmness of his tone scarier than if he shouted it.

"I will and you can't stop me." She wanted to shout it, yell it at him in anger. But it came out softly as fear began to grip her, its grip tightening as Steeljaw moves closer to her with a growl. Looking like he could attack her and rip her apart, he looks like he wants to devour her.

Strongarm could feel pure fear, something she hasn't felt since she was a sparkling. Why does this mech cause her to feel so much fear and dread? She's never been afraid of any mech, not even Jawsplitter because she knew that she could handle herself against them. But this mech, seeing him look at her this way as he moves towards her while growling, has awoken that fear she thought she had gotten rid of a long time ago.

"Wanna bet?" Steeljaw asks with a growl as Strongarm finds herself against a wall, she didn't even realize that she was backing up. Other bots glance their way as they pass by but they quickly look away, too afraid that they will anger the mob leader.

Steeljaw places his servos on the wall to trap her as he leans in closer to her, his growls dyeing down to a rumble again, "I will see to it you never leave this city. You're staying here."

"You can't make me stay. I won't be controlled by a mech like you."

Steeljaw chuckles, "That sounds like a challenge. I will take that challenge and we'll see how it goes for you." He says with a smirk.

She really wants to wipe that smirk off his face, That's what he wants so he can use it against you to get what he wants. You must resist punching him. "I need to get going, Steeljaw."

Steeljaw can tell she's reaching her breaking point. How much more can he do to her before she finally breaks? He already has a few ideas, things that will completely shatter her. He grins at her as he steps back, "Don't let me hold you up then."

Strongarm quickly moved around him before transforming and driving off. Steeljaw watches her as he's filled with so much excitement at the thought of what he's gonna do to her.

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