Your Fault (Jackunzel AU)

By Always_Dreaming_xoxo

1.3K 101 275

Jack Frost returns home to find a strange package with his name on it. Inside he discovers several cassette t... More

~Part 1~
~Part 2~
~Part 4~
~Part 5~
~Part 6~
~Part 7~
~Part 8~
Part 9
~Part 10~
~Part 11~
~Part 12~
~Part 13~

~Part 3~

110 11 22
By Always_Dreaming_xoxo


You've arrived at my first house in this shitty town. Where I threw my first and only party and where I met Flynn Rider, the subject of our first tape.

And now...

It was just a party. I didn't know it was the beginning of the end. Flynn, you were all over my friend Merida. My only friend.

I was walking down my staircase, pushing past people who were having a few too many drinks when Merida started to yell excitedly. "I told you he'd come!"

I looked towards the door and saw Jack walking in. He heard Merida shout and looked up at both of us. "Me?! Miss a party?! Never!" He shouted back up to us. We met at the bottom of the stairs and before we even had a second to speak Merida grab both of our wrists at started to pull us to the kitchen (where the drinks were). "Well this is a good turn out. People seem happy to actually meet someone new for once." Jack said looking around at the laughing faces.

"Well that's why I forced Punzie to throw this party. So that she could meet some new people before I depart for a little while." Merida said, pouring Jack a drink and filling both mine and hers up.

"Oh so by 'little while' you actually mean a whole year" I said to her. Merida decided that she wanted to travel the world and see loads of iconic monuments.

"Oh boo hoo! That won't matter once you meet some new people!" She shouted.

"I met Jack!" I said in defence, whilst trying to be loud enough over the music which was blurting out.

She only retaliated with "You met him at work so that doesn't count!"

Whilst we were having our heated debate Jack was still stood in the middle of us "I think that should count..." He said, almost like he didn't really want to get involved but did at the same time. Merida rolled her eyes and walked away from us. I laughed out loud at how Jack knew exactly how to get rid of Merida.

"Hey..." I heard a voice call from behind me, I turned around to see a tall guy. He had rather ginger hair with sideburns that fitted his oblong shaped face. He was wearing an open blue checkered shirt with a white top underneath and grey trousers.

"Hey." I replied rather awkwardly.

He looked at Jack and greeted him with a "Hey, what's up man." Jack only responded with an acknowledging nod. He looked back down at my, and because of my small height I had to look up slightly. "So you're the new girl." He said with his deep voice.

"Apparently..." I responded.

He chuckled slightly and looked back at me "Uh, I... I like your laugh." He said.

I gave Jack a glance and he clearly saw my weirded out expression. "Thanks. I like your understated sense of fashion." I said, I could feel Jack smirk from behind me and the guy could only laugh.

Just then Merida entered the scene again and started to speak to the mystery guy in front of me. "Hans, you better go hit the keg and catch up, you're an hour behind." attempting to get rid of him.

"Yeah sure, I hope to see you soon." He said before walking away.

I only stood there unable to process what just happened. "No. Solid no Rapunzel. Hans Southern? He's like the frat boy Darth Vader." Merida said shaking my arms. "And I'm being nice!" She shouted.

Jack spoke up from behind me and I turned to look at him. "She kinda was..."

"I think I'm gonna get a beer." I said before walking away.

A little later on me, Merida and Jack were on the front porch when sprinklers were set off by a drunken idiot. Looking up I saw two guys brawling about on the grass whilst water was flying over them.

"Walt High star athletes everyone!" Merida shouted at the two boys. They both noticed and one of the boys quickly stood up as if he were embarrassed. That was soon replaced with a smile. "Sorry boys but I can't have you in Rapunzel's house all wet."

The brown haired boy frowned "Really? I mean it's not a party without us!"

"We'll take our chances." Merida said as she walked inside.

Jack stood closer to me and pointed at the two boys telling me who they were. "The guy with black hair is Eric Hanover, he's a nice enough guy and the guy with Brown hair is Flynn Rider. He is obsessed with Merida but she has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with him," Once Jack told me that I felt a little disappointment but I'm not too sure why. "They're idiots but they're sweet idiots." He finished as he walked back into the house.

I looked over and Flynn had taken his shirt off and was squeezing it to try and get it to stop dripping. He looked over and smiled at me, showing he dazzling white teeth. I looked down attempting to hide the blush which was clearly covering my cheeks.

You see that's where the trouble began. That smile. That damned smile...

The one and only Merida moved away at the start of the year. She was the kind of friend that couldn't be replaced , even by crushing on the boy she left behind. Having a crush on Merida was kind of the only remarkable thing about you. But Flynn, you were my kryptonite.

"Eric who?" Merida asked. She was facetiming me for the 5th time this week and it was only Wednesday.

"Hanover." I said as if it were the most simple thing in the world.

"Oh! Sorry, I'm learning all these new boys names and I've dragged most of the old ones into the trash icon in my head." She said whilst tapping her head.

"Anyway I know you kinda wanted me to give Eric a try but-"

"But," she interrupted "You're into Flynn..." she said giving me a smirk. I gave a shy smile as she knew she was right.

"I'm so messed up..." I said remembering what she had said.

I heard her sigh under her breath before she spoke up "If it's what you really want then I suppose I'll give you my consent."

The next day I was enjoying my walk to the gate with Jack when you pulled up next to us.

"Ride home?" Flynn asked me. I looked in the car and saw Eric at the driver's seat and Hans in the back. Jack automatically got in and gave Eric a quick 'boy handshake'.

"Thanks, but no. My chariot awaits." I said gesturing towards the school bus. I walked away and sat on the bus. Not moment later Flynn came waltzing onto the bus.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked.

"You don't take the bus."

"I don't? Well I guess it's your lucky day!" He said with joy and sat at the window seat.

"So could I... I don't know, get your number or something?" He asked immediately.

"Or something? So I could give you my phone number or I could give you a bunch a fake nuclear launch codes..." I said trying to be smart with him.

He chuckled slightly "I'll just take your number." He stated whilst holding out his phone for me to type in my number. Once he was satisfied I stood up and swung my bag on my shoulder.

"I'll be right back. Forgot my geometry book." I said before hopping off the bus at the perfect moment before the doors closed and the engine started.

Flynns head popped out of the window and he shouted to me "Hey where is this thing going?!"

I put my hands above my eyes to block the sun and shouted right back at him "I don't know! I don't take the bus!"

I smiled at me "Seriously?! Rapunzel Corona!" He shouted before the bus was rolling off into the distance.

I know what you're all thinking Rapunzel Corona is a slut. Oops. Did you catch that? I just said Rapunzel Corona is...

Can't say that anymore.

I dreamed that our first kiss would take place in the park. I never told you that.

That night we both met at the park, I was at the top of the slide and you were at the bottom. I sat down and held onto my skirt before sliding down to the bottom. I heard the click of you phone camera as I was sliding down before you caught me at the bottom. And you kissed me...


Jack was at the park that Rapunzel had been describing. he was looking at the bottom of the slide and he suddenly saw Rapunzel and Flynn. Getting more intimate. His hand was slowly going up her leg and they were both putting passion into the kiss-

And that's all that happened. We kissed.

Jack shook his head and then no one was there. Jack could have sworn he heard that Rapunzel and Flynn had done more than just kissed. But maybe he was wrong. They were all wrong.

Why? Did you hear something else? Nope. We just kissed. Sorry to disappoint you but I guess now we're even.


Jack head a car door slam and he looked up to see Hiccup walking to him. "Hey Jack." He said. "You okay?"

Jack blinked a few time before answering "Yeah..."

He sighed whilst leaning on the railing. "The park." He said taking in his surroundings. "That must mean you're nearly ready for tape 2."

Jacks head snapped up at Hiccup. He just looked at Jack before tapping his hands and heading back to his car. "Night Jack." He watched as he walked away. He was shocked. Hiccup knew about the tapes?! Was he on them too?

See i've heard so many stories about me that I'm not sure which one is that most popular. But I do know which one is the least popular. The truth. See the truth isn't always the most exciting version of things, or the best, or the worst. It's somewhere in between. But it deserves to be heard and remembered. The truth will out, like someone once said.

So thank you Flynn, my first kiss was amazing. What came after that? Not so amazing.


The next day I was sat in english when Flynn walked in. I smiled at him slightly but he didn't smile back. I could tell he was avoiding my eye contact.

Phones began to ping all around the classroom and people open the message and looked in shock. Some people started laughing whilst others looked in disgust.

"Oh my god Flynn. Why would you send that around?" A girl said. I looked at him and he just shrugged his shoulders. I looked at Jack and saw him looking right back at me. Almost like her were ashamed. My phone pinged and someone had sent me a picture. I looked at it and it was that picture from last night. But it didn't looks so good. My skirt was pulled up from when I was sliding down the slide and the angle wasn't in my interests.

I'm not angry that you betrayed me. I'm angry that I trusted you in the first place.

A rumer based on a kiss. Ruined a memory I hoped would be special. In fact it ruined just about everything. As you'll soon see.

And stick around Flynn. I'm not done with you yet. I know you probably didn't mean to let me down. In fact most of you listening probably had no idea what you were truly doing, but you'll find out...

Play tape 2 for more...


OMG. I'm so sorry guys. I feel awful for not updating in ages! I've been so stressed!

I'm really sorry but I think the next update will take longer. I have GCSE's starting tomorrow and I really need to focus on them. If I don't do well I might not get into college so I really need to revise for them! I'm really sorry xx

Thank you all so much for sticking around xx

But what do you all think so far? What do you all think Jack's done? What about Hiccup? Let me know in the comments!

Thank you so much guys xxxx


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