Artist's Hands [Ereri/Riren F...

By Raizossoup

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Levi Ackerman, a man who has been in the modeling business since the age of fourteen, has grown tired of the... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Thank you for Reading!!!

Chapter Twenty-Eight

68 2 0
By Raizossoup

Unknown POV

I've never felt like this before. I think the last time I've felt remotely close to feeling the way I am now was back when I was twelve, back when I was still receiving abuse from my father. The feeling of being on the brink of death, to me it was a way to feel the emotion everyone called "fear." Sure I was fearful of my father but right now, I was terrified out of my mind that I'd die. My body was heating up, creating tremendous amounts of sweat, my breathing was chaotic, and my vision was going blurry.

I could see a dark silhouette above me though what they were saying was muddled, and the only thing I could hear was a constant ringing in my ears. My body was trembling and shaking constantly, yet somehow I knew who was above me.

" ... L-Le-vi... !"

Levi's POV

I held onto the body, no, Eren's body, and I made damn sure I held him close to me.

" ... Eren... Everything will be fine, just wait a bit longer... I'll get you out of here, and I'll take you out on a date... Doesn't that sound nice, Eren?"

I lay him down gently and quickly ripped a piece of his clothing off of him and began to tie it around his wound. He was still losing blood but it slowed a bit, but while I was treating Eren I heard laughter from the man that was supposed to die.

" Never thought you had feelings for anyone else but your little sister, Levi! What happened to that 'I'm not going to get involved with others' shit, huh?! AH!"

Before the both of us knew it, Oruo quickly became a corpse due to Kenny finishing him off. I stood up, looking down at Eren, and opened my mouth.

" So Kenny, do you remember that rematch I had asked for back then?"

" What are ya gettin' at?"

" Do you Kenny?"

" Aheh... Ya bet I do, so ya lil' runt. You wanna see who's stronger?"

I remained silent which only allowed him to laugh aloud, but I didn't care. I was going to beat him today, if I don't then I'll fail Eren, and that's something I don't want to happen. I curled my hands into fists and lifted my head to look over my shoulder.

" No guns or knives. Just hand-to-hand, got that? I want to watch you drop every weapon you have on you or near you!"

Kenny our his hands up in the air in a sarcastic manner of surrender before reaching into his coat and throwing his weapons to the side, " Ya sure do like to be thorough, I'll give ya that. Say, how much do ya reckon that boy means to ya?"

I flinched from the sudden question and I slowly glared at him, but I couldn't keep glaring as I'm sure Eren would've given me a hard time about it.

" Let's just say he means a lot more than family, or family of your stature."

" Talkin' big now are we? Oh well, I reckon you were like that even when Kuchel was still here with us." Kenny slowed his movements which only caused me to raise my gun at him but what he said next made me feel conflicted, " Don't ya miss her? She was yer mother. She was my sister. I miss her greatly."

I shook my head and scowled, " Don't bring her into this Kenny, she's dead. Get over it, move on. You pulled one heck of a card bringing Mr Jaeger into the conversation before hand, a bit risky if you ask me."

" How so? Ya saw how easily I brought that brat to his knees, if I'd known better I'd have killed him with the first blow."

" Yet you didn't, why is that Kenny?"

" Let's just say I wanted to play with ya a while longer!" After having said that, Kenny rush after me with bare hands.

I threw my gun to the side and ran for my uncle, and once I was close enough I swung my arm toward his face. He dodged and came at me with a right hook. I didn't have enough time to react so I ended taking the blow, but I soon landed a six streak of punches to his chest and stomach. Kenny jumped away from me after receiving too many hits from me, though he managed to land a few to my face as well I remained practically untouched. I could see that he was already getting worn out, his shaking shoulders gave that away.

" When will you ever learn that you've lost as soon as you back away Kenny?!"

" When will ya ever learn that yer nothin' more than a lil' runt!" My uncle came at me once again.

I was getting irritated by his tenacious attacks, so I balanced myself onto my left leg and swung my right as soon as Kenny was right in position. My foot smashed his face and caused the man before me to fly a little ways back, him laying on his side groaning in pain. I recollected myself and walked over to Kenny, picking up my gun as I walked. I cocked it and when I was near my uncle I grabbed him roughly by the hair and made him look at my face.

" Look at me Kenny and tell me that you don't see an ounce of Kuchel in me."

He didn't respond. I threw his head into the floor, stood up, and pressed my foot against his head. I aimed my gun directly at his temple and rested my finger on the trigger, but as I was about to pull it back Kenny halted me in doing so.

" Do it. You'll only feel guilty in the end, but I'll send yer regards to Kuchel. Heh."

I glared at him with all the burning hatred I had towards him and before he could say anything else I bent down and pulled the trigger within a second. It was over. This whole mess was over. I removed my foot from my uncle's head and turned on my heel.

" I hope you burn in Hell, Kenny." I dropped my gun and sluggishly moved my feet to get to Eren.

He remained on the floor the entire time after he was shot in the stomach, luckily it wasn't a direct blow to anything vital so he'd be fine once I got him to an operational hospital. I sat down onto my knees beside him and picked him up, setting his head gently onto my lap.

" Eren, wake up for me. Come on Eren, wake up." I gently shook him as I pleaded for him to open his eyes.

I soon heard him groan and watched as he squinted his shut eyes, opening them slowly. I let out a sigh of relief to see that he didn't die.

" Eren, we have to get out of here. You think you can walk?" I asked.

" ! Ah... Yeah, I think so... God, hurts like a bitch! Ah!"

" Take it easy, here. I'll help you up." I moved myself so that my left arm was supporting his back and so I slowly stood up with Eren, " There we go. I've said it before but we need to leave, now."

" What about what's making everyone regain their memories of being Titans? We can't leave here without completing our mission."

" And we can't leave here without the Titans coming after us from everyone corner. Look I want to finish what we came here to do, but you're injured."

" So what if I'm fucking injured? I can still move around can't I? I can still hold a gun and I can still support myself on my own two feet."

With that Eren pushed me away a bit and tried to stand on his own before he almost collapsed and I had to catch him. I wrapped his right arm around my neck and supported him by using my left.

" Come on Eren, quit being stubborn and let's get out of here together. I'll try my best to avoid any possible fights with Titans as to make sure you don't injure yourself any further."

" I'm fine Levi, I can walk."

" Just shut up and put up with me for a while okay, I almost lost you, I don't to feel that sense of abandonment again."

Eren stopped talking back at me and so I started to walk with him interlocked in my arms. When we reached the door I peaked through a sliver of a gap to check if there were any Titans, and luckily there weren't any around in sight. With that we left the room, and our pasts, behind us.

Eren's POV

Though I knew I was injured and I could barely walk, Levi was sticking his neck out for me way more than he needed to. However, I didn't mind at the same time. To be honest the whole time I've been with Levi I've felt like an actual person again. I could feel emotions like I used to when I was a kid. I could express happiness, sadness, fear... love. As I was thinking of all the things that have happened I suddenly thought of Armin, and decided I was going to apologize to him and tell him everything I haven't.

My train of thought was broken when I heard the sound of Titans behind us.

" Levi! Titans at our rear!"

" Shit, they're in the front too. We'll have to fight Eren, you think you can manage."

" Just give me a gun!"

Levi handed me my pistol and I quickly shot two Titans down. My eyes skimmed the hall and I saw five more come into view, then six more came in. I reached for my back and pulled out my spare 9mm pistol, shooting down four Titans.

" This is going to get messy Levi, let's do it!" I pushed away from Levi and started multi-tasking, attempting to shoot with my left and swinging my knife with my right. I managed to take down another seven Titans before I started to back away. Levi's back touched with mine as we backed away from the Titans. I looked over my shoulder to see Levi looking back at me, only he was wearing a smile.

" Show time, Eren."

AN: Here's chapter twenty-eight, and I'm thinking probably about four or three more chapters until this fanfic is finished. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

To Be Continued...

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