SECRETS || fred weasley

By thepiercecurls

19.8K 547 85


disclaimer + cast, etc.
// prologue //


653 28 4
By thepiercecurls



"POTTER! WEASLEY! WILL YOU pay attention?"

Professor McGonagall's irritated voice cracked like a whip during Transfiguration class on Thursday, and Harry and Ron both jumped and looked up as Valentina rolled her eyes at them once again.

It was the end of the lesson; they had finished their work. The bell was due to ring at any moment and while the rest of the class were awaiting for Professor McGonagall to speak, Harry and Ron were having a sword fight with Fred and George's fake wands.

"Now that Potter and Weasley have been kind enough to act their age," said Professor McGonagall, with an angry look at the pair of them, "I have something to say to you all.

"The Yule Ball is approaching — a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialise with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above — although you may invite a younger student if you wish —"

Valentina internally cringed as soon as Lavender Brown let out a shrill giggle. Parvati Patil nudged her hard in the ribs, her face working furiously as she too fought not to giggle. Professor McGonagall ignored them.

"Dress robes will be worn," Professor McGonagall continues, "and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. Now then —"

Professor McGonagall stared deliberately around the class.

"The Yule Ball is, of course, a chance for us all to — er — let our hair down," she said, in a disapproving voice.

Lavender giggled harder than ever, with her hand pressed hard against her mouth to stifle the sound. Valentina took deep breaths to prevent her from strangling the teenager.

"But that does NOT mean," Professor McGonagall went on, "that we will be relaxing the standards of behaviour we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way."

The bell rang, and Valentina was the first out of that room. She hadn't even thought about that stupid ball, let alone a date.

As the weeks progressed the students of Hogwarts were brewing with excitement as the date drew nearer and nearer. Valentina noticed the strange shift in the air as all the students seemed to be coupling up. She felt out of place and could feel emotions she hadn't felt in a long time. Insecurity? Anxiety? No, she laughed off the thought. She was Valentina Lestrange. She didn't do nervous.

It wasn't as if no one had asked her, or at least attempted. Valentina was stunning and had many boys drooling over her, however, she was too intimidating. One boy looked as if he was on the verge of tears when he approached her, another too daft for her to even breathe the same air and some were just too cocky. Valentina was quick to turn all of them down. Merlin, if she didn't find a date she'd have to go alone. The only worse thing she could think of than going alone is going with Fred Weasley. She shivered at the thought.

The only person Valentina had considered going with was Cedric Diggory. Valentina liked him. He didn't scare easily or cower away from here, he could hold a conversation. He didn't think he was above her and instead, Valentina found herself constantly enjoying his company and spending time with him. He made her feel like she could be herself without any judgement or fear something could go wrong and that was something Valentina had never felt before, not even with Viktor.

However, Valentina knew she couldn't have him. Rumours of Cedric and Cho Chang hanging out a little bit more than usual spread around the school. Valentina hoped that they weren't true but after seeing them together on numerous occasions she couldn't deny that something was going on between the two. It was as if every time she tried to speak to Cedric she would be there, but Valentina wasn't a jealous person nor did she want to seem desperate so she kept her distance. It was no secret that they'd most likely be going to the Yule Ball together.

Valentina sat in the common room listening to the conversation play out between Harry, Ron, an Hermione as they argued about Harry not figuring out the next clue. Just then, the Weasley twins sat down on the table with them.

"Ron, can we borrow Pigwidgeon?" George asked.

"No, he's off delivering a letter," said Ron. "Why?"

"Because George wants to invite him to the ball," said Fred sarcastically.

"Because we want to send a letter, you stupid great prat," said George.

Valentina became intrigued as Ron asked who the pair kept sending letters too. They were up to something.

"Nose out, Ron, or I'll burn that for you too," said Fred, waving his wand threateningly. "So ... you lot got dates to the ball yet?"

Valentina listened intently. She only knew Hermione had a date to the ball but she had no doubt the others were all going alone at this stage.

"Nope," said Ron.

"Well, you'd better hurry up, mate or all the good ones will be gone," said Fred.

"Who're you going with, then?" Said Ron.

"Valentina," said Fred promptly, without a trace of embarrassment.

Valentina furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief. She couldn't recall ever having a conversation with him about the ball let alone as dates. She prayed to Merlin that he hasn't gone around telling anyone else this lie.

"What?" said Ron, taken about. "You've already asked her? How did you get her to even say yes?"

Yes, how did he even get me to say yes, Valentina thought to herself.

"Good point," said Fred. His turned his head to face her as she quickly made it look as if she was focused on a book in her lap and not as if she had been listening to their entire conversation. "Hey! Valentina!"

"What do you want now, Weasley?" Valentina pretended to be disturbed that he was interrupting her reading time and glared towards him.

"Want to come to the ball with me?"

"No," said Valentina bluntly, turning back towards her book.

She could hear muffled laughs and giggles from the group he was standing with.

"Why not?" said Fred, sounding a little peeved off at her answer. "You know I'm the only one probably willing to ask you because you scare everyone else away!"

Valentina shot up from her seat to stand in front of the redhead.

"I'll have you know that I already have a date!" Valentina lied.

Fred stood shocked for a moment before shaking furrowing his eyebrows, "Who? Krum?" He asked.

"It's none of your business," Valentina spat. "And even if I didn't have a date and you were the only person available I still wouldn't go for you, Weasley."

She stormed away from him in frustration towards the library. Once arriving she attempted to find a place to sit alone, quietly, however, there wasn't one. She instead tried to busy herself by looking through the shelves of books but after skimming through a couple of isles she got bored and decided to leave.

Valentina opened the door as she exited the library and without looking, one step out the door and had she bumped into someone, stumbling backwards slightly.

"We need to stop meeting like this," a voice said that Valentina had been trying to avoid.

"You don't have to tell me twice, Pretty Boy," Valentina said, avoiding eye contact.

"I haven't seen you around for a while, how you been?" Cedric asked stepping in the library.

"Oh yeah, I've been good. How have you been?" Valentina replied awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Her heartfelt as if it would fall out of her chest in any given moment.

"Great," Cedric nodded. "Listen, um, I don't know how to say this properly."

"What's wrong?" Valentina asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Nothing's wrong, it's just — do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?" Cedric asked.

Valentina blinked her eyes a couple of times in disbelief. Had she heard him correctly? Did Cedric Diggory ask her to go to the ball with him? She felt the adrenaline beginning to pump through her veins as she began to feel excited. She wanted to shout out a big YES immediately but was quick to remember Cho Chang and that she was certain they were going together.

"What happened to the Chang girl?" Valentina questioned bringing her mood down.

"Cho? What about her?" asked Cedric, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"You spend an awful lot of time together. Aren't you going with her?" Valentina crossed her arms.

"What do you mean?" Cedric asked before making a face of realisation and letting out a small chuckle. "It's not like that. We're just friends. She wanted help with asking one of my best friends out."

"Oh," said Valentina feeling utterly stupid at herself. "Well then, I would love to go with you to the ball."

"Great," Cedric smiled. "I'll meet you in the entrance hall beforehand."

"I'll see you there, Pretty Boy." Valentina walked away from him and the whole way back to the common room she smiled with pure happiness, not having experienced this in a long time. 

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