The Color Red (Haechan Ff)

By stan_kpop_boys

9.7K 262 18

Every night for about a month you always have this one dream. You don't know why or what's it about but one d... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


394 18 2
By stan_kpop_boys

I was on the opposite side of the street, starring at the house I was supposed to go to. It was modern style but still had some vintage look to it. It had vines hanging from trees in the front yard. Its just one of them house that’s to beautiful to describe.  It was to big but wasn’t small either. It was just the perfect house.
I got the courage to finally go to the door and knock. When I go to the door I just stood there before knocking twice. I waited but, there was no answer. I decided to knock once more just in case whoever lived here didn't hear. Again no answer.
It was night so they might be sleeping. I will come again early tomorrow. I turn to walk down the few small steps that lead up to the door. When I reach the gate, someone bumps into me, making them drop everything in their hands.

“I’m so sorry" I say bending down to pick up what he dropped.

“Its my fault. I should apologize. I want paying attention” the blonde haired boy said in a soft voice.

“Here is your things.” I say handing them and start to walk off.

“Don’t you want to come in. Isnt that what you’re her for.” The blonde boy said making me stop in my tracks.

“You live here?”

“Yeah but I don’t own it. I just stay”

“How many people stay in the house then”

“Only 9 in this but people come and go all the time.

“what type of people"

“People like you and me. Who want answers. Who want to control themselves. Who dint want to be monsters.” The boy says walking to the door  and unlocking it. “Would you like to come in?"

I did want to go but I don’t know this boy. I didn't think there would be other people here. I thought it was the one guy. I still don’t even know the owners name. I don’t know this boys name. I look the house up and down and look back to the boy  I did this about three times before the  blonde boy said something else.

“Its okay. You don't have to stay here, if you don’t want to. We don’t force people to stay. Actually only a select few does get to stay with the okay from Taeyong. Just come in and get some answers that you want.”


“Taeyong is the so called leader. He is the owner of this house and other houses like it.”

So this Taeyong is the guy who takes in new vamps. I wonder what he is like. Wonder if he is mean. Wonder if he is nice.

“just come in and stay for a few minutes. Taeyong will he back in a few.”

I look the house up and down again and give in.

“Okay. I’ll come in.”

I head over to the boy who was waiting for me to go un first. When I walk in, the only thing I do is admire the interior. It was beautiful just like the outside. Modern with a touch of vintage things.
I start to walk in my own, with the blonde boy trailing me. I run my hand across the staircase railing and walk down the hall by the staircase. While I am slowly making my way down the hall the blonde boy speaks up.

“Well I’m going to put this stuff up. You can continue to look on your own. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”


With that he walked away. I continued to wonder around the house. He said there was 9 people in the house. I wonder were they are all at. Their rooms must be upstairs because I didn't see any bedroom down stairs. Just kitchen, lounge rooms and dining room. As I make way back to the door  I get to the stairwell, when I hear someone speak.

“Hey. Who are you. I haven’t seen you around here.” A boy with black skinny jean and red and blue pull over asked walking down the steps.

“Huh. Me?”

“Yes you. No one else is here.”

“I’m nobody"

“well hello nobody. I’m Yuta. You must be here to see Taeyong. He shouldn’t be much longer. You can go wait in the lounge area if you want.”

“okay. Thanks" I say about to walk off.

“Never mind” yuta says which stops me. “He is here now. Just wait here.”

“Oh. Thanks. I guess"

“Yeah. Yeah. but at least tell him your name. Miss Nobody.” Yuta says walking back up the stairs. As soon as he disappears from sight, the door opens, and a man with black hair walks in.

He doesn’t notice me at first. He just takes his shoes off along with his jacket.

“Make sure you grab everything guys" he tells out the door to who I assume or the other boys who live here.
It’s not until he looks up he notices me.

Oh. Hi. I want expected anyone tonight.”

“uhmmm. Dr. Lee told me I can come here if I have any questions or if I have trouble “

“Dr. Lee sent you here? You must be very important then"

“No. I’m not important. My mom was a friend of his I guess. I’m not even sure to be honest.”

“I see. Well what’s your name"

“my name is-"

“y/n" someone said coming in behind the man with black hair.

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