Wires and Fires (Willry/Helli...

By Pretty_Rad_Arson_Dad

42.3K 975 1.2K

A book full of Henry and William shit. There will be everything from angst to fluff, just be warned. More

Controlling Shock
Old Friend
Rise and Shine
Diary Entry ???
Fair Ground
The Machine
We Can Do Great Things
Giggly Galaga Session Confession
A/N: No, Don't Worry, This Isn't a Discontinuation
His Nightmare
Wedding Bells
A/N: Don't Worry, Book Is STILL Going!
Make the Yuletide Gay

Awakening (Hardwired AU)

5.9K 103 67
By Pretty_Rad_Arson_Dad

Non-canon to my The Show Must Go On AU, however IS canon to my Hardwired AU (duh).


"Alright, you got what you wanted—" Jessica started, watching as the robot girl helped William Afton up off the table.

"We are not finished." he man said, abruptly cutting Jessica off. "Since you're here I might as well reveal my other project."

Oh no, Jessica thought to herself.

The robot girl cocked her head to the side. "Another project? But what—"

"Someone important." William replied, letting out a pained grunt. The man stumbled over to a door that Jessica hadn't seen before. Probably because it was in the dark corner of the room.

Hesitantly, Jessica followed the man. William Afton attempted to turn the knob, his hands trembling weakly, but he could not do it.

"Baby, open the door." he instructed.

The robot girl strode over to him and opened the door and held it there for him.

"Follow me, Jessica."

Gulping, Jessica did as told and followed William Afton into the room. Once they were both inside, the robot girl closed the door behind them.

William Afton flipped a switch near the door, lighting up the room. Jessica looked around, quickly noticing that this room looked almost exactly like the one they were just in. And, just like the other room, there was also a table in the center that was covered by a cloth, which Jessica could tell had something concealed beneath.

"What the—"

Jessica walked over to the table, now feeling a ping of curiosity. William Afton followed after, moving at a surprising speed. He stopped at the table and ran his fingers along the creases of the cloth, humming to himself. Jessica looked down, studying it more. The size and shape of it... it looked...

Jessica's eyes widened.

Oh no.

William Afton gripped the cloth and gently pulled it back. Jessica gasped and took a step back as she looked at what was on the table.

"That's a person!" Jessica shouted.

William Afton let out a wheezy laugh. "But do you recognize him?"

Do I what?!

Jessica gulped and took a step back towards the table. She leaned in a little, studying the man's face. He did look oddly familiar and by looking carefully at his face, she got an odd sense that she knew him.

But from where?

Jessica reached back into her memory, trying to see if she could perhaps recall who this man was. As she thought to herself, William Afton began to touch that man's face. Jessica watched him, taking notice of how he touched the man. It was... loving?

William Afton let out a sigh, gently brushing the hair out of the man's face. Jessica could see in his eyes a sense of admiration and affection.

What is this?

Jessica felt a surge of confusion. She wasn't sure if this was some sort of weird act or if this was him showing genuine emotion.

"Father, what is this?" the robot girl asked, her voice leaking with a sort of disgust. William Afton ignored her and looked up at Jessica.

"Do you know who this is?" he asked.

Jessica gulped. "I can't remember. He seems familiar?"

William Afton laughed, which quickly turned into a coughing fit.

Jessica looked back down at the man on the table and studied him a few moments more.

Suddenly, she remembered something. She had seen this man in pictures with Charlie, back when they were younger. Family photos. This man was holding Charlie. Dad. Charlie's dad.

Jessica let out a gasp and backed away as she looked at the man in terror.

"H-He's supposed to be dead!"

A smile stretched across William Afton's face. "Correct."

Jessica looked at William, the horror and disgust apparent on her features.

"You monster! You—"

"I assure you, my intentions are not of the malicious kind." William said, cutting her off. "In fact, they are quite the opposite."

"I find that hard to believe." Jessica mumbled.

"Henry was a good friend of mine. I absolutely admired him. He was brilliant. Perfect." William said, running his fingers through Henry's hair. "But something happened. I made a mistake... A mistake that cost Henry his sanity and me my best friend. It absolutely destroyed me to have him taken away from me." William slid his boney fingers down the side of Henry's face. "I created Dave as a means of trying to cope with Henry's death... To become someone else and perhaps forget about Henry... And it worked... At least for a little while." the man briefly looked up at Jessica before continuing.

"But then something happened. Perhaps it was in 1995, when you, Charlie and all the others came back to Freddy's." William's expression changed to one of frustration. "Seeing something that my dear Henry had created... It made all the memories... the feelings... come back."

William Afton's face became an expression of pain.

"When I was alone and trapped in the suit, I concocted a plan. Obviously, I had to wait until I was actually out of the suit to fulfill it. It took some time and hard work... but now... I've achieved it." he said, gesturing at Henry.

"You're the reason he killed himself!" Jessica yelled. "If you bring him back, you're only going to cause him more pain!"

William Afton chuckled. "I'm not dumb, Jessica. I know what I'm doing and I knew that could possibly be a problem. A problem that I have found the solution to." William looked up at her, a devilish grin across his face.

"I've rewritten his memories."

Jessica felt a nauseated feeling in her stomach upon hearing those words.

"That's messed up!"

"How? I'm simply bringing him back as a happier man. A man untouched by grief." William replied. "The Henry I knew and loved."

"I highly doubt you could ever love anyone." Jessica hissed, feeling disgusted. "You're a murderer and a liar!"

William looked down at Henry. "If you only knew..." he mumbled, stroking Henry's hair. "Though your thoughts don't matter. All that matters is I'm with him again."

Jessica felt a mixture of anger and fear build up in her. This was her best friend's father that lay before them.

"Father, you've wasted our resources on-" the robot girl started.

"Wasted? No. This is far from waste."


"But nothing, Elizabeth." William hissed, glaring at the robot girl. "Now, make yourself useful and take care of this one." he instructed, jestering towards Jessica. "I have something rather important I need to see to."

The robot girl sighed and grabbed Jessica's wrist, then began to walk towards the door, dragging Jessica along. Jessica craned her neck to keep her eyes on William.

The last thing she saw as the door closed was Henry open his eyes.

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