Back In Time (Going Under Edi...

By xCourtofDreamersx

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(Going Under Editing/Revising) (Read at your own discretion) It's the 21st century and a girl name Rosemary L... More

Author's Note (New)
Chapter: 1 Time Begins To Spin
Chapter: 2 Welcome to The 1700's
Chapter: 3 Wolves
Chapter: 4 Connor 'The Savior'
Chapter: 5 Embarrassing Moments
Chapter: 6 Meeting Achilles
Chapter: 7 Deciding What To Do
Chapter: 8 Final Decision And a Surprised Visitor
Chapter: 9 Meeting Everyone
Chapter: 10 The Strange Dream
Chapter: 11 Out of Place
Chapter: 12 Training
Chapter: 13 Hunting or Hunted?
Chapter: 14 Brief Moments
Chapter: 15 Planning A Trip
Chapter: 16 Boston
Chapter: 17 Left Alone
Chapter: 18 Benjamin
Chapter: 19 Tunnels
Chapter: 20 Broken Trust
Chapter: 21 Unspoken Feelings
Chapter: 23 Brother's of Liberty
Chapter: 24 Hurtful Things
Chapter: 25 Time Alone
Chapter: 26 Advice
Chapter: 27 Forgiven
Chapter: 28 Climbing Trees And A Surprise
Chapter: 29 Intense Moment
Chapter: 30 Conflict
Chapter: 31 Disobeying Orders
Chapter: 32 In Big Trouble
Chapter: 33 Benjamin's Secret
Chapter: 34 The Rescue
Chapter: 35 Moment
Chapter: 36 A Moment Ruined
Chapter: 37 Finishing A Templar; Moment Together
Chapter: 38 Welcoming A New Member
Chapter: 39 Confused
Chapter: 40 Wedding and Uncontrolled Feelings
Chapter: 41 The First Snow Fall
Chapter: 42 Strange Letter
Chapter: 43 Personal Matters
Chapter: 44 Contentment
Chapter: 45 The Strange Woman
Chapter: 46 Helping and Recovering
Chapter: 47 Time Passing By
Chapter: 47 Welcome to New York City
Chapter: 48 The Chase
Chapter: 49 Prison and Pain
Chapter: 50 The Plan and Action
Chapter: 51 Reunion
Chapter: 52 Overthinking
Chapter: 53 Disastrous
Chapter: 54 Together Once Again
Chapter: 55 Seeing With Her Own Eyes
Chapter: 56 Issues
Chapter: 57 Arriving and Ambushed
Chapter: 58 Annoyance and Effort
Chapter: 59 Realizing the Damage
Chapter: 60 Together Again
Chapter: 61 Traveling with Passion
Chapter: 62 Haytham Kenway
Chapter: 63 False Information
Chapter 64: Fire Raging
Chapter: 65 Don't Want To Lose You
Chapter: 66 Dangerous Currents
Chapter: 67 Death of Benjamin Church
Chapter: 68 Nerves
Chapter: 69 Anguish and Lost
Chapter: 70 Endless Problems
Chapter: 71 George Washington
Chapter: 72 Enemies are Enemies
Chapter: 73 Traveling
Chapter: 74 The Man Behind the Mask
Chapter: 75 Escape Plan Failed
Chapter: 76 Benjamin Vs. His Father
Chapter: 77 Confessions
Chapter: 78 Utter Confusion
Chapter: 79 Sickness and Health
Chapter: 80 Serious Business
Chapter: 81 The Beginning of The Battle
Chapter: 82 The Battle of Chesapeake Bay
Chapter: 83 New York, Here we come.
Chapter: 84 The Plan of Action
Chapter: 85 "Goodbye, Father."
Chapter: 86 Complications
Chapter: 87 Timing Sucks
Chapter: 88 Laid to Rest
Chapter: 89 The Truth Comes Out, One Way or Another
Chapter: 90 The Injured and The Fallen
Chapter: 91 Death Fallens Upon Us

Chapter: 22 Silent Treatment

1.6K 55 9
By xCourtofDreamersx

Chapter: 22

Rosemary's POV:

Connor had receive a letter from a messenger as I was standing in the hallway as I listen to them. Achilles advise Connor to take this opportunity to get closer to John Pitcairn. I already knew where this was going for I have play this part and mostly hate this part because I can never get it right. I let out a soft sigh that Connor or Achilles couldn't hear as Connor decided to go. Then out of the blue Achilles decides that I should go along with Connor.

I protested of course, but that didn't do anything. Connor didn't say anything except the fact that I didn't have enough training. I made a bitter/snide remark that I had no trouble in Boston and made it perfectly fine back to the manor. That made Connor look away with a painful expression on his face. It was like ice between us and I didn't care. He had betray me and for that I will never forgive him. I can't believe he left me in Boston on my own. It was my first time as well and then he decide to leave me because it was part of my training. It was such crap!

If it hadn't been for Ben then I would probably have been raped, murder or something even worse. My life was endanger and I didn't have enough skills to take three strangers on by myself. I don't like fighting at all, but if it's the only way to get out of certain situations. Then I'm willing to fight, but other than that I will not fight for the fun of it.

Connor and I got on horses and was now on our way to Boston to meet up with Paul Reverie. I didn't even want to come on this journey with him. I much rather be doing anything else than to be with Connor. I swear Achilles and his bright ideas as I didn't bother to even look at Connor. He kept his distance ever since the incident in the horse stables. A shiver went down my spine as my cheeks grew warm from the sudden memory of being in his arms. He was warm and I felt so guilty for making him go through so much pain, but I don't want to give in.

My stubbornness won't allow me to see his mistake and for that I will forgive him through his actions. A word is only a word or a saying, but action speaks more loudly than words do. So let Connor prove to me that he is truly sorry and for that I will forgive him. Until then, we have a job to do and this time. I'll show him how a woman like me can handle herself against anybody she wants. This era made be my favorite time era, but there's part to it that I really do not like at all. Maybe, with a little push men would see the difference in woman. Highly doubt that, since they're so stubborn and single-minded.

I glance over at him to see he was looking ahead. It was taking forever to reach Boston and the sun was sinking low over the horizon. My fear was strumming through me as I remember my first time here in this frontier and it wasn't pleasant at all. The sun was going dark so it was making it harder for us to see where we were going. Connor murmured as he lead us over to a clearing the was hidden well away from the dirt road "We'll camp here until sunrise then we can continue onward to Boston"

I didn't say anything, except got off of my horse and went over to a tree to tied the reins to the lowest branch. I pet the horses nose as Connor went off to fetch some firewood and left me here with the horses. The sun was setting low as I was a little scare and I felt terrified again. Is Connor going to leave me again like he did in Boston? I wouldn't be least surprise if he did, but his horse and bag is here. So he isn't going to leave without his things. I let out a sigh as it ease some of the tension in my shoulders.

I suddenly realize what I thought and instantly smack myself mentally. The horse nudge my cheek and I chuckle as I look back up at the horse to murmur softly "I'm a strong independent woman, that doesn't need to rely on men like Connor. A woman like me can handle herself pretty well on her own without nobody's help. I just have to remember that and everything would be well..."

Connor came back with the firewood in his arms as he began to set it up and I didn't pay him any attention as I sat down on the far side which was across from him. I lend back against the tree as I felt comfortable. I never thought I would be outside and everything, but I guess that's just me. I don't really mind the wilderness except being attack by wild animals and everything else. A shiver went through me as Connor sat down on the other side of the camp.

It was silent between us as there was animals moving through the bushes making me jump a little. An owl hooted in a nearby tree somewhere and I was beginning to feel sleepy. I glance over at Connor to see he was already asleep. I look around feeling a little tense and scared, but that soon faded away as I close my eyes. I felt myself beginning to drift off to sleep as I lend back against the tree some more. 

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